The hussar general just "runned", and the inexplicable Dai Zhanxiao asked his younger brother what was going on. What made his father too late to explain to him?

Shao Yunan's answer was: "I don't know, my father seems to have made an important discovery."

Dai Zhanxiao looked at his younger brother: "..." My younger brother is lying.

Shao Yunan pleaded innocent.

Father Shuai suddenly returned to Shuai Mansion, and his younger brother made it clear that he didn't want to reveal the secret, and Dai Zhanxiao didn't bother to get to the bottom. Shao Yunan didn't expect his brother to be so good at talking. He didn't know that it was the old general Dai who told Dai Zhanxiao in private, and asked him not to ask more about his brother.

Dai Mingrong just ran away, and those generals were mourning. They are still waiting to see the "robbery" of the twenty cars, no, ten cars, and the ten-car New Year's Eve! Dai Mao had already obtained the most accurate information from Duke Zhongyong, the twenty-car, no, there was "good" wine in the ten-car New Year's Eve! There is "good" tea! There are rarities from the imperial government! There is instant noodles!

Commander, if you want to go back to the mansion, you can run away after we have robbed you!

Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan pretended that they couldn't see the little eyes that the generals were looking forward to, while Dai Zhanxiao expressed regret to those uncles and uncles that he didn't dare to unpack those things without permission and had to wait for his father to return.

But at night, even Dai Zhanxiao was overjoyed. Duke Zhongyong and Wang Shaozheng invited the generals to dinner, brought out good wine, made good tea, prepared good dishes, and most importantly, Wang Shaozheng personally cooked!

To a modern man like Shao Yunan, these generals were not inferior ministers, but heroes worthy of his admiration. They are stationed at the border all the year round. They eat poorly, dress poorly, have no high salaries, and have no status and honor commensurate with their sacrifices. The daughter-in-law couldn't even get married, let alone the support of these generals for their father and the general's mansion. He just brought them some food and cooked them a meal.

Wang Shijing understood Shao Yunan's psychology, but when he was about to help his daughter-in-law, he was kicked out of the kitchen by her daughter-in-law.

"Brother Jing, go have tea and chat with them. I can cook, but you can't, so as not to be looked down upon."

Shao Yunan is a male wife and a member of the family. He will only be praised by others when he does so, but Wang Shijing is a prince of the state, only a person outside the master. If he lowers his attitude too much, he will be kicked by some people. nose on face.

He gave his daughter-in-law a kiss, and Wang Shijing left obediently. The cook and the fire-headed soldier in the kitchen looked curiously at the loyal and brave husband and wife who did not shy away from showing their affection. In addition to blushing, they felt that the other party was not such a high-ranking noble.

Shao Yunan did not cook particularly complicated dishes. Although not every general was qualified to come to eat, there were twenty or thirty people in total. He made the simplest hot pot, and then made a few appetizers,

The sheep were slaughtered, the chickens were slaughtered, the fragrance wafted out of the kitchen, and the greedy worms in the stomachs of the soldiers of the Yihu Army were squirming.

Shao Yunan did not move the armament for the Yihu Army and the New Year's gift for his father. Sheep and chickens were bought when passing through the city. The logistical livestock such as sheep and chickens in the barracks belonged to the military. To be slaughtered, they had to be ordered by the commander in person. Shao Yunan didn’t want to cause trouble because of such trivial matters. He had already understood the rules of the army from his brother, and when he was passing through the city, he happened to see that there were people selling sheep and chickens, and they were all wrapped up. However, because they were not easy to carry, they only brought what they needed at night, and the rest of the sheep sellers would send it along with what Shao Yunan asked him to collect again. The second time I collected sheep on a large scale in the city, this time it also included chickens.

The soldiers ate a large pot of rice, mutton, chicken, vegetables, etc., and Shao Yunan also provided the hot pot base. Above the military camp, the aroma of hot pot ingredients is fragrant. If it weren't for the quality of these soldiers, they wouldn't have to attack at this moment, and they would be in chaos first.

