Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 546: What are you worried about?

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After reading the outline, Su Yehao pondered over and over again.

Seeing his expression, Nangong Tian immediately asked, "What's the matter, I'm not satisfied with this script?"

"It's not that I'm dissatisfied, I just think that the plot of the final extermination of the devil's cave is a bit cliché. But after all, it's just an outline. Everyone knows that when Master Xing is making a movie, there are only scenes in his eyes. It may be very good when it is actually filmed."

Su Yehao put down the thin sheets of paper in his hand, and added in a lazy tone:

"We promised to let him shoot by himself. We are only responsible for paying the money, and we don't care about the rest. Remind him when you have time, there is no need to worry about spending money. As long as the work is good enough, the budget can be raised to 100 million Hong Kong dollars."

When Xiao Nizi heard the words, she recalled the nervousness when she was filming a custom movie and was dominated by the box office.

She almost petrified and asked dumbly:

"Brother Hao, are you sure? There is no market for our movie in Europe and America. If we make a successful film, we may get back to the original cost, but if we shoot according to this script, I'm afraid that in the end, we will only lose our pants..."

"It doesn't matter, I've enjoyed watching it first, and I don't have to put it on the market as soon as possible. Some people are hoarding land, some people are hoarding antiques. If I invest in a few more Xingye movies and save them, I might endure until the mainland movie market matures. Is it very profitable? If you look at these film and television copyrights from the perspective of the Internet, in fact, they will be very valuable in the future, and when the Internet speed reaches a certain stage, online video sites will definitely become popular.”

Su Yehao thought about it for a second, and continued to smile and said:

"Thinking about it this way, there is no need to be obsessed with buying a TV station, just to save money. When you have spare money, you can buy more film and television copyrights back. Anyway, pirated CDs are everywhere, so they shouldn't care about the follow-up income, and the price will increase. cheaper."

After hearing this.

Nangong Tian only felt a pain in her head. Watching dramas online on a computer felt incredible.

In this era, people's imagination is limited by the speed of the Internet and the level of technological development. If anyone mentions the concept of a smartphone, it will definitely be regarded as a fantasy by most people and a sci-fi concept.

Speaking of Xianxia, ​​Su Yehao suddenly thought of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy".

Now it is a stand-alone game. The agency right in the mainland market was won by Yinhai Network Group. The sales volume seems to be okay. I have seen the relevant information in which document before, and I am still a little impressed.

There are too few film and television projects in Zhengchou, so he immediately asked Nangong Tian to try it and win its film and television adaptation rights.

After hearing this, Xiao Nizi said in a melancholy tone:

" should be really short of money right now. Master Xing's movie, "Boys Over Flowers", which is being approved, and the comic "Fengyun", all add up to a lot of investment. You are spending money on me and Jiang Yu. There are too many funds, and we will be under pressure.”

Su Yehao was silent for a moment and then spoke the truth:

"What are you worried about? Compared with my project, you don't need to take the three melons and jujubes you voted for at all. Besides, I'm not particularly short of money. The funds for the land acquisition are mainly based on the land itself as collateral. , had little impact on my business."

"But from the bank loan, the interest is also a lot."

"I don't need to worry about that little interest. If I didn't think the house price would definitely go up, how could I take the risk and throw so much money into it."

Su Yehao found out that she was actually worried about him. Although he was a little worried, he was still a little moved.

After all, a serious relationship is not the same as those dewy marriages. Some girls just want to shovel into their pockets, and by his side, even Nong Qingying, who likes money, is wholeheartedly thinking about doing business well, so as not to hurt him Lost money.

Rubbing Xiao Nizi's head to tell her not to worry about these little things, Su Yehao continued to read the script of "Boys Over Flowers", which has only written four episodes so far.

After looking at it for a while, he found a lot of problems.

For example, the ban order of the F4 group, a group of students bullying their classmates, made it clear that it did not conform to the values ​​and must be changed.

There is also an upright show of family wealth, which has to be changed to side rendering.

Little Nizi didn't think there was anything at first. When she learned that these contents might cause the whole TV to be unable to be released in the mainland, she began to pay attention to it and told the screenwriter to change it again, so be careful in the future...


For the Kai Tak Cyberport project, the hardest part has been solved.

The remaining development cycle is likely to be as long as five to ten years. The office buildings and shopping malls are expected to be completed within five years. Su Yehao had a whim and asked people to prepare for public bidding. He planned to build a landmark at the end of the airport runway.

After other shareholders received the news, they called specifically to ask why.

According to Su Yehao, in order to promote the entire project, it is best to build a high-rise building or tower, so that people can see it from both sides of the Victoria Harbour, and change people's concept of Kai Tak Airport through subtle changes.

After all, it is not a wealthy area. Unlike Taiping Mountain, where an inch of land is expensive, there is no way to sell a house at a high price in the future. It must be promoted in advance and create a "brand".

The explanation is reasonable.

However, rather than useless towers, other shareholders want to evaluate the possibility of building high-rise As the economy begins to warm up, office buildings are tense again, and rents are gradually rising.

If bus lines and water buses are opened at that time, there is also hope that the office buildings of Kai Tak Cyberport will be rented out at high prices to the outside world.

As for the publicity of attracting high-tech companies to settle in, etc., these shareholders did not take it seriously at all. Looking at the entire Hong Kong City, there are only a few high-tech companies. They are busy doing finance, playing trade, and developing real estate.

Anyway, in the future, the Cyberport office park will be managed by the newly established Green Diamond Group. Of course, these investors hope to maximize profits.

Even if Su Yehao rents a building, at most a discount is given, but the rent still has to be paid...

Two days after the land was signed.

On May 8th.

After nine o'clock in the morning, Linda Yun sent a pile of documents again, which contained McKinsey Consulting's investigation report on the Silver Sea Blog Project.

After a week of research, they found that Yinhai Blog has too little interaction, and the content is too subjective.

In response to these problems, McKinsey Consulting Company gave some suggestions, such as opening different sections, designing a set of algorithms according to the number of clicks, likes and replies, and sorting and displaying by scores.

In Su Yehao's view, doing so may cause the vast majority of users to entertain themselves and completely lose the opportunity for exposure.


Su Yehao checked Yinhai blog again, and designed a set of improvement plans based on his previous knowledge of Weibo.

It's a bit difficult.

Because he doesn't like gossip, he seldom played that thing in his previous life, so Su Yehao's understanding of Weibo was limited, and he didn't even know much about its functions.


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