Fierce shooter

Chapter 505 The bright moon in the sky, God!

"They are very brave. Do you want to pick them up?"

Xiang Guo glanced at the mini map. On the mini map, Griffin's jungler and bottom lane were not there. The top lane Sword Demon also headed towards the jungle after clearing the line of troops.

Combined with the current relatively sensitive time point, it is difficult not to associate Xiang Guo with Canyon Pioneer.

"Their lineup, if done properly, can indeed take on this wave."

Li Luo said calmly: "It won't be easy for them to pick up in another two minutes."

This Li Luo's Vayne chose to buy attack speed shoes in advance in order to strengthen her suppression during the laning phase.

It was precisely because of these attack speed shoes that Li Luo was not able to buy the first piece of formed equipment in ten minutes.

However, compared to Jhin, who currently only has cloth shoes and a serrated dagger, Li Luo, who has already acquired the Bilgewater Scimitar and the Recurve Bow, only has a few hundred dollars left in the synthesis cost to buy the ruined one. From the ad position alone, Li Luo's lead at the current time point has reached a terrifying 1,500 yuan.

Just as Li Luo said, Griffin chose to press at this time because no one from the Thorn Birds had made any equipment at the current time.

There is a big difference between the game League of Legends that has costumes and those without costumes.

But if both sides don't have form-fitting equipment, the gap in damage and tankiness is actually more related to the attributes of the heroes themselves.

In contrast, Sword Demon has a small mallet and a small demon-drinking knife at the current time point. The slight health volume plus its own basic health volume will make Sword Demon look very fleshy.

The magic resistance of the Little Demon-Drinking Knife allows the Sword Demon to resist damage from Galio and Kennen for a longer period of time.

On the contrary, it is Kennen. Even if Kennen has five Tianlei R in the early stage, the damage will be just that, not to mention that they cannot give Kennen a chance to have five R.

The same goes for the comparison between Nightmare and Xin Zhao.

After a comprehensive comparison, the Thorn Birds team can only rely on Galio and Niutou for defense. In terms of attack, only Vayne is relatively stable. Both Kennen and Nightmare must be careful about being blocked when they enter the field.

The Griffin team's lineup is filled with countless possibilities.

Once the Sword Demon gets an assist or completes a kill within the duration of his ultimate move, it will instantly feel like a shot in the arm.

Xin Zhao's ultimate move can reduce a lot of damage for him.

Kassadin is more flexible.

Jhin... This equipment A doesn't do much damage to people. Just throw W in the distance and use a big move. The range is very long and it is very safe!

The hero Pike is Griffin's biggest support for daring to pick up this wave of troops.

Pyke with his ultimate can create endless possibilities.

Soon, both parties gathered around the Canyon Pioneer.

"The two sides were in a stalemate near the Rift Pioneer, but Galio successfully pushed the line of troops in the middle, and Nightmare also dealt with the line of troops in the top lane. This is the benefit of the hemisphere-style heroes. The Thorn Birds obviously have nothing to do with it. There is no rush to start a team, because they also know that the Griffin team’s lineup is very flexible, and if they take the initiative to start a team, it will easily cause the entire team to become disconnected.”

In the commentary box, pdd explained in an orderly manner: "Griffin is in an awkward situation now. They want to start a group, but their means of starting a group are relatively weak. Unless the Thorn Birds give them a chance, they can only rely on Pike's control to start a group. Here, Pike is invisible and putting pressure on the Thorn Birds, so they don’t panic at all.”

"Pike seems to be planning to go up and try to hook them. If they keep pulling like this, they will lose more and more money. Parker moves! Pike, who was hiding around the corner, tried to hook out. He thought he was in the blind spot of the Thorn Bird's vision, but... Liu Qingsong was so fast. Flash!"

call out!

As Miller's voice sounded, Liu Qingsong controlled the golden light of the bull's head to flash, and when Pike's hook was about to be released, he suddenly flashed and hit Pike away with two consecutive hits.

The sky darkened almost at the same moment.

Nightmare's ultimate move went straight to Pike.

Almost at the same time, everyone in the Thorn Birds team pressed forward. Kennen rushed towards the pass in the direction of red square F6, single-handedly putting pressure on Griffin's large army, while Galio rushed forward decisively. The flash W gave him control, and with Nightmare's entry and Vayne's Q pressing forward, Pike's health plummeted in an instant.

