Shao Yunan felt that he was about to leave the boundaries of Yongxiu County. Brother Hu finally stopped and signaled to stop. Taking out his watch, Shao Yunan tightened the down jacket on his body: "It's almost 4 o'clock. We walked for a whole afternoon and almost a night! I'm afraid my family will be worried."

Regardless of whether Wang Shijing was cold or not, Shao Yunan took out his down jacket: "Put it on, it's wet and cold here."

Wang Shijing did not refuse his wife's concern, put on a down jacket, and said, "When he came out, he said he was going to go up the mountain. If they didn't go back overnight, they shouldn't be too worried. We followed Brother Hu and the others up the mountain."


Urging the two to keep up, Brother Hu opened the way, and Jin and Jin walked behind them, looking very cautious.

Shao Yunan's cold hands were stuffed into the pockets of the down jackets by Wang Shijing. I thought it was a costume drama. But there are only three tigers here.

"Brother Jing, are we still in Xiushui Village, or the boundary of Yongxiu County?"

"I don't know. It should still be in Yongxiu County."

Shao Yunan thought it was coming soon, but in the end he followed Brother Hu for a long way. This part of the road is not easy to walk, it is very steep, so Brother Hu let him down.

When the sky was clear, Brother Hu finally stopped. Shao Yunan held up the emergency light and looked around. The first impression that the surrounding scene gave him was the virgin forest. Even in modern times, he had never been to the depths of the forest. The trees here are towering, and the bushes have grown to his waist. Between the trees, the vines are entwined, the roots are intertwined, and the cold and damp breath is rushing straight in.

There was water, rumbling, and there was probably a big river nearby. Brother Hu seemed to be identifying the direction, and after a ten-minute pause, he stepped south. Following Brother Hu, he bent over to avoid the vines hanging down from his arms, raised his legs across the fallen dead trees, and used his hands and feet to climb over the jagged boulders. The sound of the water was deafening. When they stopped again, Shao Yunan. Almost screamed.

In front of them was a waterfall, a waterfall running down a mountain that was almost submerged in the clouds. Shao Yunan has been to Jiulong Waterfall, but compared with the waterfalls here, Jiulong Waterfall can only be regarded as a newborn baby.


Roaring at the two of them, Brother Hu shook his huge body and jumped into the pool under the waterfall. Big and small gold also jumped down. Shao Yunan shouted: "I have to go into the water, I will freeze to death."

"Hoohoo!" Brother Hu urged, so did Big and Small Jin.

"Brother Jing, go to the space."

"I know mallard water, and I want to be with you."

Wang Shijing's attitude was very firm, and he even let go of Shao Yunan's hand, fearing that the other party would send him into the space. The three tigers hurried, Shao Yunan gritted his teeth, took off his down jacket, and had no time to go into the space to change his swimsuit. Wang Shijing also took off his down jacket. The two took off their cotton robes, and after warming up, they jumped into the water.

"Ah! Frozen to death!"

Shao Yunan was so cold that he hissed, and Wang Shijing was also cold, and swam to his wife's side. Big and small Jin came to protect the two, and Brother Hu swam forward.

Shao Yunan was so cold that his teeth were fighting. Brother Hu dived into the water at this time. Shao Yunan scolded the mother in his heart and dived with his eyes closed. There was a fluffy thing floating in front of him, and when Shao Yunan grabbed it, he heard the groaning of Dajin or Xiaojin, as if he was hurt, and he quickly let go. Wang Shijing also grabbed a tail. The two of them swam further and further down with the strength drawn by the big and small golden tails. Just when Shao Yunan could hardly hold his breath, he felt that his feet seemed to touch the ground. He hurriedly stepped on it hard and straightened his body.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

"young married woman!"

The embarrassed Wang Shijing walked to his daughter-in-law's side and hugged him. Wang Shijing was so cold that his face turned pale. Shao Yunan took out the bottle containing the spiritual milk, no matter how diluted it was, he opened it and gave it to Wang Shijing.



The three tigers who had all run forward roared and ran back quickly. Wang Shijing took a sip, Shao Yunan also took a drop, three tigers ran over, Shao Yunan took a step back: "One drop per person, is there more."


The three tigers stood still.

"Open your mouth."

Open your mouth.

Shao Yunan, who had warmed up in his body, dropped a drop of spiritual milk into each of the three large mouths of blood, and then quickly retracted the bottle. The tiger hairs on the three tigers rose and fell slowly, their eyes closed. After a while, they opened their eyes. Brother Hu took a deep look at Shao Yunan, turned around, and continued to lead the way.


