Before that, Shao Yunan would never have imagined that he would become a big landlord one day. Land, whether in ancient or modern times, is an absolute hard currency. Emperor Yongming's first reward is a thousand acres of fields, and they are all fertile fields. Not only that, according to the rules, Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan of this thousand acres of fertile land do not have to pay taxes, and the tenant farmers within this 1,000 mu of fertile land are also theirs.

After Shao Yunan inspected his family's 1,000 acres of fertile farmland and "meeted" the four tenant farmers' representatives, he was very emotional - too many fields are also worrying! He seemed to understand why the aristocratic family had to marry so many wives and have so many children, so many fields, private property, and without the help of so many sons, he would really be unable to live.

Shao Yunan, who originally thought that his family had a small population, only felt less of the emperor's pile of rewards. I have already asked the General’s Mansion for help with the renovation of the Hou’s mansion. I can’t ask the General’s Mansion for the management of this thousand acres of fertile land. It’s not that Shao Yunan is stingy. He has seen a lot of the twists and turns in the capital these days. , I was afraid that some people would say that the General's Mansion took advantage of this opportunity and poured dirty water into the General's Mansion.

It was Old Cen who had an idea for his two sons. The General's Mansion has always helped some disabled subordinates who came back from the battlefield. This is not a secret in the capital. Wang Shijing has also been a soldier, and he is also a soldier of the Yihu Army. It is better to hire some disabled people who retired from the Yihu Army, but they can still work. First, these people will definitely be grateful; second, The quality of the soldiers from the Yihu Army can still be trusted; thirdly, Wang Shijing will also earn some fame by doing so.

Shao Yunan immediately felt that this method was good. Isn't that the same as helping veterans? Wang Shijing also felt good, how could he not know how sad the disabled soldiers would be after leaving the army. There is absolutely no problem in coming to the General's Mansion for this matter. Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan could also find some honest and not stupid people to take charge of the management of the farm and other chores in the Hou residence. Moreover, soldiers from the Yihu Army are not easy to be bought by those who are interested.

Old Cen also suggested that people in Xiushui Village who are close to Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan's family can also choose suitable people to help the housekeeper. It is better to know the basics than to find those who do not know the details. Usually, one person has grown up, and he is also selected from his own clan. Although Wang Shijing has left the Wang clan, the entire Xiushui Village is now his. It is also the most suitable for him to choose some suitable people to help him. Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan nodded after hearing their adoptive father's suggestion, and it was decided that they really had a few suitable candidates. Neither the hundred craftsmen Jiang Moxi wanted nor the kiln were in the capital. It would take a few days for the craftsman to arrive in the capital. The kiln factory was in Tangye Town, which belonged to the capital, but it was a day's journey by horse-drawn carriage. Bu Yun'an and the children, including Guo Zimu, didn't want to go back to the capital. After playing in the village where Liangtian was located for a few days, Wang Shijing took everyone straight to Tangye Town.

Here, Wang Shijing and Shao Yun'an's return dates are uncertain. Over there, the situation is rising in the capital. At the same time, Yongxiu County and Xiushui Village are like boiling water, and people's hearts are churning.

Guo Ziyu, who had long rested from Enke's heart, never thought that the position of Yongxiu County magistrate would fall on his head. Not only that, Luo Rong's palace also sent someone to discuss with him Guo Zishou and Luo Rongwang. Marriage thing. King Luo Rong has already announced that he has proposed a marriage, so the next step is to directly arrange the marriage. Guo Ziyu looked at the letter that Shao Yunan wrote to him specially, and would not respond for a long time.

Jiang Kangning, who was going to take office in Chinan Mansion, also returned to Yongxiu County first, and he was going to hand over the post of county magistrate to Guo Ziyu. Guo Ziyu was dizzy and roared in his heart: [What the **** is going on here! 】

Whether it was the position of the magistrate of Yongxiu County, or the matter of his younger brother Guo Zimu and Luo Rongzheng, including Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan's offering of immortal fruits, each one was enough to cause Guo Ziyu to faint.

Guo Ziyu was going to faint, and the villagers in Xiushui Village were going to faint too. Wang Shijing became a loyal and brave marquis, a marquis! Xiushui Village was renamed Zhongyong Village, and the whole village, from house to field, from mountains to water, has become the family of Wang Shijing! As soon as the **** who announced the decree left, Uncle Zhao Lizheng sat on the ground, and Wang Wenhe was also sitting on the ground. Someone burst into tears, and everyone looked back, not knowing what mood they should be in. The one who was crying was Wang Dali, who cried so much that the old tears were flowing, the heart was broken, and that... I regretted the beginning.

Wang Dali cried, and then Wang Wenhe followed. Wang Wenhe regrets, really regrets. He put the hope of his clan on Wang Zhisong, but it was Wang Shijing, who was the most sorry for him, who brought supreme glory to the Wang clan. Lord Hou, what is that concept? It is a noble identity that no one in Xiushui Village dares to touch in their entire life; it is a noble identity that they dare not even think about, or even never imagine; Noble dignitaries who will not have the opportunity to meet. However, this nobility, honor, and dignitary have nothing to do with their family. The Zhongwang Clan, from now on, this honor is only related to the Zhongwang Clan. It was him who pushed this honor out, it was him!

