Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 314: Tour around

Latest URL: After initial contact.

Although no actual agreement was reached, the mere fact that the bank was interested was enough to give Su Yehao a little confidence.

Even if the negotiation with the Bank of China collapses, you can find Hong Kong and European and American banks with more experience in leveraged buyouts. Anyway, as long as you think of a way, there will always be a chance to win icq, and you will not be helpless in the face of opportunities.

In case icq is really taken away by AOL, Su Yehao feels that it will be difficult to get those millions of users. After all, AOL with deep pockets is not bad for money, especially not bad for his money.

But look at it another way.

If icq is really acquired by AOL in the end, and with the idea of ​​​​killing competitors, it will be hidden in the snow.

This seems to be a big good thing for TVT that is ready to go. It means that there is one less competitor without a single soldier. AOL's paid version of the chat room is different from TVT that attaches importance to social interaction and entertainment. In the encounter, Su Yehao was confident that he could gain the upper hand.

There are many examples of free killing charges. Although aol has a higher market value and more users, Su Yehao actually thinks it is easier to deal with than icq.


Nong Qingying came all the way to the United States, and he couldn't stay in front of the computer with him all day.


Su Yehao took a break from his busy schedule again. He set off from Atherton, Silicon Valley, and drove eastward, all the way to Yosemite National Park, where he checked into a pre-booked resort.

The resort was developed by a rancher, and after walking for a while, he saw a herd of cattle.

Mountains, canyons, waterfalls, fresh and natural air, and trees with a long history are everywhere. As a scenic spot in the World Heritage List, you can always meet many tourists from all over the world during the hike, and the picnic area is very lively.

"The port city is really too small. I like this kind of beautiful place. A park is bigger than the entire port city. After walking, my legs will break."

Sitting on the stone in the picnic camp, Nong Qingying said while beating her legs.

Next to him, Su Yehao was grilling chicken wings. The ingredients and charcoal were bought from the store. In the weather in May, it was a little hot sitting by the fire, and his back was sweating.

Take a big sip of Fat House Happy Water, and feel so comfortable that you can say "ah~".

With a smile on his lips, Su Yehao told Nong Qingying, "I only plan a two-day itinerary, and I will definitely not be able to walk around on my legs. I just need to see a few of the most famous scenic spots. Other places are similar. There’s also Sequoia National Park, which is great for hiking, too.”

Linda Yun, who had just finished going to the mobile bathroom, was breathing heavily at the moment, she walked over and said:

"Better drink less water, it's hot today, those toilets... you know, it's suffocating. The redwood park is really spectacular, the trunk is thicker than a car, I went there once in high school and it was like to where the giants live."

"Next time I have a chance to go again, after walking here, it is estimated that my legs will hurt for a day or two." Nong Qingying said.

She had met Linda Yun.

The number of contacts is small, and the relationship is relatively unfamiliar.

At the very beginning, Nong Qingying also suspected the relationship between Linda Yun and Su Yehao, and inexplicable hostility could easily arise between beautiful girls.

However, after two days of getting along and observing, she found that it didn't seem very similar.

It was rare that Su Yehao, who was not afraid of shadows, never thought of making them closer, so he didn't bother to intervene, and it was good to be Buddhist.

The picnic camp is located on the river beach, with stones of different sizes at the foot.

It was raining upstream, the water was turbulent, and tourists were catching fish.

During the break, they chatted while eating barbecue. The white bodyguards who were temporarily hired each brought sandwiches, hamburgers, toast, etc. During the work period, it was like an outing to relax. Besides, Su Yehao was not the one who was prone to danger. Such customers, the taste is of course excellent.

After a short rest, I set up a tent and prepared for a lunch break. Checking the time, it was only 12:50 noon.

Exchanges on the east coast use daylight saving time, three hours ahead of California, and don't close until 4 p.m. on the east coast.

Su Yehao said to Linda Yun, "Ask the account manager at Morgan Stanley, how is the trend today?"

When I set out in the morning, I heard that it was rising, and then I didn't ask again.

Now that Linda Yun finished contacting him, Su Yehao was in a good mood when he learned that there was an extra $17 million in the total account today.

When he got into the tent, Su Yehao hugged Nong Qingying and said:

"I'm afraid I really can't go back to Hong Kong City recently. The time difference is different. I was just about to go to bed when the New York market opened, and I must have slept by the time the market closed. If the stock price fluctuates violently, it is likely that the business will be delayed because of sleep. Most of the employees in charge of U.S. stocks are night owls, otherwise you will go back by yourself in a few days, and I will stay for a while longer to handle things well."

"I'm going to distract you by staying here? It's so annoying to chase people away as soon as you arrive."

Nong Qingying rolled her eyes at him.

This girl holds the position of vice president of koko venture capital. In fact, she has almost nothing to do on weekdays, just helping Su Yehao fight.

I am idle in Hong Kong City, and I am also idle when I come to the United States, but I am tired of living in Hong Kong City, and I want to stay with Su Yehao and take the opportunity to walk around more.

At this moment, hearing Su Yehao tell her to go back in a few days, of course she will be upset.

Su Yehao dared to say that the little girl might also kill him in a few days, so he made an excuse and said with a smile:

"No, I also want you to stay with me, but the funds for the acquisition have not yet been found. There are still many things to do at the bank. I would like to ask you for help. I don't want to leave such a large amount of money to others. Don’t worry, it’s not too late to come back with me when I’m done, I’ll take you to New York for shopping, I heard that the shops on Fifth Avenue have a lot of discounts.”

I still remember the last time I talked to Xiao Nizi on the phone, and Su Yehao also said that he would accompany her to New York to play.

Anyway, you can rent a private jet for free, and it doesn't matter if you go to sleep with your eyes closed.

Nong Qingying thinks it makes no longer resists in an instant, and said intimately: "You are busy with you, then I will leave the airport in San Francisco and go to San Francisco in advance. By the way. , Yahoo helped me make a lot of money, do you think I should invest in a real estate in the United States? Taking a stock loan will not delay my current investment.”

I suddenly have money in my hand, and I always like to toss when I have nothing to do.

After thinking about it, Su Yehao shook his head and said, "The First Quanye Bank didn't help me this time, so it's time to find another bank. If you have a house at home, you can just go out and live in a hotel. There are too many houses and it's very troublesome to manage. It's important to make money first. , then buy a villa with a big yard directly in Repulse Bay and on the top of the mountain."

"Also, can I do the same as you and buy more options and futures, and it won't take long before I make more than ten million dollars, so I can make money."

"It's right to make a lot of money, but the risk is also very high. If you want to gamble, you can add a small leverage. It should be no problem at about five times. I'll talk about it when I go back to Silicon Valley. I'm tired for a while..."



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