Without the big cat making trouble, Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan's work efficiency is very high. When it was almost noon, all the young leaves that could be picked on the ancient tree tea were all picked. Shao Yunan put the tender leaves into the space, sprinkled the spring water to keep it fresh, and then took some vegetables and fruits to pick up the children.

Cooking in the wild is inconvenient, but that's for others. In the space, the crystal rice produced in the space is cooked in the rice cooker. Outside the space, Wang Shi Ding set up a fire and roasted the chickens and rabbits they brought from home. Shao Yunan was cutting vegetables, and he was going to stir-fry in a while.

Of course, you can cook in the space, but everyone feels that it is more comfortable to cook and eat together as a family outside.

When Shao Yunan entered the space, the three children were reading books. He was more relieved than he was at ease. The children at home were so sensible and well-behaved. But seeing that Jiang Moxi had eaten so many potato chips and chocolate, he had to tell Jiang Moxi seriously not to eat like this again. Although there is spiritual spring water will not make him angry, but eating so much junk food is always bad, and eating so many snacks can't eat?

"Brother, there are only so many chocolates, and you won't be able to eat them after eating, so let's save some." Wang Qing persuaded the eldest brother who was depressed because he couldn't eat chocolate for the next three days.

Jiang Moxi looked at Wang Qing, and the depression on her face disappeared.

Wang Qing blinked: "Chocolate was brought by my father from another mortal world. After eating it, it's gone. We don't have it here."

Jiang Moxi immediately looked at one person: "Uncle An!"

Shao Yunan, who was cutting ham, said without raising his head, "Brother Qing is right. Chocolate requires cocoa beans to make. Uncle An's space only contains finished chocolate, not cocoa beans. No need to eat."

"Uncle An!" Jiang Moxi shouted again, he couldn't accept no chocolate in the future. Wang Shijing's eyes were full of smiles, and he concentrated on spreading the sauce on the barbecue without mixing it.

Jiang Moxi, like his uncle Jiang Kangning, especially likes sweets. Shao Yunan was amused by Jiang Moxi and laughed: "There is a box in the wooden house with all kinds of seeds. You can look for them. If there are seeds of the cocoa tree, you will have chocolate to eat later. If not, then Uncle An will not have either. way."

Jiang Moxi's eyes brightened: "Look!"

"If you want to find it, you have to wait until the meal is over!" Shao Yunan flicked Jiang Moxi's forehead, "Go and break the green pepper into pieces, Uncle An will use it later."

Jiang Moxi turned around to break the green peppers, very eager.

Wang Qing and Nizi also like to eat chocolate, but they also like to eat other things. But they will go with the big brother to find the seeds, and they all hope to find them.


Shao Yunan stopped when he cut the ham, Wang Shijing stopped when he roasted the meat, and the three children stopped when he broke green peppers.

"Do you want to be so punctual?!"

Shao Yunan was speechless, this is really a tiger spirit!

Two big golden cats came out of the jungle, the eldest one behind them. Shao Yunan was immediately amused: "Ha, not bad, I also know that the Lishang exchange is actually the tiger brother dragging a fat stag, and the other cub has a pheasant in its mouth, and the tiger brother puts the stag in the mouth. On the ground, he raised his chin and looked at Shao Yunan, as if to say, "I don't eat for free!"


The tiger cub who left the pheasant and another tiger cub rushed to Wang Shijing's side and became very interested in the fragrant barbecue on the grill.

Well, I'm afraid this lunch will take some work. Shao Yunan sighed towards the sky, gluttony, regardless of race.

===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== =

This day, Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan came down from the mountain in the evening. I ate that lunch for four hours! The deer are too big to take care of. There is a water source nearby, but the mountain spring water, which must be slaughtered will definitely pollute. Shao Yunan took out all the processed meat in the space to fill the stomachs of the three tigers. After getting together with Wang Shijing, the meat in the space was mixed with the meat they bought and eaten almost, and there was not much left.

The three big cats were not enough to eat, so Shao Yunan asked them to catch a few more pheasants. The pheasants were small and easy to clean up. The three big cats went to catch them, not only catching pheasants, but also a wild boar. The pheasants were all plucked and roasted, and the wild boars were put into the space. When the three big cats were full, Shao Yunan offered a large basin of spiritual spring water with a drop of spiritual milk, which satisfied the appetite of the three big cats, and made him and Wang Shijing exhausted.

