After being raised at home for nearly ten days, only faint traces of bruises remained on Shao Yunan's face, which also meant that it was time for him to leave for Beijing. The goat's milk fruit has been purchased in the whole county of Yongxiu County. Jiang Kangning, as the prefect of Chinan Prefecture, also ordered the counties under his jurisdiction to purchase the goat's milk fruit. However, because of the traffic, the goat's milk fruit purchased in the areas far from Yongxiu County was purchased. They are all unripe, otherwise they will be damaged when transported to Yongxiu County. In addition to a part of the new tea being sold directly by the Yunlong Group, Yongxiu County and Chinan Prefecture also sold part of it as a political achievement, and Jiang Kangning used all the proceeds to build roads, except for taxes. For this reason, many papers for impeaching Jiang Kangning were handed to Emperor Yongming.

I have to say that Emperor Yongming is really a wise man. Shao Yunan once said to Jiang Kangning that if you want to get rich, you must build roads first. Jiang Kangning was deeply touched by this. If the transportation in the whole of Chinan Prefecture is extremely developed, then the new tea in the whole territory can be transported to Yongxiu County in the shortest time this year, and the number of new teas produced in that way is extremely huge. However, it is precisely because of the inconvenience of transportation that a large amount of tea leaves are wasted in Chinan Prefecture. Because they cannot be transported, even if they can be transported, it is too far from Yongxiu County, and the newly picked tea leaves are difficult to handle. just broken. It is still too early for the technology of new tea to be popularized. If you want to expand the sales of new tea, convenient transportation is the first priority.

Jiang Kangning vigorously develops the transportation in Chinan Prefecture, especially the traffic to Yongxiu County. Invisibly, Yongxiu County has become the most economically developed area in Chinan Prefecture. As the tide rises, housing prices in Yongxiu County continue to climb. The business-minded Shao Yunan suggested Jiang Kangning to build a business district in the name of the government when he was still the magistrate of Yongxiu County, and Shao Yunan also purchased several properties in Yongxiu County in his own name and that of Jiang Kangning.

Although the construction of the commercial area has not yet been completed, Jiang Kangning has gone to serve in Chinan Mansion, but with Guo Ziyu in charge, the business concept of Jiang Kangning and Shao Yunan is still running smoothly and quickly. Now, the unfinished business district has attracted the willingness of countless businessmen to enter. The shops in the commercial area are only leased, not sold. Among them, Yunlong Group owns 30% of the shops. Shao Yunan owns eight shops. Four of these eight shops belong to Jiang Kangning, but in order to avoid suspicion, they are listed in Shao Yunan's. under the name. Jiang Kangning is a good official, but he is not pedantic. He is not corrupt, but he does not refuse to make some money with the convenience of his own status.

If Jiang Kangning's plan to build roads in the territory of Chinan Prefecture can be fully implemented, then Yongxiu County's geographical location and the economic value of its shops, as long as people are not stupid, can see its terrible potential. Yongxiu County is an economic center built by Chinan Prefecture, and Chinan Prefecture, which also has relatively good transportation facilities in Yan State, is undoubtedly the economic center that Emperor Yongming wanted to build in Yan State. Once the economic strength of Chinan Prefecture increases, the economy of the surrounding areas around Chinan Prefecture will also be driven up. Not to mention Jiang Kangning is ambitious, even Emperor Yongming is very ambitious, without the worries of the queen's body, and now that the queen is pregnant again, Emperor Yongming can be said to be gearing up.

But in just one year, the atmosphere in Yongxiu County has undergone earth-shaking changes. Economic growth has brought about an increase in people's income. The streets that were once slightly depressed are now full of people, which surprised Shao Yunan, who was in Yongxiu County for the first time after returning to Beijing. After Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan came back, whether it was Guo Ziyu or Kang Rui, they would go back to Zhongyong Village for anything. Wang Shijing was okay, because he was a Hou Ye, he couldn't hide in Zhongyong Village all the time, or he had been to the county twice. He ate twice with famous squires and businessmen in Yongxiu County, but it was the first time for Shao Yunan to "enter the city".

