Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 340: early July

Summer vacation has officially started.

The temperature outside soared to more than 30 degrees Celsius, and Su Yehao, who lived in Dalangwan, could not be exposed to the sun. The central air conditioner at home was fully turned on, and he could take a bath in the indoor swimming pool.

After returning from Thailand, I spent several days with salted fish, watching dramas, reading novels, and playing with Nangong Tian. The laziness during travel has not disappeared until now.

No stock goes up all the time, even in a bull market.

The value of the option position has shrunk by more than $50 million in just a week, and a luxury Gulfstream private jet and a luxury mansion in Repulse Bay have just fallen.

Just when people were frantically selling short, thinking that it would continue to fall, it continued to rebound slightly.

If he only took stocks, Su Yehao would never care so much. Anyway, he was going for long-term investment. No matter how fluctuating it was in the short term, as long as the results were good.

Because of the added leverage, I have to watch carefully. Sometimes hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars fluctuate up and down within a day, which is called stimulation.

In addition to being frightened, after all, I reduced some options positions, and the position dropped to about 30%. First, I paid back the 100 million US dollars owed to McKinsey Consulting, and the rest temporarily waited and watched.

After a few days of waiting, I continued to add some Amazon, Cisco, and Yahoo stocks.

Although it may make less money, it reduces the risk...

July 7th, Su Yehao's birthday.

My mother was discussing business in the mainland and decided to cooperate with a state-owned enterprise to build a chain of drugstore sales channels.

It was the critical moment of the negotiation. The estimated investment amount was as high as 800 million yuan. We couldn't get away for the time being, so we only sent a new Audemars Piguet gold watch. .

Dad went to Guangzhou again, and was about to accompany him to Sijiucheng to discuss projects. For a while, he didn’t care about his own son. He didn’t even buy a gift. He just made a phone call to say happy birthday with a listening tone. Pretty perfunctory.

As for my grandfather, he is on vacation in Australia, and there is no news at all.

So in the end, it became Xiao Nizi accompany Su Yehao for lunch alone. In the morning, they just went to the dock to pick up the goods and took a Bentley 8Liter made in 1930. It has a black appearance and is very well maintained. It cost more than 600,000 US dollars in total. Just got it.

Such a car is too extravagant to go on the road. It has been produced for more than half a century, and it has become a work of art, and its collection value is extremely high.

Using it as a gift, Xiao Nizi has a heart.

Last year, Su Yehao saw it in a magazine and said casually that it was so handsome. After more than half a year, it fell into his hands.

Nangong Tian helped buy the cake.

There are two candles on it, and the card reads "I wish Brother Hao always happy, we will always be happy".

During the meal, she lost her tone and said, "I thought your family would be here today, but I didn't expect everyone to be in trouble."

"It doesn't matter, anyway, I see each other often, and I don't care so much about birthdays. It's okay to have gifts when they arrive."

While speaking, Su Yehao shook his left arm. On his wrist was a custom-made Audemars Piguet gold watch. The dial was made of olive meteorite and inlaid with sapphire.

To ask what the price is, Mama Tang didn't say, and Su Yehao didn't ask either. Anyway, I want to ask these brands to make private orders, and the price is definitely not cheap.

"My family cares more about birthdays."

After Nangong Tian finished speaking, she felt that it was not good to talk about Brother Hao's family, so she quickly changed the topic and said, "Jiang Yu has returned home, and I may have to go back recently. My mother is too clingy and always wants me to accompany her. On the phone last night, she said that I’m just like I’m married now, and I don’t even go back for summer vacation, which seems a little unhappy.”

Su Yehao was eating, looked up at the little girl, and said calmly:

"Oh, then go home and live for a while, I can also visit you often. And the United States has been a little busy recently, which is the key time to open up the market. I may have to leave in a few days and go to Silicon Valley to live. It's been a while."

"Then... how about you accompany me back to the casino for a few days, and then you go to the United States?"

Hearing this sentence, Su Yehao smiled happily.

Xiao Nizi just said that her mother is too clingy, but she herself is not the same.

After discussing for a while, the next arrangement was negotiated, and after the meal, I started to pack up and prepare to take the helicopter back to the casino.

Small Book Pavilion

The yacht Sihai International belongs to Dad Su, and it was recently driven to Pengcheng, because I think there is such a boat parked near the construction site, which can attract people's attention and advertise for Pengcheng Sihai International Cultural Tourism City. muscle.

Since knowing how big the new toys of the Silicon Valley rich people are, Su Yehao has gradually changed his mind and no longer thinks how luxurious his yacht is.

Ambition is a bottomless pit.

He has planned to buy another super yacht with his own money when he has money in the future.

The twentieth birthday was a dull day.

In fact, He Shaofan, Buck Yajun and the others could be invited, but Su Yehao thought it was troublesome and gave up the idea of ​​taking the opportunity to be entertained.

From the morning to now, I have received many calls one after another, and even Zhao Yimeng sent a text message saying that I had seen the reminder from TAT's personal space.

Second twentieth birthday in two lifetimes.

Back at the casino, I didn't dare to tell the second concubine, for fear of being dragged to dinner.

That night, Su Yehao declined Xiao Nizi's proposal to go to the movies together, and asked her to accompany her mother at home, and then went to Yin Liuli's apartment.

I was always afraid of being seen when I went out to eat. Yin Liuli cooked a meal at home and bought a small seven-inch cake, which happened to be a dessert after dinner.

I didn't expect Su Yehao to come But Yin Liuli still prepared a gift in advance, which is a wallet made in Italy.

After eating the cake, eat her directly.

The activity continued until midnight, and there was no dream until dawn...


It happened to be summer vacation.

The customized promotional film "TAT: A Little Thing About Love" has been produced, and with the help of director Dou Jiafeng, it has begun to promote in casinos and Hong Kong.

If the box office is good after the release, there is still a chance to introduce it to Singapore, Treasure Island, South Korea and other places. Currently, it is only released in two places.

According to the total investment budget of 20 million Hong Kong dollars, the market is so small that there is no way to make money back, so I asked Nong Qingying to help, and I found someone on the Hong Kong government's side to clear the relationship, and I wanted to open up the channel to the mainland as soon as possible.

The film circle in the Mainland has just opened for a few years, and there are very few films imported from outside, and there are still quotas.

Nong Qingying didn't know many people and had no experience in this field. After a few days of work, he finally couldn't help calling to complain and said to Su Yehao:

"Ahao, I feel so difficult. I've been like a headless fly these days, looking for someone with information. Others say that a large number of movies are lining up to be released in the Mainland, and it's difficult for us to turn. Otherwise, I'll find you. Mom, help? She knows a lot of people, maybe she can think of a way."

It's really a bit unreasonable to leave the job to her.

After listening to Su Yehao, he smiled awkwardly. The movie has not even been in Singapore, Japan and South Korea, not to mention the mainland, which has a very strict review.

Realizing the previous plan, he took it for granted. After thinking about it for a while, he told:

"Okay, don't worry about it. I'll go back to Hong Kong City tomorrow to talk to you face to face. It's best to ask my dad to help me. He's in Sijiu City right now and should be able to find a relationship..."

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