The soldiers ate extensively, while the officers ate more meticulously. The hot pot is a mandarin duck pot. To take care of Shao Yunan's inedible and spicy food, a large tent was temporarily set up where the officers ate. There were three tables in total, and each table had a large mandarin duck pot. At this time, the heat was hot. The fragrance is transpiring, and the goat milk wine brewed by the Zhongyong Gongfu who has been fired to an exorbitant price in the capital is placed, and the Qimen black tea that cannot be bought with money is poured. The generals have worked hard, eat well tonight, drink well, and this gentleman will do it first as a respect."

"Okay!" Dai Mao raised his glass for the first time, he was already too greedy.

Wang Shijing didn't talk so much. After the first glass of wine, everyone started to eat and drink. The generals didn't go around so much, and they greatly appreciated Wang Shijing's behavior. After a glass of wine and two glasses of wine, everyone's restraint disappeared in a glass of wine, leaving only the joy and boldness of eating and drinking. Wang Shaozhengjun's craftsmanship is amazing! Good luck, loyal and brave! Handsome and lucky! Lord Zhongyong, you and Wang Shaozhengjun should come more often!

Shao Yunan also brought three children over. The young Wang Qing and Jiang Moxi were both persuaded by these outrageous generals for two drinks. According to their words: "Men have to be able to drink since childhood!"

After the three children were full, Shao Yunan took them out of the table. After all, he is a male wife, and his identity is still there. These big men are still a little bit unable to let go. In addition, they still have children. If they don't leave, Wang Qing and Jiang Moxi will get them drunk. As soon as they left, the atmosphere in the tent instantly became ten times warmer, and Wang Shijing could only ask for more happiness.

The little prince and Xiao Xingyi went to bed early, and Shao Yunan and Wang Shijing fed them to sleep before going to dinner. Although the queen said that she handed the little prince to Shao Yunan, she still sent twenty top experts in the palace to protect him. After Shao Yunan came back, he asked the bodyguards and mama in the tent to retreat, and sent the two little babies, Nizi and Brother Hu into the space first. When he was about to fall asleep, Wang Shijing was brought back drunk, Shao Yunan pulled up the curtain, and sent Wang Qing, Jiang Moxi, and Xiaojin, who had already slept, to the space. He gave Wang Shijing a drink with spiritual milk. Lingquan water, Wang Shijing soon sobered up.

During this meal, all the goat milk wine that Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan brought by themselves were consumed.

Wang Shijing rubbed his head, his voice a little hoarse: "Fortunately, we have brought ten jars of wine, otherwise I will not be able to come back tonight."

In the barracks, there was only drinking and lying down, and there was nothing that could not drink - said, Shao Yunan made green tea and asked with a smile, "Where's my brother, do you lie down?"

"He got down before me."

"Ha ha."

The torches in the barracks were bright, Shao Yunan glanced at the figure reflected by the tent, and whispered, "I'll go see the child."

Wang Shijing said: "You should sleep 'inside' at night, and I will watch outside."

"No, it's almost time for them to feed. I'll come out after feeding."

Shao Yunan went in, but Wang Shijing was throbbing, "feeding"... He swallowed, and after 20 minutes, Shao Yunan came out of the space, and he was thrown down.

"young married woman……"

Wang Shijing is chaotic after drinking, ah no, he is a legal husband and there is no "chaos". However, the guards guarding outside were a little ashamed. They really didn't deliberately "eavesdrop" on the husband's bed affairs. It was too loud. This tent is not soundproof at all!

Along the way, Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan also fell in love twice, but they both ended hastily in the car, and at night when the children were all in the space, if Wang Shijing hadn't had a hangover, he must have fallen down by now. But the drink was over, but it didn't seem to be completely resolved. Wang Shijing's desire was out of control, and the excitement that people outside could hear at any time made the two of them unable to stop. Shao Yunan was not ashamed, and the two hit it off. , but it hurts the people outside.