The two came this time for no other reason. Boss Chen's fleet came back and brought a large amount of goods from the country of Das. They asked him to come and see what was rare. For Boss Chen, the things he brought back must be extremely rare in Dayan. After all, he is a businessman, but he is not sure whether these things that are rare to him can enter the eyes of Hou Zhongyong. In other words, can you get into Wang Zhengjun's eyes? Everyone knows that Wang Shijing's success is entirely due to Shao Yunan, and Shao Yunan's eyesight for rare goods is afraid that few people in Dayan can match it.

It was also Boss Chen's timing. If he came back a few days later, Shao Yunan's economy would be on his way to the capital. To be honest, Shao Yunan really wanted to see the goods brought by Boss Chen from the country. If he went to the capital, he could only see it from Eunuch An, and the types were not necessarily complete. After all, Boss Chen brought back the goods. Many of his things are his own and do not belong to the Yunlong Group.

The carriage stopped at the door of Chen's house, and Boss Chen, who was already waiting at the door, immediately greeted him. After the carriage stopped, he raised the curtain himself.

"Master Hou, Zhengjun."

"Boss Chen."

Wang Shijing got off the bus first, and then went to help Shao Yunan. Seeing Wang Shijing again, Boss Chen was also very sad. The last time we met, the identities of the two were still equal. In a sense, his identity was even higher. Goodbye, but the other party was already a first-class Hou Ye. Boss Chen did not deny that he was envious and jealous. of.

The two were respectfully introduced into the house, and in the hall, a sitting person stood up immediately after the three entered. The man's face was thin, his demeanor was calm, and his eyes were wise. Seeing him, Shao Yunan felt very familiar, but he was sure that he had never seen him.

The man saluted and introduced himself: "My lord, Wei Hongru, I have seen Lord Hou, Zhengjun."

Wei Hongru? !

Shao Yunan looked at Wang Shijing subconsciously, and also saw surprise in the other party's eyes. Wang Shijing returned the salute: "It turned out to be Lord Wei, I have long admired it."

"Your Majesty is very polite, I am just a grass-roots citizen now, and I would like to thank the Marquis and Zhengjun for their kindness." Wei Hongru didn't say what kind of grace, Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan understood a little, but they couldn't hear each other's words. Whether it has antonyms. After all, the Wei family of Hengyuan Hou's mansion has come to the current state, and it has something to do with Shao Yunan.

Wang Shijing assumed that what Wei Hongru said was not an irony, and said lightly: "Master Wei and Ben Hou are both doing things for the emperor and the queen, and it is still worthy to say 'sir'."

Boss Chen immediately interrupted: "Hou Ye is very right." Then he smiled flatteringly, "Let's sit down and talk?"

Wang Shijing: 'No hurry, Ben Hou and Zhengjun want to see the goods that Boss Chen brought back from Das country. "

Boss Chen looked at Wei Hongru, Wei Hongru nodded, and Boss Chen immediately stretched out his hand to lead the way: "Master Hou, Zhengjun, please."

The two followed Boss Chen to the back. On the way, Shao Yunan muttered in his heart. He knew that the Queen had handed over the business with Da Siguo to Wei Hongru. I'm afraid that Wei Hongru's words just now had no resentment against him and Brother Jing, right? Shao Yunan remembered that his adoptive father once said that Wei Hongru was a capable person, and he could firmly hold the position of the prince of Hengyuan Hou's son in such a complicated and difficult environment as Hengyuan Hou's mansion. Wei Hongru will not be left behind. I just don't know if Wei Hongru's attitude towards them is the same as Wei Hongwen's.

