Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 328: I dare...

Zhao Yimeng came early.

She wore a pink shirt with white jeans and a pair of small leather shoes, very casual, with a small black Chanel bag at hand.

From the looks of it, you can tell that the typical person didn't treat Su Yehao as an outsider.

It is said that a woman is a person who pleases herself. Considering that the relationship between Su Yehao and Nangong Tian has already been made public, Zhao Yimeng really has no extra thoughts. She has also met Yin Liuli before, and her affection for Su Yehao has long been known.

It's true that Su Yehao has changed his mind recently, and the two sides can be called a good match. However, she is also a dignified Miss Zhao family. Is it possible that she has to marry and be a child?

Su Yehao's charm is not that big yet.

As a result, Zhao Yimeng had some superfluous thoughts, which naturally faded, and his parents didn't mention marriage for a long time.

Originally, Zhao Yimeng sat there lazily.

When she was surprised to find that Jiang Yu was also here, she immediately got up and hugged Jiang Yu. The two beautiful girls got together, and happiness was written on her face.

The two of them had a very good relationship in high school, and they often kept in touch after graduation, belonging to the category of best friends.

On the contrary, Nangong Tian had little contact with Jiang Yu before. Since they started living together last year, they have gradually become good friends. When it comes to closeness and distance, in fact, in Jiang Yu's mind, Zhao Yimeng is still in front of Xiao Nizi.

"You're here too, this guy didn't even tell me, I should have brought you a frozen lemon tea with passion fruit, it's super delicious!"

Zhao Yimeng was a few months younger than Su Yehao, and he was also less than twenty years old.

At the point of growth, even if Zhao Yimeng likes to pretend to be a mature and old man in front of Su Yehao, he is actually still tender.

How come so many natural business wizards are constantly nurtured by the atmosphere around them and tempered little by little. .

Su Yehao greeted the waiter carelessly, asked him to pour him a glass of iced lime water, and handed a 100 yuan tip, and said casually, "Seeing her bored at home and holding Ben Qiongyao's novels, I'm almost stupid. That's why I was so kind, took her out to eat your meal, and forgot to say hello to you."

Zhao Yimeng immediately said:

"What's the matter with my meal? You called me out today. I flew to Hong Kong City by helicopter early in the morning. I haven't asked you to reimburse me for the oil bill. You will pay for the meal today."

Before Su Yehao could speak, Jiang Yu first interrupted the conversation between the two, and hurriedly excitedly said: "Yes, yes! I'm reading "Han Zhu Ge Ge", Qiong Yao's new book, it is more interesting than "Misty Rain", it is about the emperor and the prince , Gege, you must go and see it, but it's a pity that it's not all finished!"

"So interesting? Then after dinner, you can accompany me to the bookstore to find..."


Su Yehao, who was thrown aside, couldn't speak at all, he simply sighed and sat there, regretting bringing Jiang Yu out.

The relationship is here, and they both know each other.

I said it was to talk about business, but it was not very formal. After I asked, I found out that I had not ordered any food, so I greeted and ordered six dishes and one soup, namely Kung Pao Chicken, Sesame Sauce Eggplant, Gold Medal Braised Pork Belly, and Aftertaste. Pig hand, fried rice rolls with XO sauce, crystal shrimp dumplings, and a tomato egg soup.

I have been tired of eating all day long and I just want to taste some fresh dishes.

When the accident happened last year, Su Yehao was still a little family, and he was accustomed to planning carefully. Today, he has a house of four million dollars, a private jet of more than thirty million dollars, and a limited edition supercar of more than one million dollars. Just buy it, don't worry about eating and drinking.

After listening to the waiter's recommendation, I ordered three bowls of ice powder, plus a bottle of 1986 Mouton red wine, and then listened to the two girls chatting.

He was happily eating melon when the topic was suddenly diverted to Su Yehao.

Zhao Yimeng asked him, "Looking for me last night, what did you want to talk to me about? I was about to fall asleep, but I was woken up by your text message. Do you know how difficult it is for me to get a good night's sleep due to my stress recently? "

Jiang Yu interfaced again and asked her, "Hey, it can actually put you under pressure and encounter something?"

