Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 267: on its own track

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I'm going to go home for the New Year's Eve, and the itinerary needs to be adjusted.

After visiting Mount Fuji in the morning, I packed up after lunch and returned to Tokyo to visit home appliance manufacturers.

The first company mainly produces ovens and microwave ovens, and the second company mainly produces water heaters. They are small and medium-sized enterprises that are small and family workshops, and they do not have many cutting-edge technologies.

To be honest, Su Yehao didn't know what he was looking for. He could only say that after visiting, he realized that none of them were suitable.


Washing machines, refrigerators, TVs, rice cookers, Walkmans, etc. are the best-selling products in the mainland home appliance market. There are not many places where natural gas is available, and the market for gas water heaters is small.

What Su Yehao needs is to help Midea Group as a whole step into a new level. In his opinion, these workshop-style home appliance manufacturing companies have little effect, so he focuses on a few well-known companies that are not operating well, such as ...Toshiba Home Appliances.

Toshiba's strength is obvious to all, but its home appliance business has been losing ground, accounting for a small proportion of the entire group.

Probably because it was rumored to transfer the home appliance business and go into battle lightly, the First Quanye Bank also listed it in the target list, but the price is relatively high, about 3 billion Hong Kong dollars, and the transfer of some production equipment, patents and inventory products. ,

It is definitely unrealistic to eat all of it, even if it uses all the two billion financing funds, it is not enough. If you split out some businesses and professions, you can give it a try.

The whole thing involved too much, Su Yehao thought about it for a while. .

This time, it is my own pondering. After all, I neither know the actual situation of the Midea Group nor what is missing.

To say that the biggest gain of this trip is not actually in home appliance manufacturing itself, but in home appliance chain retail stores...

I wanted to know about the development status of home appliances in Japan, so I came to a Sakuraya electrical chain store in the evening.

The moment he entered the store, Su Yehao thought of the famous Suning and Gome, and thus found a good way out for the troubled Midea Group.

After all, it is a company with a total market value of more than 6 billion yuan after financing, and it is involved in the home appliance manufacturing industry. If the Midea Group establishes a subsidiary and takes the lead in the development of the retail industry, on the one hand, it can open up new profit points, on the other hand Can promote product sales.

As soon as this idea came into being, Su Yehao realized that there were drawbacks.

After all, if it is a chain store dominated by the Midea Group, most of the competitors of other domestic brands are unwilling to cooperate, and in the end it is very likely that the Midea Group will entertain itself.

It's a bit troublesome, but it's easy to solve it. You can try to pull all the giants into the water, and everyone will jointly contribute to the partnership.

Immediately, he thought that once he ended up, the franchise agents would definitely not be happy. Su Yehao then began to organize his thoughts. He only felt that the business in the real industry was really difficult to do, and the interests were intertwined, which was more complicated than simply investing.

Aside from many problems, just look at the nature of financing, which is undoubtedly to make money.

Since it was all about making money, Su Yehao began to change his mind again and did not intend to hang himself on a tree. For example, he invested in other businesses through the Midea Group, such as looking for ready-made chain home appliance retail companies, or directly using idle funds to invest in other businesses. Real estate industry development.

He hasn't really been in charge of dealing with the mess of the Midea Group, and countless thoughts are in his head.


Eating barbecue at night and drinking the green plum wine that I just tasted during the day.

Nangong Tian saw Su Yehao's absent-mindedness. He ate the meat wrapped in basil leaves and asked casually, "Brother Hao, do you have no appetite today?"

Su Yehao said: "It's okay, there are some problems to think about. My father is going to finance a mainland home appliance manufacturing company and is thinking about how to develop in the future. My ability is still not enough, and I have a headache when I think about it. The goal is to finalize several core main businesses."

"Such a big business is definitely not easy. My mother manages a club, and there are big and small things every day. Brother Hao, you can definitely do it!"

Nangong Tian still firmly believed in him, wiped her mouth with a towel, and then said, "What are you planning, or tell me?"

"...Home appliance manufacturing is definitely the core, and it can also expand into the retail industry. Not only can you make money through sales, but if you directly buy a store for your own business, the profit from the long-term holding of the store should not be low. Then use the idle funds for acquisition and investment, and simply divide the company’s business into three major parts: home appliances, retail, and investment. After earning money, you can also acquire peers in the home appliance manufacturing industry, and use the funds in research and development to form a benign cycle."

As soon as Su Yehao finished speaking, she blinked and asked curiously, "Isn't this very good, where is the problem?"

"I didn't say there is a problem. Even if the two major sectors of home appliances and retail are destroyed, I have the opportunity to bring it back to life by investing in the business."

Su Yehao took a piece of browned pork belly, sprinkled it with dipping sauce and sent it to the import, adding: "The general direction is easy to plan, but what worries me is how to implement it. After my father raises money, there will definitely be different opinions within the company. Therefore, I want to hand over the home appliance and retail business to knowledgeable talent management, and I will personally take charge of the investment, and the right to speak must be in my hands."

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years, Mimi read! It’s so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud to pass the time before driving and before going to bed, you can download it here]

Since I set foot in business, I have become accustomed to being lazy.

Compared with honestly doing industrial business, making profits through investment is Su Yehao's advantage.

This morning, I was still thinking about how to focus on R&D and production. After reading the embarrassing situation of those companies in the afternoon, I suddenly felt that I could save some trouble.

With the help of the profit development brought by the sale of products, it is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and there is no experience.

However, if a new department is established to invest money specifically, Su Yehao is even confident that within three to five years, he will earn enough profit to acquire Toshiba's home appliance business as a whole.

In this way, is also helping Midea Group develop its home appliance business, and it is more efficient and convenient, so why do you have to go to the horns and keep an eye on the home appliance manufacturing industry?

Rather than learning from other people's business models, Su Yehao still prefers to develop at his own pace.

The domestic home appliance manufacturing industry is still in the stage of imitation, and the homework can be copied incorrectly. The quality of the products is so-so, and the price is cheaper.

This is not deliberately belittling, the status quo is so, I have to admit it.

With the current situation, finding ways to acquire other leading peers is much easier than independent research and development, and has the opportunity to achieve corner overtaking.

Look at projects such as TAT ​​and TOT, which are growing step by step through investment income.

In the almost blank market in the mainland, it can be said that 95% of the instant messaging market has already been acquired by Su Yehao, and the rest are still waiting to be developed.

The benefits of eating crabs at the end of the first game are obvious.

It's smooth sailing, no one is fighting, and the users are quite friendly.

No way, even if I think TAT is not good enough, where can I find a substitute? Moreover, the function of TAT is really good. It is considered advanced in the world, especially the personal space function, which can be regarded as leading a new trend.

After slowly coming up with an idea, Su Yehao felt much better.

I went to Ginza to hang out again that night. There were beautiful girls all over the street, and it was pleasing to the eyes. It seemed that all the beautiful women in Japan were concentrated here, and they could meet bright girls from time to time.

It's a pity that someone else's family pays one share of public food, and now he has to pay three copies, which is very stressful.

It's no wonder that Su Yehao has been so heartbroken for half a year that he occasionally teases Jiang Yu and Zhao Yimeng, and he only dares to have a mouthful...

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