The Chen house was huge, and the four of them walked for a while before reaching the warehouse where Boss Chen placed the goods. It's a warehouse, but it's just a huge room. The goods brought back this time are too many, and Chen's house can't put them down. Boss Chen put the samples in the house. As for whether all the goods samples are here, it is unknown.

Boss Chen and Wei Hongru brought back a great variety of goods, but not all of them were what he needed. Shao Yunan once said that he wanted to know what was in the country. When Boss Chen came back, he bought some things that could be bought in the country. Although many of them seemed useless at all, who was the queen? The reds want it. But now, Boss Chen is very satisfied with his decision. Shao Yunan is not only a celebrity in front of the queen, but also the nephew of the queen!

The country is surrounded by the sea and is rich in seafood. Shao Yunan, who was with pearls and seafood, was not very curious. Seeing his indifferent appearance, both Boss Chen and Wei Hongru were shocked. The two are well-informed. There are many things here that Dayan does not have at all. What is the matter with Shao Yunan's apparently seen appearance? Although Wang Shijing is also calmer, but there are also novel colors from time to time, which is normal.

Seeing the shark's fin, Shao Yunan stopped, and Boss Chen immediately said, "This is the dorsal fin of a big fish in the sea. People in Das country like to eat this. It is said that it can be eaten." Boss Chen coughed twice. , "Aphrodisiac."

Wang Shijing's eyebrows were raised, but Shao Yunan said with disgust, "I don't know if this thing is aphrodisiac or not, I only know that eating this thing is completely sinful."

"Oh, what do you say? Zhengjun, have you ever eaten?"

Shao Yunan didn't answer, but said, "This is called shark fin. The big fish you are talking about is called shark. Do you know how shark fins come from?"

Boss Chen shook his head.

Shao Yunan: "After catching a shark, cut off the shark's fin alive, and then throw the shark into the sea. Do you think a shark that has lost its dorsal fin can still live?"

Boss Chen shivered: "So cruel?"

"It's so cruel. So in order to accumulate blessings for future generations, it's better to eat less of this thing. Yun Group will never sell shark fins. Whether Boss Chen wants to do this business, you can do it."

Boss Chen immediately shook his head: "That's fine."

Whether it's because of Shao Yunan's dislike or the so-called accumulation of blessings, Boss Chen doesn't plan to do this shark fin business. For aphrodisiac, it is enough to eat pork kidney.

Shao Yunan continued to look, the quality of the pearls in Dasi country was quite good, but Shao Yunan asked, "Isn't our country of Dayan also near the sea? Does it produce pearls?"

Boss Chen shook his head, but Wei Hongru continued: "Many places near the sea in Dayan are uncivilized by barbarians. Even if there are pearls, we can't get them. We can only go to those places to exchange them, but the demand for pearls is very high. Da, the vast majority of pearls in Dayan are purchased from Das and Xianlu, and Das is the most. However, the price of our new tea is extremely high this time. In order to get the new tea, the merchants of Das bought the pearls from Prices are very low.”

Shao Yunan was puzzled: "Why is this, the higher the price of their pearls, the more beneficial the exchange?"

Wei Hongru: "We have a limited number of new teas and only exchange items. Although it is good to help out, there are more valuable things than pearls. The right to exchange new teas cannot be obtained by a few pearls."

Shao Yunan understood it in seconds. This is similar to the right to enter the auction house. You don't have the opportunity if you have money. As expected of a profiteer. Shao Yunan said that Wei Hongru and Boss Chen were profiteers and forgot where he was going.

"Then we don't have a place near the sea that we can use directly?"

"Yes, but the area is not large."

Just have it. Shao Yunan put the matter of cultured pearls in his stomach, but he can discuss it with the Queen when he returns to Beijing this time. The demand for pearls in Yan Kingdom is so great, why should it be cheap in Sri Lanka? Shao Yun'an doesn't have the slightest affection for the people of Das country now. Shao Yunan doesn't understand artificial cultured pearls, but he has seen them before. Anyway, he will try to find a way. The most important thing is the investment of time and money.

