Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 533: so big?

As for the Cyberport plan on Li's side, the team from PricewaterhouseCoopers consulted as consultants. After careful polishing and polishing, it took a lot of money and countless energy to finalize the plan.

Su Yehao pondered for a while himself. Of course, his ideas were not enough, and he needed to study them more seriously.


As long as you take over this big job, it will definitely be profitable, it is nothing more than a question of earning more and earning less.

From the current point of view, the plan to develop the Cyberport at Kai Tak Airport with the above joint venture is obviously not as good as the plan of the Li family, which was won together with the residence.

What the Li family meant was that the park and a large area of ​​residential land were given above. They helped develop the park and gave it to the Hong Kong government to keep for rent collection. As for the residential land, the Li family owned it.

Euphemistically, selling houses is not for making money, but purely to help develop the Cyberport above, so as not to let Hong Kong City miss the opportunity of a new round of transformation.

Follow the latest public news.

If the land is approved, 62% of the land will be used for the development of the Cyberport, and the other 38% will be owned by the second son of the Li family for the development of residential projects.

The tricks here can be understood by a discerning person at a glance, because... the house can be built higher, and the document only stipulates the floor area, but does not make clear requirements for the building area.

The outside world is wrangling around the problems in these plans, and almost all the developers who have the face and face have jumped out, wanting to give an explanation from the above.

It is estimated that there is no reason, so it is only said that Second Young Master Li has experience and holds leases from a large number of Internet companies. It is estimated that it is precisely because of this that someone will ask Master Tang to come forward and try to get Su Yehao to join forces.

all afternoon.

Su Yehao was investigating the information about the Cyberport, and contacted Vice President Zheng Yongwen to ask for the details.

The feedback is that some details have not yet been finalized, but it has almost succeeded. We are discussing the ratio of the division of residential income, which means that the above does not intend to let the Li family enjoy the income of residential development exclusively.

Hearing this news made Su Yehao feel a lot more balanced.

Suddenly, he felt that there was no need to stare at the residential land.

Anyway, the current transaction price of land auctions in Hong Kong City is not high. If you want to get land everywhere, the rate of return may not be as good as investing in Pengcheng. It is better to treat it as a pure commercial real estate project, and only earn some real estate appreciation and rental income. .

As soon as this idea came into existence, Su Yehao suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment, as if he had cleared away the layers of clouds and fog, and pointed directly to the core of the problem - the Cyberport!



At nearly six o'clock, I picked up the old man in the middle of the mountain and went to the clubhouse of the Jockey Club for dinner.

After Su Yehao took Nangong Tian to the seat, he heard his grandfather's introduction and found out that several well-known real estate developers such as New World, Sun Hung Kai, Swire, Hang Lung, and Landmark have all sent people over.

There are a total of seven people, and the listed companies involved have a total market value of 200 to 300 billion Hong Kong dollars.

As a large-scale project with a scale of more than 10 billion Hong Kong dollars, the popularity of the Cyberport is evident.

It should be because of Su Yehao's young age and low seniority, an old man in his 60s surnamed Song, who was kind-hearted and kind-hearted at the moment, asked straight to the point:

"Young Master Su, some of our old guys put on this table tonight. You should have heard your grandfather's reason for inviting you over here. How about it? You're not interested in Cyberport, and everyone says you're a rare sight to see. It's impossible not to know the specific situation, right?"

Drinking the tea he brought, Su Yehao smiled, nodded and replied:

"My uncles and uncles are looking for me for something. How dare I not prepare carefully. I have spent the whole afternoon on this matter, and I have almost read the public news. However, it is difficult to say what is in private. I heard that it will be soon. It's a bit sudden to announce that more than 20 hectares of land will be handed over to the Li family for development."

"For the sake of making money, I don't care what others think."

An unremarkable old man in his fifties with gray hair, leaning on a cane, playing with a suet jade handle in his hand, then said, "We are gathered here today to fight for one or two billion dollars. It's just a project, everyone digs it out, are you afraid that you won't be able to toss it?"

"That's right! What kind of Cyberport? It doesn't seem to be a takeaway building. It's a tailor-made project. Now that Master Su is on the platform for us, I see how many excuses they can come up with."

These uncles here are either executives or shareholders.

The heads of each family did not show up. After all, it was just a negotiation, and the cooperation had not been officially finalized.

Seeing that they were all full of energy and their voices were loud, Su Yehao couldn't help laughing and laughing. He interjected and asked, "I am indeed in a high-tech business and have a certain right to speak. However, before we talk about things, I would like to ask you why your uncles think about it. To compete, just look at those residential sites?"

"Of course, besides wanting to make money, why else?"

The old man surnamed Song looked at Su Yehao and immediately told him, "Even if the land is auctioned off, the money can be used to develop the Cyberport, why not sell them to us?"

"Yeah, it's a scam!"


Su Yehao, whose ears were buzzing because of the noise, only felt that they were more energetic than himself, and said again:

"But if you just sell the land and raise money to develop the cyberport, in the end, there will be nothing on it except rent collection. However, once the Li family's plan is adopted, in addition to rent collection, the above can also develop residential land through public-private partnership. In the future, this may be possible. It is also a large amount of income, and from the perspective of the rate of return, the Li family’s plan this time is really brilliant.”

Confidence is often proportional to the thickness of the wallet.

Facing a group of uncles and uncles, Su Yehao was calm and composed. Beside him, the little girl and the old man were sitting side by side, and they didn't mean to speak.

Opposite the round table.

A middle-aged man in his forties, holding a cigar in his hand, asked, "Looking at what Master Su means, is there any other idea that can surpass their plan this time?"

"...Yes, young master, you might as well speak directly. With your fame, you can speak the best. Whether we succeed or fail this time is mainly up to you."

Dry cough.

Su Yehao didn't hide it and said calmly:

"Yes, so I thought about it. If I take the land and fund the construction of the Cyberport, wouldn't the reason for the construction of the Cyberport just disappear?"

"Rent relief, support for startups, etc., I can also arrange all of them, maybe even better than them. Just need to develop a theme of the Internet and semiconductor technology, and integrate office buildings, hotels, retail, parks and entertainment facilities in A comprehensive park, with a total construction area of ​​about 200,000 square meters, will definitely be enough in the initial stage.”

"It just so happens that I'm going to Hong Kong City to open a few new companies, and it's okay to build them together. All you need to do is to announce the support plan and wait for the funds to buy the land. You don't need to worry about the rest. It's up to me. Self-financing…”

As soon as these words came out, the room was silent for a moment.

Others are just trying to get their hands dirty and get a piece of the action.

According to Su Yehao's intention, he obviously wanted to overturn the table and bring the pot back to his home.

Even Mr. Tang's mouth twitched at this moment, thinking about how much money he needed.

An initial answer... It is estimated that 10 billion Hong Kong dollars almost means I am afraid it is not enough.

The reason why he dared to say such a thing is because Su Yehao knew that the construction speed was not that fast.

After saying what he wanted to say at this moment, he glanced around and asked with a smile:

"According to the new plan of this commercial real estate project, who wants to participate in the development and cooperate with me?"


" you play such a big game?"



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