After the original management of ICQ collectively chose to cash out and leave, Su Yehao personally selected two executives, who took the positions of CEO and CFO respectively.

As for the chief operating officer, it was changed from deputy to full-time officer. Until now, there are still several vacancies being recruited, and the manpower is barely sufficient.

The best positions were basically digested internally, mainly because they were worried about recruiting people from the outside. The departure of the founder team has made the company's hearts fluctuate. The internal promotion is also for stability considerations, so as not to need to re-fit.

Seeing the messy scene just now, Su Yehao was reflecting on whether he was too careless.

After decisively getting a positive answer, he silently passed through the office area and walked directly to the office where the executives were located. There was silence around him, and no one even greeted the new boss, Su Yehao.

COO Ryan Allen, now in the office on the phone with a friend, happily talking about going to the ball game tonight.

Accidentally heard a knock on the door, and said casually: "Come in!"

At an inadvertent glance, Ryan was sluggish for a moment, and hurriedly put down his legs on the desk. Before he could say hello to the other end of the phone, he hurriedly hung up the phone, got up and smiled: "Su! Long time no see, I heard You have returned to Hong Kong City and are considering taking a suitable time to report on your recent work, it is great to see you!"

The mouth said good, obviously the mouth is not in the heart.

Su Yehao sighed in his heart, of course he was dissatisfied with the company atmosphere, but he didn't show his emotions.

Executives like Ryan Allen also held a small amount of company shares before, but Su Yehao took them back when he acquired them. Money, it is inevitable that some slack.

For example, there are several Ferraris parked downstairs in the company. This kind of car can be bought for $100,000 in the United States, which is not very stressful for many executives who cash out.

Moreover, the competition among Internet companies is fierce, and the result of the competition for talents is that wages continue to rise.

In the early years of Silicon Valley Internet companies, everyone lived a hard life, but with the advent of the Nuggets era, waving banknotes to frantically increase prices, and there are many private equity investors who want to get original shares, resulting in a gradual change in the atmosphere. Exaggerated.

All of ICQ's equity has been in the hands of Su Yehao, who has the absolute right to speak through the reorganization of a shell company registered in the Cayman Islands. .

But after getting the equity, he hasn't gained popular support for the time being, so Su Yehao doesn't want to fight against these remaining executives for the time being, and of course he won't rashly offend anyone.

After hearing Ryan's words, Su Yehao said with a smile, "Yeah, I just arrived in Silicon Valley yesterday, and I heard the noise outside in the elevator. What are the employees outside doing?"

Keenly aware that something was wrong, Ryan, the COO, replied calmly:

"At this time, I'm drinking afternoon tea. The Internet business is different from other businesses. If they always work, they will be depleted of inspiration, and the efficiency of working and rest will be higher. This is work that requires brains."

Su Yehao was shocked by the word afternoon tea.

But I have to admit that Ryan has a point. An excellent office atmosphere can indeed create high efficiency, but... the question is why does it seem so unreliable?

If the balance is not well mastered, easy work will become lazy, passive and slack.

Not counting these executives, ICQ's average annual employment cost is as high as more than 80,000 US dollars. They are not looking for people to come to the company for afternoon tea. Su Yehao already regretted his promise not to lay off or raise wages for two years. When he first came to ICQ to visit, the mental state of the employees was not so exciting.

English is not Su Yehao's native language. After organizing the language, he said to Ryan: "Now is the critical moment of transformation. You should be stricter and find someone to set some work progress goals. I hope to see it within two months. A brand new ICQ live chat product."

"Two months? A little too tight?"

"How many people does TVT have, and it only took more than a month to develop the TVT software. Could it be that the elites recruited by the company can't even compete with a small team?"

Su Yehao deliberately changed the concept. TVT was improved on the basis of TAT, and the workload was not that large.

However, the revision and development of ICQ is not based on the current basis.

He felt that the group of people under him were just too idle. He was busy playing around and didn't put any pressure on them. He could only hope that it was not too late to fix the situation. Otherwise, it was possible to completely cut off ICQ and directly merge with TVT.

As a senior executive, Ryan Allen certainly wouldn't be stupid enough to work against his immediate boss in order to make the employees feel more comfortable.

With an embarrassed smile, Ryan told: "Okay, I'll discuss it with Sturridge later and make arrangements as soon as possible."

"Well, I'll go shopping first and have a meeting around 4:30..."

Su Yehao has an independent office in the company.

When he passed by offices of various sizes, everyone was busy with what they were doing, but no one was seen working hard, but a few seemed to be playing games.

This atmosphere was really downhill, as if the entrepreneurial spirit was dissipated when the company was acquired by him.

After coming to the chairman's room to sit down, he suddenly sighed, Su Yehao asked Nong Qingying who followed up: "Did you observe and see what?"


Nong Qingying smiled and added: "I can also see that there is a sad word written on your face, which makes you wander around all day long, and spend more than 300 million US dollars to acquire a company. If you mess up, I will feel sorry for you ."

"Hey, I only carry half of this black pot, and the rest will be thrown to the management. If I knew earlier, I should have been more ruthless and found some energetic newcomers who were short of money. , think about what to do."

Following Ryan's example, Su Yehao also put his feet on the desk, the chair can be folded back, and this posture is really comfortable.

He just said that the meeting will be held at 4:30 in order to leave some buffer time and find a good way to adjust the status of employees.

The situation is worse than expected.

To put it One lacks high pressure, two lacks motivation, and three lacks fear.

Most of these executives are no longer worried about money, and the quality of the company has little to do with them.

In addition, during the acquisition, they promised not to lay off employees. Even if they are laid off, they should pay full compensation. Taking a step back, even if they are fired, they will not worry about job opportunities. There are currently tens of thousands of entrepreneurial teams in Silicon Valley, and there are not enough talents.

Coupled with meeting a boss like Su Yehao, and these old and beautiful employees talk about freedom all day long and like to enjoy them the most, ICQ has become a pond for fishing.

Head big.

Therefore, Su Yehao was reluctant to start his own business at first, and doing business meant a lot of trouble, how could it be easy to invest in stocks and manage money...


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