Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 366: He Shaolin

I just said that looking for allies in the listing can reduce the risk.

Suddenly slapped in the face by Donghuang Group's lesson, Su Yehao felt that it was not safe enough.

It is a headache when you have little money, and a headache when you have too much money. Although the tastes between the two are completely different, there is nothing less to worry about.

Zhao Yimeng and Zhao Yimeng were just friends, and he wasn't rich enough to help anyone, so he just listened to it as a fun fact, and didn't worry about it, and he didn't want to get involved.

Anyway, it doesn't matter who wins the voice of Donghuang Group. Even if it affects the new cultural tourism city project in Guangzhou, the big deal is to borrow some money from mainland banks. With the help of Cosmopolitan International Group, it can be turned around.

The door of the office was suddenly pushed open, and a young girl with a ball-shaped head and white skin was saying, "Second Uncle, my dad asked me to bring the report of the board of directors to you for signature."

"Oh, help me get the pen from the table. This is Master Su from Sihai International Group, his father Su Sihai, you should have met him."

After He Shaofan's father introduced him, he said to Su Yehao:

"He Shaolin, the eldest daughter of my brother's family, has such a real top student from the younger generation. She graduated from Princeton University in the United States and may have to study for a master's degree. My son and I are of the same generation."

Su Yehao stared at He Shaolin, with a high nose and big eyes, looking like a mixed race.

This place in the casino has been stationed by foreigners since hundreds of years ago, and there are many mixed-race people, which is not unusual at all.

He got up and stretched out his hand to He Shaolin, smiled and said, "He Shaofan is actually hiding such a beautiful... sister, it's not funny, hello."

"Huh? It's not like you haven't seen me before. You dared to ask for my number when you were in high school. I still remember you."

With a smile on her face, He Shaolin glanced at Yin Liuli, who was sitting, and continued to say to Su Yehao, "I also bought a stake in Qiu Dashao's company in Silicon Valley. I will move more in the future?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw that she was generous, went to the table to get a pen and paper, and wrote the contact information to Su Yehao.

The memory of the past was a bit vague, Su Yehao didn't remember her existence, but luckily it wasn't the first time that he took the blame for his predecessors. With an embarrassed smile, he put the paper in his pocket, and changed the subject and said, "I have something to do when I go home, so Uncle He, I go first?"

"Okay, eldest young master, go ahead and help me persuade my son when you have time..."

Uncle He got up and escorted them out of the office, and then asked his niece: "What business in Silicon Valley, your father gave you money to make your own business?"

"Well, at the beginning, it was only five million dollars, and if I became famous, I would give me additional money. What did Young Master Su come to you for?"

He Shaolin obviously knew Su Yehao, otherwise she would not have mentioned Qiu Yaohe and Silicon Valley.

Hearing this, Uncle He smiled happily and told him, "I bought a house for his little girlfriend, probably because he wanted to hide his beauty in a golden house. I have the same morality as my son, and I really deserve to be a best friend to play with. It's good to be young and physically strong. …”

There was a bit of envy in his tone.

After speaking, I realized that I was chatting with my niece, and I was immediately embarrassed. I changed the subject and asked, "You just said that you will move around more and have business dealings with Master Su?"

"No, but I really hope to catch up with him. If the company that this kid just acquired is willing to help us, it can save a lot of money and trouble."

He Shaolin didn't realize that she had given her number until this time, but she didn't get Su Yehao's contact information.

Immediately, he began to wonder whether he would take the initiative to call.

She obviously treats Su Yehao as a son, and He Shaolin is very confident in her body and appearance. She subconsciously feels that she should contact her, so she is thinking of finding an opportunity to ask her cousin He Shaofan in person to find out what this young master Su likes. kind of woman.

Well, the beauty plan is very good.

For example, Dashao Qiu, who went to Silicon Valley with 200 million Hong Kong dollars, was not around her.

When she thought of Su Yehao, He Shaolin was full of resentment and couldn't figure out why it was so easy for him to make money.

For example, in the cooperation with Dashao Qiu, the other party paid 200 million Hong Kong dollars, and she only used 5 million US dollars, plus a worthless chat software, but she could account for 30% of the shares...


Su Yehao first sent Yin Liuli to Dasamba Commercial Street.

Immediately, when I called Xiao Nizi, I learned that she was buying turtles in the aquarium store with Jiang Yu.

This made Su Yehao bewildered. Knowing that it was nearby, he asked the two of them to wait in the store, and immediately drove the McLaren Supercar over there.

It takes five minutes to drive, and it takes longer to find a parking space.

When I came to the store called "Big Shark Aquarium", I saw large and small fish tanks, all kinds of fish, freshwater fish and marine fish, and there were really sharks for sale.

At a glance, I saw Nangong Tian and Jiang Yu.

Dangling the car keys in his hand, Su Yehao took a closer look. In several rows of glass tanks, there were many kinds of turtles, such as Brazilian tortoises, tortoises, pig-nosed turtles, turtle fry, etc. There were also salamanders with feet, maybe they were Baby fish.

He grabbed a tortoise, the little guy was not afraid of people, and his four claws were scratching randomly.

He asked, "Which of you two want to raise turtles?"

Xiao Nizi stretched out her hand and poked the turtle's tail, and said with a smile, "Of course, Jiang Yu and I raised it together. We haven't seen each other for a while. Have you noticed any changes in her?"

Hearing this, Jiang Yu immediately exploded, and stood up in a hurry, trying to cover Nangong Tian's mouth with his hand.

Su Yehao took the opportunity to observe Jiang Yu openly. He didn't dye his hair, did not need plastic surgery, and did not do manicures...

I considered everything that I could think I still couldn't see it, so I shook my head decisively and said, "What's the change, shouldn't you fall in love?"

"of course not!"

While Jiang Yu was talking, Xiao Nizi took the opportunity to get rid of her hand and quickly said, "I went shopping with her to buy Bra just now. Last year it was 32A, but recently it has become 32B..."

Hearing this, Su Yehao immediately understood.

He smiled meaningfully, and joked, "That's really great news, I can't say it without inviting us to dinner."

"That's right! It must be a treat to celebrate!"

Jiang Yu was thin-skinned, and it was Xiao Nizi and his opponent, who wanted to dig a hole and bury their heads in it from the face to the neck.

Taking a few deep breaths, inexplicably a little arrogant and arrogant, as if he could finally stand up and be a woman, Jiang Yu gritted his teeth: "You two bastards, it's a shame, you still want me to invite me to dinner, drink The northwest wind is about the same."

Glancing at Su Yehao, seeing him smiling but not saying a word.

Jiang Yu... lost again, ashamed.

Although he didn't have the ability to read minds, Jiang Yu was sure that this guy must be thinking about the day when the thunder struck last night, otherwise he wouldn't have an unforgettable look on his face.

Nangong Tian, ​​who was furious and outspoken, stopped after a while.

The three of them voted, and they all liked a radiant tortoise raised alone, with a patterned shell, about the size of a palm, and the price was 499 Hong Kong dollars.

After buying a turtle and matching it with a ready-made turtle box, it cost more than 1,000 yuan in total. Jiang Yu took the lead in paying the money.

When Su Yehao came to the car with the glass case in his arms, he remembered that his trunk was small and could only be filled with loneliness, so he put it in the big G car of the bodyguards and told them to drive carefully.

It was windy and comfortable, and there was no sun yet. The three of them continued shopping, drinking coconuts, and eating smoothies. This is often the case in Hong Kong City, and they have long been accustomed to it.


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