Griffin seems to have expected this to happen. As a team with a very young average age, Griffin has not yet been assimilated by other LCK teams. In their bones, they still retain the fear of team battles with uncertain outcomes. bloody.

So Griffin moved immediately.

The sword demon with his ultimate move turned on crossed E directly from above and slid into the river, then raised the big sword in his hand and started slashing.

Seeing this, Kenan of Holy Spear Brother naturally opened R to seal the road immediately. While restricting the Sword Demon, it also oppressed Griffin and others.

But at this time, tarzan's level was also reflected.

Controlling Xin Zhao, he waved the spear in his hand and handed over Flash the moment he raised the spear!

call out!

Golden light flashed, and Kenan, who was at the front, was swept back by Xin Zhao's sweep.

At this time, Pike in front had been killed, but Sword Demon's Q2 hit Kenan and Galio.

After Xin Zhao's W skill poked Galio, Tarzan controlled Xin Zhao who maintained his ultimate form and rushed in directly.

Kassadin was following him. Although he hadn't handed R yet, Chaowei was obviously eager to try.

At this time, after releasing Q2, the sword demon raised the big sword in his hand high.


The Sword King has locked onto the golden figure behind Galio.

Q3 flashes!

He wants to become the most dazzling sword demon in the river!

This is a unanimous decision made by all Griffin members after a short communication.

That is to cooperate with Sword Demon's Q3 entry and focus on Vayne with all his strength.

At that time, Kassadin's R flash and Sword Demon's Q3A will all fall on Vayne's head. There is a high probability that Vayne can be killed in seconds. Even if Vayne cannot be killed in seconds, Vayne will probably lose output due to too low health. Opportunity!

I don’t know how many people around the world are watching this scene closely!

The next moment, the scene in Summoner's Rift was deeply engraved in the minds of countless people.

A terrifying thrust caused the whole hero of Sword Demon to stagger back.

But then golden light appeared.

The audience watched helplessly as a golden light emerged from Sword Demon's body, but his heroic figure was still in the same position, which was only the slightest difference from the previous position after completing Q2.

"This... dodges on the spot! The sword demon dodges on the spot! Kassadin cross-dodges and rushes into Vayne's face. Vayne rolls and dives into the void and starts outputting Kassadin. Kassadin is about to be killed!"

In the commentary box, pdd's face turned red from holding back.

He really couldn't hold it in any longer.

"With one move, the whole body is affected. This wave of sword demons seems to want to dodge, right? But Brother Luo used his E skill to push him, and this move directly caused the sword demon to make a big mistake! In this case, Gri Fen is going to die a lot this time!”

Miller looked at the situation on the field. Although the team battle seemed to have only started a few seconds ago, it seemed to be over.

Xin Zhao and Kassadin all entered the field simultaneously to cooperate with the Sword Demon and to follow up the damage immediately.

It's good now that the most critical sword demon didn't come.

It is simply a dream to kill an adc instantly with just ten minutes of Kassadin's damage alone.

Even the weakest version of adc is definitely not something Kassadin can touch at this point in time.

Therefore, Kassadin's rash entry has only one result.


Kassadin and Xin Zhao, neither of them can run away.

On the contrary, the sword demon who was pushed and failed to enter the scene ran away immediately after seeing that the situation was not good.

Although the Thorn Bird also tried to pursue, the slowdown of the ultimate move of the Destiny Master from behind still provided a certain degree of escape convenience for the Sword Demon who could use E to penetrate the wall.

"0 for 3 plus Canyon Herald, Griffin paid the price for his recklessness. In this case, the Thorn Birds can 100% eat the first blood tower, and we can see that the Thorn Birds are more greedy in their choices. The Incense Pot directly takes The Rift Herald was placed in the middle lane, allowing Vayne to eat the Tapi in the middle lane. Galio returned to the city to replenish supplies and also headed towards the middle lane. The Holy Spear brother went to the bottom lane, and there was a large wave of pushback lanes waiting for him in the bottom lane..."

At the commentary table, Miller looked at the detailed path splitting of the Thorn Birds and couldn't help but sigh: "Looking at Xiye's behavior towards the middle lane after going out, is it possible that Vayne will change lanes to the top lane later, right? "

There was already a commotion at the scene.

Korean netizens also began to criticize on the Internet.

"Xi Bal'er, one person eats three meals a day, and you still play like this? It's so shameless."

"Shine is an ad I've seen who is more economical than Uzi...but to be honest, his economical exploits scare me more."

"This is the real four guarantees and one..."

