Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 376: 1 billion is not enough?

Nearly eleven o'clock.

Su Yehao took the gift that Linda Yun helped to buy, and took the Rolls-Royce to the Tang family's old house.

More than ten minutes away, he saw the bus hit a wild boar in the middle of the journey. If he didn't bother to cause trouble, he really wanted to ask the bus driver if the wild boar was for sale. He went home and made a radish roast pork, and the rest was okay. Sliced ​​BBQ.

It's a pity that killing pigs is a headache.

It happened that his mother called him to ask him if he wanted to eat, and Su Yehao replied casually that braised pork and radish, a cook would make this dish, but if you want it to be delicious, you have to add some sugar.

When you reach your destination, drive straight into the yard.

The lawn has not been mowed for a while, and the sight is green. The old man asked someone to renovate the exterior wall of the villa while he was on vacation in Australia, and the air still smelled of paint.

Carrying the gift in person and changing his shoes after entering the door, Su Yehao asked his grandfather and said, "Grandpa, I'm here to see you. I haven't been here for a while, and you look much prettier."

Mr. Tang said angrily:

"Isn't the new villa given to you to live in? It has been delayed for a long time without decoration, but I just want to move to Dalangwan Road. Now the meat buns beat the dogs, and the mansion has been occupied by you. What about my grandson who promised to give it to me? If there is no news, or you move out again, I will just go outside and adopt one."

With a happy smile, Su Yehao shook his head and said, "How can this be the same? You are not related by blood, you are still a relative of your own family. How old am I, grandpa, your body can live a hundred years without any problem, it will be two or three years later. , I will definitely try to have one."

The previous agreement was to have a child and change the surname to Tang, and the old man gave him the new house on Dalangwan Road.

Su Yehao had already moved into the house and even expanded the area of ​​the yard, but he promised that his grandfather's children had been missing, and it was rare to meet him, so of course the old man had to urge him.

Twenty years old, not too young.

In Hong Kong City, it is common to have a second child at the age of 20.

If Su Yehao is single, it's fine, but the old man knows that his wife is not a shallow one, and it's normal for him to think about it.

After he finished speaking, Mr. Tang stood there, leaning on a cane in his hand, and said with a smile: "I went to Australia to live for a while, and I watched the scenery and cattle and sheep every day. My body and bones were indeed much more comfortable, and my blood pressure dropped. The farm next door was bought for mining, and the road is full of cars and trucks all day long. It's so annoying that I don't want to go there anymore, and my old buddy is considering selling it."

"Are you interested?" Su Yehao asked casually.

"It's said that the next door is mining, what else do I buy it for? Australia has the most land, and some are good places with beautiful scenery. Unfortunately, there is no fireworks, and the port city is comfortable. I don't plan to toss any more this time. ."

After his grandfather finished speaking, he looked at the gift that Su Yehao had brought, and said with a smile: "I just don't have anything to eat at home, and there is still a shortage of tea leaves, so just leave it here and let someone clean it up later. You go to Sijiucheng and buy it. Where are those treasures, especially the big bowl of Dingyao?"

"In the Mainland, I heard that I have to pay taxes, so I put it in the bank first. After I buy a property in Pengcheng, I will use it as a decoration. My dad arranged a new house for me. It is estimated that it will take a few years."

After Su Yehao looked around, he asked his grandfather, "Where's my mother? And my aunt?"

"Your mother went out to do some errands. It's on the top of the mountain, and she'll be back later. As for your aunt, she runs everywhere. I don't know where she is, and I won't necessarily call me in a month."

Mr. Tang shook his head and changed the topic: "Don't talk about them, you won't let me worry, how is your business during this time, I heard you made a lot of money?"

"Luck, it's just good luck, I made a small profit of more than 300 million US dollars. Thank you for taking care of me so much. I really have something to do today. I want to ask you to help me speak in front of my mother..."

Su Yehao knew who was the oldest in the family. Taking advantage of his mother's absence, he wanted to settle the matter with his grandfather first, so he could use the trust fund shares to pledge and take out a loan to buy a hotel.

Not only the 30-story office building in Donghuang Century Plaza, if there is no problem with the bank, he even wants to take the opportunity to buy the Donghuang Garden Hotel.

Last time, Zhao Yimeng took the initiative to find Su Yehao and mentioned the sale of the Donghuang Garden Hotel in Central. This ultra-luxury hotel is of a very high grade. Su Yehao also personally went to inspect it, but unfortunately he did not have enough funds.

Now that the land price has fallen again, there are new assets to toss, which gives him room to continue to play.

Mr. Tang sat on the sofa with a smile, handed the crutches to the little assistant, and said, "Please ask me to do something? Then you should have the attitude of asking me to do something. This gift is not enough."

Su Yehao was stunned when he heard the words, thinking that the old man wanted to talk about the child again, and explained: "The business is too busy, and I really don't want to have a child for the time being. Let me take a year or two to take care of my body. I have gained a lot of weight recently."

After looking at him up and down, the old man said: "It's good to have some meat, it's not bad now. I mean, there will be an auction the day after tomorrow, and the money just happened to be taken by your mother to pay for something for me? Don't worry, I'll first Play for a year and a half, and I will give it to you when I get tired of it."

"...What does my mother want your money for?"

"It's not about going to the mainland to start a chain pharmacy business. There are hundreds of them all at once. Some shops buy their own money, and they spend the same money as a waterfall. She worked hard to save some money, and she was almost wiped out. Your father is also wrong. , persuade her to go to Pengcheng to open a private hospital, earning some money may not be enough to pay doctors."

Su Yehao replied embarrassedly: "It can't be said that there are many rich people in the mainland, not to mention that buying a house can make money This is what I suggested."

Mr. Tang looked at him and didn't say any more.

Pro-grandson and eldest son-in-law, the status is very different, it can be seen...

Speaking of the auction, Su Yehao was very interested, and then asked his grandfather:

"Which company will hold the auction the day after tomorrow, what do you want to buy, grandfather? I don't have a lot of cash in my hand, so if I squeeze in a few hundred million, it's no problem. If there is more, I will ask the bank for help. I'm all invested."

"...a hundred million is not enough?"

The old man who was drinking water almost choked, but he felt that his grandson was really different from before, coughed twice and explained:

"At Sotheby's auction, there is a Yongzheng enamel-colored poetic cup, which will probably sell for more than 10 million Hong Kong dollars. If you are lucky, it may be several million. It just happens to be brought back to drink tea. Mainly in the early years, you When my grandmother was still alive, I saw her at a friend's house and she praised it as beautiful. Some time ago, I accidentally saw it in a magazine. At my age, I suddenly recalled that there was a poem on it, Shuzhirong Gorgeous feet, long for the four seasons of spring."

"More than 10 million is guaranteed to be fine. As long as your grandfather likes it, I will take it for you no matter how expensive it is."

In Su Yehao's opinion, buying antiques is not like spending money, but more like an investment. Since a small cup can be sold for such a price, it is enough to show the scarcity, and most likely there will be no loss.

Knowing that his grandson is rich, the old man silently added: "There is also a Xuande furnace, which I have liked for a long time. My friend has to pay 10 million to give it to me, you see..."

"Okay! Good things come in pairs, win together!"

Being rich means being lavish, Su Yehao suggested: "The auction the day after tomorrow, I'll go with you at that time, and buy a few more pieces if you find something you like. Last time I was in Sijiucheng, I didn't attend the auction, which is a pity. I'll be in charge of holding the sign..."

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