The next morning, Wang Shijing woke up to the sound of training in the military camp. He was in a trance for a while. Did he have a sweet dream? Why are you still in the camp?

With a jolt, Wang Shijing was awake, and his hand moved to the side faster than his head, cold sweat broke out, and his daughter-in-law was still there! Fortunately, he is not dreaming!

Shao Yunan slept soundly and was not disturbed by the outside world at all. Looking at the obvious red marks on his body, Wang Shijing put a kiss on his hair affectionately. It's so good, it's not a dream, he doesn't care. What is the identity of the prince, but must not be without a daughter-in-law.

Gently lifting the quilt, Wang Shijing got up and got out of bed, put on his clothes, and walked out of the tent.


The guards outside saluted him, and the soldiers who saw him in the distance all saluted him. It was a spontaneous act of respect. Wang Shijing knew why. The meal last night was earned by his wife. Come respect.

The generals and officers all got down on the ground the night before, but this morning everyone got up on time to lead the troops for training, that is, Dai Zhanxiao is now leading the training shirtless in the vanguard. They like to drink, they like to eat meat, but no matter how much they drink, they will never delay their duties, get drunk, get up and flush with cold water and sober up.


Dai Mao strode over, and the meal last night made Wang Shijing, who was originally from the Yihu Army, even closer to these people.

"General Dai."

Dai Mao came over and the two brothers asked kindly, "Have you eaten it yet?"

"Not yet, my father is ashamed, just got up."

"Guo Gong was tired last night, it's normal to get up late."

Dai Mao's smile was so lewd, Wang Shijing-Pai asked calmly, "Can General Dai be eaten?"

"I haven't eaten it either. I will eat it after the morning training. Do you want to go and have a look?"


Dai Mao took Wang Shijing away, but he actually had something to tell him.

Dai Mao is a rough man, but he is also rough. When watching the soldiers' morning training in Wang Shijing, Dai Mao asked: "The prince had written a letter to the young marshal before, sending a person from your village to Yihu. Jun, do you want to meet the prince?"

He said so, Wang Shijing was stunned for a moment. If Dai Mao hadn't mentioned it, he would have forgotten that Wang Zhisong was here. Wang Shijing asked calmly, "How is he now?"

Dai Mao observed Wang Shijing's reaction and said truthfully: "I suffered a lot when I first came here, but I was angry that he was young and handsome. Later, the commander sent him to Cao Junshi to help with the official documents."

As if he was afraid that Wang Shijing would be unhappy, Dai Mao explained, "You know, Mr. Guo, there are very few literate people here. I heard that he is still a boy, so it would be overkill to ask him to just write family letters."

Wang Shijing interrupted his explanation: "General Dai has been thinking too much. My master sent him just to give him a chance to find another way. How far he can do it is up to him. But he is a scholar after all. If his virtue can be corrected, General Dai will take care of him; if he still doesn't know what to do, let him go."

Dai Mao smiled: "The grandfather's bearing is really extraordinary."

Wang Shijing: "Everyone drank a lot of wine last night. General Dai tasted the rice produced by the government of our country, boiled some rice porridge, the generals hangover, and the house made kimchi."

Dai Ying's eyes lit up instantly: "Who doesn't know that the eastern and western parts of the imperial palace are good things, and they will not be polite to the prince at the end of the day."


Wang Shijing didn't plan to see Wang Zhisong, so what did he say when he did? If Wang Zhisong can reform himself, as a scholar, as long as he is not greedy for life and fear of death, he can always find a way out; Dai Mao's question must be what Dai Zhanxiao meant. He has already stated his position. Dai Zhanxiao will definitely not deliberately embarrass him again, and even take care of him, which is enough for Wang Zhisong.

