The capital is frying up and down. When the direct descendants of a wealthy family give birth, there will be more or less rewards in the palace, depending on the status of the birthing party. Shao Yunan is the nephew of the queen, the grandson of the old general, the nephew of the great general, the father and son of the general Wuwei, the younger brother of the general Hussar, and the righteous prince of the Hou Zhongyong. With so many identities and titles, the reward in the palace More or less, everyone knows that. But they could never have imagined that the reward in the palace would be so heavy that even Wang Shijing was bombed - stunned.

Shao Yunan's reward for having a son should usually be ordered by the Queen, but this time it was Emperor Yongming himself. Emperor Yongming did not reward any items that could be relied upon, but only rewarded three identities.

- Bestow King Shijing as a loyal and brave man, inherited from generation to generation; The two sons of Duke Zhongyong were given the name Wang Xingyi and the King of Ruian County.

The emperor not only sealed the newly born little guy, the king, but even gave him his name directly. The titles of Ruian County King and Sui'an County King, the eldest son of the emperor, differ by only one word, but they are clearly different in status. What a glory this is, as soon as this imperial decree came out, except for a few families in the capital, all the members of this family were jealous. The old general never expected that the emperor would issue such a will. Three Dukes, five lords and one general, with the beheading of Duke Anguo, the banishment of Duke Hengyuan, and the sudden rise of Hou Zhongyong, the court has become two Dukes, five lords and one general.

In just two years, Wang Shijing, a real mud-legged man, has transformed from a desolate one-eyed retired former centurion to one of the three princes, and depending on the identity of the family, a prince, a prince, A county master, a county king, and a first-grade Zhengjun are definitely the head of the three princes. How can those old-fashioned families bear it. Why can Wang Shijing become the king? Could it be based on that fairy fruit, the good things produced by their loyal and brave mansion? For their family, the identity of a prince and a county master is already a great favor!

Wang Shijing, who received the imperial decree, hurried into the palace to express his gratitude. In fact, he was apprehensive. He hoped that the emperor would take back the gift, which was too great for him. As for his son being given a name, all the names he thought of as a father were useless. Wang Shijing didn't know whether to thank him or to be heartbroken. He couldn't care about it now. The identities of Hou Ye and Guo Gong Ye seem to be different, but they are very different. He became a prince, and he was envious and jealous, but it did not break a certain balance of power in the DPRK, but becoming a prince would have a different meaning. Wang Shijing is not stupid, this honor not only failed to make him ecstatic, but made him extremely uneasy.

The old general also followed into the palace, and he also wanted to persuade the emperor to withdraw his order. The Marquis of Zhongyong is now a new noble in the DPRK, and it has only been a long time since he became a prince, and the old general is worried.

The two entered the palace, Emperor Yongming was still in the East Palace, and the queen had returned to Jingyou Palace to rest. Emperor Yongming's current bedroom has completely become a decoration. The queen is used to living in Jingyou Palace, but now Jingyou Palace has become Emperor Yongming's bedroom. Emperor Yongming was waiting for Wang Shijing to come to thank him. In the end, after hearing what Wang Shijing and the old general meant, Emperor Yongming said: "Master Zhongyong, I am not rewarding you, but Yunan and Xiaoxingyi."

Emperor Yongming stood up, walked slowly, and said: "I once said that whoever can heal the queen, I will make him a prince. Yun An not only healed the queen, but also fulfilled the long-cherished wish of me and the queen for many years. Let me and the queen be able to rejoice the prince, not to mention the fairy fruit that the two of you sent, so that I and the queen can be reborn. As for the loyalty of the two of you to me and the queen, I will not list them all. Yun An is my lucky star, it is not an exaggeration for me to give him a different surname, Wang Ye, but Yun An is his wife, no matter how much glory and wealth I can give him, I can only give it to you."

Wang Shijing was nothing to be annoyed at, he had been exposed to the light of his wife.

Emperor Yongming had already paced in front of Wang Shijing, Wang Shijing bowed, and Emperor Yongming said, "Yun'an regards your sons and daughters as his own, and he himself is determined not to have children, so I will seal you the eldest son. He is the heir. But now, Yun An has a parent and child. This child is the grand-nephew of me and the queen, and is your real eldest son. How can it belong to someone else? Even if Yun An doesn't care, I and the queen can't agree. "

The old general Dai instantly understood the purpose of this imperial edict.

Sure enough, the subsequent words of Emperor Yongming explained the true intention of this imperial edict.

