Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 293: Lanyue Lake

Latest website: Su Yehao disapproved of the good Fengshui of the Li family mansion.

People like to sum up various experiences from successful people, thinking that they can find the code to get rich, but they are often prone to fall into the misunderstanding of survivorship bias.

Compared with the feng shui of the Li family's No. 79 mansion in Deep Water Bay, Su Yehao felt that it was because the old man of the Li family was so rich that he appeared in the newspaper every three or five years, so his house attracted more attention, and then There are some mysterious sayings.

For example, the feng shui of the mid-mountain, the top of the mountain and the surrounding villas.

Everyone in the area said yes, but they forgot that they had the money to move in first, instead of starting from scratch and suddenly making a fortune.

Groups who have the strength to buy villas on Hong Kong Island are already rich or expensive, and they have the opportunity to earn more through investment and financial management. Of course, the children of this group of people are more likely to succeed.

Compared to the Li family's house built in the 1950s. .

Su Yehao's mansion on Dalangwan Road has just been built. No matter in terms of appearance, interior decoration, courtyard design, etc., it is a model and benchmark of luxury mansion. It is a lot higher than that old mansion. The house is the best, of course he will feel dissatisfied.

Of course.

The Lao Li family has already reached the threshold of the richest Chinese in the world, and holds several major listed companies. In terms of strength, it is stronger than the Su family and the Tang family combined. This is an indisputable fact.

Rich to their level, it is boring to simply compare who lives in a better house, after all, they can afford to build a mansion.

Su Yehao was too lazy to argue, he just felt that the intermediary had no vision.

If one day in the future, he is worth more than Lao Li, maybe there will be after-dinner conversations outside, saying that a certain Feng Shui master swears that "the Dragon Cave of Gangcheng went to Dalangwan Road" maybe...

Hong Kong City's housing prices have been falling, and from the perspective of market performance, it has not fallen to the bottom.

Su Yehao didn't forget the Cyberport project, but it was a bit of a loss to get the land at a high price, and he didn't have any spare money for the time being, so he never went to Vice President Zheng Yongwen to discuss it.

Bought a curry fish ball while waiting.

Before the fish eggs were eaten, a passenger ship docked first.

More than ten meters away, when Su Yehao saw Yin Liuli getting off the boat, her brows were frowned, as if she was very upset.

Just wondering, then I saw two young people following Yin Liuli like dog skin plaster, and they were talking about something, obviously stalking.

Immediately she guessed what was bothering her.

Can this be tolerated?

Su Yehao looked at the bodyguards, continued to eat fish balls, raised his chin, and said in his mouth, "Go stop and ask, keep soldiers for a thousand days and use them for a while, so you don't get bored with me."

Hearing this, the bodyguard's eyes lit up.

Following Su Yehao all day, wandering around, this job seemed easy, but it was indeed a bit boring.

Different from the few street runners at the beginning, the security company of Buck Tooth Jun's family has grown rapidly, and has begun to pay attention to formalization, specialization, and high-end.

Of the six bodyguards who have followed Su Yehao recently, two retired from the famous Flying Tigers, and four have worked in the industry for more than five years.

There were many people at the dock, and Yin Liuli had not seen Su Yehao yet.

She was on the passenger ship this time, and was approached by someone in the middle, and she clearly didn't want to pay attention, but the other party had no self-knowledge and kept chatting.

Just when Yin Liuli was upset and was about to make a phone call to Su Yehao, the scoundrel who was pestering him was blocked by two bodyguards, please go to the side to "chat".

A moment of astonishment.

The corner of the girl's mouth was upturned, she looked into the crowd, and she found Su Yehao beckoning...


"That's why I said, let the yacht come to pick you up. Although the passenger ship is lively and cheap, you are good-looking and prone to neurosis."

The Rolls-Royce bulletproof car was driving quietly, on its way to Tai Lam Country Park.

The last time I heard Mama Tang talk about a newly opened spa resort, Su Yehao was going to take Yin Liuli to stay there for two days.

Yin Liuli sighed and said, "I have been on a passenger ship before, and I have never met such a shameless guy. The two of them sang together, and my head still hurts."

"Don't be afraid, I've already registered my identity, forgive them and they don't dare to harass you. Although my relationship with you has not been made public, as long as you investigate carefully, it is still easy to find out, and I'm getting more and more famous. I'm looking for a few female bodyguards. I'll follow you for a long time, mainly because I'm afraid of hurting you."

Su Yehao had mentioned this topic before, but she felt it was unnecessary.

This time Yin Liuli no longer resisted, and only asked, "Will it be troublesome?"

"No, I follow you from a distance, you can hardly notice it if you don't pay attention. I wasn't used to it at first, but I'm used to it now."

Holding Yin Liuli's hand, Su Yehao smiled and said, "You seem to have lost some weight. You are busy with business recently?"

"It's okay, things are the same every day, so don't worry about it. In fact, I'm not thin, but because I'm exercising, my weight has increased by two pounds."

After Yin Liuli finished speaking, she also asked, "How about you, are you busy recently?"

"... A little busy, it's still about a startup company, and it's about to go to the US market for development. The preliminary research work is very complicated, and some white people who understand marketing are in charge."

Su Yehao deliberately looked for reasons.

If you're not busy, you should go back to the casino to see her more often.

Yin Liuli believed it for granted. She had not had much contact with Su Yehao's career. She subconsciously felt that since she was doing big business, she should be busy all day.

At this moment, he was overjoyed at his thoughtfulness, and deliberately "took out precious time" to accompany him to the Tai Lam Country Park for a vacation, for fear of delaying Su Yehao's business.

Chat all the way.

Tai Lam Country Park is located near Yuen Long, New Territories. The newly opened spa resort is called "Lan Yue Lake", located at the foot of a small hill.

The small lake at the entrance of the resort was artificially dug into a crescent shape, planted with lotus flowers and raised red carp.

Regardless of the location, there are many good cars parked in the yard.

Since Su Yehao's mother always came here to take care of the business, it was enough to show that the owner of the resort had some connections, so it was no wonder that he dared to invest in a luxury resort with a distinctive style in such a place.

After getting off the bus, looking around, it is a Japanese-style wooden courtyard building.

Su Yehao smiled and said, "I didn't make an I don't know if it's full or not. It's possible to make a trip in vain. If you run into my mother's friend, remember not to talk too much."

"Your mother? Then... what if she finds out?"

"Don't worry, since I dare to bring you here, I'm not afraid of being known by her. I'm not a child, I make my own decisions in life."

Holding Yin Liuli, he talked about the preparations for Tao Tao Ju.

Some time ago, Zhao Yimeng helped find a good shop. It covers an area of ​​more than 700 square meters and is located on the first floor of the shopping mall. The design has already started, and the decoration team is only waiting for the completion of the project. The estimated investment is about 5 million Hong Kong dollars.

In order to pay back Su Yehao's help and let Donghuang Group contact several Japanese and mainland banks, the Zhao family even confiscated Su Yehao's rent, and he used it whenever he wanted.

Don't want to rent, it is still located in the densely populated Tsim Sha Tsui business district. After the restaurant opens, it will be difficult to lose money...


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