Fey Evolution Merchant

1646 The Contestants' Hard Work Cannot Go to Waste!

The first time Lin Yuan logged into Star Web, he was 1.7 meters tall. After consuming the Silver Stamen Gold Luster Cassia nectar and Earth Center Fine Milk, considering the fact that he was still a growing 18-year-old boy, he had already reached a height of about 1.81 meters.

With such a height, he had the ideal height for a male spirit qi professional.

The wings on Lin Yuan's back had different sizes.

Since the wings were mainly for flight and defense, the shape of every feather was molded after Lin Yuan's observation of Gray's feathers.

Hence, Lin Yuan's wings greatly resembled that of a crane.

The wings were not arranged in an orderly manner. But when they flapped, they perfectly came together to fulfill the laws of mechanics.

Moreover, they had the rhythm of a soaring crane.

Overall, they were majestic!

Most of the spectators focused on Lin Yuan could not help but gasp.

Sunlight: What the hell? Black now has wings on his back! Has he fused with some sort of avian-type fey?

Cold Rain Ice: My husband is so handsome. If only he'll pick me up bridal style and take me for a spin around the sky!

I Love Tigers!: When Black fought on the Celestial Stairway, he never showed this move! It looks like he will finally be revealing some new tricks during this Radiance Hundred Sequence selection.

Heart of Dreams: I don't think Black has fused with a fey. He grew wings, but no other part of him has changed. Didn't you see that the black feathers came out of the ground? These black feathers are formed from the amber button that turned into a sand granule.

Speechless: I'm not going to guess! We'll get an answer from a post soon! Those bigshots will figure out how Black's wings came about in ten minutes.

Lin Yuan flew off in Gao Feng's direction.

Along the way, he spotted many contestants and even passed Chen Lu riding on her two-headed flaming dog, who looked up at him in shock.

Lin Yuan was intentionally not picking another person to team with besides Gao Feng because he was confident that he would be able to keep any spirit qi professional alive for three days.

Thus, it would be unfair to the other contestants if Lin Yuan picked another teammate.

Every participating contestant had been preparing for this Radiance Hundred Sequence selection for a long time.

This was an important turning point in their lives.

All their hard work culminated at this moment.

They were chosen by their cities so they could bring glory as members of the Radiance Hundred Sequence.

Lin Yuan, who worked night and day, could understand this.

He could not waste the contestants' hard work.

When Lin Yuan, Liu Jie, Gu Lang, Zong Ze, An He, and Gao Feng met up for their discussion, An He suggested that Lin Yuan and Gao Feng take out the most powerful contestants right from the get-go until only eight contestants of average power were left.

They would then take on the Freedom Federation envoy group with these eight contestants.

Through this, they would use another method to preserve the Radiance Federation's top young talents.

After An He brought up this suggestion, Lin Yuan shot it down.

If they ruined the Radiance Hundred Sequence test in front of the entire Radiance Federation and two federation envoy groups, they would be bringing disgrace to the Radiance Federation.

Additionally, this would make the Radiance Hundred Sequence selection meaningless, and it was likely that all the honor that came with being a member of the Radiance Hundred Sequence selection would be stripped for the next few years.

Lin Yuan did not have the right to bring shame on the hard work that these contestants had put in, nor could he tarnish the Radiance Federation's honor.

The Freedom Federation envoy group's leader had changed from a Freedom Envoy to a member of royalty. But neither of them were stupid.

If Lin Yuan did such a thing, it would alert the Freedom Federation that the Radiance Federation was aware of an impending scheme.

That would be very bad news!

Lin Yuan had to see this test through with Gao Feng so they could survive the remaining three days together and emerge as two of the ten victors.

Once the Source Sand fell to the ground, it burrowed down to a depth of 50 meters and started smashing apart rocks rapidly to generate large amounts of sand.

The deeper underground it was, the slower it would generate sand and the more spiritual power it would have to use.

Nonetheless, Lin Yuan chose this option because he wanted to scout the underground.

Only rocks were present 50 meters underground.

The sand generated from breaking the rocks was stronger than the sand made from dirt.

Additionally, if there happened to be a Class 2 subterranean dimensional rift amongst the dimensional rifts that randomly opened, the thickness of 50 meters of sand above it would not cause the ground to collapse.

The Source Sand had reached Diamond X/Fantasy V and could generate sand rapidly.

One granule of sand could grind down all the rocks within a few seconds in a ten-square meter radius.

The yellow sand extended alongside Lin Yuan as he flew.

None of the audience members on Star Web was aware of this.

Only Mystic Moon, the Spacetime Elder, and another member of royalty raised their eyebrows in surprise. However, none of them said anything. Instead, they focused more of their attention on Lin Yuan.

The Spacetime Elder and the other member of royalty knew that Mystic Moon had intentionally sealed off Black's information.

If he possessed a Diamond X/Fantasy V source-type lifeform at such a young age, he could only be the Moon Empress' disciple Lin Yuan.

The audience members waiting for analysis posts quickly found a post written by Master Duan Li.

Duan Li had become an expert analyst on Black. She had been researching Black's feys and trying to uncover his secrets before sharing what she learned on Star Web.

This allowed her reputation to rise, and she lived like an online celebrity now. Many people called her 'The Sellout Class 4 Creation Master."

However, Master Duan Li did not care. Her mind was only filled with increasing curiosity about Black.

Duan Li found it abnormal for a young expert to possess such power.

Duan Li: According to my observation, the black wings are not a result of Black fusing with a fey. If my eyes don't deceive me, the wings' feathers are made of Day and Night Spirit Silver. If Black injects spirit qi into them, they should be able to turn white.

As such, my hypothesis is that Black's sand-elemental source-type lifeform either has the ability to consume and manipulate metal or Black has a fey or source-type lifeform with the ability to control metal, and that's the thing that controls the wings' movements.

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