Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 194: The prodigal son does not look back

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The two worlds are human, and there is no worries.

In the face of grandpa's fierce attack, in fact, Su Yehao was very open about having children, and he didn't mind raising a few more as soon as possible.

The problem is that even Yin Liuli, who has no temper, has no such thoughts at present, and the same is true for Nong Qingying.

As for the little girl.

If you talk about it, it may make her impulsive.

It's just that Su Yehao was worried that at Nangong Tian's age, having a baby too early would not be able to adapt.

She hasn't set foot in the society yet, and her life has just begun. If she changes the status quo rashly, it is very likely to destroy the relationship between them.

Therefore, it is better to let things take their course when it comes to giving birth to a child. You can't just start making villains non-stop just because your grandfather is anxious.

After getting used to this period of time, Su Yehao's three views have changed a lot, and his obsession with money is not so strong.

For example, family property, I used to think about it every day.

Now that I'm used to it, I'm more interested in the business itself, and I'm no longer bound by wealth.

There is an extra windfall in the account. If he doesn't continue to invest it, Su Yehao doesn't know how to spend it, and naturally he loses his obsession.

Of course.

Although he didn't plan to go to discuss with them about having a child as soon as possible because of his grandfather's urging, Su Yehao still decided to accept his grandfather's "sponsorship" happily.

Thinking about the big deal, I will use it to make money first. If I fail to reach the agreed commitment, I will return the money to the old man with the principal and interest.

It is equivalent to taking a loan from a bank, and it belongs to the kind that does not require collateral, how wonderful...

After eating the roast goose, Su Yehao wrote the company account to his grandfather.

On the front foot, he sent the old man back to the old house on Buli Road, and on the back foot, he rushed back to the pier next to Harbour City to meet Yin Liuli on his yacht.

During the time he left, Yin Liuli never left, watching TV in the guest room on the ship, taking a nap during the period.

"Come back, what did you eat? It smells good." Yin Liuli stretched and put on slippers.

With his hands behind his back, Su Yehao put the bag in his hand on the table, and said, "When I came here, I passed a shop selling beef noodles. I saw that there were a lot of people queuing at the door, so I brought you a copy, and there are also Pork Chop Bun."

"Wouldn't it be hard to wait?"

"It's not difficult, I saw someone packed it from the store, gave her a hundred yuan, and bought it halfway. Everyone was happy, and I saved at least half an hour, a very good deal."

Su Yehao helped open the takeaway box, glanced at it and added, "Congratulations on your winning the lottery, it's actually fat sausage noodles with fried eggs and chicken thighs."

"You can eat chicken thighs and fried eggs. There are too many noodles. I can't eat them."

Yin Liuli's tone of voice had a soft and powerless feeling unique to the island, which always made Su Yehao feel very comfortable, as if the palm of his hand was being lightly scratched.

While she was sitting down to eat, Su Yehao fell on the bed and asked, "How is your Cantonese?"

"...Generally speaking, it's a bit difficult for me. Recently, I've been listening to Cantonese songs, singing along, and watching Cantonese TV dramas and movies. Do you want to teach me?" Yin Liuli turned around and asked with a smile.

"If you call me teacher and ask me for advice sincerely, you can consider it."

Heard something wrong.

Yin Liuli snorted secretly, doubting whether she would take the wrong class by then.

The room smelled of noodles.

Su Yehao, who had just finished dinner with his grandfather, stuffed another drumstick, two fried eggs, and the pork chop bun in his hand.

The chat continues.

Su Yehao asked her, "Then what Cantonese songs have you learned recently? Can you sing them for me? Maybe you are very talented. Then I will find someone to record a record for you."

"If you don't get scolded, you're already saving me face and returning the record..."

Yin Liuli's recent state is quite good. After laughing, she continued to eat noodles, and added: "When I finish eating, Cantonese is really difficult, mainly in terms of pronunciation, and the way of speaking is also different from Mandarin."

"Hokkien is not just as difficult to learn."

Su Yehao hummed casually:

"Smoke one by one

Wine glass by glass

please forgive me

I'm not good at drinking, sell me Chongkang..."

Eyes widened, Yin Liuli was startled. After listening to most of the song quietly, she didn't ask until Su Yehao stopped.

"What song is this, listen well, how can you know our dialect?"

"You can eat rice indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense. What dialect is yours? It's Hokkien. I learned it from a wandering singer in the mainland."

Su Yehao corrected her unintentional remarks.

To speak Hokkien, Su Yehao just happens to only know this one, and he has cycled countless singles.

Yin Liuli said with a smile, "You have a very nice voice. It seems that you should record the record yourself. What's the name of this song?"

"The prodigal son is back."

"...I feel a little difficult, it should be the prodigal son who doesn't look back."

Hearing her serious talk, Su Yehao choked up and was speechless.

After a few seconds of pause, he smiled awkwardly and said, "It's not my song, don't care about the little details."

After seeing and figuring out some things, Yin Liuli just joked, not holding on to Su Yehao's little tail.

She also knows that her name is not right, and she seems to be a latecomer.

I have met Xiao Nizi once, and I know that the two sides have known each other since childhood, so instead of blaming Su Yehao, Yin Liuli felt more guilty and did not dare to ask for too much.

After she finished eating, the sky outside the porthole gradually dimmed.

The two came to the top Harbour City, one of the most famous malls in the area, right next to the pier, and the lights began to come on.

Su Yehao didn't plan to go back to the apartment tonight, so he wasn't in a hurry to leave.

Talking in a low voice, Yin Liuli still wanted to continue listening to him sing. Su Yehao simply adapted "Wild Child" into a male version and replaced it with "I know I love this kind of girl, that's all I can do, but I'm the man you care about the most." Like, hum to her.

The two are so tired of being like this, there are not many moments of pure chat, plus they haven't seen each other for a few days, it is rare to get together, so the atmosphere is quite good.

Big fish and big meat have eaten meat more often, and eating some melon and fruit desserts is also very tasty...

The business of cat cafes and restaurants in the casino is on the right track. Yin Liuli has nothing to do all of a sudden. She has a large number of employees, and a lot of work is assigned. She is mainly responsible for purchasing and statistics of turnover.

Su Yehao would soon have a lot of money on hand, so she suggested that she go to Central or Tsim Sha Tsui and other places to find a good shop and try to open a branch.

Yin Liuli is very self-aware, and feels that if the rental price is high, it will be difficult to make money with their restaurant and cafe positioning.

Looking at the profit of the small building, it is kept at 60,000 to 70,000 yuan per month, and it can only earn some hard-earned money.

It's been pretty good.

Considering that Xiao Nizi and Nong Qingying were both in Hong Kong City, Su Yehao did not insist on letting her come, and then proposed to open a hot pot restaurant and barbecue restaurant in the casino to promote the restaurant business.

Yin Liuli was more interested in this new proposal, and told that there are many people selling shops at reduced prices, and notices of the transfer of prosperous shops can be seen everywhere.

When the financial crisis hit the casino, Su Yehao thought it was an opportunity.

The so-called one shop raises three generations, the future development prospects are so good, it is worth investing a little money, it is just depositing wealth management...

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