"What's the difference between you and Yun An's current identities, whether it's a prince or a prince? I can't take back the identity of your eldest son, but Xingyi must have an identity that matches his bloodline. I think about it. Go, only the status of the king of the county is worthy of him. But if I make him the king of the county, your status as a father will be embarrassing, and the status of Wang Qing's eldest brother will also be embarrassing. , so that he can be named the king of the county. Besides, Yunan is only a second-rank general, and there is a first-rank pressure on it, which is not appropriate."

"Chen thank the emperor for the grace!"

Wang Shijing knelt down and kowtowed. The old general knelt down. The honor that the emperor gave to the Zhongyonghou Mansion, the honor to his grandson and great-grandson, is to give him the honor of the Great General Mansion, and the old general was so moved that he did not know what to say.

Emperor Yongming personally helped the old general to get up, and then called Wang Shijing to get up, and then said: "You are from the Yihu Army, and General Wuwei has been stationed at Huxingguan all the year round. When your grandson was born, General Wuwei can't see it, so I robbed you of this. The power to be a father is named Xingyi."

"I thank the emperor for giving me the name. Both the minister and Yun An like this name very much, and the name of the minister and Yun An also has the word 'wing' in it."

"Oh, it looks like I've been thinking about it with you guys. Okay, let's go back. When Xingyi is out of confinement, ask Yun Anduo to bring him into the palace to accompany the prince. When Xingyi reaches the age of studying, he will He is the prince's companion."

"Chen thank the emperor for the grace!"

Wang Shijing and the old general have left the palace. Compared with before entering the palace, their mood is one in the sky and one in the ground. The identity of his own prince is basically to be worthy of the status of his son, Wang Shijing is not panic, and the old general is not panic. The ancients paid attention to bloodlines. Xingyi was Shao Yunan's parent-child and the grandson of the General's Mansion. If he could only be the second son of the Hou Ye's Mansion, not to mention that the Queen's heart would not be comfortable, even the general's mansion would not be comfortable. .

Now, Wang Qing has inherited the title of Duke of the country, and Wang Xingyi is the king of the county. With the wealth of the loyal and brave government, the two brothers will not have any quarrels because of their family property. This arrangement can be said to be the best and most suitable. However, it can also be seen that Emperor Yongming and Queen Jun have a preference for Shao Yunan. The Queen does not want her nephew to be wronged. Since Emperor Yongming has thought of the best solution, the Queen will naturally follow the rules of kindness.

Wang Shijing became a prince, but Emperor Yongming would not grant another mansion. I have to say that the reason why Emperor Yongming gave them such a large mansion was because he planned to "promote" Wang Shijing in the future. . Wang Shijing became a prince, whether he wanted it or not, he was already in the center of the powerful. However, as long as he is always firm and loyal to the king, his position will only be more stable.

Neither Wang Shijing nor Shao Yunan have ambitions, and even a little lazy about power, which is the main reason why Emperor Yongming and the Queen are so generous. Because no matter how big a gift or high status is given to them, they will never give birth to two hearts. Emperor Yongming and Empress Jun let Xiao Xingyi and the crown prince have more contact since childhood, and they even made up their minds to let the two grow up together and study together, also for Xingyi to have a deeper sense of belonging to the prince and the royal family in the future. It can better assist the prince, but the queen is also a little worried. If Xingyi is as lazy as his two fathers, he will have a headache.

When Wang Shijing came back, Shao Yunan was still in a coma. He also truthfully told the elders in the family that his father-in-law had been exposed to the glory of his wife and son, and that the old general was at the side to testify, and everyone was relieved. Wang Shijing went from an ordinary person to a prince, and then to a prince. This kind of speed is still very scary.

Everyone left, and Brother Hu did not return to the palace for the time being. Wang Shijing asked Xiaojin to guard the gate, and he woke Shao Yunan. Shao Yunan, who woke up with pain all over his body, wanted to bite when he saw him.

"Daughter-in-law, go to the space to bubble."

Shao Yunan, who was extremely distressed by the pain, grabbed Wang Shijing, caught up with Brother Hu who was approaching, and entered the space. Wang Shijing put the child aside, and quickly put Shao Yunan into the spiritual spring.

After soaking for more than an hour, Shao Yunan felt comfortable, and his body (there) no longer hurt, but he was still very upset. He suffered a lot this time, and it was not something he was willing to suffer.

"Daughter-in-law, the emperor has ordered."

"What purpose?"

Wang Shijing said the content of the imperial decree over and over, and Shao Yunan exclaimed: "Do you want such a big ceremony!"

