Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 406: Birth of Google

Latest website: No wonder Larry and Sergey were easily shaken, it was Su Yehao who gave too much.

If agreed to be acquired.

Excluding the money that needs to be distributed to the investors, the two of them not only have about $600,000 left, but also get a coveted high-paying job.

There is no need to worry about funds and future, let alone worry about the failure of starting a business all day long, and worry about going bankrupt.

It took more than two months from the start of the business in September to the present, and the number of users of the anti-link search engine has only increased from more than 1,000 to more than 8,000.

What's the use of advanced algorithms, the actual experience is really not as good as the rich and powerful Yahoo.

In order to continuously optimize the anti-link search engine, now I have to pay more than 70,000 US dollars every month. In this way, new employees often leave the company, and I feel that the anti-link company has no future at all.

Dreams can't be eaten, but to work for hundreds of thousands of dollars to get wages and continue to be management, it is really delicious for Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

A two million dollar acquisition offer stunned the two of them, and their eyes were full of heartbeats.

Look at Su Yehao again.

Drinking beer and seeing the expressions of these two, I instantly guessed that the price was probably too high.

As the investment continued to be profitable, and the money flowed into his name like a strong wind, Su Yehao had gradually become numb to spending money.

Last year, I bought a few boxes of sandalwood, and I thought it was expensive to spend a few thousand dollars, but now I say two million dollars casually, and my heart is almost unmoved.

The change is really big.

After a brief consideration, Su Yehao asked, "Are there any equity restrictions on the angel round financing you accept? If you are willing to be acquired by me, the annual salary can be given to 250,000 US dollars, as long as the performance is good enough, there are bonuses and Equity awards."

Sergey almost nodded in agreement, and suddenly thought that the company was not his own, and then glanced at Larry.

Larry Page swallowed.

The average annual salary in Silicon Valley is more than 90,000 US dollars, but that refers to the regular employees of regular enterprises. Even if they get a doctorate degree from Stanford University, the annual salary of 250,000 US dollars is a pretty good figure, and it is very tempting.

It seems that as long as you say a deal, the peak of life is in front of you, not to mention that the annual salary of 250,000 US dollars is only the basic salary, and there are additional opportunities to get bonuses and so on.

A startup with only a few thousand active users can sell for $2 million, which is definitely enough to make people drool with envy.

A few days ago, I heard that Iron and Steel Game Company sold more than 2 million US dollars, and the two of them were envious and jealous.

At this moment.

With the same opportunity in front of him, Larry Page felt extremely difficult and didn't know how to make a decision. Instead, he asked Su Yehao again: "What about financing, if we accept your financing, what kind of cooperation do you want to cooperate in? ?"

"...This requires a serious understanding of your company, and I can't be sure for the time being."

Su Yehao's voice just fell.

Sergey couldn't sit still, got up and tugged Larry, and smiled at Su Yehao: "Please wait a moment, I'll discuss with him..."

Larry Page, who didn't know what to do, obediently followed Sergey out of the bar.

The two stood at the gate.

Just listen to Sergey ask: "Larry, what do you think? I think his purchase price is very sincere."

"But I still want to keep some shares. The idea of ​​the anti-link search engine has been conceived for more than two years, and it is hard for me to suddenly hand it over to others." Larry said.

Sergey opened up decisively: "But he gave a good number, at least to prove that our hard work was not in vain, just like a girl who has been raised hard, it is not bad to marry a good family and have a bright future. Besides, we will also Continue to work in the anti-link, as long as the performance is good enough, there is still a chance to get equity rewards, and you may gain more at that time.”

Holding his eyebrows with a headache, Larry actually felt that Sergey was right, he told: "We don't have to make a decision in a hurry, we don't know what the financing plan is, maybe if we get a million dollars, the company will There is no shortage of money."

"But if you get a million dollars, you don't necessarily get the full support of icq and tvt. If he arranges someone to investigate and finds that our company is not worth that much money, then we two will become others. A fool in your mouth?" Sergey continued.

The family conditions are very ordinary, and Sergey is very satisfied with this achievement, so he can't wait to seize the opportunity, and he does not necessarily have the ambition to become rich.

Larry Page took a few deep breaths.

Even if it's a company they created, Larry doesn't think his company can be worth $2 million.

Suddenly realizing that Sergey was right, Larry bit his thumb and put his arms around his chest. After walking back and forth for a while, he decided to tell:

"Not only us, but other people in the team should stay, even if it only sells more than one million US dollars, but also retain 10% or 20% of the shares. In this way, he will not delay his support of our company, and wait until the user changes. More, we can also make another money by holding shares, that’s all!”

After thinking about it, Sergey said cheerfully: "Okay! Let's try it first..."

It's already ten o'clock.

Su Yehao drank some beer and suddenly fell asleep. The atmosphere of drinking tonight was not lively enough and it was difficult to enjoy himself.

After Larry and Sergey came back, they continued to chat with them for a while. Due to the presence of other investors, the two sides quickly reached an agreement.

The specific content is mainly based on a wholly-owned acquisition of US$2 million, and an annual salary of US$250,000 for Larry and Sergey. Not only did they promise not to lay off employees for three years, but they also gave other employees of the anti-link company US$100,000. starting salary.


It also agreed that as long as the anti-link company reaches one million daily active users, Larry and Sergey will each receive 5% of the company's shares, and promise to add anti-dilution clauses. Until the listing, they will each own 5% of the company's shares. %.

If he wants to sell it, Su Yehao can also buy it back according to the market valuation and has the right of first repurchase.

This kind of condition, with the current scale of the anti-linking company, is already quite kind.

Especially the option incentive plan where the two together account for 10% of the shares, even if it's only 10%, as long as Su Yehao makes full use of icq and tvt to promote to develop the anti-link search engine, this share will be in Larry's In the eyes of He Sergey, it is more precious than the shares he holds today.

50% of one million dollars, and 10% of ten million dollars, such simple arithmetic problems, elementary school students know the latter more.

Both parties were afraid that the other party would go back on it, so they found a lawyer on the spot and signed a memorandum. Su Yehao first wrote a check for $600,000, and then signed the formal agreement tomorrow.

With Larry and Sergey's right to speak, decisions can be made directly, and there is no need to discuss with other investors.

On the pretext that backlinks are not good, Su Yehao suggested that they change the company name to "google".

Google, who was blown away by butterfly wings, has finally returned.

In fact, the name can be changed or not, but Su Yehao believes that changing to Google is more in line with metaphysics, it seems that it is easier to achieve success, and it is more valuable...


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