Fengshen Wendaoxing

Chapter 691 I'm Sorry I'm Late

"So what does the Jade Emperor mean?"

Lu Chuan asked only after seeing the image in the mirror.

Chisong replied: "Let Zhenjun go to the rescue."

"Let me rescue him..."

Lu Chuan turned his head and looked suspiciously.

There is a gap between him and Lei Zhenzi, they are very different, this matter is no secret in the heavenly court, as the emperor of heaven, his father-in-law will naturally not be ignorant.

Did you know and sent him to the rescue?

Just kidding, it would be nice if he didn't fall into the well, Shi Yang and Feng Yin secretly murdered him, and he was required to rescue him, so let's live his Lei Zhenzi's Spring and Autumn Dream...

Chi Song glanced at the imperial decree and said: "The Jade Emperor also said in the imperial decree, congratulations to Zhenjun for becoming a Taiyi Sanxian. If you think you can save Emperor Gouchen with such a cultivation."

"Even this he knows, he is too supernatural, wait..."

Lu Chuan shook his head and smiled, smiling, suddenly a bold guess appeared in his heart with a flash of eyes.

Maybe the reason why his father-in-law sent him there instead of other immortals was because there was always a gap between him and Lei Zhenzi.

Because of the rift, he will definitely be passive and sabotage when he goes to rescue, and he will never do his best.

What would be the consequences if he obeyed the law and violated the law? It is very likely that Emperor Gouchen would die at the hands of monsters, and at worst he would have to be beaten to death before making a move...

"I see."

Lu Chuan's eyes lit up little by little.

His father-in-law actually wanted to kill with a knife, no, cheating.

Because he knew that his father-in-law, as the emperor of heaven, had the right to rule the three realms, but the four emperors, especially the two emperors, Gou Chen and Ziwei, still divided a large part of his power and made him constrained everywhere.

Therefore, he sent people to rescue for the sake of the immortals.

You see, I sent someone to save him if he was in trouble, but the one who went there was still a Taiyi Sanxian, so he was sincere enough, if he couldn't be rescued, it must be because of Gou Chen's bad life.

"What did Zhenjun understand?" Chi Song wondered.

Lu Chuan raised his head and looked at the Lingxiao Temple in the distance, and said meaningfully: "It's nothing, you go out and reply to the Lingxiao Temple and say that I am the real king—receive the order."

This will, he accepted.

Lu Chuan turned around and walked out of the magnificent Hall of the Ministry of Finance. Although Heaven is not a place for comparison, the Ministry of Finance dares to be the first in terms of luxury. I am afraid that only Lingxiao Hall and Yaochi are tied for the first place.

After Chisong saw Lu Chuan leave, he took the magic mirror and ran to restore the decree. This is a treasure of the Emperor of Heaven.

The golden light flickered back and forth in the sky, one fluttered its wings and rushed to the sky, and the other swooped down, kicking a thunderbolt like a jerk, but he himself roared happily.


Being kicked by the ball, Lei Zhenzi yelled crazily, one of the four majestic emperors in the heaven, was insulted and bullied by this today, which made him almost mad with anger.

But he couldn't escape from this monster's clutches after all, it was just the howling of an incompetent, and his whole body had been twisted so that he looked inhuman.

"Lei Zhenzi, so what if you become the Great Emperor Gouchen? I haven't seen anything before." Jin Peng said.

He didn't need to ask for information about the new Emperor Gouchen, other demon kings would come and tell him.



Li Jing watched this scene in the sky, and couldn't help but shouted with anger. He raised his left hand, and the Golden Linglong Pagoda in his hand rushed up to the high-altitude tower and pointed it down at the Garuda, releasing a huge gravitational force.


Li Jing gritted his teeth and reprimanded, using another method other than suppression to subdue the demon.

"Ah, what?"

The golden light of the Linglong Pagoda covered the golden-winged roc, making it imprisoned in the air at once, as if falling into a swamp, its wings felt extremely heavy.


The Antarctic and Arctic gods of war rushed up quickly and helped their master Lei Zhenzi down. At this time, Lei Zhenzi was already scarred and his body was covered in blood. He looked really miserable.

"Kill it!"

