Shao Yunan and Wang Shijing did not sit there waiting for Wang Zhisong to come. After chatting with King Luo Rong, Shao Yunan went to make honey pomelo tea, and the senior brother was eager to ask for it. Wang Shijing went to check Jiang Moxi's homework. Nizi is practicing the piano, while Jiang Moxi is reading a book next to her. "Climbing the Mountain" written on the cover of the book is an enlightenment book for children, but the actual content is "Mathematics for the first year of high school." Until Shao Yunan almost used up all the grapefruit in the kitchen, Wang Shijing also finished cleaning up the vegetable field in the backyard. , Yan Fusheng came to report, Wang Zhisong, Wang Dali and Wang Chunxiu came.

Wang Shijing asked Yan Fusheng to take people to the main hall at the back. He went to the kitchen and called Shao Yunan, and the two went over together. When the two arrived, King Luo Rong was already there. Wang Dali sat on the chair like a needle felt, with Wang Zhisong and Wang Chunxiu kneeling in the middle. The eye circles of the two were red and swollen, but they didn't cry, and the two of them wore simple clothes, but they were cleaned up very cleanly.

As soon as Wang Shijing appeared, Wang Zhisong and Wang Chunxiu started to kowtow and cried again.

"Brother... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

Shao Yunan: "My name is Brother Ishii."

Wang Zhisong and Wang Chunxiu immediately changed their words: "Brother Ishii...I'm sorry...I'm sorry..."

Wang Chunxiu raised her head and said sobbing: "I'm sorry, big brother Ishii, I'm sorry Nizi, brother Qing, and sister-in-law. I never regarded Brother Ishijing as my eldest brother, nor did I regard Brother Qing and Ni. My son, treat it as my nephew. Nizi is so small, but I let her wash my clothes, no matter how cold it is. I also thought about selling Nizi to a big family as a concubine in the future and earning more dowry for me Silver. Big, when Ishii-ge comes back, I'm still afraid that he will be blind and ruin his face. I don't deserve to be his sister, I don't deserve it."

After speaking, Wang Chunxiu covered her face and started crying. Wang Zhisong just knelt on the ground, shaking his shoulders. Wang Shijing said in a deep voice: "If it wasn't for me marrying Yun An, I wouldn't have been able to split up with you. If the hat of filial piety is put down, I, Nizi and Qingge'er will be ruined by my own father for the rest of their lives. In the hands of my mother, my brothers and sisters."

Wang Dali lowered his head, holding his clothes tightly with both hands, Wang Zhisong's cry overflowed, and Wang Chunxiu cried even louder.

"It's too late to say whether to forgive or not. It's not that I want to hold on to the past, but that the little affection I have for you in my heart has already worn off over the years. Today, Yun An called you in, not because of him. Have pity on you, but for me. He doesn't want me to think about what happened today and feel sad in my heart. However, I don't know if I will be sad. "

Wang Dali raised his hand and wiped the corner of his eyes.

After taking a deep breath and spit it out, Wang Shijing said, "Chunxiu, before I go to the capital, I will find you a family, and I will give it to you, your father. When you marry someone, treat your husband well. , filial piety to my parents-in-law, and live a good life."

Wang Chunxiu put down her hand and looked up in surprise, and Wang Dali also raised her head.

"Don't think about unrealistic things anymore. You are of the right family. Even if you marry into a big family, you can have a good life. Will your parents-in-law dislike you, whether your husband will take a concubine, and whether you can run the family. Marrying into a big family? People, they just look beautiful, but in fact, there are only a few who are really happy when ordinary people marry into wealthy families."

Wang Chunxiu cried and said, "Big Brother Ishii, you are in charge of my marriage. I, I will listen to you."

Wang Shijing looked at Wang Zhisong: "Wang Zhisong."

Wang Zhisong's body trembled, and he slowly raised his head, tears streaming down his face.

"I don't ask if you really know what's wrong, and you don't need to repent to me. Your fame is gone, and there is no possibility of Enke. I'll give you two choices. One, stay in Xiushui Village and follow you. Daddy farms the land; one, go to the border gate, and have a good look at what a real man is."

Wang Zhisong looked at Wang Shijing, at this big brother who he had never even looked at. His eyes were completely blurred, and he wiped them away forcefully, and said, "I'll go to the border gate."

Wang Dali was shocked, but he didn't make a sound.

"Okay. Before I go to the capital, I will arrange for someone to take you to Huxing Pass. I served under General Wuwei in the army, and I will write a letter to my old friends in the army. If you choose to go to Huxing Pass, then don't As a deserter, no matter how hard or tired you are, you have to grit your teeth and endure it. If you run home in a daze, you might as well hang yourself today and have a poor reputation, rather than being laughed at."

"I won't run away!"

Wang Shijing didn't look at his biological father, but said to Wang Zhisong and Wang Chunxiu, "Your father, I will entrust Patriarch Wang, Lizheng, and the fourth uncle to take care of them. You can marry and go to the border with peace of mind."

