Wang Shijing was very unhappy. The "huge" capital he was proud of actually met a powerful opponent! When Wang Shijing had to tell all his conversations with King Luo Rong under Shao Yunan's questioning, Shao Yunan couldn't stop laughing on the spot. Wang Shijing said reluctantly: "Uncle Murong must be exaggerating, at least I have never seen such a thing." Eight liang meat, how is it possible!

"Hahaha..." Shao Yunan thumped the bed with a smile.

Wang Shijing pressed it up, dangerous: "Do you believe it?"

Shao Yunan dared to say that he believed it, and shook his head again and again: "Believe it or not, Brother Jing's must be the biggest, poof!"

"You lied." Wang Shijing bit on it.

Wang Shijing grabbed Shao Yunan and went for prostitution in the daytime, but King Luo Rong did not dare to go back to his room. Last night he kissed others, touched them again, but rejected them in his mouth. How could he have the face to see them? King Luo Rong was in a hurry: "I don't have a conscience, just leave me as an old man and run away, it's really unfilial!"

"Grandpa Murong, who is not filial?"

King Luo Rong turned back and hurriedly squeezed out a smile: "Why are you here, aren't you playing with Brother Hu and the others? Where's Brother Hu and Da Xiaojin?"

"Brother Hu and Xiaojin are basking in the sun. My little father said that Nizi should not be in the sun for too long, and it will not look good if it turns dark. Let's bring Nizi down."

"Oh, yes, Grandpa Murong is so dark because of the sun. Come and drink some water."

No one cares, and he doesn't dare to go back. King Luo Rong can only pass the time by taking care of the children. Thinking that Guo Zimu lived next door, and thinking that he went back crying last night, King Luo Rong couldn't relax.

Shao Yunan, who suffered from the "unexpected disaster", used his body to put out the fire for Wang Shijing, and then lay on Wang Shijing's stomach. Shao Yunan said, "Brother Jing, let's be good people to the end. It's not easy for Uncle Murong and Brother Guo. , they like each other, let them be happy."

Wang Shijing combed his daughter-in-law's hair with his fingers and expressed his concerns: "The main problem for them is the length of each other's lifespan. Uncle Murong is 30 years older than Zimu. Thirty more years to live. I also want him and Zimu to be happy, but how do you extend his thirty years? Uncle Murong is not stupid, if he finds out that his lifespan increase has something to do with you and me, I'm worried."

Shao Yunan said: "I thought of a way."

"you say."

Shao Yunan turned around, lay beside Wang Shijing's ear, and muttered to him. After listening to it, Wang Shijing thought for a long time and said, "That's fine."

For the next three days, Guo Zimu did not show up, or he deliberately avoided meeting with King Luo Rong. He would go to the kitchen to make King Luo Rong's favorite dessert and cook the dishes that King Luo Rong likes to eat, but he did not show up. Hide in your room to eat every day. King Luo Rong was eating the familiar taste, but he couldn't relax in his heart. Often at this time, Nizi would also assist her and ask Uncle Xiao Guo why he didn't come to eat, if he was ill. Shao Yunan replied seriously that Uncle Guo was seasick. King Luo Rong's heart was even more unpleasant.

There is still one day left to arrive at Shunning Port, which directly enters the capital. King Luo Rong walked around the room, restless. This is about to reach the shore, and they can reach the capital after half a day on the road. If everything goes well, they will be able to return to the capital before the curfew in the evening the day after tomorrow. Originally, Guo Zimu was going to live in the palace, but now that things are so troubled, how can he ask Guo Zimu to go with him? Guo Zimu will not have no place to live when he arrives in the capital, not to mention Old Cen's sons and daughters, he can also live in Jiang Kangchen's house, but King Luo Rong is not at ease. As for Guo Zimu's face, he lives elsewhere, what if he is bullied by others, the best and safest thing is to live in the palace, but how can he speak!

In Zhengshou, someone knocked on the door, King Luo Rong's heartbeat suddenly stopped, and he hurried to open the door. As soon as the door opened, he was stunned: "Brother Xi?"

Jiang Moxi looked up at King Luo Rong, his eyes fixed on him. King Luo Rong touched his old face and bent over: "What's the matter? Is there something? It's too late, haven't you slept yet?"

Jiang Moxi pushed King Luo Rong away and entered the room. King Luo Rong closed the door and asked, "What's the matter? Is there anything you want to do with Grandpa Murong?"

Jiang Moxi said with a paralyzed face: "You, Uncle Guo, don't speak."

King Luo Rong was startled at first, then smiled lovingly, and then helplessly: "Even you can see it."

