Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 373: 1 rake down

The top is around the neck, and the bottom is wrapped around the legs.

Su Yehao really wanted to break free, but he was able to escape, but as soon as his "human-shaped pillow" moved, Jiang Yu started to make a fuss, grunted with a bitter face, and lost his temper.

Jiang Yu was occasionally seen drinking before, but mostly low-alcohol sparkling wine or cocktails.

For example, the special version of Long Island Iced Tea, which is made at home, is mostly cola, and the alcohol does not exceed 5 degrees, and it can hardly taste the alcohol.

Authentic Lafite tonight, 12.5% ​​alcohol.

I don't know what stimulated Jiang Yu, but he actually learned from He Shaolin's woman. He raised his head and was half a cup. After eating a few cups, he was already dizzy.

After trying several times and failing to walk, Su Yehao simply turned to his side and observed Jiang Yu up close.

The complexion is white and powdery, the lines are soft and beautiful, the long eyelashes are curved upward, and the lips are also painted with lipstick.

Looking back on last year, in fact, before reacquainting with Nangong Tian, ​​the first person I met was Jiang Yu. Such a beautiful little beauty must have a good impression.

To ask why she was with Xiao Nizi at that time, it was probably because she was more active than Jiang Yu.

Sure enough, the woman chased the man's interlayer yarn, and in the end, she was "taken" by the little girl in a confused way.

At this moment.

It was rare to see Jiang Yu who didn't raise his bar, and Su Yehao only thought it was a little interesting.

Reaching out to touch her forehead, it was still very hot, even after drinking too much.

At this moment, aware of his movement, Jiang Yu continued to pull, opened his eyes and looked at him, then twisted to approach him, and kissed Su Yehao on the face.

Can this be tolerated?


Su Yehao didn't want to take advantage of the danger, so he said with disgust, "It's all saliva, why are you so impetuous after drinking it? Let me go and help you lower the temperature of the air conditioner?"

Seeing that the big pillow was about to leave, Jiang Yu continued to lock him tightly, and continued to hum, not knowing what he was talking about.

Her face was already on Su Yehao's cheek, and she could clearly sense the heat of the girl's breathing, which made Su Yehao very helpless.

Fortunately, Xiao Nizi was not at home, otherwise she would be speechless when she saw this scene.

It was precisely because there was no one else at home that he simply let Jiang Yu hug him for a while, thinking about getting out after she fell asleep.

He opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling, the bright lights were a bit dazzling, and Su Yehao, who really had no crooked thoughts, was thinking about where to get the money to buy the office building of Donghuang Group.

A clever move really gave him a clue. A few months ago, his mother divided into a part of the shares of Sihai International and Earl Medical Group, and established a family trust foundation. If nothing else, the shares have not been pledged. It is completely You can use them to get a loan from a bank.

The premise is that the mother agrees. Considering that this time it is to buy a house, the prospects of the hotel industry are also guaranteed, so it should not be rejected.

Thinking about it this way, Su Yehao instantly relaxed a lot.

He didn't mean to take advantage of people's danger, but Jiang Yu was very restless.

He rubbed his face against him for a while, and then put his hand into Su Yehao's short sleeves, probably because he felt cool on his body, so as to cool down.

He was too lazy to reason with drunk people, but as Jiang Yu's small movements continued, he also started to get angry.

He turned his body to face Jiang Yu, and the tips of his nose touched each other.

After all, he couldn't hold back and pecked her on the mouth. Anyway, he had a criminal record, so he wouldn't be too nervous.

Jiang Yu's eyelashes twitched, he looked at him again in a daze, changed a comfortable position, and hugged Su Yehao's neck...

I don't know how long it took.

Just when Su Yehao was about to fall asleep in a daze, Jiang Yu suddenly got up, got out of bed and stumbled, walking to the bathroom.

Su Yehao dozed off and said in a lazy tone, "Are you going to vomit? Let me pour you a glass of water?"

Jiang Yu waved his hand and didn't seem to notice that there was another person in the room. When she came out again and was about to take off her clothes to sleep, she was suddenly surprised and asked, "Why are you in my bed?"

Well, this response is slow enough.

It had been more than an hour since he left the hotel, and since he was not too drunk, Jiang Yu had already woken up a little.

Su Yehao was speechless and said, "You're too embarrassed to say that you won't be able to earn even if you're entangled in it."

Jiang Yu, who just wanted to sleep, continued to lie down on the edge of the bed, kicked him down with his feet, and said, "I didn't..."

Su Yehao, who was kicked away, rubbed his thighs and sucked in cold air.

Complain a few words without conscience.

He finally helped put the trash can beside the bed, then poured a glass of water and put it on the bedside table.

Turn off the lights in the guest room, go back to your master bedroom and go to sleep...


All night.

The next morning, the alarm clock rang at 6:50 on time.

When Su Yehao was woken up and stretched comfortably, he suddenly heard a woman speak: "Be honest, what did you do to me last night?"

Open your eyes instantly.

I saw Jiang Yu standing beside his bed, frowning, looking very difficult to speak.

Su Yehao patted his chest and complained, "Silence, I'm scared to death, why are you entering my room?"

rice ball reading

"Your door is not locked, you can come in if you don't open I woke up at more than four o'clock today, and it's already for your face. I took advantage of me last night. , that must not be a dream, hurry up and tell the truth, or call Nangong Tian and let you go."

Jiang Yu gritted her teeth. She slept well at night until after four o'clock in the morning, when she dreamed about Su Yehao in a daze, and suddenly woke up.

I still have a bit of an impression of what happened last night, but I don't remember it clearly. It was because it was too vague, so I was particularly tangled.

Su Yehao was frightened by her, completely awake, got up and leaned on the cushion on the head of the bed, and said angrily:

"Hey, hey, don't make a rake. Last night, it was clear that you touched me, kissed and hugged me. I kindly took you back to the room, and then I was entangled by you. I should be the one to file a complaint. ."

"...Me? How is it possible, I'm very honest after drinking... right?"

After Jiang Yu heard these words, he suddenly felt a little guilty, and vaguely recalled some pictures, and his words were not so confident.

Su Yehao rolled his eyes at her, and continued: "I didn't see it at all, I know I'm handsome, I just need to tell me something if you have an idea, it made me toss and turn last night and couldn't sleep. Let's attack you, like taking advantage of someone's danger, But don't start, I'm afraid you will wake up disappointed."

"...I'm so disappointed!"

Jiang Yu's face turned red as soon as she rubbed the ground. To be honest, she really worried about gains and losses before, especially after seeing the text messages Nangong Tian sent her last night and those missed calls.

After all, it was said to be helping her to prevent, but she made a mistake, which is very embarrassing.

After being at a loss for a while, she asked with a guilty conscience, "I... kiss you?"

Su Yehao blinked and said decisively, "Yeah, the kind that almost died of breath, very enthusiastic, don't take advantage of it and want to run away, you have to be responsible..."

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