"Ishii..." A trembling voice came from Wang Dali's mouth. Wang Shijing looked over, Wang Dali was already in tears.

Wang Shijing's jaw tightened, but no matter how much Wang Dali regretted it, Wang Shijing's "father" could not be called out again.

At this time, Shao Yunan began: "If you really feel sorry for Brother Jing, then live your life well. Live to see if your son and daughter are doing well. In the future, when you have grandsons, you must teach them well. Don't teach like Wang Zaizheng. "

Wang Dali lowered his head and wiped away his tears.

Wang Shijing: "Go back."

Wang Zhisong kowtowed three times to Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan and stood up. Wang Chunxiu also kowtowed three times and got up with tears in her eyes. The two of them supported Wang Dali, who was in tears, and left. Once, they wanted to live in more than once, and even had the idea of ​​occupying the place. Now, they can come in, but they no longer have the intention to take a good look at this mansion.

When the two left, King Luo Rong shook his head: "Ahhhh, why is it so hard to come here? Ishijing, An Ge'er, you have done this right. After all these things, the three of them must be truly Sober up. But Ishii, what kind of family are you going to find for Wang Chunxiu? It's not easy for her to find a good family now."

Shao Yun'an said: "It doesn't matter whether the family background is good or not, as long as you are good to her. When I looked for Brother Jing, Brother Jing was also very poor."

Wang Shijing answered calmly: "Well, as long as people are good, it's fine, don't be afraid of being poor, as long as people are not lazy, life will always be good."

Shao Yunan asked deliberately, "How much dowry are you going to give Wang Chunxiu?"

Wang Shijing threw dog food in front of King Luo Rong again: "You are the master of our family, you can give as much as you say."

"You two! If you do this again, this king will punish you!"

Shao Yunan: "My lord, you are wrong. Brother Jing is a husband and wife. Isn't it normal to love each other? You haven't been married before."

"This king!" Luo Rong Wang suddenly stopped, and then said bitterly: "This king is an old man! In front of the old man, you two, don't be ashamed!"

"We call this love~"


King Luo Rong stood up and left angrily. Shao Yunan blinked and raised his head: "Uncle Murong and the princess are not unloving, right?"

Wang Shijing shook his head: "I don't know."


At this point, the matter of the Wang family has been completely resolved. Wang Shijing admitted that his mood was also very relaxed. If Shao Yunan didn't do that, he would only be silent. But Shao Yunan did it for him and took away the last stone in his heart. It was also at this point that he got rid of the shackles of blood and family, and he was truly liberated and free from body to heart.

Everyone in the village was curious about what Wang Dali, Wang Zhisong, and Wang Chunxiu experienced when they went to the Wang residence. For Shao Yunan's actions, they are still unbelievable, and remain suspicious. It is not the first time that Wang Zhisong has been scolded by Shao Yunan, can he really reform himself? But no matter what the seven aunts and eight aunts say, the three of them don't say anything. On the third day, Wang Shijing asked Yan Fusheng to deliver the written letter to Wang Zhisong. The caravan that Chen Sanli went to the border would take Wang Zhisong to Huxingguan. Wang Zhisong took the letter from Wang Shijing to find his old friend in the army. If the other party was no longer in the army, he would go directly to Wuwei General Dai Zhanxiao. . Wang Shijing believed that with the 3,500 taels of gold, General Dai would give him this favor, his subordinate Wang Zhisong. As for what Wang Zhisong, a scholar, can do when he arrives at the border, it depends on whether he is willing to work hard and change.

Wang Chunxiu's in-laws have also been found, and they are from Xinyi County, Guangnan Prefecture. The other party is 23 out of 20, his wife died of illness, and he has a daughter who has just turned three years old. Although he is a widower, he is a father and a little father in the family, and he will not be angry with his mother-in-law. The man's house opened a small grocery store, which was considered a small trader. Wang Chunxiu was married far away, and the other party was a merchant. If it was before, she would definitely not be happy. But it is difficult for her to find a good family in Yongxiu County. Although this man is a widower, he is not a mud-legged man facing the loess with his back to the sky. Although he has a child, his daughter will be better off getting married in the future. Because the man's family is a husband's family, many women do not like such a father-in-law, and the other party wants to find a woman to take care of his daughter, so he has not found a suitable one.

This marriage is still a match made by Chen Sanli. Chen Sanli didn't hide it from others, he only said that the little girl was ignorant and did some things that would damage her reputation, but the main reason was the corruption of her own mother, and it was definitely not as serious as losing her virginity. Now that I am sensible, I want to find a good family to live a good life. The man's family felt that he could correct his mistakes. Besides, he was a girl with a yellow flower, and he could ask Chen's family to do the matchmaking in person, so it wouldn't be bad, so he happily agreed.