Wang Wenhe was heartbroken, the people of the Wang family felt uncomfortable, and the fourth Aunt Wang, who had a good relationship with Wang Shijing's family, also felt uncomfortable, and those who had a bad relationship with the Wang Shijing family were even more uneasy. But money is hard to buy, you know, there is no regret medicine in the world. The imperial decree has been issued, and Wang Shijing will be the founder of the Zhongwang Family. Not only does he have nothing to do with the Xiushui Wang Family, the relationship between the Xiushui Wang Family and Wang Shijing is just like that of a tenant on a thousand acres of fertile land, but it is loyal and brave. The tenants on Hou's private land, goodbye, but it is already the difference between clouds and mud.

The villagers of Xiushuishu, who changed their name to Zhongyong Village, were in a panic, and they didn't even want to make money. In another Shaojia village, a family was taken away by a soldier who broke in in his sleep. It is unknown whether he is alive or dead.


"Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

On the streets of the capital, a large black horse galloped, and pedestrians on the street avoided the hurried shouts of the riders. The horses went straight to the General's Mansion without slowing down.

The old general Dai, who used physical discomfort as an excuse to stay away from the guests, played with his chess pieces in a boring way, regretting over and over why he didn't follow Shao Yunan and the others. Cen Yuebai's "righteous" father went with him, but his serious grandfather was bored in the house. The more the old general thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt. In fact, the main reason is that no matter how Cen Yuebai is "righteousness", he is also Shao Yunan's "father". And he can be sure that Shao Yunan is a member of the Dai family, but because there is no actual evidence, he can't pierce that layer of window paper, even if he wants to follow, he is an unknown teacher.

When a person is old, he hopes that his children and grandchildren will do their best to replace the old general with decisive actions when he was young. Now he is just an ordinary grandfather who hopes to recognize his grandson as soon as possible.

At this time, the old housekeeper ran in in a hurry, with a worried look on his face, and shouted when he entered the door: "Master, Dai Jiang is back!"

The old general looked up suddenly, because the action was too big, and the Go pieces on the chessboard fell to the ground. The old general Dai opened his mouth and shouted: "Hurry up and let him come to see me!"


The old butler turned around and ran away, but the old general called him again: "Go to see him, go to the side hall! You go and tell Zhengjun and his wife!"

"I've already sent someone!"

The old butler subconsciously supported the old general. The old general has gotten younger, but other people will still subconsciously think that he is still the old man with inconvenient legs.

The old Zhengjun and the old lady hurried to the side hall when they got the letter. Not long after the old general arrived in the side hall, the old Zhengjun and the old lady arrived. Shen Bing and Su Chenyi also came. Su Chenyi waited for news from Dai Jiang every day, and he knew when Dai Jiang entered the mansion. Before a few people could sit down, there were hurried footsteps outside, and then Dai Jiang appeared.

"Old General! Old Madam! Old Zhengjun!"

Dai Jiang knelt down and saluted, and the old general Dai hurriedly said, "Get up, get up."

Dai Jiang didn't hesitate, stood up and took out something wrapped in a blue silk parchment from his arms, held it out with both hands, and said excitedly, "Old General, the boy is lucky not to be humiliated!"

As soon as these words came out, Old General Dai's hands trembled, and Su Chenyi stepped forward and held his breath to take the thing. When he lifted the silk handkerchief and saw what was inside, his body swayed and was supported by Dai Jiang in time. Su Chenyi turned around and knelt down with a thud: "Dad! This is from Zhan An, this is from Zhan An!"

After saying this, Su Chenyi pressed the thing to his chest and cried out. Lao Zhengjun went over and helped Dai Jiang to watch Su Chenyi stand up and helped him to his seat. Su Chenyi cried uncontrollably, and those who heard the cry shed tears. Lao Zhengjun took the thing from Su Chenyi's hand, and with just one glance, there were tears in the corners of his eyes, and he choked: "It's from Zhan An, and it was put on by Mingrong."

Lao Zhengjun's hand is a white jade pendant. The front of the jade pendant is a floating cloud, and the back is engraved with the four universes of "Antai Chengxiang". Lao Zhengjun is no stranger to this jade pendant. Seeing this piece of jade pendant that disappeared with Dai Zhan'an for more than ten years is enough to explain everything.

Dai Jiang did not wait for the inquiry, and immediately explained: "This jade pendant was found from the Shao family. The boy interrogated the Shao family and his wife overnight, and they admitted that this jade pendant belonged to Shao Yunan."

Dai Jiang was shocked when he received the letter from General Dai. Immediately put down the matter at hand, and rushed to Shaojia Village with a team of people. When he arrived at Shaojia Village, it was already night. Dai Jiang directly broke into Shao's house, brought the Shao family back to Yongxiu County, and made a surprise trial overnight. The Shao family had a guilty conscience about Shao Yunan's identity. As soon as Dai Jiang took out the knife, the two of them made a **** move.

