The maid froze for a moment, thinking that Lu Xiuche was to blame them for not packing, but did not expect to keep them from moving.

"Yes, Master, I promise to see that no one will be touched."

Soon the police came, and looking to the east, there was no other way to stop it. They could only cooperate on the side.

The police found the old lady and asked about the situation.

Only then did Mrs. Lu know that the reason why the old man was ill with this disease was because he was prescribed medicine, which caused the blood flow to speed up and the heart rate to rise, which caused heart disease.

The old lady was a person who had seen the big waves. In this case, immediately thinking of Yu Yuanfan, she cleared all the details before and after.

She cried and made a cry, sorrow, anger and sorrow, and the elderly were sad.

However, even if Yu Yuanfan was a grandson, after all, he was not raising him, how could he have a wife and children.

So, the old lady carefully recalled what happened at noon today, when did she leave the living room in the middle, how long did she say, when did she return, when did Yu Yuanfan leave, and when she fed the old man all the water.

The police questioned quickly, found a doctor, took the test results, and went directly to the road home.

The old lady went back this time, and she was going home to point the scene to the police.

Could my wife's illness be better? Even the doctor said it was bad. The old lady is not an old man. Whoever does it must say something.

After arriving home, the old woman pointed out the positions of the three at the time. The police asked the domestic servants, and all the servants answered almost the same.

The maid brought Lu Xiuche slowly to the promising kettle and tea cup.

The police carefully removed the evidence and made a site survey of where Yu Yuanfan had been.

After the investigation and evidence collection were completed, the police left.

Before leaving, he said: "The results of the physical evidence inspection, we strive to come out as soon as possible, and we will call you at that time. The suspect will be there, and our police will go to check first. Once it is determined, the arrest will be implemented immediately."

There is nothing to check in this case. As long as the cup has been filled with medicine, even if the tea is poured, there will still be drug residues in the cup, which can still be detected.

There are also fingerprints, the line still needs to be prescribed medicine, and it will definitely touch the cup, so it is very simple to check.

As long as the results come out, a fingerprint comparison will be clear at that time.

The old lady sent the police to leave and sat on the sofa when she came back and started crying.

Lu Xiangdong came to her: "Mom ..."

The old lady suddenly got angry: "You kneeled down for me, it's a good thing you caused. My father and I told you long ago, don't pick up the mother and son, you don't listen, something is wrong now, are you? Are you happy to watch your dad die? "

Lu Xiangdong hastened to kneel: "Mom, I'm sorry ..."

The old lady looked at the son in front of her, and for the first time felt that she was supporting him so much in vain, and she asked, "If Xiao Che had called the police, would you just hide it like this?"

The police reported it to Lu Xiuche, the old lady knew.

She knew her son very well, and if it happened, if Xiao Che knew it, he would definitely want to fool it.

"Mom, I want to ..."

Slap, the old lady slaps Lu Xiangdong's face with a slap in his face: "Shut up for me ..."


In fact, this is an extended foreign story. When I think of where I write it, I have always been very rude to write foreigners. It is normal for you to be bored or do not want to watch. This is normal. Do n’t force yourself to do things you do n’t like ... Suddenly I don't know what to say, I hope everyone will have a good mood tomorrow ...

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