When he saw the Dapeng suppressed by the golden light of the Linglong Pagoda, Lei Zhenzi suddenly went crazy, pointing at the vicious Dapeng bird with bloodshot eyes and yelling crazily.


The North and South God of War looked at the golden-winged roc, and his eyes became a little bit unkind.

This big roc has the strength of the Taiyi Supreme Immortal, its cultivation base is profound and its supernatural powers are vast, it is very difficult to provoke, even if it is not necessary for the Heavenly Court, it will not easily offend a monster of this level.

"You are too happy."

Suddenly, the golden-winged roc, which seemed to be struggling, sneered and turned into a phantom that slowly dissipated, and the sky suddenly darkened.

I saw a golden ominous bird covering the sky and covering the sun, exuding an endless tyrannical and terrifying aura, appearing above the sky.


Li Jing was shocked when he raised his head. This golden-winged roc is famous for its extreme speed. He was suppressed by the Linglong Tower just now, but he was dodged.

"Since you are looking for death today, don't blame me for being cruel." Gold-winged Dapeng said.

Boom boom boom...

But in the bottom, Li Jing, Nezha and other gods acted almost at the same time after the shock, sacrificed their own magical powers or magic weapons, and countless brilliant brilliance shot up from the ground like fireworks and pierced the night sky.

A golden circle glows and roars up;

A thirteen-story golden tower blooms with golden light;

The light of the sword is pouring down, and the energy of the sword is vertical and horizontal...

Even including Lei Zhenzi, after he was injured, he showed the power of wind and thunder and rushed to the sky.

There is no mediocrity here today, whether it is Li Jing and his son or Wuji God of War, they are all people with profound mana, and even Lei Zhenzi has become a Yin God.

Moreover, their shots are all the strongest magic weapons, how powerful is such a blow?

With a bang, several brilliance struck together, and the sky and the earth shook and the void collapsed and distorted. The brightness and aura of the brilliance instantly became more than ten times stronger.

"It's idiotic to think of using this to deal with me."

The golden-winged roc opened its mouth, spread its wings, and a layer of golden light lit up all over its body. It moved left and right in the sky to avoid all the skills.

To put it bluntly, these magic weapons are slower than snails in his eyes, and they can't break his physical body, but he doesn't have any boring pains to use his own physical body to harden them.

With a flash of golden light, the golden-winged roc rushed forward quickly, rushing past these means.

"Quick retreat!"

Li Jing roared, and the Golden Pagoda was raised, and the injured Nezha and Sky God of War were taken in first.

Just when Li Jing was about to meet the other people, his expression suddenly changed. He saw the golden-winged roc suddenly stretch out a claw made of gold, ignoring the force of the wind and thunder, and grabbed Lei Zhenzi in the claw.

The wind and thunder crackled, but it couldn't hurt the claw at all.

Dapengniao said: "Such a weak Emperor Gochen is simply embarrassing. I think it's better to give you a good ride and let Emperor Gochen change..."

"No." Lei Zhenzi panicked.


Before Li Jing's handwriting came out, he saw the magic power of the golden-winged roc's claws, and there was a bang, Lei Zhenzi's whole body exploded, and he didn't even utter a scream.

After doing this, the golden-winged roc took a look at the monsters and gods who were fighting in the mountain and spread their wings. Suddenly, it raised its head to the sky and screamed a few times before killing them.

It knew the consequences of killing the Great Emperor Gouchen, but it was really enraged this time. Since it was a creature here today, it would not even want to live. At worst, it would go to Beiju Luzhou after finishing all these...

"Not good." Li Jing backed away in shock.

Just now so many of them tried their best, but they were all helpless against this Taiyi-level monster. Who else can stop that guy now?

Maybe there are masters in heaven, but it's not easy to go down to earth, not to mention it's probably too late now.

"Are you really going to die here?" Li Jing gritted his teeth.


But seeing that Li Jing was in danger, a golden barrier suddenly appeared in front of Li Jing and knocked the roc back.

"Where is the sacred, dare to meddle in Lao Tzu's business?" The golden-winged roc asked angrily.


In front of the barrier, a divine light took shape and turned into a fairy wearing a Wufu robe and holding a dragon and tiger jade Ruyi.

"I'm sorry, everyone!"

Lu Chuan raised his head and said, "I'm late."

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