After drinking the spiritual milk, Jin's pace was erratic as if he had taken drugs.

Taking out the emergency light, Shao Yunan took off his soaked clothes and wrapped them in a cotton nightgown. Wang Shijing also put on his nightgown. This is a cave hidden under a waterhole. The oncoming moisture seemed to be mixed with large droplets of water. But it is very strange, the smell in the cave is not unpleasant, and there is a faint fragrance.

"Brother Jing, there is light ahead."

Shao Yunan said in a low voice. Wang Shijing clenched his hand: "This may lead to the outside."

"But there's no wind."

"Just look at it and see."

The two quickened their pace, and the light became more and more obvious. When Brother Hu turned a corner and disappeared, the two ran directly.

At the bend, the light can already illuminate the hole in the wall. The two turned the corner, Shao Yunan froze on the spot, and Wang Shijing opened his mouth slightly in surprise.

In front of them was a shallow stream of pool water. This is not the point. There are water droplets dripping from the top of the cave, and there are exits for the water to flow away, but this is not the point either.

The point is!

In the center of the pool, there is a white and flawless plant. At the top of the plant, in the bud-like leaves, there is a white and round bead the size of a quail egg. The light is from this bead. The light emitted by this bead was so soft and holy that Shao Yunan couldn't help kneeling and surrendering to it.


Brother Tiger screamed. Shao Yunan recovered a little, Brother Hu glanced at the plant, and then looked at Shao Yunan. Shao Yunan took Wang Shijing's hand to the side of the stream and asked, "Brother Hu, you brought us here, do you want me to help you raise this plant?"

Brother Hu jumped into the pool and opened his mouth to bite the bead.


Brother Hu looked over in confusion.

"You want to eat?"

Brother Hu tilted his head, jumped out of the pool, and bit Shao Yunan's nightgown to let him in. Shao Yunan understood: "Are you going to give it to me?"

Brother Hu stopped dragging and let go of his nightgown with a "roar" sound.

Shao Yunan's heart gradually beat wildly, and he shook his head: "This is too precious, you can keep it and eat it."


Shao Yunan looked at Wang Shijing, he was a little confused. This kind of plant that can emit light is definitely not an ordinary product, maybe it is a fairy grass. In a country where eating a fruit can make a man pregnant, it is not surprising that there is a little fairy grass.

Wang Shijing stepped forward: "Brother Hu, are you going to give this to us?"


"Don't you want it yourself?"

Brother Tiger flicked his tail.

After a moment of silence, Wang Shijing asked, "Do you prefer spiritual milk, the one you just drank?"


"Are you going to use this for spirit milk?"

Brother Tiger flicked his tail.

Isn't it what is the milk change? Wang Shijing was also puzzled. Shao Yunan suddenly had a flash of inspiration and asked, "Do you want to know where the children have gone?"


Shao Yunan slapped his forehead: "I sent Nizi and the others into the space at noon. Brother Hu seemed to want to go, but I didn't agree, so it dragged us here, it seems so."

Wang Shijing frowned.

Shao Yunan looked at Brother Hu's amber golden eyes very seriously and said, "Brother Hu, there are many dangerous things in the place I send the children to. I'm afraid you and Xiaojin don't understand, and it is dangerous to touch them randomly. , there is spiritual milk in that place, it is a very precious thing for our family, I am afraid you can't help drinking it all for me."


Wang Shijing said: "Why don't we bring them into the space and see their performance. If they can exercise restraint, let's be more generous."

Shao Yunan: "I'm afraid of those gunpowder, gasoline or something."

"Brother Hu and Da Xiaojin are very smart. Tell them that one will blow them up, and they won't touch them. Or you can get them some gasoline and burn them. Tigers are afraid of fire."

Brother Hu has traveled such a long way to give them such precious treasures in exchange for the right to enter the space. To be honest, Shao Yunan couldn't bear to refuse.

"Roar." Brother Hu bit Shao Yunan's nightgown again.

Shao Yunan did not refuse this time, and stepped into the water pool with Brother Hu's strength, and Wang Shijing also followed. In front of the immortal grass, Brother Hu released his mouth. Shao Yunan bent over and carefully observed the fairy grass. Except for the four leaves at the top of this fairy grass, which are unfolded, in a protective posture, protecting the shining fairy fruit, all other leaves are curled. Shao Yunan raised his head and asked the man beside him, "Brother Jing, let's transplant this fairy grass into the space."


Shao Yunan turned to Brother Hu again: "Brother Hu, I can transplant this fairy grass into my space, okay? I don't want to pick this only fairy fruit, and I don't want to just pull out the fairy grass."

