Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 361: Golden Turtle-in-law

I have met Nangong Tian's mother several times.

Although kidnapping her daughter for so long was inevitably a little cautious, Su Yehao was not too worried.

Both families knew each other, and my father also invested in the Beauty Royal Club. It has been more than half a year since I went to Hong Kong University to study and live together.

"Come on, try this boiled fish. The ingredients are the fish maw of Emperor Star Spot. The body of the fish was taken by the nanny. The taste is spicy enough, and the craftsmanship is good."

Nangong woman said while helping him with vegetables.

The dishes on a large table were all hard dishes. Su Yehao finally ate light meals in Silicon Valley for a few days, thinking about losing weight and maintaining his health. Tonight is considered to be included in it, and it is not enough to not eat it.

"Thank you auntie, you all eat it too. I won't be polite with so many delicious dishes."

Su Yehao finished talking with a smile, and took a bite of Emperor Xingban's fish maw.

He had seen this kind of fish on a farmer's fishing boat, and it could sell for three or four hundred Hong Kong dollars per catty. In terms of the price per catty, it was more expensive than tuna, and it was comparable to the golden dragonfly, mouse spot, etc. It was bought as soon as it landed.

The rich people in Las Vegas and Hong Kong are very willing to spend money on food. The rarer the precious fish, the easier it is to sell. Therefore, Nong Qingying’s parents went to the ocean to fish this year. I heard that they earned more than 80 in the first half of the year. million Hong Kong dollars.

On Emperor Xingban, the best piece of meat is the fish maw, with peppercorns, green peppercorns, etc. It tastes numb and fragrant, especially for meals.

Xiao Nizi sat next to her mother, blinking her eyes, as if she was very happy, she skillfully cut a roast pigeon with a knife and fork, and handed the plate to Su Yehao, with a secret sauce beside it. Charinen.

Su Yehao has gained ten pounds of meat in one year, and this is how he piled it up with delicious food...

You can't always bury your head in eating.

Mrs. Nangong said with a smile at the moment: "Master Su, I really want to thank you for taking care of my daughter during this time. I used to worry that she would be bullied when she went to Singapore to study at university, but now I follow you to Hong Kong City, someone will take care of it, let me Be more at ease."

"I don't deserve credit, she is the one who takes care of me."

"Hey, my daughter is so lazy, how could I not know her, I planned to hire a nanny to accompany her to school, or else I would definitely eat something messy outside all day."

Listening to my mother revealing her own shortcomings, Nangong Tianqi became a bun. Although it was a fact, it was still very embarrassing to say it.

Hearing this, Su Yehao smiled and said, "Sometimes she can learn to cook, and she still needs to practice. Anyway, there are many nanny at home, so she doesn't need to cook by herself, it's very troublesome."

Mrs. Nangong herself does not touch the spring water with her ten fingers. She has such conditions at home, but she does not force her to do it herself, otherwise she will pay for a babysitter.

Seeing that Su Yehao didn't care, she didn't say any more, and instead asked:

"I heard from Xiao Tian that your business in the United States has gone well recently? It's true that one generation is better than the other. Even your father didn't do business in the United States. You made a lot of money abroad first, and sometimes you listen to other wives talking From you, it is full of praise."

Su Yehao wiped his mouth and held up the red wine glass.

There were tens of thousands of bottles of Obiang red wine in the cup, and he drank it from chewing peony, but he didn't taste it, and his tongue was numb with peppercorns.

No humility this time.

He nodded with a smile and said: "Business is very good. I acquired a company in the first two months, and its valuation has risen by tens of millions of dollars. The Internet company I founded has hundreds of thousands of people using its products and has a valuation of more than 100 million. US dollars. Most of the time is still in the investment business. I have found a few good companies with great luck. The stock price has been rising. The stocks I bought for Xiaotian are now making a lot of money. "

"Yes, yes! I forgot to tell you. The financial advisor told me that I already had 10 million US dollars in my account. They helped me upgrade to a diamond customer, and the handling fee and management fee were reduced."

Nangong Tian didn't forget to praise his beloved brother Hao, with a triumphant tone, and said to his mother, "I'll just say that brother Hao is very good, he has helped me earn more than 50 million Hong Kong dollars in more than half a year, and I just bought stocks, he It also adds leverage to speculate in options and futures, and once you make money, you will earn several times the profit.”

After Mrs. Nangong heard Su Yehao's words, she thought to herself that her daughter really didn't lie.

Seeing that Su Yehao is so powerful, she is of course very happy, but she is inevitably a little worried in her heart. The main reason is that more and more people are paying attention to this young master Su. Mrs. Nangong believes that her foundation is not enough. Compared with the rich and powerful, no one has thick arms.

The local atmosphere of the casino is about being a good match.

Now that the family is not in the right place, and Su Yehao has gone too far, she will inevitably worry that this good son-in-law, who can't be found even with a lantern, will be taken away by others in the end.

As a mother, you will naturally worry about your children, and Mrs. Nangong is not immune to it.

So, she looked at her daughter, and then at Su Yehao, and said, "You two have known each other since childhood and grew up together, I just hope you can be happy, especially your daughter, don't be petty when it's all right. I'm willing to beat you up and spoil you."

Which pot could not be opened and lifted, Nangong Tian was instantly discouraged and nodded honestly.

With a smile on his face, Su Yehao nodded as well, and said, "She's pretty good. She's been with her for so long, and she's never quarreled. She's got nothing to say about her temper. It's me who needs to change..."

They chatted about a lot of topics.

For example, when Dad went to Guangzhou to get land, the approval documents were already done.

And Momma Tang cooperated with several companies and began to try to operate chain pharmacies in several first-tier cities, and planned to invest in a private hospital in Guangzhou.

Mrs. Nangong mentioned that the increase in the number of gaming companies might give out other gaming licenses. Su Yehao already knew about this, and he was not interested in getting involved in the gaming industry. The market is sluggish, and the local real estate industry is bottom-hunting.

Running such a club, Nangong Tian's mother is well-informed and is particularly interested in topics such as business and investment.

Su Yehao did what he liked and suggested that she buy some Nasdaq index funds. The current financial crisis in Southeast Asia is still causing damage. It is not easy to find a reliable investment target.

A meal until eight o'clock.

Satisfied Nangong Tian did not want to see the light bulb of her mother, so she offered to go out for a walk.

After walking around Guanye Street, I went to the cinema at about nine o'clock and watched "The World's Heroes" starring Bu Hao Nan.

This butterfly, his strength is not enough, although it has caused some changes, it is mainly limited to a small area.

After the movie was over, Su Yehao thought he was going to take her home, but Nangong Tian took the initiative to pull him into the hotel, saying that it was too late to go home and affect her mother's rest.

This reason is lame enough.

Su Yehao suddenly panicked, worried that he would not be able to pay the public rations, but fortunately he was physically and mentally exhausted and drank some wine as an excuse...


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