Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 469: smoke bomb

Su Yehao just came home.

Shortly after.

In the Zhao family's old house not far from the Su family, Zhao Yimeng's mother, Jin Yu, just came back from outside.

She took off her coat, put down her purse, and told her husband and daughter:

"That kid from the Su family seems to be back. There are a few bodyguards standing in front of our house, and his style is a bit overwhelmed by the old gambling king. The outside media also said that the Su family is richer now."

Zhao Yimeng's father has had a hard time in the past two years. Fortunately, the Hong Kong stock market has recovered slightly recently, and he can take a breather.

He listened to his wife at this moment and commented noncommittally:

"The old gambling king has made his fortune for so many years, and his background is stronger than that of the Su family, and he is more stable in the gaming industry and hotel business. Now the concept of the Internet is too hot, and it may fall when it falls. Money is money when you put it in your hands. Values ​​don't all count."

Zhao Yimeng is applying nail polish, a thin layer of pale pink, which is not an exaggeration.

She blew her nails, listened to her parents chatting, and said:

"It's true that the valuation can't be fully calculated, but I saw news in the newspaper that Su Yehao has newly established a parent company called Yanwen Group, which has an ICQ and a TVT, and has a total of 20 million active users around the world. It is estimated that in the United States After the NASDAQ listing, the market value can reach about 4 billion US dollars. As far as I know, this company has almost no other shareholders, and most of the shares are in his hands. Once it is successfully listed, it will definitely be more than the old gambling king. Have more money."

Her mother Jin Yu only knew that Su Yehao's business was doing a lot, but didn't know the details.

At this moment, when she heard the news from Zhao Yimeng, Ms. Jin Yu couldn't help but be surprised: "The speed of development is so fast? How many years did he graduate from high school?"

When Zhao Yimeng heard the words, she felt chest tightness and shortness of breath, as if she had been accidentally injured.

After all, the two of them were at the same level and both graduated together. In less than two years, the gap has been widened.

She said helplessly, "Who knows, I was also optimistic about the online instant chat industry at the time, but unfortunately I was too busy to study in London and couldn't persevere like him. That guy's luck was so prosperous that he could earn almost anything. What, a single Yahoo stock made him billions."

Father Zhao, who suddenly thought of something, stretched out his legs and kicked his daughter, and asked curiously:

"Didn't Su Yehao like you two years ago, and asked his parents to discuss marriage with our family. Have you been in touch recently, and are there any chances? His father invested in two cultural tourism cities in the mainland, and the house price has already risen. The future is not bad, I heard that his mother also invested in chain pharmacies in the mainland, and also built a private hospital, you are really a match."

Zhao Yimeng despised his father's reality, and said, "There are so many girls around him, I can't squeeze in, so what about marriage, is it possible to get married and become a child? Let it be, I don't agree with Su Yehao, and we chat a few times each time. Words will make him angry."

Her mother, Jin Yu, smiled and said: ??

"I can't say the same thing. Some time ago, the capital on Donghuang's books couldn't be turned around. If it wasn't for the Su family's father and son to help, the position of the major shareholder might have been taken away by others.

Having said that, that kid from the Su family is really good, and of course he will be welcomed by the girls. I heard that he is closer to the girl from the mother's family of the owner of the Beauty Royal Court Club? I've met that girl a few times, and she's very beautiful. No wonder many times during dinner time, people say that her family is prosperous, and that mothers are more expensive than daughters. I heard that Su Yehao gave her daughter several islands in the Maldives, helping her to earn hundreds of millions of dollars in investment. "

The mother and daughter chatted about these gossips with high spirits.

The circle of the casino is so small that it can't hide secrets at all. On New Year's Day, Xiao Nizi took her mother to the Maldives, accompanied by friends who traveled with her.

Not long after he came back, this incident spread wildly in the casino, and was even published in newspapers and magazines by the media. Even the pictures of the island were picked up, and the news was written with nose and eyes.

That's why Nong Qingying made fun of Su Yehao, saying why she didn't have an island...