With good wine and tea, as well as such sweet rice porridge and delicious pickles, the generals of the Yihu Army hoped that Duke Zhongyong would come often. The hangover headaches are gone. Wang Shijing and Dai Zhanxiao had breakfast together, no one else. The two times when Dai Zhanxiao returned to the capital, Shao Yunan used spiritual spring water and diluted spiritual milk for him. I am also used to the rice fragrant produced by Zhongyong Gongfu, but it is a pity that when my brother returns, he will not have such delicious rice porridge to drink.

After eating, Wang Shijing returned to the tent, Shao Yunan was already awake, but still lying on the bed. Wang Qing and Nizi can cook. The space is well-equipped and there are a lot of cooked food. Shao Yunan is not in a hurry to bring the children out. When Wang Shijing came back, Shao Yunan drank the porridge he brought back, and then sent Wang Shijing into the space. Half an hour later, the voice of a baby came from the tent of the father-in-law.

Dai Zhanxiao wanted to quickly deliver the supplies to the uncle of the Flying Eagle Army. After Shao Yunan got up, he said a few words to his younger brother, and then took someone to **** the other half of the supplies to the Flying Eagle Army, leaving deputy general Shi Qiang for his younger brother. dispatch. There are important "arms" hidden in those materials, and he must go there in person. Dai Mao and Wang Shijing got to know each other well, and he was in charge of everything Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan did while they were in the army.

Dai Mao is very forthright and not so restrained. Shao Yunan also likes to get along with such people. The three children ran away when they were full. There are no children in the army. The appearance of these three children, especially the appearance of the girl Nizi, makes the big boys like it tightly, so I can give the three children to Shi Qiang and Da Jin, Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan alone. Holding a child, he followed Brother Hu to visit the military camp.

Brother Hu and Xiaojin made the soldiers in the army coveted, not their flesh and blood. These are sacred beasts of protecting the country, and even if they eat the guts of bears and leopards, they don't dare to think about the beasts. They just coveted that a loyal and brave husband could make the divine beast surrender, which was too majestic.

After visiting the military camp, the two dolls were hungry, Shao Yunan and Wang Shijing returned to the tent. Different from Dai Mao's joy, the two who came back were a little heavy, especially Wang Shijing.

"Brother Hu, you guard."


Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan carried their children into the space. Brother Hu walked out of the tent and lay down at the door. When the others saw this, they understood that Mrs. Zhongyong did not want to be disturbed.

After feeding the two children and coaxing them to sleep, Wang Shijing and Shao Yunan left the children in the space, Shao Yunan went out and brought Brother Hu in to guard the children, and then went out with Wang Shijing. As soon as he came out, Wang Shijing said, "Daughter-in-law, the conditions in the army are still too bad."

Shao Yunan took his hand: "It will be fine. When the sheep and chickens are delivered, I will give the soldiers a few days of sheep soup and chicken soup. Let's go shopping in the city tomorrow."

No matter how much money the government has, it is still a drop in the bucket in the face of hundreds of thousands of troops. It is difficult for individuals to support the needs of a country's military. In the final analysis, the improvement of military conditions still has to rely on the national treasury and Emperor Yongming. But Shao Yunan and Wang Shijing can also do many things.

The husband and wife discussed in the tent which armaments should be developed in the future. Armor, weapons, more suitable military tents, medical kits, military tools, etc. Shao Yunan is not a military fan, but in the modern information explosion society, there is a lot of information in this area, even watching movies can learn a lot of military knowledge, two People list the areas that can be improved first, and then select them, and choose the easiest to achieve first.

The two were discussing when Dai Mao's voice came from outside: "Guo Gong, Zheng Jun."

Shao Yunan raised his head and quickly entered the space. After he and Brother Hu came out with their two children, Wang Shijing came out of the tent: "General Dai."

"Guo Gong." Dai Mao was still standing beside him, saluting.

"Master Cao." Wang Shijing returned the salute.

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