Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 102 I don’t believe you, but I believe her

"left already……?"

Xiao Yan murmured subconsciously, with disappointment and helplessness visible to the naked eye on his face.

Of course, in fact, Xiao Yan also knew very well that in a place where he might not stay for long, for Miss Wan, it was probably just a place to stay for a while, and she would not stay much longer at all.

However, after just hearing the news about Miss Wan, when I asked, I found out that she had left long ago. This kind of psychological gap would make anyone feel a little disappointed.

"Forget it, let's go then."

However, disappointment is not a reason to be depressed. Xiao Yan gently rubbed his eyebrows and quickly adjusted his state.

We can always meet again, it's just a little late.

The little medical fairy stood quietly in front of Xiao Yan, watching the indescribable expression flash across his now no longer green cheeks, and the initial doubts and worries in his heart also disappeared.

Judging from Xiao Yan's expression, it seemed that he and Sister Wan had a particularly good relationship... He was so disappointed just to hear that Sister Wan had left this place.

The Little Medical Fairy is very talented and a doctor. It is just a common thing for her to observe people's words and expressions. It is natural for her to see something fishy in the expression on Xiao Yan's face.

The little medical fairy, who was originally a little worried and suspicious about the friend Sister Wan spoke of, is now gradually relieved.

Considering Sister Wan's personality, being able to be mentioned as a friend by her, and being someone who cares about her so much, I think her character is not much different.

"Sister Wan mentioned you to me before."

The little medical fairy said.

"what did she say?"

"She said that she has a friend who will come to Qingshan Town some time after she leaves."

The little medical fairy glanced at Xiao Yan, and then continued: "She also said that she thinks the two of us should get along well, and we can help each other when we meet in the future."

Xiao Yan paused. Although it always felt strange to say these words from the mouth of a stranger he had never met, but if it was Miss Wan... she would indeed say such things.

What's more, given Miss Wan's temperament, it would be extremely difficult for most people to get in touch with her. Since he is someone who knows Miss Wan's name, he is worthy of trust.

"Well, I understand."

Xiao Yan nodded. Although he still had no trust in the little medical fairy, he believed in Miss Wan, and she would definitely not harm him.

"It's just that I came to Qingshan Town and joined your mercenary guard just for a ride. I will soon enter the Warcraft Mountains to practice. I will not stay in Qingshan Town longer. If you need my help with anything, I I can help you.”

As soon as these words came out, a smile appeared on the little medical fairy's face. To be honest, she was just waiting for Xiao Yan to say this.

"Well, to be honest, I do need your help with something."

Since he had already made a plan in his mind, the little medical fairy naturally would not hesitate any longer and said it bluntly.

Xiao Yan nodded slightly and said, "You say it."

"Not far from here, there is a bottomless cliff. There is a cave left by a mysterious strong man hidden among the strange trees and thorns under the cliff."


Xiao Yan raised his eyebrows. He originally thought that the little medical fairy asked him to help, mostly to get rid of the guy who was following him like a follower when he entered the Warcraft Mountains just now.

After all, although I have never experienced the feeling of being stalked by followers, I have seen it a lot.

What's more, the cave left by the mysterious strong man must have many good things in it, and it's worth taking the risk to try it.

"...I might not be able to cope with it after going down there alone, so I still need your help."

The little medical fairy didn't know what Xiao Yan was thinking, but he just said frankly and honestly: "After the thing is done, how about we share the benefits equally?"

If Sister Wan hadn't left too early, and it was the first time that she had some doubts about that place, and she wasn't even sure about it, otherwise she wouldn't have put off such a big matter until now.

After all, it was a relic left by a mysterious and powerful man. The temptation was too great for herself and the people in Qingshan Town. She had to consider the long nights and dreams and countless troubles in the future. occur.

Sister Wan had reminded her of this early in the morning. She could not leave her safety to the conscience of others. This would be irresponsible to herself.

After understanding this, even if the annoying Mu Li and the wolf-headed mercenary group led the people who went into the mountains to collect medicine this time, the little medical fairy had to choose to take risks.

Fortunately, the friend Sister Wan mentioned came and seemed trustworthy, so the little medical fairy finally chose to take the risk.

"There's nothing wrong with me."

Xiao Yan shook his head, but said: "However, I have something to ask you."

"you say."

"When you and I first met, you said you would take me to the cave of a mysterious and powerful man. Even after it happened, the benefits would be equally divided..."

Xiao Yan crossed his arms and tapped his arms lightly with his fingertips. He hesitated to speak, but the little medical fairy knew exactly what he meant.

"You think I'm untrustworthy? Indeed, no one would easily believe pie-in-the-sky things. If you don't believe me, I know very little about you when I first met you."


"...But since Sister Wan said that you and I can help each other, it has proven that you are a trustworthy person."

Before the little medical fairy could finish speaking, Xiao Yan said, causing the beauty in front of him to slightly widen her eyes.

"In other words, whether you are trustworthy or not is up for debate. However, I believe in Miss Wan. Since she said this, she is absolutely sure...she will not harm me."

Xiao Yan said: "As for if there are any benefits in the cave, let's wait until the time comes."

Looking at Xiao Yan in front of her, the little medical fairy was inevitably a little stunned. She didn't expect that Xiao Yan actually believed in Sister Wan to this extent...

"Let's not talk about this anymore. When will we set off?"

Xiao Yan asked.

The little medical fairy came back to her senses and said: "It's definitely too late now, so let's go back first."

"Wait until evening and then make a long-term plan."

Hearing this, Xiao Yan nodded slightly, indicating that he recognized what the Little Medical Fairy said, and then he and the Little Medical Fairy left the woods and returned to the camp where the herb collection team was stationed.

"Little Yanzi."

Yao Lao's whisper came to Xiao Yan's ears.

"Teacher, what's wrong?"

"Do you really believe her so easily?"

Yao Lao is different from Xiao Yan. When it comes to relationships and trust between people, he is always willing to try to figure out the other person's thoughts with the greatest malice.

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