Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 298: Giants gather

The latest website: Finally, Nangong Tian's attention was diverted.

Jiang Yu quickly came over, admiring the arrangement around him, and brought the little girl with him, saying that he was going to see the bride's other wedding dress, as well as the dowry and dowry that were piled up on the hill, and he was very excited.

Seeing this, Su Yehao's face was about to turn green, and he was speechless for a while.


After a while.

His mother came, holding a limited-edition Hermes Birkin bag in crocodile skin, a blue diamond necklace around his neck, a three-piece set with blue diamond earrings and a bracelet.

Looking at the main diamond, which is bigger than a pigeon egg, it would be difficult to win it without 18 million Hong Kong dollars. Considering that buying it in the name of a company can not only deduct taxes, but also preserve and increase its value, Su Yehao only thinks that this set of jewelry is amazing.

What he thinks is not worth it are the ordinary small diamonds that sell for high prices.

And this kind of high-end players can afford the best natural color diamonds, the quantity is too rare, it already belongs to collectibles and works of art, and there are many potential buyers, so it cannot be generalized.

Mother Tang looked around and asked curiously, "I saw the little girl from the Nangong family just now, with you, where is she?"

"I went to see the dowry with Jiang Yu."

Su Yehao said in a helpless tone, "I regret it a bit, I shouldn't be here today. Just now, Nangong said that she likes this kind of wedding. This kind of occasion is poisonous."

Mother Tang pondered a little, and immediately guessed the reason why her son said he should not come.

She smiled and said: "Weddings happen every day. It's impossible not to let her see them all the time. Some troubles always have to be faced in the end. Who made you so affectionate?"

Talking to my mother, I don't have so many scruples, and I don't have to worry about turning my elbows out.

Su Yehao spread his hands and said:

"Anyway, I've made up my mind that I may never get married officially in my life. I ran to Las Vegas in the church and let her enjoy her wedding dress, but I can think about it. It's not good to choose anyone to marry. Once you are photographed shopping with other women, and the photos are published in the newspapers, you can easily get scolded, so don’t expect to get the money back.”

"You're still young now, maybe it's another idea in the future. But if you really don't get married, I should think about making a big deal on your 50th birthday, and give out millions of gifts one after another. , always find a reason to take it back."

There are many relatives and friends, tens of thousands here, tens of thousands over there, and things go on and on throughout the day.

Just like when the restaurant near the archway of the Great Sanba opened, there were a lot of people giving money to Su Yehao, and it was normal to give millions of gifts one after another.

Su Yehao smiled and said, "When you are fifty years old, tell me in advance what you want."

"As long as you are safe and healthy, I am thankful that I know you are rich now, but I have always been uneasy. Money comes too easily, and you have to be able to keep it."

Seeing that his mother was in class again, Su Yehao lost his temper instantly, changed the subject decisively, and asked, "I know, mother, your jewelry is so beautiful, how much did you pay for it?"

"This set was given by your father. It was custom-made from Cartier in 1988. It seems to have cost more than one million dollars. I originally planned to give it to my daughter-in-law as a family heirloom. If you don't plan to get married, you will disrupt my plan. Now, as I get older, diamonds are a bit unsuitable for me. Some of my friends have become grandmothers and wear a simple pearl necklace when they go out. Time flies so fast..."


Led by my mother, I met a lot of famous people in Hong Kong City.

For example, the owner of the Peninsula Hotel is the head of the Kadoorie family who almost monopolizes the power industry in Hong Kong City.

This family is relatively low-key, but most people in Hong Kong know it. The shadow of this family can be seen in all aspects of life. It came to Asia as early as the last century to develop. At the beginning of this century, it spent millions of taels of silver. It is still one of the wealthiest families in the city today.

In addition, there is the second son of the Li family, standing beside the groom as the best man, and other wealthy families in Hong Kong also participated.

Su Yehao usually seldom walks with them. Today, when he looked at the bosses of several major real estate developers, he suddenly realized that there is still a big gap between them, and their strength is obviously not on the same level.

After listening to my mother's help, the people Su Yehao cared about were the Chuanwang family, the Li family of Changshi and Hutchison Whampoa, the Guo family and Li family of Sun Hung Kai, and the Zhou family of Dafu Jewelry and New World Real Estate. .

The difference in worth is actually not that big, but at their level, it's not just personal wealth that needs to be compared.

Some people hold the right to speak of giant companies through some shares. They may be worth only about 10 billion Hong Kong dollars, but they manage assets worth tens of billions or even hundreds of billions, and their influence is undoubtedly far beyond the current Su family and Tang family.

In the face of the so-called "Four Great Families" cast out by others, Su Yehao had to be convinced.

Adding both his parents together, he could barely reach the threshold of a first-class wealthy family, but in terms of background and strength, it was not only inferior to the four major families, but also had a certain gap compared with some old-fashioned first-class wealthy families.

Of course.

Su Yehao just had nothing to do, and thought about it in his heart.

The bottom line is that he doesn't have to envy others at all. It won't be long before he can overtake on a corner, and let these old rich people look at his taillights and sigh "the waves in front of the Yangtze River beat the waves in the back".

Playing on the scene, with a stiff smile on his face, he was led by his mother to see the elders everywhere.

It was not until the emcee started to speak that Su Yehao found the little girl and took a seat at the front VIP table.

Probably because diners are worried about what diners should avoid, the menu lists the detailed ingredients of each dish. Fish maw, bird's nest, and sea cucumber are standard items. In addition, there are Aolong and soft-shelled turtle, abalone, suckling pigeon, suckling pig, etc. The price per table is Thirty-nine thousand.

With hindsight, he finally realized why the head of Kadoorie, whom he had met before, was so happy today.

There are more than 300 tables in this wedding, and seven banquet halls are covered. Only the main hall can see the wedding scene, and other guests can only eat. After the Peninsula Hotel has completed this business, the profit is enough to exchange for a new Rolls-Royce. s.

From the perspective of it is estimated that the betrothal gift is not enough, and there is a high probability of losing money.

Finding another reason for refusing to get married, Su Yehao was looking forward to the opening of the banquet, and at the same time he was thinking of opening a better hotel than the peninsula when he had some spare money.

The emcee's speech sounded like a grandmother's foot-binding cloth. Su Yehao was stunned for more than 20 minutes before he finally got through all the links.

When the dishes were brought to the table, he came to the spirit, poured a glass of genuine Lafite, and drank with the mother's acquaintances present.

The process is similar to the weddings I have attended before, toasting, stuffing red envelopes, everything is not lacking.

Not long after eating and drinking, a stranger stopped Su Yehao, introduced himself as the investment bank manager of HSBC, and wanted to take the opportunity to chat with him.

When he heard about this person's work unit, Su Yehao immediately lost interest.

He waved his hand and left, for fear that if he wakes up, he and his money will be gone...

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