Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 355: interviewer

When he came to the living room and sat down, Su Yehao asked the nanny to make a pot of coffee.

I specially recruited two Chinese aunts from San Francisco, mainly because they were worried that the culture was different and it would be inconvenient to get along.

Moreover, the dishes in the United States are not to his taste. Occasionally go out for a steak burger or something, and most of the time it is better to cook it at home.

When he came to the United States, the housekeeping company arranged housekeeping services for nanny, and at other times, he came to clean once a week, and he was not afraid of being occupied by others. There are also professional security companies in Silicon Valley. They pay a little money to take care of them. At the same time, there are various home security testing equipment. There is no need to worry about being stolen by people such as homeless people.

Roger Cruyff was about to speak, but was interrupted first by John Chow.

I saw John Zhou's face to please, with his legs together, leaning forward slightly, and asked with a smile: "Mr. Su didn't rest well last night? The jet lag is really torturous. My daughter came to see me last month, and she spent the day I was so busy sleeping that I didn't have a chance to take her out to play."

"Yeah, I went to bed as soon as it got dark, and woke up at three o'clock at night. Today, I can hold on during the day, and I'll be fine in two days."

This time, Su Yehao planned to stay in the United States for ten days and a half, so it was necessary to adjust the jet lag. If he only stayed for two or three days, there was no need to change it. No one urged him to do anything anyway.

Nong Qingying, who came with him, accompanied him out in the early morning to watch the sunrise, and then went back to bed.

John Chow continued with a smile and told:

"Boss, you are still young, and I don't dare to go back to Hong Kong City at work. Once the state is in chaos for several days, it will be uncomfortable for several days. Now is the critical moment for the company's rapid expansion. The tvt instant chat software is very popular, even Yahoo! I have never seen an advertisement with such a high number of clicks and downloads. Users especially like the social function of personal space. After experiencing it, many programmers in Silicon Valley took the initiative to apply to join our team. Even people who know it know that it is going to be a big hit. It's done!"

"The fragrance of wine is not afraid of deep alleys. TVT is already very good. If you continue to work hard, there will be no less bonuses at the end of the year."

Su Yehao often understands the company's situation and has a clear understanding of the current situation. .

He just likes to be a shopkeeper and be lazy, but he doesn't really care about the companies he created. In fact, Su Yehao currently has the highest expectations for TVT focusing on international business. Acquired icq with debt.

Roger Cruyff sat sternly, listening to the two of them conversing in Cantonese.

Gradually, I realized something in my heart, thinking that this should be what John Zhou called a "ceremony".

There were guests present, and it was not polite to leave them aside. Su Yehao had a brief chat with John Chou, and then brought the topic back to Roger Cruyff, saying in English, "Sorry, so I don't know what to do. Mr. Ruev, are you planning to work at tvt?"

"That's right, I resigned from Microsoft for a period of time due to family reasons, and now I have decided to work again. I think... Mr. Su, your company is very promising. The recent high growth has shown this, and it There is also an opportunity to grow faster and grow to such heights as Yahoo and AOL.”

Roger Cruyff's character looks relatively stable, and he looks gentle.

The first impression I left with Su Yehao was a bit like the successor who had no sense of existence after Gang Master Qiao left.

This kind of stability is in line with Su Yehao's development concept of a steady rise. It feels good, so he asked more:

"Mr. Cruyff, take the liberty to ask, what happened to your family at that time that made you choose to resign? You should know that the company is at a critical moment, and I hope everyone can focus on their work, at least when they are working. Time is like that."

John Zhou had just said that he wanted to help, but now he is wandering around the world and didn't dare to get involved.

Although I feel that Roger Cruyff is a capable old colleague, it is related to the executive position. If I recommend the wrong person, it will affect his old Zhou, so I still feel that it is better to leave the decision to Su Yehao. .

Roger Cruyff glanced at Johann Chow, sighed softly, and explained, "My wife had a car accident in November last year and was in the hospital for six days, and she was not rescued. It's a huge blow, but I have two sons with me, I have to cheer up and take care of them, Mr. Su, you don't have to worry about my state."

"I'm very sorry."

Su Yehao said that he was sorry, but he didn't regret exposing people's scars. This kind of thing that might go wrong should always be asked clearly.

If you look at the wrong person and choose the wrong executive, the impact on TVT will directly involve its development. Isn't it asking for trouble.

Until this time.

John Zhou Cai helped and said, "Mr. Roger Cruyff used to be the vice president of the business department at Microsoft. He has very strong personal ability and rich management experience. Although his subordinates, that is, my former boss, In the end, I chose to cut my previous project team as a whole, but I must say that the cut is actually correct and cannot create enough benefits for the company.”


Su Yehao nodded, rather than looking for a raw melon egg on paper, of course, a talent like Roger Cruyff is more in line with TVT's current needs.

TVT's expansion speed is so fast that there are successive mistakes, not only bugs, but also the server paralysis for several hours, all of which indicate that there are some problems in management.

Of course.

Su Yehao also knew that he could only carry the blame himself.

Draining traffic from icq, which has millions of users, is almost equivalent to stuffing a few cans of milk into the mouth of a tvt baby.

When there are three or five thousand users, you can still say testing. Now that hundreds of thousands of users are served, the less the number of problems with the program, the better.

This is also the reason why he was willing to spend a full 10 million US dollars to upgrade the data server to the company. In fact, such a good database is not needed in the short term, so he gritted his teeth and made it one step at a time.

Su Yehao was silent for a few seconds, and then asked, "I don't know which position do you want, sir?"

"I heard that the company doesn't have a CEO now? Just call me Roger. I used to tend to be in management positions. At most, I managed more than 600 employees. I am confident in this regard. In fact, amd has agreed to let me do products. Deputy director, but I want to strive for a higher achievement."

As he spoke, Roger Cruyff took out his briefcase, took out a document prepared in advance, and continued:

"These are some comments I wrote after researching icq and the AOL development My oldest son likes your product, just because seeing him using this product made me give up and enter AMD's thoughts..."

amd, the semiconductor manufacturer that was overwhelmed by Intel.

Although the benefits given are good, it is only a good job, and the room for improvement is extremely limited.

People who don't have a skill always like to stick to their jobs and don't let go, worrying that they won't find other good jobs in the future, so they just have to live by it.

For Roger Cruyff, who is not short of food and drink, it is not unacceptable to gamble according to his preferences...


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