After Shao Yunan was snatched by the Hu people, he encountered a group of merchants from the Dashan tribe on the way. The people of the Dashan tribe are natural warriors, and they are all sturdy. The Dashan tribe and the Hu people are also deadly enemies. As soon as the two sides meet, they have nothing to say. The businessmen of this Dashan tribe are indeed sturdy. They seriously injured a few people on their own side, but they killed all the Hu people. Under the circumstances, Shao Yunan was rescued.

At that time, Shao Yunan, who was taken away, was injured in the head and had a high fever. Some people in the Dashan tribe's team of traders were also seriously injured. Their leader found an acquaintance in a nearby town to recuperate and recuperate. The Shaw Brothers are the long-term workers of this family. Shao Yunan hurt his head. When he woke up, he only remembered that his name was An, but he didn't remember anything else. The county family has no children, and seeing that Shao Yunan looks good, although the clothes on his body are dirty and torn, they are not ordinary, he should be from a big family. But Shao Yunan was rescued from the Hu people, and there was no one nearby who was looking for children. The leader and the owner of the family thought that something happened to Shao Yunan's family.

The leader had to rush back to the Dashan tribe, so he entrusted Shao Yunan and several seriously injured subordinates to this family, and kept the money. This family also wanted to adopt Shao Yunan. Originally, according to the laws of Dayan, folk adoptions had to go through the adoption formalities in the yamen, and it was only possible to determine the origin of the child. But Shao Yunan lost his memory, and the Hu and Dashan tribes were involved. The family did not go to the yamen to go through the adoption procedures, but only said that they were the children of distant relatives.

The seriously wounded people of the Dashan Tribe left home after recovering from their injuries. Shao Yunan also stayed at that family's house. Because the leader picked him up near Black Cloud Mountain, he named him Yun An. If this is the case, that generation of family will be able to find Shao Yunan. But soon after, the wife of that family was pregnant. After all, Shao Yunan's origin is unknown, and now that Mrs. Zheng is pregnant, Shao Yunan's identity is embarrassing. After thinking about it, the head of the family decided to send Shao Yunan to the yamen to check his identity. If there is still someone in the family, he will send it back; if there is no one, the yamen will choose the family for adoption. That family had some property, and if there was an adopted child in the family, he might have trouble in the future, so he sent Shao Yunan away.

Mrs. Zheng asked the housekeeper to send Shao Yunan away, and the housekeeper turned around and handed Shao Yunan to her daughter-in-law. The housekeeper's daughter-in-law was lazy, and handed Shao Yunan over to the Shao family's daughter-in-law who was in charge of the starch washing in the house, that is, the later Mrs. Shao. At that time, the Shao family was preparing to return to their hometown, and the housekeeper and daughter-in-law also thought that they were going to leave, so they took Shao Yunan to the yamen in the county on the way to save her another trip. But the Shao family made their own calculations. Shao Yunan didn't suffer much in this house, and he ate and dressed according to the rules of the young master. Shao Yunan wore a jade pendant around his neck, needless to say, and there was also a pair of silver bracelets on his hand, which Mrs. Zheng bought. The head of the household also felt guilty and bought a golden lock for Shao Yunan as compensation.

Looking at these things on Shao Yunan's body, the Shao family's husband and wife moved their minds. They have worked long-term outside for many years. Although the two have saved some money, they are definitely not worth anything on Shao Yunan's body. At that time, the Shao family had only one son, Shao Dahu, and they both loved each other tightly, and they would never have too much money. Anyway, multiple children are just more pairs of chopsticks, but those things on Shao Yunan's body are worth a lot of money. He is a boy, and he can work more at home in the future. When he returns to the clan, he can get one more share. family property. They were going back to their hometown again, and they took their children away, but no one would find out. Depending on what Mrs. Zheng meant, they would not go to the county government office to investigate. The more they discussed, the more feasible it was, so they took Shao Yunan away.

Shao Yunan was already sensible at that time. He didn't reach the yamen all the way, but he went further and further. The Shao family took away his silver bracelet, golden lock and jade pendant, and he started crying. The Shao family beat, scolded and frightened him, how could a five-year-old boy resist. He had been injured in the head, and experienced disasters. After being treated like this by the Shao family, he became ill again and had a continuous high fever. After repeated several times, Shao Yunan became confused and couldn't remember anything. In this way, the Shao family took Shao Yunan back to Shaojia Village and said that they were born. They didn't even think about changing Shao Yunan's name. The big windfall he got after selling Shao Yunan's silver bracelets and golden locks. The reason why they kept the jade pendant was that the Shao family was afraid that if Shao Yunan really still had family members alive, they would find him with the jade pendant, so they didn't dare to **** it, but it was a good piece of jade, and they hid it because they were reluctant to lose it. , thinking that the time is long, it is safe, and I leave it to my grandson. Fortunately, they didn't **** or sell it. This is the only evidence that the Dai family stayed in Shao Yunan.

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