Brother Tiger whimpered indifferently. Shao Yunan's hand moved, and a porcelain vase appeared, followed by a small shovel. Brother Hu and Xiao Jin were immediately excited.

"do not move!"

Brother Hu stopped moving, and violently suppressed the disobedient Da Jin with his tail. Shao Yunan opened the bottle cap and slowly tilted the porcelain bottle above the fairy fruit, and a drop of emerald green viscous spiritual milk slowly dripped. Big and small Jin couldn't wait to drink, and Brother Hu also opened his **** mouth.

"Don't move!"

The spiritual milk dripped on the fairy fruit, and in an instant, a dazzling white light radiated out, and everyone present, whether it was a human or a tiger, closed their eyes subconsciously. When Shao Yunan opened his eyes again, he saw that the fairy fruit was even more dazzling. Shao Yunan put away the porcelain bottle, Wang Shijing bent down with a shovel, Shao Yunan also bent down, and his hands went deep into the pool.



The three tigers stared at the dazzling fairy fruit. Under the pool was silt-like soil, and Wang Shijing carefully used a shovel to find the roots of the fairy grass. After searching for more than ten minutes, Wang Shijing nodded to Shao Yunan, and Shao Yunan pulled out his hands, with a small pot and another small shovel in his hand. He shoveled a lot of silt into the basin, added spiritual spring water, and dropped another drop of spiritual milk. After Shao Yunan was ready, Wang Shijing began to dig fairy grass.

Both of them held their breaths. Wang Shijing dug out the roots of the spirit grass little by little. After ensuring that all the main roots and most of the fibrous roots were dug out, Wang Shijing threw away the shovel and held the fairy grass with one hand and the other with the other. Holding the root of the fairy grass, he got up suddenly, and placed the fairy grass in the pot the moment the root of the fairy grass left the water pool. The immortal grass flickered violently for a moment when it left the water pool. After it entered the water basin, the whole immortal grass, including the immortal fruit, flickered.

Vaguely, there was a beast roar, and the water pool suddenly became turbulent. Big and small Jin looked a little anxious.

"Brother Jing, you go first and put it under the Lingru Stone."

Shao Yunan handed the water basin to Wang Shijing, then hugged Wang Shijing, Wang Shijing disappeared instantly. Then he threw the big and small gold into the space in the low call of Hu Ge and Xiaojin.

"Brother Hu, let's go!"

The water was getting more and more turbulent, Shao Yunan took out the emergency light and shouted at Brother Hu. Brother Tiger jumped out of the pool and fell to the ground. Shao Yunan rode on its back, and before he could catch it, Brother Tiger ran quickly. The turbulent water seemed to be close to his ears, and Shao Yunan told Brother Hu loudly: "Brother Hu, hurry up, we have to leave before we get flooded here! My space cannot move, only going out is safe!"


Brother Hu's body was covered with a light layer of gold. Its speed suddenly increased, and Shao Yunan simply turned off the emergency light and grabbed the fur on Brother Hu's neck with both hands. In this space, Wang Shijing was about to die. And the three children who were very happy to see Jin and Da Jin were so anxious to cry because Shao Yunan and Brother Hu had not entered the space for a long time.

Boom boom boom!

I don't know if the sky is cracking or the earth is crumbling; I don't know if it's a flood or a flock of wild beasts. One second before Brother Hu rushed into the water, Shao Yunan took a deep breath and hugged Brother Hu's neck tightly. The pool water outside the cave was much more restless than when they came, and there were many shadows coming and going in the water. Wang Shijing is not here, Shao Yunan must not leave Brother Hu at this time. Brother Hu also tried his best, and the speed was quite fast. Just when Shao Yunan couldn't hold on any longer, Brother Hu finally rushed out of the water. Shao Yunan lost his strength, Brother Hu turned around and bit his arm, dragging him to continue swimming to the shore.

In the woods, the cries of various beasts came one after another, making people panic. Shao Yunan's other hand also tried to grab Brother Hu. When one person and one tiger finally came ashore, they were all exhausted and paralyzed. Shao Yunan was lying on the shore without any strength, and Brother Hu was lying beside him, gasping for breath with his tongue out. Shao Yunan reached out and held Brother Hu's wet paws, and the two entered the space.

"young married woman!"


"Uncle An!"

Shao Yunan, who came in lying down, greeted weakly, "Hi."

Seeing Wang Shijing's face, Shao Yunan guessed: [Brother Jing doesn't want domestic violence, right? 】

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