A question appeared in Jiang Moxi's eyes. King Luo Rong sighed and said, "There is a bit of a misunderstanding between Grandpa Murong and your Uncle Guo. It's okay, don't worry. It's so late, you should go to bed now."



King Luo Rong wiped his face, this child prodigy is really not easy to fool. King Luo Rong had to say: "This is a matter between us adults. I told you, you can't do anything about it."

Jiang Moxi didn't move, staring at King Luo Rong, who was so guilty when he saw him. Avoiding Jiang Moxi's gaze, King Luo Rong took a few steps back and forth in front of him, then turned around: "Brother Xi, can you help Grandpa Murong with something?"

Jiang Moxi nodded.

King Luo Rong immediately found a pen and paper and quickly wrote a letter, folded it and handed it to Jiang Moxi: "You give this letter to your Uncle Guo, and you tell him that Grandpa Murong will wait for his reply for a long time. "

Jiang Moxi still nodded and went out with the letter. Behind him, King Luo Rong sighed deeply.

King Luo Rong couldn't sleep, and Guo Zimu couldn't sleep even more. He was about to arrive in the capital soon. Uncle Murong didn't mention the matter of letting him live in the palace. Uncle Murong wouldn't let him live. Yun An also said that Uncle Murong likes him, but it doesn't seem to be the case at all. The more Guo Zimu thought about it, the more sad he became, and he didn't eat dinner.

Someone knocked on the door, Guo Zimu hurriedly wiped his face and went to open the door. It turned out to be Jiang Moxi outside the door, and Guo Zimu asked in surprise, "Brother Xi, is something wrong? Why haven't you slept yet?"

Jiang Moxi stared at Guo Zimu's face and raised his hand.

Seeing that Jiang Moxi had a letter in his hand, Guo Zimu brought it over, but Jiang Moxi didn't mean to leave, Guo Zimu asked, "Brother Xi, who gave this to me?"

"Murong, grandpa."

Guo Zimu's heart almost jumped.

"He waits."

Guo Zimu bit his mouth, and Jiang Moxi urged, "Look, reply."

Is this waiting for his reply?

Guo Zimu was no longer able to enter the room, so he glanced at the closed door next door, Guo Zimu took out the letter and read it, but he didn't know that in the next room, Luo Rongwang was lying on the door, his posture was very wretched and he was trying hard. Eavesdrop on what's going on here.

The content of the letter is not long. King Luo Rong told Guo Zimu that it was okay to be angry with him, but when he went to the capital, he still lived in the palace. It is not safe to live elsewhere, he is not at ease.

Although there were only a few short sentences, Guo Zimu wanted to cry again, but not because he wanted to cry. He said to Jiang Moxi, who was still waiting for a reply, "Uncle Xiao Guo will not write a reply. Uncle Guo went directly to tell Grandpa Murong, go back to sleep." After that, Guo Zimu closed the door and walked to King Luo Rong. door of the room.

Jiang Moxi still didn't leave, Guo Zimu took a deep breath and knocked on the door. The people behind the door are also "worried". But if he didn't open the door, the letter would have been written in vain. Patting his face, King Luo Rong tried his best to adjust his facial expression to be more natural, grabbed the doorknob with his hand, and opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, someone jumped into his arms and hugged him. King Luo Rong was knocked back by Guo Zimu and closed the door subconsciously.

Jiang Moxi blinked, as if she didn't understand which one the two played. But Uncle Guo and Grandpa Murong hugged each other, so he should not be angry anymore, Jiang Moxi went back to his room with peace of mind.

In King Luo Rong's house, Guo Zimu, who hugged him, asked aggrievedly, "Do you want me to live in the palace?"

Guo Zimu was finally willing to respond to him, but King Luo Rong didn't dare to push people away. Not knowing where to put his hands, he clasped Guo Zimu's waist with both hands, and said hastily, "I want what I want. How can I rest assured that you live elsewhere."

"Why are you ignoring me?"

King Luo Rong smiled bitterly: "I thought, you don't care about it, Uncle Murong." At this time, he said the name "Uncle", but King Luo Rong's heart was a little painful.

After a few days of grievances, Guo Zimu buried himself in King Luo Rong's arms and sniffed: "I thought you didn't want to see me anymore."

King Luo Rong hugged Guo Zimu: "It was Uncle Murong who was wrong. Uncle Murong should find you. Zimu, live in Uncle Murong's mansion, okay?"

Guo Zimu nodded in agreement without any hesitation, and King Luo Rong was finally relieved.

"It's late, go back to sleep, have you packed everything?"


"Then... Uncle Murong accompanies you to clean up?"

