Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 284: Is it so hard to believe me once?

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It has been a few months since Su Yehao heard about financing the Midea Group and set foot in the home appliance manufacturing industry in the Mainland.

It has only been negotiated until now, and there are various troubles involved behind it.

In depth, there are three aspects in total.

One is the issue of staff placement.

The second is the division of management rights after financing.

The third is the conflict within the group.

The first and the second are easy to resolve. The former spends money to settle the matter, while the latter follows the rules of the market economy.

Since the problem is quite serious, the above chose to help Sihai International and introduce a more advanced management and development model. As long as the company is conscientiously done well, the two sides will have the right to speak together in the future, and there will be basically no major problems.

After all, Father Su is also confident. If he goes to the north, he can set up dinner parties every day, which has nothing to do with the word "soft persimmon".

As for the troubles within the group, the main reason is that the management is relatively chaotic. .

And who eats meat and who drinks soup, involves everyone's nerves in every aspect.

It is much more difficult to do business than to play investment. Cosmopolitan International belongs to Cheng Yaojin, who suddenly burst out, accounting for 43% of the shares at once, completely breaking the original situation, and it will definitely take some time to readjust.

Su Yehao's plan is to spend three months to stabilize, and strive to achieve a breakthrough in performance in the second half of the year, to thoroughly sort out the company and bring it back to the right path.

Compared with Pengcheng, where new buildings are blooming everywhere, the urban area of ​​Fochuan looks a bit old.

Don't rush to the hotel to check in, take Nong Qingying with you first, and take the car directly to the Midea Group.

Su Yehao was originally a little worried about letting her meet with his old man, but just after thinking about it, he would meet sooner or later anyway, and he has been deliberately avoiding it, which will inevitably make Nong Qingying have ideas.

Simply contact and meet in advance while others are away.

In this matter, aside from grandfather, Su Yehao believed that his father could understand him too, and it was a big deal to be taught a few words...

The driver doesn't know the way.

Rolled down the car window and handed Hua Zi to passersby, asked for directions in Cantonese, and quickly found the Midi headquarters.

Parking the car at the entrance of the building, Su Yehao called his father. A few minutes later, a middle-aged woman led them in and climbed the stairs to a conference room.

A total of twenty or thirty employees are scattered around their temporary desks, not knowing what they are busy with.

As for Father Su, who was standing by the window on the phone at the moment, when he saw the beautiful girl beside his son, his wrist trembled and he almost threw the phone away.

Last year, I met Nong Qingying at the Four Seas International Golf Club, and later let Father Su die deeply.

The impression is too deep, I want to forget it.

So when Su Yehao helped introduce Nong Qingying, the old man just said "um", deliberately pretending to be seeing him for the first time, and didn't say anything.

At this moment.

Father Su changed the subject and asked, "Why did you come here? The school is still in school, right?"

"I inspected my own business and stopped by to have a look. This building is a little old. I will make money in the future. Remember to buy land and build a few high-rise buildings while the price is low."

"Nonsense, now the company is short of money, is it possible that I raised 2 billion yuan just to build a building?"

Father Su directly ignored the word "future" and continued: "It just happened that you came here, I'm going to dinner at night, and then stop the wine for me. The people here drink too hard, and my stomach still hurts. "

The corners of the mouth twitched.

Su Yehao said with emotion: "It's really his own. He came all the way and asked me to drink for you."

"Young people recover quickly. Even if I stopped you in the past, didn't you run to the bar every three days? Since you like to drink, it's better to use your skills where you should use them."

After listening to Dad finished speaking, Su Yehao asked, "The contract has been signed, what are you doing now?"

"There are a lot of things. I talked to the management one by one yesterday, and the work will be re-arranged next. Most of these people are from McKinsey Consulting, and they will do all the work. It cost me 20 million Hong Kong dollars. The department will be re-divided at that time. , to sort out a new framework, and the management will also be replaced by a professional manager system. If I don’t change my blood now, it will be difficult after a while. It is estimated that I have been scolded behind my back a lot recently.”

Father Su has been in business for so many years and is very experienced.

A lot of preparatory work started long before the contract was signed, and solutions were sorted out one by one for the problems found in the investigation, which are now in an orderly manner.

The reason why McKinsey Consulting Company is so famous that Father Su is willing to spend 20 million Hong Kong dollars to hire them is because this company is very good at bringing enterprises back to life, and is very good in mergers and reorganizations, organizational structure, marketing and manufacturing, and corporate finance. There are advantages.

The 2 billion financing has been taken out, and it is not a big deal to spend 20 million Hong Kong dollars.

Su Yehao also felt that it was worth it.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree, I used to see McKinsey's report on so-and-so on the news, and even people outside the circle have heard of it, which is enough to show its status.

In fact, it is troublesome and time-consuming to assist a company of this size in the reorganization of the Midea Group. An elite team composed of more than 40 people from Hong Kong City, Singapore and Japan has been busy for nearly four months. , has not yet been completed.

If it weren't for McKinsey, I hope to use it as an example to expand its influence in the mainland, and the fee will be higher. Now it is a discount.

Asking a professional team to help sort out the organizational structure is obviously more convenient than Su Yehao's usual blind thinking. Before, my father never mentioned the decision to cooperate with McKinsey Consulting Company, and he was worried that he would not be satisfied with the situation after financing.

Now it seems that Jiang is still old and hot, and he directly leaves the work that is easy to offend people to be responsible for the McKinsey team, which undoubtedly saves a lot of trouble than doing it himself.

Other than the high cost, nothing else is wrong.

At this time, Su Yehao said to his father, "When looking for a professional manager, do you also arrange a leisurely position for me?"

"You? What do you want to do, just embroider your legs, I'm afraid you will be killed by Father Su said carelessly while smoking a cigar.

Shaking his head, Su Yehao said, "In addition, we will set up a new department. I will find the people myself. Seven or eight should be enough. Let me take care of some of the idle funds and invest in other projects. Give me 100 million to try first. , I will pay you out of my own pocket if I can't make any money."

Father Su looked helpless and said with a smile: "You have so much money, but it's not enough for you to toss? Why are you staring at this company?"

"I have an idea, and I'm sure I won't mess with the family, but if the expected goal is exceeded, it is best to allocate a fund from the profit every quarter and manage it by me. The money earned belongs to the company. Work in vain and don't even charge fees."

As early as before the Spring Festival, Su Yehao planned to use the company's idle funds to find opportunities to overtake on curves.

For this to happen, getting Dad's support is key.

After hesitating for a moment, Father Su said, "Our family has just arrived, and the short-term performance is very important. If you lose money, it will be difficult for me."

"That's why I said, I can pay for it out of my own pocket, even if I sign a contract. Is it so difficult to trust me once? If I had listened to me and bought Yahoo stock, the total assets of Cosmopolitan International would have already exceeded 10 billion."

Su Yehao was full of resentment, and the old man was too stubborn. In order to help his family make long-term plans, he put a lot of effort into it.

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I saw my son say so.

Father Su thought it would be good to give some opportunities to exercise, so he agreed.

Immediately consulted with people from McKinsey to adjust the original plan and add an independent investment department.


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