Among seafood products, Shao Yunan is very interested in sea cucumbers, scallops, and kelp. When he saw the excellent quality maw, he said, "This thing is a good thing, is it expensive?"

Boss Chen was surprised: "This thing is a gift."


"Only the poor will eat this in Sri Lanka. This is the fish bubble of the big fish."

Shao Yunan fainted: "This is a very good thing. It's much more serene than your shark fin, especially for women. And it's called fish maw!" What a fish bubble, it's so unprofessional!

Boss Chen's eyes lit up immediately. This is something that does not want money in the country of Das, he must think of a way how to do it: "Cheat" more.

"Yunlong Group wants to acquire more."

Boss Chen suggested himself: "Why don't you just leave it to me to do it?"

Shao Yunan: "I'm not involved in Yunlong Group's business. You and Mr. Wei discuss how to acquire it."

"Yes Yes Yes."

The output of gemstones in Das country is not much, mainly all kinds of pearls and corals, among which there are many precious red corals, and the quantity is quite large. However, deeply influenced by modern environmental awareness, Shao Yunan did not show the willingness to acquire a large number of beautiful red corals. If the red coral is replaced by a ruby, Shao Yunan might be moved, but as coral is one of the marine resources, Shan Yunan hopes that they can stay in the sea quietly.

There are a lot of things brought from Das, and some of them are worth buying. When Shao Yunan walked up to a pile of various ores, he was a little surprised. Boss Chen said: "These are what Mr. Wei proposed to collect. Sri Lanka has copper mines, iron mines and gold mines, and there are some that we don't know, Mr. Wei said that it might be useful, but these things are strictly forbidden to be sold in Sri Lanka, and we secretly exchanged them."

As expected, he was a member of a noble family, but he might have been instructed by Emperor Yongming or the Empress. Shao Yunan also understands the practice of the Das country. It seems that no matter which dynasty it is, the control of the minerals by the superiors is extremely strict. Shao Yunan has no research on minerals, but still recognizes iron ore, gold ore and copper ore. Thinking of iron ore, Shao Yunan picked up a heavy piece of iron ore. The iron ore had a high iron content from the outside, but Shao Yunan always felt that something was wrong.

Boss Chen: "This is called patterned iron. It was plundered from the wild island by the country of Das and used for decoration in the country of Das."


Shao Yunan was surprised, ironware for decoration?

Boss Chen picked up a cup made of this patterned iron for decoration, and said, "This kind of iron is born with its own pattern, which is very beautiful."

Shao Yunan took the cup, and when he saw the pattern on the cup, his head buzzed, and adrenaline rushed out quickly. Wang Shijing's eyes shrank inadvertently. He raised his hand and took the cup from Shao Yunan's hand. He had already read all the books on weapons in Shao Yunan's space, and tried to restrain some impulse in his heart.

Shao Yunan took a deep breath and pretended to ask boldly, "It's the first time I've seen iron as decoration. Why don't they use this iron to make utensils?"

Wei Hongru said at this time: "The smelting technology of Das country is very poor. They seem to think that this kind of iron is not as good as the iron ore produced locally. In addition, this kind of iron has patterns, so it is mostly used for decoration."

"Is that so. Where is the wild island?"

Wei Hongru: "It is said that there is a large island at the southern end of our country of Dayan. The people of Das country are proficient in sea navigation, and they can go to many land and seas that we cannot go to."

Shao Yunan nodded: "I see. This cup is quite novel. Boss Chen doesn't mind if I take one?"

"Master Zheng, take whatever you like."

"Then I want all things like patterned iron."

"……no problem!"

Having determined the goods that need to be imported in large quantities from the country of Das, Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan patiently had a lunch with Boss Chen and Wei Hongru. More than a dozen pieces of patterned iron utensils and decorations from Boss Chen returned to Zhongyong Village. When the two returned, they hid in the room.

