Latest website: Su Yehao couldn't help laughing when he unexpectedly learned that Apple also offered an olive branch.

Apple is not the big Mac in the future. It has been struggling in recent years. The total market value is only about 1.7 billion US dollars. There are no best-selling products that can be obtained. Relying on the fact that it was too early to set up personal business, I have made a little money until now.

In August last year, Su Yehao saw news in the newspaper that Apple was struggling and was on the verge of bankruptcy many times. At the time, Microsoft invested $150 million in Apple.

In this regard, Jobs also thanked Bill Gates and publicly said "Bill, thank you, the world is a better place", which was later printed on the cover of Time magazine.

According to the magazine, Bill Gates received a call from Jobs before raising money.

The later "Godfather of Technology" admitted that Apple was weak, tried to mend ties with Gates, and got a financing from Microsoft.

And Gates has indeed decided to invest, and it does not mean that he has actively retained a competitor, because Microsoft is facing an investigation and lawsuit under the anti-monopoly bill. Once Apple, which adopts an independent operating system, declares bankruptcy, Microsoft's situation will only be more difficult.

In Su Yehao's view, the current Apple stock is not a high investment value. Even in the overheated Nasdaq market, the stock price is still placid, almost like lying down. Gates has raised 150 million US dollars. Didn't pull it either.

Although he didn't make a move, Su Yehao has been following Apple's latest trends.

It is also one of the "super thousand times return stocks" that Su Yehao thinks, as long as he draws out funds in the future, he will definitely invest in it.

Knowing that the other party is eyeing the international version of tvt, there is a small intersection, Su Yehao only finds it interesting at this moment, and shakes his head and sighs:

"The more people who follow us, the more dangerous I feel, like I might be chased by hungry wolves at any time. It seems that we have to hurry up and run, tvt has provided other people with new ideas about social platforms , Unlike traditional forums and pure instant chat programs, once others want to copy our social elements, such as icq and aol, we will be very passive."

After getting in the car, John Zhou, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, deeply agreed with his words.

Keeping nodding his head, John Zhou turned around and told: "This is also a risk I want to remind you, if icq can't buy our new product, it's likely to choose to learn its personal space function. So boss, you have to be prepared, Be prepared to spend a lot of money, and to seize the market always requires investment.”

"Well, don't tell me, I'm already mentally prepared to throw money at me and run fast."

Su Yehao sits comfortably and fastens his seat belt. Since the beginning of this year, Silicon Valley Internet companies have caused a big explosion. The market value has risen again and again. After investors have received returns, their investment enthusiasm has become even higher, and the world is looking for start-ups. The next quality stock like Yahoo, Cisco, AOL.

After the funds are abundant, it is not a good thing for Su Yehao.

He feels that tat can still develop leisurely in the mainland market for a few years, and through updating from time to time, users can continue to experience the freshness, so as not to be robbed of market share by other similar social products.

In an international market that already has 70 to 80 million netizens, if he does not have the determination to sprint with all his strength, Su Yehao feels that his TVT projects will probably become cannon fodder. Channels, basic users, and R&D strength have also fallen behind.

The performance of the next period of time will determine the future of tvt. There is not much time left for Su Yehao to "steal the tower". I am afraid that competitors will react soon.


Su Yehao, who originally decided to spend about 200 million Hong Kong dollars first, quietly raised his investment this year to about 500 million Hong Kong dollars, or about 60 million US dollars.

Now TVT is still lightly loaded. There are more than 80 people in the Silicon Valley R&D center. The annual staff cost is seven to eight million US dollars, which means that it is possible to plan carefully and invest limited funds into marketing and promotion.

Of course.

In order to prevent the management including John Zhou from being reckless after learning the news, Su Yehao decided not to tell them for the time being.

On the way to Silicon Valley by car, we continued to talk about the next plan.

Su Yehao told at this moment:

"The top priority is to find a capable and experienced CEO. I don't have time to stay in the United States. The executive must be compatible with our company, have a clear understanding of the company's future development, and be able to enter the social network of Silicon Valley. In the circle. You have been at Microsoft for so many years, do you have a reliable recommendation? I can bite my teeth, even if I offer a million-dollar annual salary, it doesn't matter, it is best to finalize the candidates while I am in the United States. "

"... A million dollars is a lot, but it's a bit difficult to attract Microsoft's top professional managers."

John Zhou told the truth and reminded:

"Because we have reached that level, we will pay more attention to option rewards, and our company's development time is too short, and the group of people who have already succeeded may not feel safe enough. The headhunting company helped to ask some celebrities, but they all refused, thinking that we are strong And resources are not enough, the advice of the consulting company is to find a large company to cooperate and shorten the development cycle with the help of other people’s channels.”

Su Yehao touched his chin, opened the car window to blow air, and said with a smile:

"In terms of resources and strength, we actually have them. Even if I don't use my own family's money, I have the confidence to sell stories and get enough funds from Hong Kong City, Japan, and Singapore. I can't see the growth potential of our company. The batch of is already unqualified, let’s look for it again… If it doesn’t work, then I can only compress my personal time and manage the company in Silicon Valley myself. A boss who can’t speak English well…'s better not to let me show up in public, but to find a clear agent."

Needless to say Su Yehao, John Zhou certainly knew his background.

The family assets of billions of Hong Kong dollars are enough to crush 99.9% of the entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley. The most troublesome funding problem is definitely not a problem in the short term. The previous performance of tat was also good, and now it has developed a TVT with more social features, this company does have a chance to shine.

John Chow said with a smile:

"If you stay in Silicon Valley, it's not bad. Due to the time difference, many news can't be reported to you immediately. With your identity, it is easy to break into the local high-end social circle, and maybe you can pull in reliable people. Partner, icq just wants to annex us. Apple doesn't have enough resources. In fact, I am most optimistic about Microsoft and AOL. If we can cooperate with Yahoo, it will be very beneficial to us. Last time I met the founder of Yahoo, he asked about you. …”


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