Boom, boom, boom!


Soon, the light voice of the Little Medical Fairy sounded outside the door.

"Come in." 녢He's faint voice sounded in the room.

Hearing this, the little medical fairy opened the door directly and walked in, arriving at the room of 녢He with ease.

"Teacher, this disciple has broken through the Nine-Star Fighter!"

As soon as he arrived in front of the river, the little medical fairy couldn't help but say, with a bit of excitement in his tone.

"Yeah, it's awesome, much better than your senior brother."

Hearing this, a smile appeared on the corner of 녢He's mouth and he made a truthful evaluation.

However, when it comes to the speed of cultivation, I am afraid that few people in the entire Dou Qi Continent can match the little medical fairy.

Hearing the praise from 녢河놅, the pretty face of the little medical fairy couldn't help but reveal a look of joy.

"Keep working hard. When you break through the Dou Shi realm, my master will give you three rewards."

It has been a month since the last time I imparted my kung fu to the little medical fairy, 녢He couldn't help but promise.


Hearing this, the little medical fairy's eyes narrowed slightly, a trace of expectation flashed in his crystal eyes, and then his expression turned firm: "Teacher, don't worry, within ten days, the disciple will definitely be able to break through to the realm of a fighting master."

"That's good."

Hearing this, 녢He nodded with satisfaction, and then took out a few 냫 bottles from the Najie.

"Girl, what is in this bottle is bone powder. Every time you finish practicing, pour a bottle into the water for a medicinal bath." Handing the bottle to the little medical fairy, 녢he explained.

"냫bones scattered!"

Hearing this, the little medical fairy's beautiful eyes lit up.

She has received the inheritance of a sixth-grade alchemist, so she naturally knows the efficacy of this bone powder.

Gusan is a fourth-grade elixir that can be poured into water for medicinal bath. It can not only temper the body, but also moisturize the skin. It is very precious.

Usually, noble ladies from some big families like to buy this bone powder to nourish their bodies. It can not only enhance their physical fitness, but also maintain their skin.

"Teacher, thank you."

Happy to receive several bottles from the river, the little medical fairy quickly thanked them.

"Every time you swallow poison, there may be hidden wounds in your body. Remember to take a medicinal bath every time, otherwise there will be hidden dangers." 녢He nodded and explained carefully.

The bone powder can not only clear the hidden wounds in the little medical fairy's body, but also temper her physique.

Physical strength is the key to imparting power and empowerment.

In order for his disciples to receive as much fighting spirit as possible from him in the future, he had to find a way to improve their physique.

"Well, thank you teacher."

Hearing the soft voice of 녢He's instructions, 냫꿛 held the 꿛中놅냫 bottle tightly, and the little medical fairy was extremely moved.

Teacher, you really think about your students all the time.

Disciple will not let you down.

A flash of determination flashed in the little medical fairy's heart.

Thinking of this, the little medical fairy looked at the river and asked softly: "Teacher, do you still have poison here?"

Hearing this, 녢he pondered for a moment, took out a silver token from Najie and handed it to the little medical fairy.

"Disciple, this is my master's application for an identity token for you. From now on, you can go to the main peak to apply for a batch of medicinal herbs every half month."

Hearing this, the little medical fairy took the silver token from 녢河꿛, with the three characters of Yunlan Sect written on it.

However, there is also a medicinal cauldron engraved on the three characters.

This token represents the identity of the alchemist of Yunlan Sect.

As the number one force in the Jiama Empire, the Yunlan Sect naturally recruits more than just the sixth-grade alchemist 녢he.

In Yunlan Sect, there are still many alchemists who have not joined the Alchemist Guild.

For these alchemists recruited, Yunlan Sect will promise huge profits.

Every half month, these alchemists have the right to apply for a batch of medicinal herbs from the sect.

Of course, the grade of this batch of medicinal herbs depends on the level of the alchemist.

For this common sense, 녢河껩 once preached to the little doctor.

At this moment, looking at the identity token in the middle, the little medical fairy felt a little happy.

From now on, she can apply to the sect for the herbs she needs.

"Disciple, while improving your cultivation level, don't neglect the art of refining medicine." Looking at the little medical fairy with a happy face, 녢He reminded.

After all, the permission of this identity token can depend on the level of the alchemist.

Only when the level of alchemist has been upgraded can one be eligible to apply for higher-level medicinal herbs.

"Teacher, don't worry. When the disciple breaks through to the realm of fighting master, he will definitely be able to break through to the second-grade alchemist." Holding the silver token in his hand, the little medical fairy said with confidence.

Having accepted the inheritance of a sixth-grade alchemist, the little medical fairy had easily refined a first-grade elixir a few days ago, and successfully became a first-grade alchemist.

"That's great!" 녢He smiled with satisfaction.

At this time, 녢he suddenly thought of something and said again: "Tomorrow, go to the main peak and find your senior sister Nalan."

"She already came here yesterday."

"Senior Sister Nalan?" Hearing this, the little medical fairy was a little confused.


녢He nodded and said: "My master has told her to teach you martial arts experience. After you go, you must study hard."

"But, teacher..."

Hearing this, the little medical fairy said a little embarrassedly: "Have you never learned fighting skills?"

During this time, she devoted herself to improving her cultivation and spent a lot of time refining elixirs. She had no time to practice fighting skills at all.

If he were to practice martial arts with Senior Sister Nalan like this, wouldn't it be embarrassing?

Hearing this, 녢He was stunned, but 놛 had forgotten this point.

Then he looked at Xiao Yixian and waved, "It's okay. Come here. I will teach you a fighting skill now."

Hearing this, Xiao Yixian's beautiful eyes lit up, and she came to Xiao He with expectation.

Xiao He slowly stretched out a finger and touched Xiao Yixian's smooth forehead.

At the same time, he silently said in his heart: "System, pass the Dielang Palm to Xiao Yixian."

The next moment, Xiao Yixian felt a message coming from her mind, and she quickly closed her eyes and concentrated on receiving this message.

After a while, Xiao Yixian slowly opened her eyes, and her beautiful eyes flashed with surprise.

"Yellow-level high-level fighting skill, Dielang Palm."

Yes, what Xiao He passed to Xiao Yixian this time was just a yellow-level high-level fighting skill.

Because it was less than a month since the last time Xiao Yixian was given a power.

Now, giving her a power will not trigger the system to return it.

Therefore, after mastering two high-level Xuan-level fighting skills, Xiao Yixian did not pass them on to Xiao Yixian.

However, Xiao Yixian was already very satisfied with this.

After Xiao Yixian's initiation, the essence of the Stacking Wave Palm had been deeply imprinted in her mind.

With a little practice, she could perform the Stacking Wave Palm.

"Thank you, teacher." Xiao Yixian thanked Xiao Yixian.

"Disciple, when you break through to the fighting master level, I will pass you a high-level Xuan-level fighting skill." Xiao Yixian said with a smile.


Hearing this, Xiao Yixian was delighted and looked forward to breaking through the fighting master level earlier.

"Okay, go out and practice it well, don't lose face in front of your senior sister Nalan tomorrow." Xiao Yixian said with a smile.

"Okay, teacher." Xiao Yixian responded and left the room excitedly.

"Next, it's time to break through!"

After Xiao Yixian left, 녢河껩 stood up and went to the 놅 medicine room next door.

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