"Is there a possibility that four guarantees and one can also be said to be four and one. In the early stage of this shine, any team that does not have such a big advantage will not invest so much in it."

"The problem is that this guy can not only play four guarantees and one!"

Just as the commentators and the audience had guessed.

After Li Luo used Canyon Pioneer to enjoy the three-layer tarpaulin in the middle, he went home and bought Dilapidated, and went directly to the top.

Griffin did not deliberately switch to the double lane. At this time, they were comforting themselves in their hearts. At least... at least the Thorn Birds did change lanes.

It is impossible for Niutou to follow Vayne on the road all the time, and as soon as Niutou leaves, their chance will come.

If you want to force the bull away, you need to create more trouble on other roads.

However, the Sword Emperor was not happy anymore.

Although he was suppressed by Kenan on the top lane, it was only a small amount of pressure.

Even though Vayne's level is lower than him, her suppression is much more severe than Kenan's.

The game time at this time is 11 minutes and 30 seconds.

What made Griffin frustrated was that in the next three minutes, the bull's head never left Vayne's side.

Tarzan's Xin Zhao changed positions, from a bodyguard in the bottom lane to a bodyguard in the top lane.

Fortunately, the opportunity finally came.

In this game, the Thorn Birds moved against the dragon very early.

Therefore, when the game time reached about 15 minutes, the second dragon had been refreshed.

Niutou left Vayne for the first time, preparing to cooperate with his teammates to take down Xiaolong.

Because Kenan was in the lower half of the area, and Sword Demon stayed under the top tower without moving, Li Luo's Vayne was not in a hurry to leave the top road.

At this time, the first tower on the road has very little health left.

Before the tap disappeared at 14 minutes, Li Luo ate the four-layer tapioca on the top lane + the three-layer tapioca on the middle lane plus the four-layer tapioca on the bottom lane.

Although basically all the tapis were shared with his teammates, Li Luo undoubtedly enjoyed the meal.

Now Li Luo has the dilapidated fanaticism in hand, and Li Luo has savings on hand. As long as this defensive tower is demolished, Li Luo can go home and buy the Green Cross directly.

It's already a bug that Vayne can develop like this when there are only two heads in hand.

"Their pike is not in front, Brother Luo, be careful."

Liu Qingsong, who was near Xiaolongkeng, observed the situation on the court and said.

"Well, he should be on his way."

Li Luo said: "This sword demon made me shoot three times and still looked like he wanted to have sex with me. Pike is probably in the upper half, but I dodged, so it doesn't matter."

Be bold when you need to be bold.

At this juncture, the dragon on the front is already winning. If this wave of pike fails to catch people, this Griffin can be used.

Li Luo, who was in danger and weak, was not very worried about his situation.

The sword demon cannot dodge.

This is a very critical information point.

Whenever the sword demon dodges, Li Luo doesn't dare to pretend.

And just when Li Luo was about to clean up the last HP of the defense tower, the sword demon opened up.

He stopped pretending.

At the same time, the water splashing from Vayne's feet also proved Pike's arrival.

"Two seconds to go..."

After taking a glance at the health of the defense tower, Li Luo immediately retreated.

Just when he retreated to the edge of the defense tower's attack range, Pike's figure flew towards him. Pike, who handed over his E skill, pointed directly at Li Luo's Vayne!

The director instantly switched the perspective to the top lane.

Countless Korean netizens and even the audience at the scene also focused their attention here.

They all want to see the two of them put an end to Vayne's sinful life!

lehends’ first move in this wave was very decisive.

Just because the Sword Emperor told him, Vayne's ruin was used.

Although ruination was only a part of Vayne's combat power, the Sword Emperor felt that this information was crucial when he did not dodge.

Moreover, in Vayne's A tower, she finally handed in a Q.

This Q means that Vayne will not have another Q skill for at least the next two to three seconds.

Two small details gave these two people a reason to take action!


The crossbow arrows trembled and buzzed!

When the duration of Pike's E skill was about to expire after charging forward, Li Luo, whose expression remained unchanged, clicked the mouse.

Under high-frequency operation, it is easy for Vayne to complete an instant change of direction.

After activating her ultimate move, Vayne turned around and faced the Sword Demon. The bonus of her movement speed made Vayne's step forward graceful and graceful.

lehends pupils shrank.

His E flashed, empty.

Not only was his E out of the way, but Sword Demon's Q1 only dealt damage but failed to cause a knockback!

But Li Luo's Vayne has already begun to output.