"I haven't eaten dinner yet."

King Luo Rong felt distressed: "Why don't you eat?"

"I thought you ignored me."

"..." Luo Rong Wang let out a long sigh, "Go, go to the kitchen first to see if there is anything to eat. After you have eaten your stomach, Uncle Murong will accompany you to clean up."


King Luo Rong took Guo Zimu to the kitchen, Guo Zimu nodded sharply in his heart, sure enough, Yun An's idea was right!

The next morning, the ship docked at Shun Ninh Port. I will be in the capital today, everyone went to bed early the night before, oh, except for three people. Jiang Moxi was sleepy and couldn't get up. He often read late at night, adults were used to it, Wang Shijing, Shao Yunan and Jiang Kangning would not have thought that he didn't read late at all the night before. Jiang Kangning dressed him, who couldn't wake up, and was about to carry him directly off the boat.

Shao Yunan ran over: "Big brother, Uncle An came to pick it up in person."

Jiang Kangning was surprised: "Master An is here?"

"Well, on the pier."

Seeing that Jiang Moxi hadn't woken up yet, Shao Yunan said, "Give Brother Xi to Brother Jing, and you will get off the boat first."


Jiang Kangning disembarked first to see Eunuch An, Qin Niang instructed the attendants to unload the master's luggage, and Wang Shijing organized people to transport the items they brought along. Guo Zimu came out of a room.

On the pier, An Gong Gong stood there, and behind him was An Yi who came back early to report the letter. Not only did Eunuch An come, but also the magistrate of Shunning County and the steward of Shunning Port. Jiang Kangning disembarked from the boat and bowed to Eunuch An, saying, "I don't know that the officer is here, so please forgive me for the negligence."

Eunuch An said with a smile: "Our family is not here for you, Mr. Jiang. What about Brother An and the others?"

Jiang Kangning naturally knew why the An Eunuch came, and he replied, "Yun An and the others will come down in a while."

Just as he was talking, Shao Yunan came down, and Eunuch An's face immediately turned into a flower with a smile: "Brother An, you are finally here. Uncle An, I am looking forward to the stars and the moon, and I hope that you can come."

Shao Yunan trotted all the way down and said, "Brother Jing and I have long wanted to come to the capital to see you, Uncle An. If you're not busy, come here quickly. Is Uncle An in good health recently?"

"Okay, just busy."

Watching the attendants unload boxes, bags, and jars of things off the boat, Eunuch An even laughed from ear to ear. The county magistrate of Shunning County, the steward of Shunning Port, etc. who accompanied him were all surprised. Who was the young man who seemed to be no more than sixteen or seventeen?

Wang Shijing also came with the children. Jiang Moxi woke up, but was obviously sleepy. King Luo Rong also came down, and Guo Zimu wore a mask and bowed his head to follow behind King Luo Rong. Brother Hu and Xiao Jin, who disembarked together, caused a commotion, and the cows and horses screamed in horror. Eunuch An covered his chest and widened his eyes: "There are really three big bugs!" Eunuch An naturally heard it from An Yi.

Brother Hu roared at the bulls and horses. Surprisingly, those bulls and horses were afraid, but they stopped making trouble. Everyone was amazed by the sight. Wang Shijing patted Brother Hu, Brother Hu ran to the front with Xiao Jin, Jiang Moxi, Nizi and Wang Qing followed.

"My lord." At this time, Eunuch An and the others dared to come forward to bow and salute.

"Eunuch An is here."

As a first-rank prince, King Luo Rong was the only one present who could call Eunuch An "Eunuch."

"Master An." Guo Zimu called out in a low voice and bowed.

Eunuch An smiled and said, "Zimu is here too."

"Uncle An." Wang Shijing.

"You are here." Eunuch An glanced at the three worms and the three children in the distance, and instructed to go down, "An Yi, take the children to the carriage and wait. Zimu can go too. Those three worms... …”

Wang Shijing: "They will follow themselves."

"That's good."

King Luo Rong patted Guo Zimu and asked him to get on the carriage first. Guo Zimu walked over with his head lowered, and King Luo Rong felt distressed when he looked at him. The others greeted each other on the pier, and when all the cargo and luggage on the ship were finished, Mr. An asked everyone to get on the carriage and return to the capital together. Because An Yi returned to Beijing in advance to report the letter, Eunuch An brought enough carriages and ox carts, and saw a mighty thirty or forty carts full of goods. Those who didn't know it thought that a caravan was coming. But which caravan will have three big tigers running in front of it.

