Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 524: I advise you to restrain yourself by 1 point

The roadshow hasn't started yet, so let's put it aside for now.

After contacting an assistant who replaced Zhuang Wei, Su Yehao was almost driven to death by the English manuscripts to be used in the event.

There are words in it that even Linda Yun, a former English teacher, doesn't know.

Unlike Chinese characters that are unfamiliar, you can also guess the meaning by half-guessing and half-guessing. For example, Pan Fangzhu's "罍 (sound like thunder, looking at the heavy bronze vessel with cloud and thunder patterns, you can probably get it from Guess some meaning on the traditional character "靁".

For English words, if you don't know them, you don't know them. You need to add notes to the manuscript.

In addition to the need to crawl and be familiar with the speech, there are also requirements for the speed of speech and so on.

According to an assistant's suggestion, it is best to be passionate, infectious, or perhaps like a spring breeze, to make people feel good.

Talking alone is not enough. There is a lot of attention to the stance and look, how to adapt to the stage and dazzling lighting, how to control the time and rhythm of the road show, and even the details to the dress and so on.

In order to make Su Yehao play his best, the team even hired an expert in this field for him, making him practice over and over again like a marionette.

More than two hours later.

Su Yehao threw the manuscript on the table, unscrewed the lid of the teacup, and took a sip of the top-quality Longjing that was newly picked this year.

The pieces are all small buds, although the taste is a bit bland, it can be considered unique.

He squeezed his throat, waved his hand and said, "That's it, it's too late, I'm going to give a speech tonight, what should I do if my voice is hoarse? Besides, a bunch of Japanese, their English pronunciation is not as good as mine, how can they criticize me. "

I'm really impatient, mainly because Yanwen Group raised more than one billion US dollars this time. It has not yet started its roadshow in the United States. It has been oversubscribed by enthusiastic potential investors several times. There are statistics from market makers.

Therefore, this roadshow is purely a transition.

Different from those little-known small businesses, the emoji group formed by the merger of the two super popular software tvt and icq has already been distributed. Take it so seriously.

Su Yehao's words inexplicably hit Nong Qingying's laughter, who was sitting beside him resting, and he suddenly fell backwards and forwards with laughter.

She communicates with locals in English a lot, and she can understand the phrase "pronunciation is not as good as my standard". It is estimated that she recalls interesting memories, which is why she is so happy.

Looking at Nong Qingying with a helpless expression, Su Yehao continued to say to the teacher who made a special trip to train him to speak: "Really, I no longer need to please these investors, I can just speak on my own strength, even if I read the manuscript with my head down, so what? The future stock price trend does not depend on the company's performance and the general market environment."

The teacher was about to retort, continuing to give some examples of successful speeches.

Su Yehao's assistant had already raised his hand very discerningly to signal to see off the guest, and took out the red envelope prepared in advance, which contained 10,000 Hong Kong dollars as a reward...

Continue drinking tea to moisten your throat.

Walking to Nong Qingying's side, Su Yehao asked her, "Why are you laughing, you are so happy."

"It's nothing, I just suddenly thought that I met an Indian student before and said that he wanted to represent sk2's products, but he could only spend 200,000 yen. Although I don't know where he got his confidence, but that unique accent , I will never forget it!"

After Nong Qingying finished speaking, she buried her head and laughed again.

"...a curry accent, at least easier to understand, provided they hold back their laughter when they shake their heads."

Of course, Su Yehao had heard similar jokes, but there were not many Indians that he really came into contact with in his life.

Raising his arm and looking at his watch, it was already 3:30 in the afternoon, and he continued to say to Nong Qingying, "I don't know how my grandfather was talking with the Japanese seller, I haven't started preparing funds yet. The old man took the plane directly to Kyoto, just to play there for a few days, but unfortunately I didn't have time to receive him in person."

Maybe it was because he thought of giving birth to a big fat boy who changed his surname to Tang, he would have the opportunity to have a mother and a child because of the expensiveness.

"Don't worry, your grandfather, a rich man who has been in Hong Kong for decades, has eaten more salt than you have eaten. It is impossible to get lost. I traveled from Lantau Island to Hong Kong Island when I was very young. Dad said that those people who can build a house on Taiping Mountain are not easy to mess with, if I give birth to a child, can I really give me a villa?"?

"A villa on the mountain, you can afford it yourself now."

After Su Yehao finished speaking, he added calmly: "Don't worry, I can send you a set when the time comes. Clear Water Bay Road, Deep Water Bay Road, Baijiawan Road, etc., you can choose whatever you want. It's a big deal."

Nong Qingying said with a smile: "Then it's a decision, but make it clear in advance that this is not for myself, but for our cubs. In case I am not favored in the future, I will also be for the children. Thinking about the future, I didn't have a big mansion on Mount Taiping when I was a kid, but my kids definitely can."

"...have you thought so far?"

Su Yehao shook his head with a wry smile, and took the opportunity to tell: "I declare in advance that when I die, no one will inherit my assets. I plan to learn from the Rockefeller family's way of putting all assets in the family charitable trust foundation, so that my children and grandchildren will be saved. The offspring receive a certain monthly living allowance, but they will also live well.”

Nong Qingying nodded and said, "This approach is not wrong. I support it very much. There are more interests involved, and it is easy for children to be disobedient. I don't want to raise white-eyed wolves."


It is clear that there is no child, so I will worry about it for a while.

After four o'clock in the afternoon, I changed my clothes and went out to find a place to get my hair done.

The male stylist with a bit of Yin Qi wanted to help Su Yehao put on makeup, but he decisively refused.

I can’t talk about being nervous or anything. It’s still too early to see me after I get my hair done, so I picked a small restaurant to eat skewers, chicken balls, chicken wings, prawns, etc., paired with a bowl of fragrant black pepper pork chop rice. is to enjoy.

Nong Qingying's "idol burden" is relatively heavy.

In order to avoid the smell of grilled skewers on the carefully selected dresses, I didn't even enter the store.

At six o'clock in the evening, it was already dark.

When Su Yehao arrived at the Tokyo Palace Hotel, he unexpectedly found that many young girls were holding his posters and flashing name tags, gathered at the hotel gate, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh couldn't stop being excited.

face this scene.

Nong Qingying, who had already taken off his warm jacket, was wearing a red evening dress, and had his hair up and full of aura, said helplessly, "I said a long time ago, your reputation in Japan is not low, you are handsome and rich. , many people treat you as a star."

After all, it is not a real star. The bodyguards have reminded more than once that the more people there are, the more dangerous it is.


Su Yehao had been driving to the entrance of the When he was about to enter the door, he turned around and waved his hands, smiling at the forty or fifty little fans.

The flash lights came on one after another, and many girls were so excited that they screamed and shouted the slogan "Su Sang, the road show is successful!".

Obviously calling.

The atmosphere here in Japan is really different from the one in Hong Kong City.

Maybe it's because the area of ​​Hong Kong City is too small, and people often bump into rich celebrities. People get used to it over time. Even if there are girls who like Su Yehao, they are far less enthusiastic and unrestrained.

Seeing Su Yehao's expression, Nong Qingying looked contemptuous, and lowered her voice to remind, "I advise you to restrain yourself, your mouth is almost crooked when you smile..."


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