Because Wang Zhisong was going to the border, and he didn't want to miss his sister's wedding, the wedding was arranged very quickly. It was only ten days before and after exchanging the characters, carrying the dowry, and concluding the wedding date. Chen Sanli also sailed between Yongxiu County and Xinyi County, which is why it was so fast. The wedding date is also very fast. Both parties here are satisfied. They will get married in a month. At that time, the man will come to Yongxiu County to marry. After the family separation, Wang Dali didn't have much money in his hands, and the money that Shao Yunan had given for breaking up the family was also used by Wang Zhisong and Wang Chunxiu to rent a house in the county town, and almost all of them were spent on food. Wang Shijing took 300 taels of silver to Wang Shenshi and asked her to help buy Wang Chunxiu's dowry, and the rest of the silver was used as her private house.

The news came out that Xiushui Village was fried.

It turns out that the slaps Shao Yunan gave Wang Zhisong were really not in vain! Wang Shijing actually told Wang Chunxiu about his family, and even took 300 taels of dowry silver, and Wang Zhisong had to go to the border to join the army! This, this, is Wang Shijing going to "recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestry" again?

It was Wang Wenhe and Lizheng who came forward to explain. This dear, it will definitely be broken. At the beginning, Wang Shijing was forced to cut off his marriage, but if he kept kissing, he would not be able to live. Now that his father and younger siblings are like this, it is impossible for him to really stand by and ignore him. If he can really do this, he will not be Wang Shijing. Furthermore, the reason why Wang Shijing is willing to manage is that Wang Zhisong and Wang Chunxiu really recognize the mistake and are willing to change their minds, instead of saying the wrong thing in their mouths like before, but they are Xiao Jiujiu in their hearts. It's just that it's just this time, the broken parent will not be taken back.

When Wang Chunxiu got married, Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan were already in the capital, and he didn't plan to stay for the wedding. He took care of it, but he didn't want to give "others" delusions. As for Wang Dali, Wang Shijing had a deep talk with Wang Shuping, and Wang Shuping went back to Wang Dali and persuaded him to rent the land at home to the clan, and he kept one or two acres to plant what he wanted. Wang Dali is now eating enough for his family and not hungry, and the rent from the clan is enough for him. Wang Shijing also kept 500 taels of silver from Wang Shuping. If Wang Dali had a headache or needed a lot of money, he would pay it out from here, but the silver was kept with Wang Shuping. This is Wang Shijing's last filial piety to Wang Dali. Wang Shuping did not hide Wang Dali, Wang Dali's reaction was to lower his head and wipe his eyes.

On the day of Wang Chunxiu's wedding, dozens of people came to the man's family, and the dowry was 20. For the daughters of Xiushui Village, this was a big dowry. On Wang Chunxiu's side, the dowry given is also very generous. Because she was married far away, Mrs. Wang Shen did not buy her furniture or other big items, except for the necessary clothes, bedding, etc. After discussing with Shao Yunan, Mrs. Wang Shen, through the relationship of Chen Sanli, went to Zhoujia Village in Xinyi County with Wang Chunxiu's In the name of buying ten acres of land, Wang Shenshi left another 100 taels of silver for Wang Chunxiu, and the rest was bought for her as jewelry. In addition to the gold and silver jewelry in the betrothal gift, on the day of the wedding, Wang Chunxiu was dressed in gold and silver jewelry, as well as a pair of jade bracelets, which were received as a betrothal gift, and a beautiful wedding dress. Before getting on the sedan chair, Wang Chunxiu knelt down and kowtowed three times to the Wang Zhai, even though the owner of the Wang Zhai had already gone to the capital.

Wang Tianyan and Guo Zhaodi did not show up, they were the sedan chairs on Wang Chunxiu's back. Wang Zhisong sent his sister to marry. The next day, he said goodbye to Wang Dali. He only carried a simple luggage and left Xiushui Village with a box of books. It is unknown when he will come back in this life and whether he will come back. Before Wang Chunxiu got married, the siblings had visited Mrs. Wang in prison—let’s call her Mrs. Wang for the time being—but the result was not very pleasant.

Madam Wang was completely insane, so she asked Wang Zhisong and Wang Chunxiu to spend money to redeem her. But knowing that Wang Chunxiu was going to get married and Wang Zhisong was going to Huxingguan, all this was arranged by Wang Shijing, and Mrs. Wang cursed. They scolded both of them for having their consciences eaten by dogs, that their mother was suffering in prison, but they went to enjoy happiness, and even scolded the inappropriate words such as "recognizing a thief as a father".

Wang Zhisong and Wang Chunxiu were both disappointed. So far, after so much suffering, if they still can't see the reality clearly, they can also die if they use Shao Yunan's words. When the two came out of prison, neither of them mentioned their mother again. Now Wang Zhisong is going to a border crossing thousands of miles away, and Wang Chunxiu is married. When they return to their hometown, it is unknown whether Mrs. Wang is still alive.

These are all things to say later, and now Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan have not left for the capital.

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