Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 471: 0 gold is hard to buy, know it earlier

Su Yehao wanted to explain a few words.

Considering that the relationship with Zhao Yimeng was originally just a friendship, I was too lazy to talk about it. Anyway, it was not the first time to take the blame, and I have long been accustomed to it.

Go to the private room and sit.

First of all, I asked for a pair of mandarin duck bottoms. In addition to the white-cut donkey meat and vegetables, I also ordered a donkey meat fire, a braised nine-turn donkey intestines, and a special grilled donkey skewer, and grilled donkey meat. Donkey steak.

When the menu was handed over to Zhao Yimeng, she finished browsing and said in surprise, "We both eat so much? You didn't say that these few days are big fish and meat, and we need to eat something light today."

"I've come here, I finally have a meal of donkey meat, and it's not too late to start a diet at night."

After Su Yehao finished speaking, the restaurant owner walked in and asked with a smile:

"Have you ordered a good meal, do you need me to recommend it? If you want me to say, the best seller in my store is the three treasures of the kidney-tonifying donkey. It is guaranteed to be full of energy after eating, and the supply is limited every day. Generally, it is sold before the evening. It's over, there's just one left in the kitchen, does this young master want to try it?"

"Do I look fake?"

Su Yehao said with a smile, before waiting for the boss to speak, he added: "Although I don't need it, but since I recommend it so much, let's have a taste, or put it in a hot pot?"

"It's okay, it's up to you how you like to eat."

Zhao Yimeng is not a fool. He looked at Su Yehao silently when he heard this. The corners of his mouth were upturned, and he interjected, "Don't pollute my donkey meat hotpot. Just make him a big tonic soup by himself."

The restaurant owner thought he had guessed something, and while nodding his head, he joked, "Okay, I'll add more ingredients later, I'll make sure I want to eat it a second time after I finish it once!"

After the boss leaves.

The box was quiet for a moment. After Su Yehao cleaned the dishes, he changed the subject and said to Zhao Yimeng, "When I was at home, my father told me that Donghuang Group was going to develop a cultural tourism city on Taipa Island? The drunkard's intention is not in the bar, it's gone. The cultural tourism city of gambling is not attractive enough to tourists, if you release a few more gambling cards, will your family be sure to win it?”

Zhao Yimeng often contacts the family business, of course he knows exactly what he is talking about.

The idea of ​​getting involved in the gaming industry is not a dark secret. Whoever has more funds and stronger strength is most likely to step in.

She nodded with a smile:

"Yeah, my parents still want to work with your dad, and there are other investors who can provide experience in opening casinos. The SJM Group has monopolized the gaming industry for so many years, and since the end of this year, they will not ban us. The gaming business here should be very marketable in the future. But there is one thing you are wrong, it is not the Donghuang Group that decides to invest, but my family, so it cannot be generalized.”

Su Yehao was a little surprised to learn that Zhao Yimeng's parents planned to pay for it out of his own pocket.

If it was invested in the name of Donghuang Group, only part of the shares belonged to the Zhao family, but her family decided to bypass Donghuang to pay for it, which is enough to show that Zhao Yimeng's parents are quite optimistic about this project.


Su Yehao smiled and said, "It's a lot of courage. It's really a good project. It's a pity that my dad's money was drained by several big projects."

Hearing this, Zhao Yimeng looked up and asked him:

"What about you, do you have any investment ideas? Now everyone knows that you are richer than your parents, and the Yanwen Group that is about to go public is worth billions of dollars, and its value is rising faster than a rocket. There is no problem with the plan, how much money are you going to raise?"

"I'm a little excited, but I have to look at the plan first. My dad asked me to make up my own mind. In case of cooperation, it is recommended to take advantage of the cheap land price and get enough land before slowly developing it."

Su Yehao calmed down and continued to add:

"The Yanwen Group's listing plan is already preparing for a roadshow. The IPO raised about one billion US dollars, which is enough for this company to plan carefully and support it for three to five years. The bigger the scale, the more money it will burn, and it can **** me dry."

The reason why I changed my mind is that I started spending a lot of money last year and made the accounting data more beautiful by increasing revenue channels.

The purpose is to take advantage of the hot market, to go public before the burst of the Internet bubble, to raise funds from IPOs in advance, and to stock up on a ration for winter.

It is obvious that many institutions and investors will be pitted. With the idea of ​​​​dead friends not dying, Su Yehao even prepared to wait until the stock price fell to the bottom, and in turn used the money from the IPO to buy back the stock, or even privatize it. Preparation for delisting.

After going back and forth, I can earn hundreds of millions of dollars between backhands, and I can also attribute the failure to the poor market environment, which is almost like picking up money.

Of course, such a showy operation cannot be mentioned to outsiders, so Su Yehao didn't plan to stop Zhao Yimeng from jumping into the pit at this moment.

If she is not greedy, and after the listing of Yanwen Group, she can make a quick sum of money and take it as soon as possible. In fact, there is also the possibility of making money. After all, icq and tvt have more than 20 million active users around the world, not only users The growth rate is fast, and the profit forecast data sold to the outside world is particularly good.

In the past six months, more than 100 million US dollars have been invested, virtual business online games, online advertising business, etc., have been making efforts in recent months, and the revenue data has increased by more than ten times compared with the same period last year, which is quite impressive.

In Su Yehao's view, the listing itself is not important, the important thing is to raise a large amount of funds as soon as possible.

When the Internet market enters the cold winter period, the funds on the book can be used for development, and can also take the opportunity to acquire some high-quality assets. As long as the billion dollars are used on the edge, it is likely to be converted into billions or even tens of billions of dollars in the future. profit.

A white wolf with empty gloves is called a fragrance.

After Zhao Yimeng heard this, he sighed lightly:

"In a blink of an eye, you have already started to deal with this scale of business. If you knew it would be like this, even if you broke the pot and sold iron, you should have done business with you."

"Thousands of gold are hard to buy. I knew it earlier, don't look at my current scenery, in fact..."

Seeing Su Yehao selling off his son, Zhao Yimeng thought he had something to hide, and asked curiously, "What's the matter?

"Actually, I will be even more beautiful in the future. At this stage, the level of Bill Gates is the goal I pursue. You have indeed missed an important opportunity. I am afraid that you will be envious of the separation of the cytoplasmic wall."

" are a big head!"

Zhao Yimeng was furious, and even knowing that he was teasing him again, he couldn't help but his blood pressure soared.

The waiter came in to deliver the dishes, the hot nine-turn donkey intestines.

This stuff looks similar to pig intestines, and it is fried with chili. As long as you don't think about its origin, it still tastes delicious.

Happy Su Yehao continued:

"You can try it too. It doesn't matter if you miss an opportunity. What matters is that you can't make mistakes again and again. If your family really wants to build a cultural and tourism city project on Taipa Island, it's not a problem for me to spend four or five billion Hong Kong dollars, but I have to do it in batches. Invest in it and it will be in place next year.”

Quickly diverted his attention, Zhao Yimeng was startled and asked, "So many?!"

"Well, next, our casino is backed by the mainland, and tourists from all over the world come to send money, so the real estate price can easily go up. According to my opinion, in the next 20 years, it is estimated that hundreds of millions of tourists will come to play. Even if you only earn a few hundred yuan from each person, you can support a huge market volume."

Su Yehao was eating donkey intestines and said with a firm tone:

"The appreciation is certain. This kind of project is suitable for holding it as a core asset. Building a super complex in a casino is much scarcer than investing in a cultural tourism city in the mainland, and the rental return rate is more cost-effective than the north..."


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