Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 264: Cyberport (2)

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The real estate prices in Hong Kong City are still at a high level.

Zhao Yimeng's Donghuang Group has released several high-quality projects in Hong Kong City at one time, some of which have been completed and can be rented as soon as they are obtained, and the prices are still very low.

For example, Donghuang·Huayushan, which is located in the middle of the mountain, has not yet been sold to the outside world. There are more than 80 houses in total, and there are 12 villas.

Calculating the transfer price, it means that when the Bisu family sold the Shangfeng Sheungshui real estate to the Huang family, it dropped by about 30%.

Su Yehao had nothing to do, and took Nong Qingying to inspect it all. In the end, he was not interested, and only chose the land in Taipa Island, the casino city.

His father picks and chooses, and also avoids the real estate projects in Hong Kong City.

So when Vice President Zheng Yongwen mentioned the so-called "Cyberport" plan, Su Yehao was unmoved and just replied:

"My family can't afford such an important plan. It's a good idea to invite real estate developers to buy land and build an industrial park with the money from the land auction. In this situation, the house can hardly be sold, and the price is still falling. You Are there any real estate developers willing to take the land? I guess even if they keep the money in the bank for interest, they are reluctant to take risks at this time. There are only a few companies that have the money to hoard a lot of land for a long time, and they are now worrying about houses and land. There are so many that they can’t be sold, so how can they continue to acquire land.”

After Zheng Yongwen heard this, his heart froze for a moment, and he sighed:

"Even if you say that, there is no hope. Now everyone knows that the high-tech industry is very profitable, and they value the transformation of the Hong Kong city's economy. The preparatory task of the Cyberport was handed over to me. Thinking of taking the land for nothing and using the construction money instead of the land purchase price, it will be much cheaper. I am not very optimistic about his plan. I am afraid that it will not attract high-tech companies by then. They only focus on selling houses. Their family knows this best one line."

Su Yehao asked, "Every year you collect so much tax and sell so much land, are you so poor that you can't afford billions of Hong Kong dollars?"

"There is no way, the financial crisis has severely damaged the vitality, and there is a shortage of money everywhere."

After Vice President Zheng Yongwen thought about it, there was no good solution for a while. He blamed the constant drop in house prices, and the room for decline was quite large. No one dared to take land at this juncture.

Su Yehao spoke softly and couldn't help much.

One is not capable of attracting peers to settle in the Cyberport, and the other is that they cannot afford a large amount of real money. Even if they can pay part of it, whether it is worth it is a question that needs to be considered.

Change your mind and look at this opportunity again.

Su Yehao felt that if he could take the opportunity to acquire land at a low price, it would be a good idea to set up a company headquarters in Hong Kong City, which would help attract talents to join and enjoy the benefits of rising house prices in the future.

As long as TAT, TOT and other projects develop, it will inevitably need to continue to expand in the future.

It is difficult to attract overseas talents and foreign technical experts to the mainland for development, and the cost of R&D in Silicon Valley is extremely high.

Considering the overall cost-effectiveness, Hong Kong City seems to be quite suitable for building a research and development center, and at the same time, it can avoid many future barriers to technology transfer in the mainland. It is also slightly more convenient in terms of capital flow and fundraising and listing.

Since I have the idea of ​​taking root in the port city and radiating to all parts of the world, I will seize the opportunity to get a piece of land at a low price, and I can save some money in the future.


Su Yehao was cheeky and asked: "Since it is to attract high-tech companies, why don't you attract me and first grant me a piece of free or low-cost land to build a headquarters office building for my own use? Not many, there are five 100,000 square meters of office space is barely enough.”

Startled by his appetite, Zheng Yongwen wondered:

"Do you know how big is 500,000 square meters, do you think it is feet? Besides, even if you have such a large piece of land, do you have the money to build it and keep it for your own use, with one floor per person? "

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

It's clearly despised.

Su Yehao disagreed, shook his head and replied:

"Thirty years of Hedong, thirty years of Hexi, don't bully me now that I am poor. Since I dare to take the land, of course I have the confidence to build it. The big deal is to promise not to sell or rent it out, so you should rest assured. Now my company is very good. Small, but the development momentum is quite good, if you miss me, you will regret it later."

"I want to go home and learn from me for a few more years. Even if I agree, the above will not agree."

Zheng Yongwen is really optimistic about Su Yehao's entrepreneurial direction. Recently, the TAT chat software has become popular. This vice president is not an old antique who is isolated from the world.

But it's one thing to be optimistic, it's another to see how far it can go.

It was impossible for him to agree to such a ridiculous proposal just because he knew Su Yehao and almost became his uncle.

Su Yehao just tried it, but he didn't have any hope, and said calmly at this moment:

"No matter how the second son of the Li family talked to you before, judging from the current performance of the property market, it is estimated that it will be invalid. The plan can't be compared with the changes, and I may not be able to toss it up in the short term, which means... I should still have a chance. , wait for me in a year or two, then I will come to you with billions in hand, and then talk slowly."

When it comes to his vision for the future, Su Yehao is always confident.

Vice President Zheng Yongwen felt this strong self-confidence, and Jiang Yu, who was going to seek revenge on Su Yehao, also felt it.

When he had no money last year, Su Yehao was still confused for a while. Now that he is in charge of more than one billion yuan, he naturally floated, and he floated very confidently.

Zheng Yongwen smacked his lips and replied, "Several billions, which is an exaggeration. Are you planning to inherit your father's property, or go to rob the bank? Even in the head office's treasury, I am afraid there is not so much Gold reserves are about the same.”

"I'm not holding a large amount of Yahoo stock in my hand. I made money with you. Remember to invite me to dinner."

Su Yehao jokingly clasped his fists and added: "The green hills will not change, the green water will continue to flow, the future will be long, and there will be a period in the future. You can delay the Cyberport plan and buy me some time. I will incubate more Internet companies in the future. You will not suffer."

A businessman, being cautious is a good thing, and it is also a good thing to be brave like Su Yehao.

After all, he was still young, and Zheng Yongwen didn't expect him to be stable. He couldn't help laughing and crying: "Okay, anyway, it will be difficult in the short term. You work hard and raise money slowly. I'll wait for you to come to me."


"What were you talking about just now?"

After returning to the classroom, Jiang Yu held back for a long time, and finally asked the exit.

Her body was seen and her hands were touched. She had "heavy losses" in the past two days, at least a few catties of tofu.

Su Yehao casually told her:

"A large project, including industrial parks and real estate, is estimated to be difficult to win without 7 or 8 billion yuan. It should be more than the cost of building a building. It's too big, I can't eat it, but if a replica is successfully copied in Hong Kong City Silicon Valley, plus my entrepreneurial ideas, plus monopoly of chip lithography machines, etc., the old and the United States will have a headache in the future, a big cake of trillions of dollars, think about it... I am afraid, I will definitely be killed."

"...neuropathy, it's still trillions of dollars, and you can't even spend 200 million dollars." Jiang Yu said.

Su Yehao ignored her and said with a smile: "Give me your hand, I just let you run away, continue?"

Jiang Yu's reply was neat and tidy - "Go away."

"Heh, the fair-looking little girl is actually rude and rude..."


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