"Daughter-in-law, are you sure?"

"I'm not sure if this is urtzite, but urtzite does have naturally occurring patterns. Let's go to the space to find out, don't I have a Damascus knife?"


Shao Yunan took Brother Hu out of the space and asked Brother Hu to guard the door. He and Wang Shijing entered the space. The two found two Damascus machetes collected by Shao Yunan in the weapon pile in the space, and compared them with the patterned iron utensils. Judging from the patterns on the ironware, there were obvious similarities between the two. But it may be a difference in craftsmanship, patterned iron is not as delicate and hard as a Damascus machete.

"My two Damascus machetes are estimated to be made by modern technology. I can't get the real Damascus machetes in the ancient sense. The most important thing now is to test whether this patterned iron is Uzi iron. Really, it is possible for us to make Uzi steel, and it is possible to create a sharp weapon!"

Wang Shijing said solemnly: "This matter is very important and must be reported to the emperor in person."

Shao Yunan: "Collect the relevant books and give them to Brother Xi after returning to Beijing."

Wang Shijing said in a deep voice, "Daughter-in-law, let me go back to Beijing with you."

Shao Yunan thought about it and said, "I'll go back first. If you are sure that this is Uzi Tie, the emperor will definitely let you return to Beijing ahead of time. If you don't make wine, leave it all to Brother Guo."


Shao Yunan and Wang Shijing should not take it lightly when it comes to the armament of Dayan. After finishing the ceremony overnight, Wang Shijing went to see Boss Chen again the next day. That night, Shao Yunan and his little father Su Chenyi embarked on the journey back to Beijing under the **** of a hundred imperial guards, and Brother Hu also followed him. . And there was Wei Hongru who also went to Beijing with him. Wei Hongru wanted to report the details to the Queen on this trip to Dasin. The old couple Cen, the old couple Weng, the old lady and the old Zhengjun continued to stay in the other courtyard of Zhongyong Village, and Wu Jian also cultivated quietly in the other courtyard. When Wang Shijing returned to Beijing, he would be brought back.

The mood for Wang Shijing, Shao Yunan, and Wei Hongru is complicated. From the fall of the prince of the Houfu to the guilty person, the relationship between Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan is not too big. However, the "disaster" of the Hengyuan Hou's mansion is the cause of the Hengyuan Hou's own. However, Shao Yunan's "eruditeness" that day also gave Wei Hongru a great shock. How could Shao Yunan, who lived in Shaojia Village since he was a child, know more than he, the young master who grew up in the world? Not to mention it is something for the country.

Wei Hongru understands why his younger brother Wei Hongwen changed so much after meeting Shao Yunan. There are people outside, and Shao Yunan doesn't seem to give him the feeling that there are people outside.

The journey went very smoothly, and I don't know if it was because Brother Hu and the hundred guards who were extremely vicious were present. It can be said that Emperor Yongming and Empress Jun are very cautious about Shao Yunan's safety. Along the way, Wei Hongru's attitude towards Shao Yunan changed from being polite at the beginning to gradually admiring him. Before arriving in the capital, Wei Hongru could no longer think that the other party was a "mud-legged man from the village", and only had deep doubts. How can such a person be a muddy leg from the village? Even Wei Hongru was a little jealous of Wang Shijing's good luck.

The ship arrived at the pier, and the people sent from the palace were already waiting at the pier. It can be said that on the way from Zhongyong Village to the Imperial Palace, Shao Yun'an was under strict protection. That night, the closed gates of the capital were immediately opened under the command of the guards of the capital when Shao Yunan and his party appeared. Shao Yunan went directly to the palace under the **** of the imperial guards, even Jun Junfu did not enter, and Su Chenyi also followed. into the palace.

To Shao Yunan's surprise, he was taken to Jingyou Palace after entering the palace. Not only did the queen not rest, but Emperor Yongming was there. Seeing this battle, Shao Yun'an was a little dumbfounded, so there's no need to welcome him back so solemnly!

