Fengshen Wendaoxing

Chapter 688 More like him


The monkey's pupils shrank, and all the golden hair on its body exploded on the spot. It perfectly performed the difficult movement of jumping three feet high at a time, and jumped up the beam nimbly.

It glanced around vigilantly, and said in a deep voice: "Who is pretending to be a ghost, come out quickly!"

The hall was silent, and the voice did not appear again.

The monkey was upside down on the beam of the hall, and its alert eyes swept around the hall, but there was no one in sight.

"No one, did I hear wrong?"

The monkey didn't believe it had heard it wrong at first, because the voice was so clear and real.

But wherever it looked, it could almost see inside and outside the entire temple hall, but it didn't see a single figure, and there was no other sound except the rattling of rats.

"No, you heard right, there is a voice speaking."

The voice laughed and said, "As for pretending to be a god...the god is already a god, so why bother pretending?"

Following the sound, the monkey suddenly looked at the statue, swallowed and said, "You...could it be you talking?"

It has been in the territory of the human race for several months. In addition, it is inherently sacred, smart and intelligent, and has learned the human language.


This golden armored deity holds a golden whip and wears a golden armor, which looks golden and mighty.

At this time, there was a flash of inspiration in the eyes, and he looked at it: "What do you think?"

The monkey jumped off the beam and stared blankly at the god statue above. It was imprisoned by the monkey tricker for several months as soon as it landed. It learned the human language, but it still didn't know these temples, gods, or anything else.

"Is this the temple of the god?"


"Dare to ask the name of the god..."

The god statue said: "This seat is the true king of the dragon and tiger Xuantan in the heaven, monkey head, you are not small, dare to break into the temple of this god to steal it."

The more temples there are, the true spirit of the god will split into thousands of threads and attach to the statue.

Of course, this requires a strong cultivation base and mana, there is an upper limit, and some gods do not have enough cultivation base, which is also the reason for restricting their temples.

There are also some gods on the ground. They guard one side, so there is only one temple. For example, the temple of Erlang God only has Guanjiangkou, Yang Chan’s temple only has Huashan, Taishan Emperor Huang Feihu...

The monkey couldn't help feeling guilty until he met the real god, and said: "This... I have no choice but to, Shangshen, please forgive me this time, the worst... the worst I won't steal your temple in the future."


Lu Chuan in the Tianhe Water Mansion opened his eyes suddenly, with a strange expression on his face. If there was water in his mouth, he couldn't help but spit it out.

If you don't steal my temple, you are very generous in your feelings!

Lu Chuan found that the canopy hadn't come back, so he closed his eyes again.

On the ground, the statue said speechlessly: "Forget it, you monkey head has some spirituality. Just now, you saved the temple of this god from a fire, and your nature is not bad. Let's forget about this time. I will reward you with these tributes. You can eat whatever you want!"

There is only a trace of his true spirit in this statue, and there is not much magic power. If the fire really burns, it really can't be extinguished.

In addition, although it was fate that the monkey head was so miserable, it was also my fault that he didn't make some reminders in the wordless book in advance.

This monkey head was tricked by him.

"Thank you God!"

The monkey was overjoyed and jumped forward, picked up the tribute peach knocked over by it on the ground, and gnawed it.

But just after taking two bites, it suddenly seemed to think of something, turned around to look at the statue and quickly knelt down.

"What are you kneeling down for?" said the idol.

The monkey said: "Zhenjun, I went out to sea to find gods and learn the method of longevity. I finally met the real god today, and please take me as a disciple..."


Looking at the monkey kneeling in the temple, the idol's eyes were still bright, but there was no sound.

In Tianhe Water Mansion, Lu Chuan opened his eyes and raised his brows, there was some eager light in his eyes.

Patriarch Bodhi taught the monkey a lot of skills, including seventy-two transformations and somersaulting clouds, of which the seventy-two transformations are seventy-two kinds of spells, and the somersaulting cloud made this guy turn into a monkey, and few gods and demons can catch up...

He can't do seventy-two transformations, but he also has eighty-nine profound arts and many magical powers of Jiejiao Dragon Palace, which can be called a walking "Taoism Encyclopedia".

If he taught the monkey, it might not be worse in the future. After all, the monkey's supernatural powers are only auxiliary after all. The most fundamental reason is that its aptitude and fundamentals are too heaven-defying.

Otherwise, no matter how good the divine channel technique is, the trash won't be able to cultivate it.