After chatting with his mother, Zhao Yimeng fell into a state of hesitation.

That feeling is probably like missing a super bull stock. I didn't take it seriously, but in the end, I watched it continue to soar and appreciate, and it became a fragrant bun in the eyes of others.

Usually there are many people who give her flowers and small gifts, but like Su Yehao, he has five tropical islands as soon as he makes a move, which sounds very romantic.

For the first time, Zhao Yimeng actually envied Nangong Tian a little bit, and felt that Xiao Nizi was very lucky, not only being able to be with the person she really liked, but also being cared for carefully.

I can't say how much I like Su Yehao, but Zhao Yimeng has met many men recently, and he always subconsciously compares it with Su Yehao.

The results are obvious.

Not only is Su Yehao more handsome, he is also more successful and has a more interesting personality.

Zhao Yimeng occasionally hears some interesting things about Su Yehao from Jiang Yu and other friends, such as raising a hippo at home, traveling outside frequently, and showing off his skills in Silicon Valley.

Over time, it is inevitable that there will be a little regret, and I can't help but think about what would have happened if I had treated Su Yehao a little bit better now.

After all, that guy is good in all aspects except for his fascination. Overall, it's not bad. Bad men are also very attractive in some aspects.

Thinking of the promise to invite Su Yehao to dinner.

Zhao Yimeng returned to the room and struggled for a while, called him and asked, "Have you returned to Panlong Villa? Are you free at noon? I would like to treat you to a meal. Thank you for teaching me how to invest some time ago. I made a profit by buying Amazon. Tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars.”

On the other end of the phone.

Su Yehao always felt that the girl's voice sounded a little nervous.

He thought it was just an illusion, he laughed and said, "I will not refuse if someone invites me to dinner, but I have been eating too greasy these days, why don't I find a place to eat porridge and have something light?"

Zhao Yi dreamed about it and told him:

"I know a Liangji porridge shop. Their blue crab and scallop porridge is delicious, but this is the only chance to kill me. Are you sure you only have some porridge?"

"...Who made you so insincere, if you didn't invite me to dinner earlier, the Spring Festival is almost over, who is not tired of eating big fish and meat."

Su Yehao joked.

As long as he wants to, he can go to the restaurant every day, and he really has no sense of expectation in terms of food. The fish maw bird's nest is tired of eating, but he is very interested in drinking Zhao Yimeng said with a smile: "Blame me? Who told me that you came back today, so see you at eleven o'clock at noon, and I will let the driver drive to your house to pick you up?"

"Forget it, let me pick you up. There are too many bodyguards around, and it's inconvenient to take your car..."

In a few words, a meal was finalized.

Father Su waited for him to finish talking, and asked casually, "Who is looking for you again, why don't you have dinner at home at noon?"

The second concubine also said, "Yes, the refrigerator is full of vegetables, so you can call your friends over to eat at home."

Su Yehao explained: "Miss Zhao heard that I was back and wanted to invite me to a meal as a thank you. She has earned a lot of money from investing in me, so she should treat me. Just call her over for dinner. It's very restrained, so that you don't want to think wildly, and your neighbors will definitely gossip when they see it."

Lying on the sofa watching TV, Father Su glanced at his son and joked:

"Why do I feel that someone is eating from a bowl and looking at the pot? I just finished dinner with her dad a few years ago, and I heard him say that he wants to build the largest cultural, tourism, hotel, shopping mall complex in the casino city of Taipa Island. Project, want to pull me to do it together."

"Donghuang Group still has such strength? Isn't it hurting its vitality?" Su Yehao asked with a smile.

His father continued:

"Yeah, this kind of smoke bomb can only be shown to outsiders. It is obvious that the gambling license of SJM is about to expire, and there is a chance to get involved in the gaming industry. Anyway, I have no money, and I am waiting for you. Mixiaoguo, if you are interested, you can chat with Donghuang Group, but they have no experience in the gaming industry, and neither does our family. Even if the two of them join forces, they may not be able to win tickets..."

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