Wang Shijing explained the cause and effect, and Shao Yunan rolled his eyes: "This little brat has enough face, and you, the old man, have to be in his light." He raised a finger at Wang Shijing, Shao Yunan solemnly Said: "You and I can agree first, your son has only one identity in our family, you and my son! Train when it's time to train, fight when it's time to fight, don't spoil me with a bear child."

"Listen to you, listen to you."

The more Shao Yunan thought about it, the more worried he became: "No, I have to talk to my little father, grandparents and the others. Let Brother Qing and Brother Xi discipline him well. Hey, Brother Qing won't have any ideas, right?"

"No. Even if there is, I believe you can solve him."

Shao Yunan thought for a while and said, "When he grows up, send him to Huxingguan, and let his grandfather and uncle teach him personally. If he grows into a bear child, I will drive him out of the house!"

Wang Shijing suddenly felt that his son was pitiful. He was just born, and the little father was thinking about how to teach him a lesson. Wang Shi said silently in his heart: [Son, don't be afraid, Dad loves you. 】

Unexpectedly, Shao Yunan, who had the opposite effect, thought about how to educate his son in the future. He felt a little more at ease and came out of the water. Brother Hu was nowhere to be seen, and Shao Yunan didn't go to him either. Brother Hu had been working hard these days. Because he is pregnant, Wang Shijing has no time to organize the space, and now the fruit trees, grains, tea trees, grapes, etc. in the space are eagerly waiting for harvest.

Xiao Xingyi had been sleeping, Wang Shijing wiped him with spiritual spring water, and carried him into the cabin to sleep. Shao Yunan wore a nightgown to see how Xianguo looked like.

The bottle of spiritual milk is empty, don't think about it, it must be Brother Tiger who drank it. After placing the bottle that fell on the ground, Shao Yunan went to see the fairy fruit. Seeing this, he was startled.

"Brother Jing, come quickly!"

Wang Shijing ran out of the wooden house and ran to Lingru Cave, when he heard Shao Yunan shout anxiously: "Brother Jing, the fairy fruit is gone!"

"there is none left?!"

Wang Shijing ran over to take a look, and sure enough, the fruit that had been produced before was gone, and the leaves curled up again. Brother Hu and Da Xiaojin don't eat fairy fruit, so they definitely didn't eat it. There is no reason why Brother Hu put the biggest one and didn't eat it, and now he will eat the newly grown small fruit.

After a closer look, Shao Yunan is even more star: "The relic is gone too!"

Two relics were given to the queen, and the remaining one, Shao Yunan, was always placed next to the fairy fruit. Although the relic is small, the light cannot be ignored. Shao Yunan touched it in the water for a long time without touching the relic, and his heart was shaking: "What's going on? The fairy fruit is gone, and the relic is gone! "

Wang Shijing held his wet hand: "You just gave birth, don't touch the cold water, it will be gone if you don't have it, anyway, the fairy fruit and the relic are also our own. When you enter the palace, you can ask Chitose, his one is still there. Not here."

Shao Yunan nodded dazedly, he didn't understand, he didn't understand.

The size of the space has not changed, but the fairy fruit and the relic are gone. Thinking of his first-born child, he and Wang Shijing went out with the child in his arms, afraid that his little father and his family would come to visit him. Let Brother Hu stay in the space for a while, and after going out, Shao Yunan sent the big and small gold, who had also worked hard recently, into the space.

A certain child has been sleeping, his diaper is clean, and he is tired. Wang Shijing drank a cup of spiritual spring water to replenish his energy. After washing, he took off his clothes and went to bed, and hugged Shao Yunan.

"Brother Jing, I won't be reborn anymore, once is enough."

"Enough is enough, this time is also an accident. If conditions don't allow it, I'll go get sterilized."

"Do you have to eat a pregnancy fruit every time you get pregnant?"


Shao Yunan breathed a sigh of relief, if he really became a woman after one lifetime, he would definitely hit the wall. He already knows what the pregnancy fruit looks like, be careful in the future, don't get out of the plane again, he will not suffer again in this life.

"Xingyi...doing medicine...Brother Jing, why don't you let your son go to study medicine, and I will sterilize you later."

"...Let's see what he is willing to do when he grows up. I think the emperor's intention is to let him assist the prince in the future. He was born in this dynasty, and there are some things that we can't control."

"Well, the children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, let's see how he grows. Well, it really hurts me today!"

"I knead."

Wang Shijing reassured his daughter-in-law, not noticing that his son seemed to be sleeping a little too much and was a little heavy. Except for crying twice when he was born, he has been sleeping.

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