Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 353: Daddy pretended to be there again

Neither Cosmopolitan International nor Piaget Medical Group have been listed so far, and there is no need to disclose financial reports.

Therefore, no matter it is the rich list evaluation agency or the acquaintances they know, they can only estimate the assets of Su Yehao's family through some of the usual actions of the Su family, and the conclusion is rather vague.

Just like before.

Many people only know that Mr. Su has almost three or four billion Hong Kong dollars.

Last year, they sold projects such as Shangfeng and Sheung Shui to the Huang family, cashing in a large amount of cash, as well as buildings in Central, golf courses and hotels in Las Vegas, etc. They know this.

The three or four billion Hong Kong dollars also includes the wealth owned by Su Yehao's mother. With this money, you can indeed make leveraged investments, finance mainland home appliance manufacturers, and come to the mainland to toss tens of billions of real estate business. It's strange, and there are gossips outside that Donghuang Group is also involved.

therefore. .

Among the people present, some people thought that Father Su's strength was about three or four billion Hong Kong dollars. The impression stayed at last year, and it was more than five or six billion.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Four Seas International has developed in more than a year, but the speed of development is very limited.

The variable lies in the existence of Su Yehao, who opened a plug-in, borrowed almost all the money he could borrow, and madly made money from all the big opportunities that he could seize.

To say that Father Su is doing his own business behind closed doors, then Su Yehao is actually more housekeeper than his old man, and he hardly walks with other rich people in Hong Kong City in daily life.

Occasionally some news came out, but it was only a few words. For example, the news that icq was acquired by him did not make any waves at all.

Except for Zhao Yimeng, who had been staring at Su Yehao, even Buck Tooth Jun and Zhu Gan actually didn't know how many great things Su Yehao had accomplished.

For example, since coming to Sijiucheng, the book assets have increased by more than 120 million US dollars in five days. Even Father Su is not aware of this, let alone outsiders...

In her thirties, the pretty woman surnamed Sun was startled by Father Su's words.

She couldn't hold back her curiosity, and asked tentatively, "So many? I remember that my husband was on the list last year by several hundred million more than you. Why is it suddenly ten billion? Is your company going to go public?"

"Listed? I haven't heard of it!"

"Yeah, yeah, Cosmopolitan International is so good, it avoided the financial crisis perfectly, and it didn't get affected much. When raising funds, count me as one, and say hello to Brother Hai within 500 million. Brother, I will pay at any time!"

"It's been so long since I've been out, I don't even know such a big thing?"

The listeners were discussing each and every word, and Father Su's face was full of joy, and he didn't mean to be humble and low-key at all.

Beside him, Su Yehao's heart sank.

Knowing that this group of people had hit the muzzle of the gun, he continued to bury his head in eating and sighed to himself.


Did not disappoint him.

Father Su patted Su Yehao's shoulder and laughed:

"I'm not ready to go public. Of course you can't hear the wind. How can I have that ability? How much money can be earned in the real estate industry, don't you know better than me?"

"It's mainly my son. I don't know what happened. Before, I only knew how to ask for money from me, but the blind cat ran into the dead mouse. With a capital of more than one billion, I made three or more billion back."

"Just last year, he just graduated from high school, and he started doing things. He earned so much in just over a year, which is better than it took me twenty years. Fortunately, I nurtured him seriously since he was a child. He is just such a son, and he didn't let me down!"

Everyone present was moved and looked at Su Yehao for a while.

And Su Yehao smiled politely, while being a little speechless, he was thinking that his old man really wasn't afraid that others would come and borrow money.

Besides, it's clearly his own ability... How did he get credit for the old man's mouth? Valley cut


It was installed by my father again.

Nong Qingying didn't know much about Father Su, and thought he was just talking about this.

However, Su Yehao knew very well that the old man had been waiting for this kind of occasion suitable for showing off for a long time. For example, the last time he had dinner with Zhao Yimeng's parents, this scene seemed familiar.

The difference is that last time it was a solo kill, this time it was a group attack...

A group of middle-aged and elderly people, when they get together, it is inevitable to talk about their children.

Father Su started his head, and the topic began to revolve around Su Yehao, talking about stock options worth hundreds of millions of dollars, shorting the Hang Seng Index, and snake swallowing an Internet company worth more than 300 million dollars.

With the idea of ​​making a fortune in silence, Su Yehao often silently reflected on himself, secretly reminding himself not to swell or float.

And today.

But it was his old Jianghu biological father who shook his head out of his achievements.

This made Su Yehao quite speechless. If he knew it would be like this, he would have been a little arrogant and enjoyable when he usually faced interviews.

Not Versailles, who wouldn't?

The circle is the circle of the father, and Su Yehao didn't have any idea of ​​stealing the limelight. Facing the praise from a group of people, he felt like he was sitting on pins and needles, and his face turned red.

As for Nong Qingying, in the impression of others, only being beautiful is left, and is directly marginalized.

She has self-knowledge, except to say hello to Father Su before, she has not said anything until now.

Hearing everyone compliment Su Yehao's "young and promising", "admirable courage", "investment genius" and so on, Nong Qingying said with a small smile after a while:

"You're really going to be famous now. In a few days, celebrities in the whole Hong Kong city will know about you."

"Hey, don't mention it, people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. The group of people who want to invest and donate to me will probably appear again, and maybe they will also check my taxes."

Su Yehao said with a gloomy face.

It is said that Laocheng is prudent, and the shadow of these four words cannot be seen on Father Su.

But thinking about the atmosphere of Hong Kong City and Casino City, it is indeed high-profile enough. There are more than one or two rich people who often appear in the lace tabloids, and many times they do not plan to hide them.

Some old-fashioned giants are indeed low-key, but they have long been short of fame, and the newly-rising Su family is in short supply, and it seems to be beneficial to show off their fists appropriately.

For example, Father Su, who was unable to speak just now, suddenly became the protagonist of the night. Even the two business giants in New World and Sun Hung Kai laughed and said to let the juniors and Su Yehao walk around more.

The one from the New World Group dared to tell Father Su that he had a grandniece in front of Nong Qingying. She was beautiful and had a pretty good personality. She made it clear that she wanted to strike first.

Everyone in the audience will not think of flattering a junior.

But it can be expected that after this meal, Su Yehao's status in the wealthy circle of Hong Kong City will definitely be much higher than before.

Similarly, there is Father Su. No one dares to say that he threw his life in the mainland. After all, the Su family is rich, and both my sons and fathers are surnamed Su, so there is no need to distinguish them so clearly.

It is estimated that he had long thought that Su Yehao would be married, urged to marry, etc. Nong Qingying, who was ignored by others, was not happy, but he was not too disappointed.

After leaving the Chang'an Club, she only said that she didn't want to come back to this kind of occasion.

Su Yehao knew that he was wrong, how dare he add fuel to the fire at such a time, and hurriedly explained that he did not expect this one, and waited until the United States took her to go shopping, bought it well, and then went home...


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