Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 491: Silversea Blog

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Human ambition grows step by step.

Even Su Yehao himself, when the accident first happened, he only wanted the assets of his father and mother, and he didn't think so far.

Although I knew that I could make a fortune, I didn't expect to make billions of dollars in just two years.

The myth of making wealth in Silicon Valley is really no joke. Su Yehao has a large capital and a large base. Although he makes a lot of money, in terms of rate of return, he is still slightly less than those who have benefited thousands of times from his investment.

A typical example is Sun Zhengyi.

When he invested in Yahoo, he invested $2 million in the first investment and $80 million in the second investment, accounting for more than 30% of the shares in Yahoo.

Soon after the investment principal was listed on Yahoo, it was cashed out by Sun Zhengyi by selling a small amount of stocks. Now all that is left is profit, a net profit worth more than 10 billion US dollars, and it is still increasing in value.

It is easier to earn this money than Su Yehao, who has opened the talent plug-in.

Sun Zhengyi in his previous life also invested in Mr. Ma's Ali.

In this life, Su Yehao has stepped in, and the fat must have missed Sun Zhengyi.

Mr. Ma was tempted by the annual salary of 200,000 US dollars and the option reward pie. When he left, he smiled brightly, and he promised again and again that he would work hard.

Similar to Bonny Ma when he was appreciated and promoted.

Work well, earn a lot, have a head start in life, and make progress in career. I was confused by the petty profits Su Yehao gave, and it is difficult to have the idea of ​​finding another way to make a living and starting my own business in the short term.

Compare the two.

Jack Ma is articulate, has ideas, and is capable. He is indeed a rare talent, suitable for going out to explore new territories.

And Bonny Ma is more stable and solid, suitable for being an executive.

However, their great luck was taken by Su Yehao. It was fine to make a small fortune in this life, but it was almost impossible to be the richest man by turns like in the previous life.

After working under Su Yehao for a few years, even if he is willing to get out of his comfort zone and start a business again, the market environment at that time will definitely be different from what it is now. It will be difficult to achieve results at a slow pace.

Recalling the happiness that Mr. Ma once said, that he didn't want money, Su Yehao felt that he was a good person, and finally helped him get his wish.

As for the troubles of being plagued by huge wealth, Su Yehao can just bear it silently...


It's not long before the horse is sent away.

Su Yehao was about to flip through the documents to find out the current situation of the companies he invested in last year.

When I heard the ringing of the phone, I thought it was the girls calling, but after I picked it up, I found out that it was Leibus.

After connecting, he put the phone to his ear, Su Yehao asked with a smile, "Calculate the time difference, it's still night over there, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Well, someone in the company is visiting Silicon Valley. I know you went to the United States, so I chose this time to call you."

Leibs said with a smile:

"Actually, it's not a big deal, I just want to inform you that Yinhai Blog has been opened, and I'm going to invite you to open a column, chat with netizens casually on the Internet, and increase the style of our products. The website has been sent to your mailbox, there are After registration, send me a letter, and I will authenticate your real name for you..."

The so-called "Yinhai Blog", whose creativity is contributed by Su Yehao, must be certified for celebrities, so that netizens will not be deceived.

It may take a few years for this product to become popular, and Su Yehao is already mentally prepared.

After a few chats, let Leibus sleep quickly.

Su Yehao turned on the computer and logged into his mailbox after connecting to the Internet. Although he found the email sent by Leibus, he couldn't open the link sent by him, and it showed no response.

As a technical novice, he didn't know what was wrong. He felt that it should be related to the distance of information transmission. The Internet speed was not fast in this era, not to mention the Pacific Ocean.

Yinhai Blog has just been launched, and it will not be too late to read it when we return to Hong Kong City.

Su Yehao only told Leibus that he should develop in this area, but he didn't tell the other party that Yinhai assumed the role of a guinea pig this time.

I used to see the real estate tycoon in New York often use Twitter to manage government affairs. Although he has never used it himself, it looks similar to Weibo and should not be difficult to develop.

Try to avoid direct competition with Silicon Valley giants. Fortunately, there are still many new products. If you create a platform where people can speak freely, it can help ICQ and TVT to further monetize free traffic.

If the website can't be opened, Su Yehao can't do anything about it.

Computer screens flicker and flicker, and with current technology, all screens have a very low refresh rate, which is a bit irritating to the eyes.

He continued to check for new mail.

It was unexpectedly discovered that Christie's auction house sent him a message this morning, asking if he was interested in that Van Gogh oil painting.

I heard from Miss Vera that Van Gogh's "Under a Stormy Sky" was sold for $40.7 million.

Even for a potential big customer like Su Yehao, due to the low historical transaction amount at Christie's, he still could not enjoy the lowest The auction commission is as high as 10%.

These auction houses mainly make money by charging commissions. It is said that some large customers can get as low as 7%, while Su Yehao can't enjoy it for the time being, and ordinary customers generally pay 15% commission.

When he thought that if he were to take over the painting "Under the Stormy Sky", he would save more than four million dollars from the commission alone, Su Yehao was instantly moved... Rounding it up, it seemed to be about the same as Bai Picking.

That's not how shopping is.

For some products, I didn't really need them, but suddenly I found a good discount, and I immediately bought them again. It felt very affordable and missed.

Su Yehao did not reply directly, but called Linda Yun and told her:

"You find someone to help me check it out and ask why the buyer regretted taking the painting of Van Gogh two days ago, and whether there is a problem with the work itself."

Linda Yun thought this task was very interesting, and she was surprised in an instant: "What's the matter, are you going to spend money to buy it?"

"Let's ask first, the four million dollar commission waived is a little bit of a thought."

Su Yehao sat on the swivel chair, twisted and turned, looked at Linda Yun and said:

"If there is nothing wrong with the work, and the buyer regrets the auction due to personal reasons, then as long as the financial problem can be solved, I actually want to buy it. I made so much last year, and the yacht has not yet been selected. I want to buy a gift to treat myself. , you can take it as one of the family heirlooms.”

Linda Yun was full of smiles, sat down and said:

"Of course you should buy one of Van Gogh's oil paintings. I heard that there won't be a single painting for a few years. Except for museums, they are all in the hands of rich people. Yachts are consumer goods. Your family's boat is already very big. High cost-effective, but also can appreciate.”


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