"Yes, it's all my sister's fault. She insists on taking me to watch ghost movies, and my room is so big. She even went under the bed to scare me, forcing me to change the tatami. No matter how much I sleep recently, I feel like uncomfortable……"

After Zhao Yimeng finished speaking, seeing Su Yehao's speechless expression, he finally realized that the topic had been diverted again, and smiled awkwardly.

It's important to meet friends, but Zhao Yimeng had been looking forward to Su Yehao's reply after he mentioned the sale of the hotel last time, so he said to Jiang Yu, "We'll talk about this later, Young Master Su is still here, so I can't. Leave him here."

"It doesn't matter, it's dry now, not less than half an hour."

Su Yehao sat up straight and continued to say:

"I met He Shaofan and the others last night, and I heard the news that your family transferred part of the equity of the Donghuang·Huayushan project. This kind of environment where the house price has been cut in half, and the inflection point is coming at any time, it always makes me feel that your family wants to go next. Playing new chess, are you planning to leave the country for development? Shift the focus just like my family?"


Zhao Yimeng was stunned for a moment, stared at Su Yehao after reading, then nodded slowly, and admitted: "This is no secret, the northern side has basically decided to completely cancel the national housing division, and will soon regard the real estate industry as a pillar industry development plan, recently optimistic about the mainland's development plan. The real estate company is not only Donghuang, is there a problem?"

"No, I just think that the two of us can cooperate on this matter. I have been staring at a big piece of fat for a long time, but I have no money to implement it."

Su Yehao took a sip of water to moisten his throat and said with a smile, "Your family is hurting, and my family's cash flow is tight. It would be better if the two sides join forces. I can also take out some money, and together it can barely support a large The scale of the project is no smaller than that of Pengcheng.”

After hearing this sentence, Zhao Yimeng was taken aback and asked, "It's another billion-dollar project?"

"Yes, I actually don't want to pull you, mainly because I'm afraid of trouble. The disagreement among shareholders can easily delay making money. But I can't raise the money for the land for a while. The cake is too big and it will kill me. I'm afraid that the wind direction will change, and it will be difficult to get large tracts of low-priced land, so I want to ask your family's thoughts."

Su Yehao was telling the truth.

As long as he can make up the ten or two billion yuan of the land without affecting the existing, he will not hand over the cake to others.

It was indeed a little troublesome, so I found Zhao Yimeng here and wanted to discuss win-win cooperation with Donghuang Group.

Zhao Yimeng gradually calmed down and asked him with a blink of an eye, "Tell me first what kind of project it is."

"Cultural Tourism City, I won't say the location first. Anyway, it's not worse than the one in Pengcheng, lest you leave me alone and do it alone, then I won't be able to draw water from a bamboo basket."

Seeing that Su Yehao was selling off his son, Zhao Yimeng said angrily:

"Be careful, thank you for thinking that with Donghuang's situation, you can still take on such a big project by yourself. Even if it is really possible, my parents will probably find a way to find someone to cooperate and share the risk. Such a project fails again, Donghuang The group is really doomed, you don't need to hide it from me, don't make it clear who dares to invest?"

[First release on this site, fastest update]

"...It seems to be the case."

Su Yehao was also quite cheerful, and immediately introduced in a low voice:

"The land is in Guangzhou. At the beginning, my father talked to them first, and then Pengcheng was more active, and then Pengcheng was chosen. There are many people, more money, and good economic development in Guangzhou. If the price of land is very low, there is almost no The possibility of loss, when it is completed, it will be a super complex that integrates business, residence, and tourism, which is much more reliable than your family.”

Zhao Yimeng knew that the land value of the Pengcheng project had appreciated, and also knew how cost-effective the land price was after jumping out of the unearthed auction.

She was a little cautious and asked, "Is this what your dad meant?"

Su Yehao didn't blink an eyelid, ran the train with his mouth full, and said in a serious tone, "Of course, for such a big business, without his nod, I dare to make my own decisions?"

The voice just fell.

He thought silently in his heart: "I really dare..."

Chapter 328 I Really Dare...

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