Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 246: false signal

Latest website: The financing of the Midea Group will have results in the short term.

The company is currently in a difficult situation, with many common problems of established mainland enterprises, such as chaotic management, bloated personnel and structures, and high debt ratios.

Taking advantage of this financing opportunity, you can make a drastic repair by the way.

Of the 2 billion yuan in financing, some of the funds will be used for employee placement. There is no reason to be stuck with the approval plan for financing restructuring.

Father Su has been in business for so many years, how could it be only financing but not managing.

Once the holding ratio exceeds 40%, the right to speak will be handed over to the Su family, so Su Yehao is not worried about this transaction.

There will definitely be troubles, but there is a chance to properly solve it. The wave of layoffs in the north is vigorous, and the unemployed workers can get full compensation and buy out according to their length of service, which is quite good.

In addition, when the financing and restructuring is finalized, the number of laid-off workers will not be too many, mainly to clear up those who do not work with money, or those who like to be lazy when doing things.

In general, the goal will be to expand production capacity and provide more employment opportunities.

This is also one of the reasons why the working group in Fochuan readily accepted financing from Cosmopolitan International.

After all, it has not been completely determined, and Su Yehao's mind is not on this matter for the time being.

After returning home from Daxian Temple, he drove to the vicinity of Dasamba Commercial Street, sat in the office with Yin Liuli, and used the computer to search for news about Donghuang Group.

I don't know if I don't see it, but I'm startled when I see it.

According to a news article, in the past three years, Donghuang Group has borrowed more than 16 billion yuan from banks, and its total assets are about 24 billion yuan, and it has continued to shrink as the real estate in Hong Kong City plummeted. .

After a brief investigation, Su Yehao found that the recent relevant reports are mostly negative news. Some institutions predict that the overall loss of Donghuang Group last year will be between 1 billion and 1.2 billion Hong Kong dollars.

Combined with various news.

It can only be said that the situation of Donghuang Group is not optimistic, and it is quite precarious.

Yin Liuli sat by the side and read it, and while helping Su Yehao peel the oranges, she asked curiously:

"Donghuang Group, I remember you were studying at Donghuang Rose Middle School before. The people who know this company, is it the very beautiful girl who went back to the pub on the third floor? You even went to talk to her at that time, short hair, Big eyes, studying in London."

I remember so clearly.

Su Yehao looked at her calmly.

I saw that Yin Liuli's expression was calm, and he couldn't tell if he was jealous, so he also assumed a business-like attitude and replied:

"Well, the eldest lady of Donghuang Group is an alumnus of the same class as me. I went with my dad to burn incense and worship Buddha today. I happened to meet her and her parents. No wonder they were worried. The company really encountered problems."

"Is it related to your family's business?" Yin Liuli asked.

Su Yehao shook his head first, then nodded again and told her:

"In Pengcheng's cultural tourism city project, Donghuang Group invested 200 million yuan, accounting for 5% of the shares, which is barely a cooperative relationship. They all live in this place, and they all live in casinos. They usually deal with each other more or less. The family is quite familiar."

Yin Liuli asked casually, but didn't take it to heart.

Su Yehao continued to browse the news on the computer, and then went to check Yahoo's stock price. In recent days, it has fluctuated around US$60, and it has basically stabilized.

The stock prices of real estate companies listed on Hong Kong stocks have basically fallen in recent months, and the decline is quite amazing.

Looking at it this way, Cosmopolitan International, which has a stable and progressive business, is already considered the lucky one among many unfortunate people. Although its assets have also shrunk to a certain extent, it is far from hurt.

After knowing the situation of Zhao Yimeng's family, Su Yehao thought about taking the time to go to the Sihai International headquarters to learn more about the financing project of the Midea Group.

The amount involved in financing the Midea Group is enough for Su Yehao to stay out of the way. He is thinking of ways to help out and make a reliable development plan.

Just when he was seriously thinking about the problem, Yin Liuli suddenly said:

"By the way, my stomach hurts a little today. My relatives should have come ten days ago, but they never came. I don't know if it's because of the cold."

Su Yehao was shocked when he heard this.

The first time I thought about pregnancy, I subconsciously tightened my back and asked tentatively, "Has this been the case before, could it be..."

Knowing what he was thinking, Yin Liuli was also thinking about the same question.

She frowned and recalled for a moment, and said in her mouth: "Once the delay of more than half a month was mainly because the pressure of taking the exam was too great. After the exam, it will be fine. But I have no pressure now, and a delay of ten days is very rare. Seeing the situation, should I go to the hospital?"

"...Then what are you waiting for? I'll take you to the pharmacy now to buy pregnancy test strips. Why didn't you tell me earlier."

"It was postponed first, and I knew it was postponed. How could I tell you about this earlier?" Yin Liuli asked him in a helpless tone.

Su Yehao immediately got up and walked out, came to the door, turned around and asked, "Do you have a hat and a mask? It's embarrassing if you've never bought those things, otherwise I'll wait for you at the door of the pharmacy and take you back. Test the apartment?"

"You are the culprit. You should do the shameful thing, and I will wait for you outside the pharmacy."

After Yin Liuli finished speaking in a low voice, her brows were slightly wrinkled, and she asked tentatively, "If there is a baby, do you want it at that time? I'm not prepared, I guess you are the same."

After thinking for a moment, Su Yehao got a negative answer.

His mind told him that he didn't want a child very much in the short term, but if he gave birth to one early, as long as he asked Yuesao to help take care of it, it wouldn't have much impact on his current life. Don't be lightened by Xiao Nizi and Nong Shadow knows.

With a guilty conscience, he replied, "It's too early to talk about this. It's not clear if I'm pregnant or not. It's probably just an endocrine disorder."

Yin Liuli also didn't want to have a baby too early, her face was full of worry, and she said, "I hope you don't get pregnant, it's scary to have a baby, don't I need to push a stroller all day long to go shopping..."

He found a and mixed the pregnancy test strips with the cold medicine and cotton swabs. Su Yehao quickly settled the bill without even asking for change.

The two rushed to the apartment building and asked Yin Liuli to complete the inspection according to the instruction manual. After waiting patiently for a while, they found that there was only one bar.

Really just a false signal.

Su Yehao was relieved, and Yin Liuli also laughed.

When he realized that his attitude was wrong, Su Yehao explained:

"Liu Li, I want to have a child with you, but we are still too young. Don't think that I don't want to be responsible, but if you suddenly have a child, it will have a great impact on your life, and it will be difficult for a while. adapt."

Yin Liuli smiled and said:

"I didn't think much about it. I was worried about what to do if I suddenly became pregnant. Let's talk about it later. I was worried for two or three days, and the big stone in my heart finally fell..."

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