Raise your hand A and turn Pike instantly to E to lock him under the defense tower, and start outputting Pike first.

The basic operation of Sword King's Sword Demon is no problem. After Q1 is empty, fill W and then connect Q2.

However, Li Luo's Vayne moved close to him and got stuck on the edge of Sword Demon's ultimate Q2. Even though Sword Demon's Q2 also caused damage, it still failed to control it.

Fortunately, their position was very close to the attack range of the defense tower. Vayne turned her head and was locked by the defense tower. With the sword demon's passive basic attack, Vayne's sword energy was given. After this sword strike, Vayne's There is not much blood left!

There were already faint shouts of excitement at the scene.

But Sword Demon didn't flash, so when Vayne's Q turned invisible, Sword Demon's Q3 hit the empty space.

At this time, Vayne still had one-fifth of her health left.

Pike, who had eaten Vayne's third ring, still had half of his health.

The sword demon still has more than two-thirds of his health.

The right time, the right place, the right people.

All three are on Griffin's side.

"It's over, it's over, Vayne is disabled..."

The baby at the commentary table felt a chill in his heart.

Not only him, but PDD and Miller also had their hearts in their throats at this time.

But Li Luo, who was under the camera of the director in the game, remained calm.

Korean netizens tried to see the panic on Li Luo's face.

But they are destined to be disappointed.

"No matter how much health the opposing hero has, or how much health you have, when the opponent has no skills and can't get close, what's the difference between an ad with full health and an AD with residual health?"

As an excellent AD, Li Luo, who has seen all kinds of storms and waves, has a clear mind.

"As long as he can move or dodge to avoid Pyke's ultimate, he can operate."

In China, Uzi was watching the game at home in Yichang, staring at the screen and talking to himself.

He understands Vayne so well.

And is it difficult to avoid Pike's ultimate move?

Cross sword flowers loomed from the ground.

At that moment, the corners of Li Luo's mouth raised slightly.

Vayne moves very quickly during output.

Coupled with Li Luo's high-frequency clicking on the ground, Vayne's hero model continued to swing back and forth.

Choose before or after.

It's up to Parker's own judgment.

Obviously, Li Luo's Vayne used her movement and direction to deceive Pike.

This R is empty.

Li Luo, who was originally dealing out Sword Demon and moving away, immediately turned around and dealt out Pike the moment Pike's R skill was empty!

Previously, he knocked out half of Pike's health with three arrows.

Now, it’s still easy!

One arrow, two arrows!

The Sword Demon, who still has ultimate acceleration but no E skill, approaches and is ready to raise his hand for Vayne to strike when Vayne's A hits for the second time.

However, Vayne's Q skill CD after activating her ultimate move is completely different from Vayne's Q skill CD without activating her ultimate move.

Flashing around, Li Luo's Vayne disappeared from the Sword Demon's field of vision as he pulled out the next Q.

The sword demon's basic attack was stuck in mid-air!

And an arrow with three rings and extra damage from the Q skill also shot to Pike as Vayne reappeared.

Parker, die!

Finally, when the CD of E skill was reached, Sword Demon stepped forward with E, raised his hand and gave Vayne a blow, at the cost of being hit twice more by Vayne.


At this time, Li Luo shook his head slightly.

After being hit like this by the sword demon, he had only a trace of health left.

There is no room for error.

I originally wanted to save two summoner skills.

Now I can only save one.


A dim yellow light fell on the sword demon's head. Li Luo controlled Vayne's Q skill in the opposite direction to dodge the surprise attack, raised his hand, and fired a basic attack on the sword demon's head!


The three rings rang, and the Sword Demon's blood volume was greatly reduced!

What's even more frightening is that at this time, the Sword Emperor was completely panicked.

Sword Demon players all know that the reason why Sword Demon is so strong is closely related to the coordination between his Q skill and E skill.

But I had previously handed over the E skill to the Sword Demon who was close to Vayne, and the E still had a short CD.

Maybe the CD of this E is really short, but Vayne's output frequency is too high.

When Sword Demon hands over a Q, Vayne will hit her A twice.

In the eyes of countless spectators, the Sword Emperor's sword demon was like a headless fly. It was empty for a period of time, and even the second stage of Q was not released. The health bar disappeared instantly under Vayne's crossbow.

Double kill!

The noisy scene quickly cooled down like ice and snow melting in the scorching sun.

Countless Koreans even opened their mouths involuntarily, staring blankly at the figure shining with a faint golden light.

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