Eunuch An specially let Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan take a car. King Luo Rong was originally arranged to have a car alone. He did not sit in the carriage and got into the carriage with Guo Zimu and his three children. Outsiders only thought he was going to accompany the three children, and no one thought about it anywhere else. Jiang Kangning was returning to Beijing to report his work. He rode a horse behind him and talked with the magistrate of Shunning County.

On the carriage, Eunuch An asked directly, "Brother An, how much tea did you bring back this time?"

"The pots are full of tea. The ones painted in red are black teas. Except for the nobles in Beijing, they are all from Yunlong Tea House. But black tea can't be sold now, and it will take at least half a year to drink it."

"I know that, An Yi came back and said it. What about green tea?"

"Green tea can be sold for another ten days. The best teas that go to the auction house are all packed in small jars. When the black tea can be opened, all go to the auction house. There are two kinds of black tea, Xiushui Qimen black tea and Dahongpao black tea. All of them are of the highest quality. Qimen black tea starts at 1 tael, 500 taels, and each increase cannot be less than 20 taels. Dahongpao black tea starts at 1,000 taels, and each increase cannot be less than 100 taels."

"Hiss—" Eunuch An's goosebumps rose, "So expensive?"

"You'll know after you drink it. It's almost the end of the year when you open it. If nothing happens, Brother Jing and I will come over again. When I get you a drink, you'll know if it's worth the price. You can release the news first. By then, the price of tea has already been fired before it starts to sell, so you can wait to collect the money. Black tea is only collected in this season of the year, and if you miss it, you will have to wait until the end of next year."

"Okay, okay." Eunuch An smiled so much that he couldn't see his eyes.

"The best green tea I made myself also goes to the auction house. When I get to the capital, I will make a pot for you, so you can taste it."

"Okay, okay." Eunuch An would only say okay.

Shao Yunan gave Mr. An another price list, which clearly stated the tea and other things he brought for sale this time. Tea grade and minimum price. Eunuch An looked happier. After reading it, he said, "Have you left the tea leaves from the country?"


Eunuch An said in a low voice, "Thousands are planning to send Wei Hongru to be in charge of the business of the country, and the person who will be sent here should have seen him."

Shao Yunan was very surprised, but also very happy. Wang Shijing said: "This is great. Otherwise, Yun An would always feel that it would be difficult to face Wei Hongwen."

Eunuch An's face was cold: "Why can't you see him. Wei Chunlin and Wei Hong should be killed. If it hadn't been for the intercession of the ministers in the court, how could the emperor spare Wei Chunlin's life. Wei Hongwen and Wei Hongru also want to thank you two. If it wasn't for An Ge'er, you pointed out a clear path for his brothers, they would have been killed by the army now."

Shao Yunan didn't know how to respond, so he could only smile awkwardly.

Not to mention the Wei family, Eunuch An went on to say: "You come to Beijing this time, but you need to stay longer. Qiansui has arranged accommodation for you, and you will stay there when you come to the capital. If you don't like it, I will choose something else for you. place."

Shao Yunan hurriedly said: "We are not settling down in the capital, we live the same wherever we live. Chitose still misses where we live. Brother Jing and I are really frightened."

"Haha, are you really scared?" Eunuch An joked.

Shao Yunan smirked, and Wang Shijing said, "Empress Chitose and Uncle An have to worry about it."

Eunuch An waved his hand and teased: "Angel is a well-known savage in Yongxiu County, don't act like that little boy when you come to the capital. There are many noble people in this capital, but you are the emperor and Chitose, but You can't fall into the names of the emperor and Chitose. I'm not telling you to be arrogant and domineering, but you should have the status you should have, understand?"

Shao Yunan Giant Khan, what a huff, why didn't he directly say that he was a puff! Wang Shijing could only follow along and say, "My nephew understands."

"When you arrive in the capital, you can go directly to the General's Mansion to see Chitose."

Shao Yunan: "Does Qiantui still live in the General's Mansion?" After asking, he smirked, "Uh, Uncle An, you just pretend I didn't ask."

Eunuch An gave Shao Yunan an unfathomable look and said, "When you see Chitose, you will know why Chitose has been living in the General's Mansion."

Shao Yunan had an ominous premonition, and Wang Shijing held his hand and told him not to be afraid. Eunuch An smiled again and said, "Your residence is the mansion of the former minister of household. He was dismissed for corruption and investigated, and the mansion was sealed. Chitose asked the emperor to give the mansion to you. Wait until the capital. , I'll give you the deed."

Wang Shijing frowned slightly: "Will it be inappropriate?"

"What's inappropriate. You guys, you really think you're the mud legs of Xiushui Village."

Husband and wife: "..." They're not muddy legs, they're farmhouse owners, okay?

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