Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 214: weekend get together

The latest website: Eat and drink, take double skin milk as dessert after meals.

Four people ate eight dishes and two soups, and there was still a lot left on the table, and they were full.

Especially the fried water snake, only the father and son moved the chopsticks, and neither Xiao Nizi nor Jiang Yu dared to eat it. In fact, it tasted very good.

Father Su's steps were getting bigger and bigger, and he was a little worried in his heart. At this time, he asked Su Yehao and said, "Son, how do you think the development of the casino will be in a few years?"

Su Yehao took a spoon to eat the double-skin milk, looked up at his father, and understood what the other party wanted to ask.

He answered decisively:

"If more tourists come to the casino, and there are some other support, it will definitely get better and better. I am working with Jiang Yu's father and friends to cooperate in the tourism business. I have just acquired two travel agencies. Recently There are really many people who come to Hong Kong City for tourism. Going to Taipa Island to acquire land must have a future, but people's confidence in investing in real estate has been destroyed by a stick this year, and it may drop next year. Those international hot money will not give up, it is best Just a second."

Suddenly thinking of something, Father Su asked in a low voice:

"You still have contact with Zheng Yongwen? I met him several times in the past few years. At that time, he was just an employee of a financial company.

Su Yehao couldn't figure out if his old man was secretly poking for news, but it was about his own interests, so he said calmly:

"I haven't been in touch for the past two weeks, but I talked to Mr. Zheng before, and I know that the reason why he climbed up is to compete with those international hot money, to find a sense of existence and realize the value of life. The first few times If he didn't get the benefit of the shot, those financial tycoons won't give up easily, if he didn't think the bears would come back, why would he give up taking the opportunity to make money and choose to run as a chief financial advisor?"

Hearing these words, Father Su knew what to do, nodded and said:

"Well, I'll wait and see what happens next. At the beginning of next month, the company has more than 600 million financing due, you can find some American funds to recommend to me as soon as possible, and then I will let someone analyze it. Now, buy as much as you can."

It's like putting eggs in different baskets.

Investing in the mainland is to pack eggs, trying to buy some US dollar assets, but also to pack eggs.

Exchange rate fluctuations have little effect on ordinary people's three melons and jujubes, but for a wealthy family like the Su family, the profit and loss involved should be calculated in "billion".

For example, the rich in some countries in Southeast Asia, some time ago, due to the depreciation of the exchange rate, some people lost a full 60 to 70% of their wealth. It seems that the money is still so much money, but the international purchasing power has shrunk seriously.

The Sihai International Building in Central at his feet has depreciated by four to five billion Hong Kong dollars since the beginning of this year, which is enough to make Father Su feel distressed and does not want to be dragged down by the financial crisis.

In addition, seeing that his son can indeed earn money, he is also jealous of the recent rate of return, which is the direct reason why Father Su is tempted.

Helping to find a fund is just a trivial matter.

Su Yehao agreed casually, and was thinking about continuing to ask Master Jiang and Huang Daxian for their help, trying to pull Dad into the car.

As long as you taste the sweetness of making quick money from the Internet industry, it is not easy to get out of the car again. Looking at the world these days, it is difficult to find a few businesses that are comparable to investing in the Internet, even if some are written into the "Criminal Law" industry is not enough.


At this moment, Su Yehao has begun to consider acquiring a fund company, tailor-made a product for his father, and sell it to him foolishly.

Handing over the management power to others will eventually make Su Yehao feel uneasy. The profit difference of hundreds of millions or billions is worth making him pay more attention and seriously consider how to operate...


It's the weekend again.

The beta version of tat1.0 has been online for four days, and the usage has barely exceeded 3,000. In addition to the hundreds of users in the casino, the data is really tearful.

According to rough statistics, the number of netizens in the entire Hong Kong City is only about 400,000. The vast majority of them are still office workers. They do not like to use computers for entertainment and purely for office supplies.

The chat room and one-to-one chat market in Gangcheng are mainly occupied by aol and icq respectively. Adults have already developed small social circles in these two social software, which will not change easily. Not a climate.

Fewer people use tat, and users can't find friends on it, so naturally they won't be interested in the alternative tat.

The real killer, that is, personal space, has not yet been launched, which is regarded by Su Yehao as a trump card that is enough to make a comeback.

Taking into account the user base of Hong Kong City, only three or four million people died. Su Yehao did not have much obsession with completely occupying the Hong Kong City market. He focused on the mainland.

There is no aol and icq in the north. It is a fertile soil that can develop freely, which is very suitable for barbaric growth.

So for the current performance of tat, Su Yehao is already a Buddhist, and he has to be patient and continue to wait. The only requirement is to continue to improve the functions, optimize the user experience, and make the simplified Chinese version as soon as possible...

Weekend off.

The travel plan to travel by private jet was cancelled when Nangong Tian's mother came to Hong Kong City.

Su Yehao was a little afraid to meet her mother, he always felt like his son-in-law was going to see his mother-in-law, so he took the opportunity to take Jiang Yu back to the casino, and continue to have a goodbye with Yin Liuli.

On Saturday night, I accompany Yin Liuli to walk the cat and walk along the beach.

The two of them were tired of being in the small apartment all afternoon, and now they are walking weakly and vainly.

Jin Gradient Koko's weight has soared, and now it has become a ball, weighing 8.5 kilograms. It was heavy in his hands. Su Yehao wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked in confusion, "Are you sure you go out normally, this fat cat Would you like to walk on your own? Every time you put it down, it squatted and didn't move, and the leash was like a decoration."

"I take it out every day. I wasn't so lazy before. Maybe you fed it canned food at home and it's full." Yin Liuli said with a smile.

Jeans and a white shirt, simply worn, look stylish and charming on her.

Su Yehao put the fat cat koko on the ground, he really didn't want to go by himself, it was already sleepy and its thick tail was shaking slightly.

Yin Liuli squatted down, rubbed its head, and said, "It's time to buy it a stroller, holding it is equivalent to holding a bag of rice, I want to take it for a run to lose weight, but I didn't expect that after every run, Appetite has greatly increased. If I don’t have enough food, I will fight with me all the time. I have been screaming in the cage. There is vegetarian cat food in the store, but koko doesn’t like it.”

"It's not necessarily thin to be a vegetarian. Hippos, pandas, elephants, and rhinos have to look at their physical fitness. This guy obviously grows fat after drinking water. He has been fat since he was a child, and every time he sees him, he is round and round."

Su Yehao sat on the bench to rest and suggested:

"Come with me to the movies at night? Find a place to take a bath and massage. This time I will drive back by myself in a speedboat and take you for a ride in the sea tomorrow morning. Although I haven't got a speedboat driver's license, as long as the coach sits next to me~www.wuxiaspot .com~ I can try to open it myself.”

Yin Liuli smiled and said:

"Okay, let's go get a massage. My shoulders are sore. The funny movie won't be released until Christmas. Do you like Santa Claus?"

"You mean the old white-bearded man who came unannounced, broke into the house illegally in the middle of the night, and trespassed in the house? What do I like him for?"

"There is a Christmas event in the store. You need to find a suitable Santa in advance. They must be fat and have a good face."


Especially the festivals that the girls think are romantic, Su Yehao is the big head when he encounters them.

Since he didn't know how to arrange it, Su Yehao didn't dare to continue to pick up, and changed the subject to talk about the business in the store.

It's still the same, the profit of tens of thousands of yuan a month has been relatively stable...


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