Shao Yunan and Su Chenyi greeted the emperor and the queen, and the queen gently said to Su Chenyi: "Second sister-in-law has worked hard all the way, I think about Yunan very much, and I am anxious to see him, but I am so tired that my second sister-in-law can't return home. ."

Su Chenyi immediately said, "The words of Qiansui made this minister panic. Now that Qiansui is heavy, both ministers and Yun An are also worried."

The queen raised her hand and gently placed it on her stomach, a light that Shao Yunan thought was "brilliant of motherhood" appeared on his face, and he had goosebumps uncontrollably. The queen said: "Second sister-in-law, go to rest first, and stay in the palace for two days before going back. Benjun and Yun An have something to say, and we will go to rest after that."

"Chitose has to put his body first, so that minister should retire first."

Zhuo Jin sent Su Chenyi away, and after the people left, the Queen said a little seriously, "Yun An, your brother Zhan Xiao is coming back."

"Ah?" Shao Yunan subconsciously turned his head to look in the direction of the door. Dai Zhanxiao is coming back, so why did the queen support his little father instead?

Emperor Yongming said at this time: "Huhar Kingdom wants to negotiate with our country, and has sent a mission. Your uncle and your father are worried about cheating. They want Zhan Xiao to be responsible for escorting the mission to Beijing, but in fact monitoring. Your father has already sent someone to send it. Hurry up and let me know. Huhar and I, Dayan, are old enemies, and the sudden dispatch of a so-called embassy can't help but make me worry."

Junzang continued: "The emperor and Benjun both suspect that the action of the Huhar Kingdom is actually from Xianguo. Dasi Country, Xianlu Country and Dashan Tribe have all sent envoys to Beijing for the sake of Xianguo and Xianguo. Xianshui, it is impossible for Huhar Kingdom to remain silent. Their mission this time is more than 500 people, and the secret letter said that 300 of them are likely to be the guards of the monarch of Huhar Kingdom."

The Huhar Kingdom is strong in combat, and the guards directly under the monarch are even more elite. They sent 300 elites to Dayan, how could Emperor Yongming not do it.

Shao Yunan didn't understand why Emperor Yongming and Empress Jun told him such an important national event, but it was also their trust in him. Shao Yunan said calmly: "The soldiers will block the water and cover the soil. Even if they come to our Dayan territory, even if they have any intentions, can they still fail. The most important thing now is Chitose's body. Don't let them collide with Chitose." "

Emperor Yongming's expression changed greatly, he didn't even think of this! The queen also showed condensed eyes, and the child in his stomach is a thorn in the eyes of many people. At this time, Shao Yunan stepped forward, took out a bead from his arms, and said with a smile, "Uncle, congratulations on your pregnancy, I have thought about it, it's best to give this to you, and let the Buddha bless you and my little one. Your nephew is safe and sound."

Shao Yunan's palm was a Buddha relic, and the expressions of Emperor Yongming and the Queen instantly softened, and the Queen said, "This is what you need."

"Isn't there another one?"

Emperor Yongming hurriedly said: "Qi You, you can keep it, you can't have the slightest mistake now."

Shao Yunan boldly took two steps forward, took the Queen's hand, and put the relic in the Queen's hand. The queen was dumbfounded by his rude actions, but she was slightly moved and said, "Then I won't be polite to you."

Shao Yunan said: "This must be worn close to the body."

Zhuo Jin immediately found a small purse and gave it to the queen, who put the relic in the purse and wore it around her neck. The queen then explained: "Your brother will be back to Beijing, your little father will be very excited. It's too late, you should tell him tomorrow."


Concentrated, Shao Yunan lowered his voice: "Your Majesty, Chitose, this minister has something very important to report back this time."

When Emperor Yongming heard this, he immediately asked Zhuo Jin and others to retire. After ensuring safety, Shao Yunan spoke out about the patterned iron.

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