Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 514: Because it is a dragon, it will be a little more expensive...

The scale of Jianguo Holiday Jade City is very large, and the probability of encountering good things is not low.

Every year at the Hong Kong City Asia Special Auction, many treasures flow from here, especially as the other side becomes more and more affluent, and the prices of antiques are soaring. Really found a lot of rare stuff.

A small Western Zhou bronze cauldron in the hands of Mr. Tang has a series of inscriptions engraved on it, and the seller is the person here.

On this side of the island, the overall maturity of the artistic and humanistic environment is relatively high, and it is similar on the other side of Hong Kong City.

If you look at each showcase, you can see that most of the items are clearly marked with prices, and if you buy fakes, you can come back and be held accountable.

After all, it seems that slaughtering can make money, but in fact, there is a lack of an environment for fair transactions between buyers and sellers, so that antique exchanges are only concentrated in a small circle.

Laymen are worried that their eyesight is not enough to be deceived, and they will never easily get involved in it, which will prevent the market from growing.

Su Yehao stood at the door of the shop and stared at the dragon head sculpture in the showcase for a while.

He was not aimless.

Suddenly I remembered that there was a great man in a previous life who paid a high price to photograph the rabbit and rat heads in Yuanmingyuan, but refused to pay in the end, because he did not agree with the way of repurchase at sky-high prices to buy back the things that were stolen.

This incident also caused an uproar, and even reversed the attitude of the Chinese people on the return of overseas cultural relics to a certain extent. Su Yehao certainly had an impression.

Among them, what impressed him was the news that the dragon head collector on the island had planned to put the dragon head of Yuanmingyuan out for auction, but the rabbit head and the rat head regretted the auction, which interrupted the value-added space of the animal head in one fell swoop. It's over.

Therefore, seeing the faucet in the display cabinet at this moment, Su Yehao would think about the animal head of Yuanmingyuan.

It was only March 1999, and the fame of the animal heads of Yuanmingyuan was not hyped up. Few people knew about them. The price was not necessarily more expensive than Jeff Koons' stainless steel balloon dogs. They were sold as ordinary objects. Sex is not low.

Considering this, Su Yehao pretended that nothing happened and said to Linda Yun:

"This shop has rented three shops, and there is a second floor. With such a large scale, it must have some strength. Let's go in and have a look. Let the air conditioner blow the cold air. It's best that others don't recognize me. You come and pretend to be my sister. After a while, you will look at your eyes and act, and when you find something you like, you will ask for the price."

In order to avoid being slaughtered, Su Yehao put on sunglasses when he spoke, took off the Patek Philippe watch worth more than two million US dollars and put it in his trouser pocket.

It's definitely right to be careful. The eyes of these antique shop owners are more sinister than the other, and they like to watch people cook.

When he bought the "Wanshan Red" landscape painting in Liulichang, Su Yehao suffered too famous a loss, and the price could not be suppressed. Wait, it's just annoying.

With an ok gesture, Linda Yun said with a smile, "Wrap it on me, brother Ah Hao, let me show you a smile first?"

"... Let you pretend to be my sister, not to pretend to be a hooligan. There are many old men on this street, but you are still too eye-catching. Let's say you are buying gifts for elders."

Su Yehao is relatively low-key on weekdays. If he doesn't read newspapers often, especially financial and gossip newspapers, he usually goes out alone without the halo of bodyguards, and he is easily treated as an ordinary person.

Today, he was wearing shorts and short sleeves, plus sandals and slippers from the hotel, and he was not eye-catching.

Linda Yun nodded and took the lead in pushing the door into the store.

In the glass cabinet against the wall, there are blue-and-white porcelain and enamel-colored porcelain. On the table made of some wood, sandalwood is burning, and the little turtle is crawling around in the bathtub.

When Su Yehao went to participate in the auction, he could see the detailed introduction and reserve price directly from the auction catalogue. He didn't need to consider whether it was true or false. If he bought a fake product, it would mean making a fortune, so he was more assured.

At this moment, the two eyes are directly smeared, except for the more distinctive Tang Sancai and underglaze red, the source is basically indistinguishable, let alone true and false.


The genuine products in the store usually have a price sign and the name is written in traditional Chinese. As for the ones without a sign, it is estimated that they are modern handicrafts, such as the camel in Tang Sancai.

First look at the other items in the store. The prices range from tens of thousands to millions. At first, Su Yehao felt a little something, and then he remembered that the currency here is Taiwan dollars, which is Hong Kong dollars divided by four o'clock, and converted into US dollars. It is worthless.

As a result, many things that I thought were pretty good at first became inconspicuous in an instant.

The ancestors have left countless objects over thousands of years, with a total number of tens of millions. Most of the collections are not of high value. At the level of Su Yehao, of course, they don't look down on them.

He just wanted to buy some fine products to fill in the small building in his yard, so as not to be empty inside, even if there was a Van Gogh worth 40 million dollars hanging on the wall, it would still look so aura.

This made Su Yehao stare at Mr. Tang's little treasure house for a time. Unfortunately, his grandfather regarded the collection as a treasure. He had said before that he would only give those things to him when they were buried in the soil.

Looking at things with sunglasses on, looks a little silly, in order to avoid being recognized, Su Yehao had to be a little careful.

It is estimated that the two of them are too young, and no one has come to entertain them.

This was exactly what Su Yehao wanted. He quietly came to the showcase where the dragon head sculpture was placed. He pressed down his sunglasses and stared at it carefully.

The traces on it not only did not disappoint Su Yehao, on the contrary, he increasingly felt that it might be the dragon head of the Yuanmingyuan that had disappeared for a long time.

When a gang of robbers plundered property, how could they be expected to be careful, except for the careful treatment of porcelain calligraphy and painting, it is said that many treasures were directly smashed and smashed, and the rest were all burned to the ground.

Staring at the mouth of the faucet, I saw a water outlet.

After looking around it, I found that the price tag said the price was NT$16,880,000, which was about 4 million in Hong Kong dollars. The introduction board only said the words "Sculpture of the Royal Family of Lang Shining of the Qing Dynasty". .

Seeing this, Su Yehao had a little bit of understanding. For example, the shop owner probably knew where it came from and its value.

I just saw a few pieces of porcelain from the Ming and Qing Dynasties, but the price is not as expensive as it is.

Winking at Linda Yun, she immediately beckoned, called a female clerk, and asked with a smiling face, "I'm studying sculpture, this piece of art is so interesting, is it something from the Forbidden City? Why is it so expensive, can you introduce it to me?"

"...It's not the Forbidden City, it's the Yuanmingyuan for the emperor's The famous Italian artist Lang Shining designed twelve zodiac fountains. It is one of them. It is said that he planned to design it as a goddess sculpture without clothes. , and later the plan was not passed, so it became like this."

The female clerk continued to tell in a soft voice:

"The price is not high. Ten years ago, the horse head of the same series was auctioned for 250,000 US dollars. It was put here by our boss friend. Because it is a dragon, it will be a little more expensive. If you like sculpture, we There is also a stone carving of ancient Greece, which only sold for more than two million..."

After Su Yehao heard this, he felt the chills on his back stand up.

Although Yin Liuli's voice was nice, she was not so squeamish, it was a bit deliberate.


Considering that the customers here are mostly rich old men, it is estimated that they like this type, and it can be regarded as precision marketing...


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