There is only one supernatural power that he doesn't know, and that is somersaulting clouds, which Bodhi tailor-made for monkeys, and he will not be unable to teach them to monkeys.

Without somersaulting clouds, the monkey would not be a monkey.

"How can I accept it or not..."

Lu Chuan's eyes danced and his thoughts raced quickly, while the monkey on the ground looked up at the statue nervously.

What kind of old fairy head from Hezhou, Xiniu, go to hell, it has suffered enough now, how can it easily let go when it finally meets a god who manifests its holiness?

"Xuantan Zhenjun!"

Just as Lu Chuan's eyes moved and raised his eyes to reply, a voice suddenly came from his ear.

In front of his eyes, a divine light turned into a light mirror and appeared in front of him, revealing a figure inside.

"Xuanguang mirror... Bodhi Patriarch!"

Lu Chuan said that Xuanguang Mirror is a spell similar to video communication in later generations.

Patriarch Bodhi said: "Xuantan Zhenjun, that monkey has a lot of relationship with the poor Taoist teacher and student, and the monkey's life experience is very important, so here I have to ask the real monarch to cut her love."

"What's the origin?" Lu Chuan asked curiously.

Patriarch Bodhi smiled and said: "The secret of heaven must not be revealed!"

Lu Chuan said lightly: "If you don't tell me, then I will accept my apprentice!"

Patriarch Bodhi: "...the true king really embarrasses the old way!"

"This is a reasonable negotiation, Patriarch, let's talk about it!" Lu Chuan said with a smile.

Patriarch Bodhi pondered: "Does the real king know that the great god Pangu broke the majesty, and everything before the opening of the world was chaos?"

Lu Chuan nodded: "I have heard that Pan Gu was the first creature in the chaos, but what does this have to do with the monkey? Could it be that it came from the chaos?"

He suddenly remembered that this stone flew from outside the sky.

Patriarch Bodhi said: "That's right, Great God Pangu is the first life conceived in the chaos, but only the first, not the only..."

Lu Chuan nodded: "I know."

The history before heaven and earth is probably boundless chaos, this state is called primordial chaos.

Later, the Dao gave birth to the law, and from the law gave birth to three thousand creatures headed by Pan Gu, all of whom were born with great supernatural powers, boundless magic power, ferocious nature, and unimaginably powerful.

These beings came to be known as Chaos Divas.

Pangu was the strongest among them. Later, Pangu wanted to open up the world and create a new world. During the process of opening up, these chaotic gods and demons came to hinder him.

Then broke out the worst and worst fight in history.

Great God Pan Gu incarnated as the earliest ax gang, holding a sky-opening ax to fight all the way from Chaos East Road to Chaos West Road, without blinking an eye, he hacked and killed all Chaos gods and demons except him.

Coupled with the fact that it took a lot of divine power to create the world, this great god finally fell down.

"So what does this have to do with that monkey?" Lu Chuan asked again.

Bodhi smiled slightly: "It won't be too late for the old man to say it when the monkey finds the old man here."

After saying "咻", he removed the Xuanguang Mirror.

Lu Chuan: ヽ(`Д)︵┻━┻

In the ground temple, the monkey looked at the statue eagerly.

In order to show sincerity, it knelt here for three full nights. The reason why it was not three days and three nights was because it dared not come out during the day.

Lu Chuan chatted casually with Patriarch Bodhi, and three days passed on the ground.

Now the knee it is kneeling on is almost not its own, but the idol still doesn't respond at all.

Immortal, have you taken the time to go to sleep?

While it was muttering in its heart, the idol suddenly responded with a dry cough, and it was so frightened that it quickly straightened its body, eagerly waiting for the image's words.

Then the idol looked at it.

To be honest, Lu Chuan saw the shadow of his past in this monkey.

The same tenacity and persistence!

At the beginning, he also wanted to sincerely worship Jiang Ziya as his master, and even used it for stalking, but Jiang Ziya refused to accept it, so now...

He decided to make the monkey a little more like him.

"No charge!"

said the idol.

Monkey: ヽ(`Д)︵┻━┻

If you don't accept me, you should have said earlier, since you don't want me to kneel for you for three nights?

The god statue said: "You have no relationship with this god as a teacher and student, but this god has tested that you are a sincere guy, so this god will show you a bright way."

The monkey's mentality exploded due to the two words, and the monkey who was on the verge of collapse suddenly cheered up and looked at the statue expectantly.

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