The three big cats ate and drank but did not go, and lay there to rest. The three children did not want to go home so early, and the two parents did not force the children to go back. The two walked around the neighborhood, watching the growth of goat milk fruit and wild chrysanthemum. However, although they were tired, Shao Yunan and Wang Shijing had not been so leisurely for a long time. In the woods, there is only their family, so there is nothing to worry about.

Three children with big bellies were playing with two tiger cubs. It should be said that the two cubs took the initiative to tease them. The three children found that the tigers would not eat them, and they were quite friendly, so they played together. When it was time for them to go home, whether it was a tiger or a child, they were left alone.






Shao Yunan laughed: "Do you want to play with tigers in the future?"


Nizi: "Dad, tigers don't eat people."

"That's because they have something they like to eat more." They still like rare treasures!

Wang Qing: "Dad, can we still come to the mountains to find them in the future?"

"Don't worry. As long as they have good noses, they can smell it as soon as we go up the mountain. After little dad and your dad have been busy for a while, we will go up the mountain to play with tigers after you rest. Brother Xi will also finish Uncle An and your uncle. If you can't finish the homework assigned to you, you are not allowed to play with tigers."

Jiang Moxi, who thought that she could rest every day and could go up the mountain every day, pursed her lips.

"You're the eldest brother. You can't study worse than your younger brother. Don't you still want to build a ship? How will you build it if you don't study? You can't even draw blueprints."

Jiang Moxi stopped pursing his lips. Tigers are fun, but he wants to be a boat.

Wang Qing immediately said: "Little father, big brother said that he will be a ship in the future."

"Brother Xi, you have to work hard."

Jiang Moxi said seriously: "I am the boat; Qing, the prince of the country."

What's the meaning?

Shao Yunan looked at Jiang Moxi: "Brother Qing, Guo Gong? What Guo Gong?"

Wang Qing: "Big brother said the same thing last night, I don't understand either."

Wang Shijing was the first to react: "Did Brother Xi mean to let Brother Qing be the king?"

"Yeah!" Jiang Moxi nodded vigorously.

Shao Yunan raised his eyebrows, and Jiang Moxi's next words surprised both him and Wang Shijing.

"Qing, Guo Gong, protect. I, make a boat and run for my life."

Shao Yunan understood the meaning of this sentence in seconds. He pulled Jiang Moxi and smashed his face severely: "Ha, our brother Xi actually thinks so far. Qing brother will be the prince of the state and the backing of our family in the future. Brother Xi, you are a boat, If we are in danger, we will go out to sea and run for our lives, is that what you mean?"

Jiang Moxi nodded, in exchange for his uncle An ravaged his face again. Jiang Moxi struggled out to rub her face and retreated behind Nizi.

Wang Qing looked at the big brother in surprise, what did the big brother mean? Someone rubbed his head, he looked up.

"Brother Qing, your eldest brother has high hopes for you. But the status of the prince is too high, so don't put too much pressure on yourself. As long as you study hard, it doesn't matter if you become an official in the future. But give yourself a learner Goals are always good."

Wang Qing bit his mouth and opened his mouth: "I will try my best!"

Shao Yunan smiled and rubbed Wang Qing's head, feeling deeply gratified for these two children, especially Jiang Moxi, who used to suffer from autism. The fact that Jiang Moxi can have such an idea is enough to show that he is an extremely smart child. Regardless of whether it was the spiritual spring water and the spiritual milk that developed his intelligence, a certain family in the capital should not regret crying in the future.

The family slowly returned to the Wang Mansion. Before entering the door, Zheng Da, who came to open the door, told Jiang Kangning and Deputy Commander Dai Jiang that they were waiting in the main hall for an hour.

Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan hurried back to the room to change their clothes, and the three children handed over to Zheng Wei to take them back to the room to take a bath and change their clothes. It was too late to take a shower, Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan washed their hands and faces, changed their clothes and went straight to the main hall.

Jiang Kangning and Dai Jiangzheng—drinking tea and eating snacks—played Go. Knowing that Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan were back, Jiang Kangning asked Yan Fusheng to withdraw from the chessboard. As soon as Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan appeared, Jiang Kangning blamed him: "Ishijing, Yunan returned from a disaster, why did you take him up the mountain to pick some tea, he should rest at home."

Wang Shijing immediately said, "What the elder brother taught me is."

With a smile on his face, Shao Yunan said, "My face looks terrible, and the medicine in my mouth is much better. Now is a critical period. What is this injury? Earning money is the first priority."

Facing Shao Yun'an, Jiang Kangning's expression immediately softened a lot, and said, "It doesn't matter if you pick tea a day or two later. You are also suffering, you should have a good rest!"

