Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 271: Blacksmith need its own hardware

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Su Yehao knows a lot of projects, and the most important thing is to make money.

Besides, Amazon's business is quite big, even if the Qiu family really invests 100 to 200 million Hong Kong dollars, it will not affect Su Yehao himself.

At the end of October last year, after making money by short-selling.

He has used a large sum of money to invest in Yahoo and Amazon, respectively, and currently holds about 70 million Hong Kong dollars worth of Amazon stock.

If the Qiu family invested in the purchase and held a batch of liquid shares for a long time, it would actually be beneficial to Su Yehao, and it might cause Amazon's stock price to rise slightly.

In 1998, the online shopping market was just getting started.

Relying on the concept of speculation, Amazon has managed to attract the attention of a small number of investors. As the Internet industry is becoming more and more popular, its performance on the Nasdaq market is indeed not bad.


As long as the eldest young master of the Qiu family doesn't touch his cake, Su Yehao is more than happy to send him a favor and take the other party to play and invest. After all, the two have a good relationship.

The market is too big to eat alone. .

Bringing the Qiu family to invest in Amazon will earn money from other people, but if he is competing in the instant messaging market, it will affect his cake.

Su Yehao is not afraid of competing with others, but if he develops steadily for another year or two, the situation will be more favorable to him.

In order to convince Uncle Qiu, he used his brain at this moment, quietly led Uncle Qiu to the living room, pretended to sigh and said:

"Actually, when your son Qiu Yaohe went to my dad's office to discuss cooperation last year, I was there. At that time, I felt that the BP machine was an outdated technology, and I persuaded him a few words, but unfortunately he didn't listen to me, his temper... a bit stubborn. "

"Yeah, I'm more stubborn than a cow. I want to do everything, but I can't do anything well. This worries me to death. How dare I trust him with the business."

Uncle Qiu picked up the cigar and took it directly from the coffee table, just like he was at home.

The relationship was in place, and he didn't take himself as an outsider at all, and continued to say to Su Yehao: "It's my fault, there is only such a son in the family, and he spoiled him since he was a child. When he was a child, he had good grades in school, and everyone praised my son for being smart. Ao. It's true that you have good grades in school, but doing business is another matter. If he can have half of your ability, I'll die laughing!"

"Well... I invested with me at that time. The capital of two or three billion Hong Kong dollars should at least double now."

Su Yehao kept calm and reminded quietly.

It seemed that it was for Uncle Qiu's consideration, but in fact he didn't bother to care about how Qiu Yaohe was doing, and he only met once.

If it wasn't for seeing that the other party was going to put his claws into his bowl, he wouldn't be interested in talking about it at all.

Continuing to attack sideways, Su Yehao asked again:

"Uncle Qiu, how is he going to develop this time and go to the United States to do business? I also have a company in Silicon Valley. The annual salary of a person is hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong dollars. There is too much competition and it is very unstable. In fact... Compared with starting a business, investing directly Other companies are the safest. On the one hand, they are relatively mature, and on the other hand, they have a ready-made management team. Since they can do it, it means that there is a market prospect, right?"

Uncle Qiu didn't know anything about Internet business. After listening to it, he just felt a little bit reasonable. He nodded thoughtfully.

"Yes, I have already gone to the United States to recruit people. Now I hear my son talking about starting a business, and I panic. Since you have experience, that's great. Just find time to teach him..."

Knowing that Qiu Yaohe is likely to focus on the United States, Su Yehao was slightly relieved.

Think about it.

At present, there are only a few computers in the north, and the number of Internet users is only a few hundred thousand. However, any entrepreneur with a little ambition will usually target the US market first.

I can't figure out the specific situation for the time being, Uncle Qiu only knows about it.

Therefore, Su Yehao agreed to meet Qiu Yaohe when he was free, and got the other party's number from Uncle Qiu.

When he drove away from the Su family's mansion at around 9 o'clock in the evening, it was unrealistic for Su Yehao to think about killing all the signs. He still had to rely on his own strength to strike iron. As long as his company and products were well developed, why would he have to compete for the market? And worried?

After thinking about it, it doesn't feel dangerous anymore.

Taking a step back, even if all the entrepreneurial projects at hand are finished, there are still venture capital and private equity investment projects, as well as stock speculation, etc., and you can still profit from the development of the Internet, not necessarily better than yourself. few.


On the way, I said Happy New Year to Nangong Tian, ​​and then I called Nong Qingying again and made an appointment to go shopping with her in Hong Kong City tomorrow afternoon.

After dealing with personal affairs, I went upstairs, carrying a bag, and came to the apartment bought for Yin Liuli.

Yin Liuli thought that Su Yehao bought something, took the bag and read it, and said in surprise, "Why are all the red envelopes and money? Where did it come from?"

"New Year's money and oil and water from watching other people play cards, a bunch of uncles, aunts, relatives and elders are always embarrassed to see me empty-handed, and count them for me later, how many are there in total."

After Su Yehao finished speaking, he thought of something, took out the signboard engraved with the "Diamond Sutra" in his pocket, and added: "And this, it's too heavy to hang on, or it will melt and give you a bracelet?"

"Good things, why should they melt? The wages are very expensive."

Yin Liuli poured the money in the bag onto the sofa, and sat cross-legged, carefully counting.

She counts money all day in the store, but she rarely sees such a large sum of money. The currency denominations are different, including Hong Kong dollars and US bills. There are also many local Counting them by category, with a very serious expression .

Su Yehao smiled and shook his head. He simply went to drain the water and prepared to take a bath together.

Usually meet less and leave more, Yin Liuli's character is particularly lovable, and the freshness is always there, which is equivalent to falling in love.

After ten minutes.

As soon as Su Yehao started taking a bath, she came over, opened the door and looked into her head with a smile: "After counting, the total is 10,000 US dollars, 120,000 Hong Kong dollars, and 208,000 Portuguese dollars."

The local people are used to calling the currency Portuguese currency, which is actually different from Portuguese currency.

Su Yehao, who didn't care about this unexpected wealth, lay down comfortably, beckoned and said, "Come in and wash together, you have enough money here? When the New Year's money is given to you, do you usually keep it for shopping? The ten thousand dollars is my dad. The lucky money given, he is about to earn big recently, so he doesn't need to save it for him."

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

"What do you mean by earning big?"

Old husband and wife, Yin Liuli began to unbutton the buttons, she used to be embarrassed, but now she is used to it.

"The mainland used to provide free houses to employees. It is reported that this year is likely to be completely cancelled. In the future, if you want to buy a house and change a house, you will have to pay for it. It was only a pilot before, but this time there is a lot of movement. It’s coming, and the land my dad bought will definitely appreciate in value.”

After listening to Su Yehao finish.

Yin Liuli smiled and replied:

"That's good, but you take the money away, I don't need it. It sounds strange to take people's New Year's money. The profit from the restaurant this year is still with me. I've been wanting to ask you what to do, a total of 100 More than 200,000 Portuguese dollars..."

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