Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 423: Universal Resort Group

It has only been over a year since I started doing business.

With Su Yehao's age and ability, in the eyes of his family, he was like a child with huge sums of money, and it seemed that he still couldn't control so many assets.

Delve into the reasoning.

It’s probably the same as parents who don’t worry about letting their children manage their New Year’s money by themselves.

If it was only a few hundred million Hong Kong dollars, with Father Su's strength, he might just let Su Yehao toss about it casually. Even if he lost all of it, it didn't seem like a big deal, he could just earn it from other places.

However, Su Yehao currently holds more than 10 billion Hong Kong dollars and invests in fields that Father Su does not understand.

I have used Yahoo, TAT, TVT, etc. in private. In Father Su's opinion, I can't figure out why this thing is so valuable.

Although he is rich and has a broad horizon, it is unlikely that he wants to be proficient in everything.

The advantages of Cosmopolitan International lie in the fields of real estate, building materials, and engineering construction. These are the old lines of the Su family.

Since then, Father Su was obviously very worried, but he couldn't give his son too many good suggestions, for fear that if he didn't pay attention, he would do something bad with good intentions and cause complaints.

He couldn't count on it, and he began to think about some illusory things, such as finding Huang Daxian, and then calculating fortune for Su Yehao.

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Nothing but peace of mind.

Hearing his father talking about finding Huang Daxian for fortune-telling, Su Yehao was not worried at all. With his friendship with that person, he would send a text message to greet him in advance, so he didn't need to be afraid of being held back.

Although I don't believe it.

But since you spend a little money, you can get your parents not to nagging.

Su Yehao still thought it was a good deal.

So he readily agreed, and while he went to the bathroom, he quickly sent a text message to Wong Tai Sin, only writing "Next year will be smooth and prosperous, and wealth will be prosperous."

With the other party's ability to eat by lip service, Su Yehao believed that Huang Daxian could make up some tricks according to his own wishes to help appease the old man.

The U.S. dollar is still raising interest rates. Combined with the good news brought by the development of science and technology, this round of hot Nasdaq technology stocks bull market should continue for a while. If it persists until the second half of next year, there is no need for family reminders. Su Yehao would take the initiative to cash out.

From the beginning of investing in Yahoo, his idea was to get a ticket and run away, which is not the same as the relationship between the Zhao family and the Donghuang Group.

Look at Bill Gates, he has been reducing his holdings regularly since two or three years ago, cashing out money to invest in other fields. It is estimated that he did not expect the Internet to develop to the scale it is today, let alone predict the future.

Knowing that Dad and the others are out of good intentions, they are really worried about eating radishes.

Su Yehao was very measured, and he didn't think he would miss out.

The worst result is nothing more than running early or running slowly, failing to accurately step on the top of the bull market, making a few less money, no pain or itching...

Before Wong Tai Sin came.

Su Yehao called Xiao Nizi and asked her if she wanted to come to his house for dinner.

Of course Xiao Nizi wanted to, but she still decided to stay at home and accompany her mother for lunch, probably because she felt uncomfortable with Father Su and Second Auntie present.

By the way, Su Yehao didn't force it. He went back to his room to play on the computer and found that the computer's configuration was outdated, and the internet speed was slower than that of Hong Kong City.

The population of the casino is too small.

Even if he knew that there was a market for investing in broadband, Su Yehao didn't bother to invest and support hundreds of thousands of users. No matter how high the profit, how much money could he make a year?

Enter the mailbox, reply one by one, and then go to check yesterday's income.

There are profits and losses in the invested assets. Yesterday, I only made more than 3 million US dollars in total. Compared with the total position of more than 2 billion US dollars, this figure is equal to no money.

On the other hand, Gulfstream Aerospace, which ordered private business jets, sent him an email saying that the aircraft had already started production, and recently took the time to contact them to confirm the interior and upgrade accessories, etc., and try to give them a reply within a week.

The sky is flying fast, and there are a lot of people running on the ground. As for those swimming in the water... After Su Yehao searched for news about super yachts, he found that the shapes were quite satisfactory, not handsome enough.

Thinking about waiting for the money to be redeemed from the stock market, and then looking for a reliable shipyard to ask, he then sent a message to his assistant Zhuang Wei, asking if he had contacted the Maldives Universal Resort Hotel Group.

Since Linda Yun took over the job that originally belonged to Zhuang Wei, Zhuang Wei, the former life secretary, now looks like the person in charge of Su Yehao's family office.

The entire assistant team consists of more than 20 people in total. The minimum education is a master degree from the Finance Department of the University of Hong Kong. They all revolve around Su Yehao. The office is in an office building in Central, and there is a wall between KOKO Venture Capital Hong Kong City Headquarters. .

The family office will not directly generate income, but it is the transfer station where Su Yehao controls various projects, mainly responsible for uploading and distributing, and assisting him in better management of assets.

No matter how many things are spread over many employees, it becomes a small thing.

For example, when contacting the Maldives Universal Resort Hotel Group, Su Yehao just said yesterday afternoon that he wanted to acquire it. Zhuang Wei called and told that two assistants had been arranged to form a team with people from the accounting firm and McKinsey & Company. The delegation had just chartered a plane to Male Island in the morning.

After asking, Su Yehao learned that the capital of Maldives is Male.

The specific situation will only be known after contact.

The main business of this hotel group is in the Maldives. As early as 1972, it invested and developed the first coconut island resort hotel in the Maldives. At present, it has four islands in the Maldives and is also the largest hotel group.

It is said to be the, but according to the preliminary assessment results of McKinsey Consulting Company, the total value of the entire Universal Resort Hotel Group is only 2000 to 30 million US dollars, which sounds particularly cheap.

Unlike hotels in Harbour City, the Maldives has no shortage of scenic desert islands.

Long-term lease or purchase of an island, investment in the construction of some wooden houses, grass houses, coupled with power generation equipment, etc., can be put into use. Limited by the size and geographical location of the island, it is only suitable for rich people who are tired of living in the city, and go to the island to relax for a few days and change their mood.

All over the world, there are many beautiful islands and many tourist destinations for tourists to choose from.

Rich people can spend hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars to buy a beautiful little island in the tropics, which may be larger than the island owned by Universal Resorts.

Compared with the Maldives located in the Indian Ocean, the price of the Bahamas is slightly more expensive. It is mainly close to the United States and is regarded as a back garden with a large number of tourists.

The Maldives is too niche.

After Su Yehao thought about it later, he gradually reminisced about it.

He thought it might be because it was closer to the mainland, so news about the Maldives was relatively common, which impressed him deeply. Naturally, he felt that the Universal Resort Hotel Group should have more than this amount of money.

It's actually not that expensive.

The entire Universal Resort Hotel Group, the peak season is only the winter in Europe, the annual turnover is only six or seven million US dollars, and the net profit is even less.

It will take more than ten years to pay for it for 20 to 30 million dollars. When the cost is recovered, it is time to renovate the hotel. From the perspective of investment, it is not very cost-effective.

But the reason why Su Yehao wanted to buy it was not for investment, but for the beautiful island as a gift.

So as long as it's beautiful, nothing else needs to be considered...

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