Knowing that the eldest brother is concerned about him, Shao Yun accepted the kindness of the eldest brother and said, "Well, the harvest has been finished, and it is all the hands of Brother Jing. I will watch from below. Have a good rest tomorrow, and it will be dried anyway."

Jiang Kangning: "Well, that's right."

Wang Shijing said: "What is the matter with the deputy commander and the elder brother coming here?"

Now is the busy period of tea making, and the two must have something to come here at this time. Dai Jiang said: "What happened to Brother Shao is very serious, I have to personally **** the prisoner back to the Holy Emperor in Beijing. Before I come back, it is better for Brother Shao and the children in the family not to go out. I will be back in ten days as soon as possible, or in half a month. "

Jiang Kangning continued: "The situation in the capital is complicated. Although Shengshang and Chitose have tried their best to prevent others from noticing you, they are hard to guard against. Ishii knows martial arts and joined the army, so it's fine. You and the children have to be very careful."

Dai Jiang: "I hope Brother Shao can be considerate."

Shao Yunan immediately saluted and said, "I understand what the deputy commander means. The place where I make tea is in my yard, so I don't have to go out. Brother Jing and Butler Yan are also responsible for collecting tea. It's fine for Brother Jing to ask for leave."

Jiang Kangning said: "Brother Qing, I have already asked for leave for him. You and Brother Qing are the most dangerous."


Shao Yunan completely accepted the arrangement of the elder brother. Safety comes first, and Wang Qing can only be temporarily wronged.

Dai Jiang and Jiang Kangning came to talk about this. In addition, he and Shao Yunan and Wang Shijing renegotiated the follow-up matters. Shao Yunan was tied, and some things could no longer be so casual.

When the two came, Yan Fusheng asked Guo Zimu to prepare dinner for the two distinguished guests. Dai Jiang had dinner, left five more guards for Shao Yunan's family, and left Xiushui Village at night. He was leaving for Beijing the next day. Jiang Kangning also wants to go back to the county government office. There are a lot of things going on in the government office, and he has to take charge at any time.

Jiang Kangning and the deputy commander left. When sending the two out, Wang Shijing whispered a few words to the deputy commander, and the deputy commander nodded after pondering for a while. In the past two days, the family has received a lot of tea, and the dried tea leaves are about to start frying, so Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan haven't rested yet. The tea making process requires strict confidentiality, and the two went to the tea room in the backyard alone. Not long after the two arrived, Yan Fusheng knocked on the closed door, and Tang Genshu came.

Wang Shijing went out to see him, and when he came back, he had a basket of tea leaves in his hand, which was Qimen black tea that Tang Genshu brought people to explore. Shao Yunan checked, and Tang Genshu packed the tender buds separately according to one bud, one leaf, two leaves and three leaves, and the tea leaves were well kneaded. After the inspection, Shao Yunan said: "In the future, you can focus on cultivating Tang Genshu to help you collect tea. Your talent is good."

Wang Shijing: "He is a very serious child, and I have this plan too."

Black tea is made differently than green tea. Shao Yunan put the Qimen black tea into the space first, and put all the tea leaves that could not be finished today into the space, sprinkled with spiritual spring water. Wang Shijing had just locked the door when someone knocked on the door again. He opened the door, and his eyes suddenly became a little helpless.

"The three of them don't go to bed, what are they doing here?"

"Father, my big brother and I want to help, and Nizi will follow."

Nizi said immediately, "I can help too."

Shao Yunan shouted inside: "Let them come in."

Wang Shijing let three children in, and the three children were very happy. Closing the door again, thinking that no one should disturb him, Wang Shijing locked the door.

Shao Yun'an: "They came just in time. Go to the space and spread out all the tea leaves in it. Brother Qing, just like drying wild chrysanthemums at home. Each kind of daddy has been classified, so be careful not to mix it up. Brother, I'll leave it to you."


"Go to the wooden house to sleep, don't go into the water."


Shao Yunan threw the three children into the space, took off the obstructing robe, rolled up his sleeves and started to work.

After being busy all night, Shao Yunan returned to the space to call the three children and Wang Shijing took care of the aftermath. The three children slept soundly on the bed in the wooden house, and all the tea leaves stored in the space were neatly sorted and spread out on the bamboo mat. Instead of waking the three children, he took the three children -- out of the space. Wang Shijing was also done. He first carried the dead girl back to the room and handed it over to Xia Chun and Xia Qiu, and then returned to send Wang Qing and Jiang Moxi back to the room. Shao Yunan locked the door, tied the two dogs to watch the door, and yawned back to the room.

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