"Eh?! Blocked?!"

Perona looked in surprise at the man below who easily blocked her attack.

"After all, he is one of the top cadres of Beasts Pirates. He cannot be killed easily. Be careful, Perona."

Shyarly said, and suddenly swung at Jack below.

In an instant, countless ice birds crashed into the pirate ship below.

On the pirate ship, a lot of trauma suddenly appeared.

"Asshole, stop it, you guy!"

Sipshead roared, quickly used his fruit ability, and jumped towards Shyarly.

Shyarly snorted coldly and swung the long knife in his hand quickly from left to right.

860 "Ice dragon spiral tail!"

Shyarly's slash turned into a freezing slash with a wide range, and the area crossed by the tip of the knife was covered with ice in an instant.

Sipshead, who had just jumped in front of Shyarly, was frozen into ice before he even had time to react and landed on the pirate ship again.

Sipshead was easily defeated, which also discouraged others who originally wanted to rush towards Shyarly and Perona.

And such a scene completely angered Jack.

I saw his hands condensing Armament Haki, and he blocked Perona's Zanpakutō with a single effort.

"You guys are looking for death!"

(bich) Jack shouted sharply, and in a blink of an eye he was in front of Perona.

Perona's eyes widened, her body subconsciously retreated, and at the same time, she used Negative Ghost to crash into Jack's body.

"Hmph, such a light attack is not necessary at all... eh!"

Before Jack could finish his words, the ghost of negativity had already passed through his body.

At this moment, Jack's original strong anger dissipated instantly, and his whole body fell directly onto the deck of the pirate ship, his face full of frustration.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been born in this world."

Jack lowered his head and said.

"What's going on... Captain Jack, what's wrong with you!"

Kim Mira and others looked at the scene in front of them in horror.

You know, Jack is now their hope in facing the enemy.

If Jack is defeated, how can they leave?

"Haha, it looks like my power is still useful."

Perona laughed and immediately waved a negative ghost again, intending to give full play to her field control skills and control Jack so that Shyarly could deal with peace of mind.

Shyarly naturally knew this was an opportunity and immediately rushed forward.

However, just when she and the Negative Ghost were about to arrive in front of Jack, Jack's eyes flashed with light, and Armament Haki instantly condensed throughout his body.

Perona: "Negative Ghost!"

Shyarly: "Dragon shot rack!"

Perona's attack and Shyarly's attack arrived in front of Jack almost at the same time.

His body was first hit by the negative ghost, and then by the cold Zanpakutō.

In an instant, Jack's body was wrapped in cross-shaped ice cubes.

The strong cold air even turned a large area of ​​the pirate ship's deck into the color of frost.

However, Shyarly was not happy. She flew to Perona's side and looked warily at Jack below.

"That big guy just used Armament Haki."

"Your abilities and my blade probably didn't do much damage to him."

Shyarly read.

Sure enough, just as he finished speaking, the ice cube wrapping Jack suddenly shattered.

Ho ho ho!

With a huge roar, Jack's body transformed into a huge ancient mammoth and appeared in front of everyone.

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