Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 220: tennis club

Latest website: I haven't talked about investment for a while, but Zhao Yimeng said that I should think about it first.

Su Yehao had a meal with his second wife that night, and took Jiang Yu to the port city by helicopter. Because of the rain, the speedboat was not covered, and the helicopter was comfortable.

After the rain stops, the coach will help to drive the Riva speedboat back to the port city.

Another few days passed.

The time comes to early December.

The temperature in Hong Kong City is only over ten degrees, and you can feel a little cool when you go out.

Nangong Tian bought some new clothes for Su Yehao on the second day of December. When he tried it on in the living room, the little girl jokingly said:

"Brother Hao, our guys are eating very well. I think your abdominal muscles tend to be one. You must not get fat. The suits made for you can't be small as soon as you get them. The tailor shop for the British royal family. , the price is quite expensive.”

Reaching out to pat his stomach, Su Yehao told Nangong Tian, ​​"It's not your fault that I asked you to get up early to run with me, but you stayed in bed so much that I didn't want to move."

"I've also gained three pounds, or else I'll find a gym together and just find something to do."

After Nangong Tian finished speaking, she turned around and asked the housekeeping aunt to cook more light meals recently, which made the other party feel that it would save trouble, and quickly agreed.

After thinking for a while, Su Yehao said, "The gym doesn't work. Neither of us are people with perseverance. We must seldom go to the gym after applying for the card. I remember that there was a tennis club in the school. How about learning to play tennis."

"People are professional. With the skills of the two of us, are they willing to accept it?"

"Why don't you accept it? Brother Hao, I have such a big face, they always have to give some points..."

There was uncertainty in Su Yehao's words.

In his opinion, this is just a trivial matter, so he made a random phone call and asked the newly recruited assistant to help purchase some top-notch tennis rackets, tennis shoes, sportswear, etc. The size doesn't matter, and let him replace it by himself.

Have a small gift ready for the day.

The next morning, Su Yehao brought Nangong Tian to the Tennis Club of the University of Hong Kong and asked to meet the president.

The assistant in charge of purchasing followed suit.

The newly recruited assistant is named Zhuang Wei, who graduated from Cambridge Business School and is 26 years old.

She belongs to the kind of girl who is amazing when you see the back, and a little regretful when you see the front.

Overall it's still pretty.

Choosing an assistant is not a blind date, but ability is the most important thing.

This girl is a genius. She can remember the materials she has read immediately. She can speak four languages. She was admitted to Cambridge as the No. 1 scholar in Hong Kong City. She continued her studies in Cambridge and entered a business school.

I just came to work with an annual salary of HK$400,000, and I am currently in the probationary period.

Su Yehao inspected his assistant. As an assistant, Zhuang Wei was evaluating Su Yehao. She did not lack job opportunities. A British company once offered her an annual salary of 60,000 pounds.

However, this girl has a place to live in Hong Kong City. She does not need to spend money to live there, and her family helps to cook the meals.

Counting the cost of living, £60,000 in London is not as good as HK$400,000 in Hong Kong.

The most important thing is that Su Yehao has just started his business, which means that he has more opportunities for promotion than established companies.

Zhuang Wei had been working for three days, and the tasks she received were trivial matters that were not related to business, which made her speechless.

Let the bodyguards carry the small gifts to the tennis club, Su Yehao is waiting for the president to arrive.


He asked Zhuang Wei, "How do you feel about this job? Can you adapt to it?"

"...To be honest, these living monthly wages of 5,000 can be done well."

Zhuang Wei has an upright temperament and is a few years older than Su Yehao.

Su Yehao said with a smile: "It takes time for the company to develop. It is indeed a bit overkill. There will be many opportunities for you to come in handy in the future. As for the company, what do you think of my company?"

"Regardless of tat, koko, and travel agencies, they all belong to the sunrise industry. I joined the company's chat group. The software is very convenient to use, and the page is simple. As long as the follow-up investment can keep up, and long-term planning is well done, there is broad room for growth."

Zhuang Wei speaks the truth.

"Look, if you look for someone with a monthly salary of 5,000, you might think I'm a fool. I've spent so much money and I can't see the gains. It's better to keep it in the bank and earn interest. I am more open, and the way of thinking about problems is more comprehensive. Come on, work hard, I am a super potential stock."

As a boss, Su Yehao has never been a boss.

The decisiveness and charisma of killing are hard to see from him.

For example, John Zhou gave a reply yesterday, saying that the software outsourcing company in Bangalore admitted a mistake and was only willing to refund 200,000 US dollars for the sake of Yahoo.

Su Yehao didn't intend to be fussy about it, so he exposed it, and he didn't even complain that John Zhou didn't know who he was, causing the company to lose money.

There is such a loose and free boss, so that the atmosphere of the company is very harmonious. After all, there is no pressure on performance, and the income is still very good.

Look at the tat network company, not to mention the so-called "wolf culture", not even the "wolf dog culture", it is more like a lazy "cat culture", which is developing step by step.

Take Zhuang Wei as an example, she only goes to work at nine o'clock every day, so she quickly learns to sleep in, which is more comfortable than when she was studying.

Su Yehao knew that he was too loose, but he didn't think there was anything wrong with him.

He keeps an eye on the Internet industry, and he entered the game too early. There is no competitive pressure at present, and he can do a good job of his own products.

The relationship between the two sides is average, and Zhuang Wei is not a social character.

The two were silent for a while and sat quietly.

After the president of the Tennis Club of the University of Hong Kong arrived, Su Yehao directly pointed out his intention and told:

"My girlfriend and I want to join your club. We will participate when we are exercising. We are all newbies, so let's forget about the competition. It's purely for weight loss and entertainment. A little greeting is not a respect."

The tennis president has a fiery temper and can't stand such a big and young style.

There are also bodyguard assistants in the school. In his opinion, it is all for the sake of showing off.

The president of the tennis club, who quietly raised the air, said at this moment: "Our club only recruits elites, not for you to play. Playing tennis is hard work. Talent, perseverance, and sweat are all indispensable. Even if I promise, the members of the club I won't agree either!"

Su Yehao continued:

"As long as you join us, I will cover all the expenses of the club in the future, and I will be able to organize a dinner party once a week, and I will reimburse you for the food and drinks. In the future, I will also provide you with some job opportunities, all kinds of jobs are available. "

In an instant, someone's heart lit up, his eyes lit up, and he suggested, "So good? Brother Hao! I have admired you for a long time, and you must be a fool!"

Another classmate said: "As long as you can find me a job, let alone join the tennis club, you can be our president!"

"Yes! I welcome you with both hands!"

The members of the tennis club talked a lot, and they were quite excited.


Their president was embarrassed. He felt that he was being slapped left and right, and his face was swollen...


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