Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 105 The oriole catches the cicada, but the mantis follows behind


Looking at Xiao Yan's innocent eyes, the little medical fairy was a little a little bit a little bit agitated, so she just exhaled and snorted.

At the same time, following Xiao Yan's gaze, she caught a glimpse of the stone gate blocking the two of them.

Anyone can guess at this moment that behind this stone door, there must be a treasure that she longs for.

Seeing that the stone door was thick and heavy, it was obvious that the two of them could not break it open by force. The little medical fairy looked at the stone door with the help of the weak light emitted by the swinging fire rod.

"Can you hold your Huozhezi a little more firmly?"

The little medical fairy couldn't help but say, but her attention still stayed on the stone door in front of her.

"It seems like there should be some kind of mechanism in this stone gate... I'm looking for..."

But before the little medical fairy finished what he said, and he didn't know what Xiao Yan did behind him, he heard a dull sound coming from the stone door in front of him, and then slowly opened in front of the two of them.

"The door is open, let's go."

Xiao Yan gently patted the little medical fairy who was stunned and said.

"Wait, how did you know to open the door?"

The little medical fairy's face was filled with doubts.

"It's just a mechanism technique. It's just a matter of pressing a button."

Under the weak orange light of Huozhezi, Xiao Yan blinked slightly and explained lightly: "Isn't this just like pressing a button..."

"Electricity what?"

"It's nothing. You don't understand even if I tell you, so let's go."

Xiao Yan thought for a while and decided not to say anything at all.

"Tsk, I can't finish what I'm talking about. If you don't plan to say it, why bring it up?"

"So I have no intention of mentioning it?"

There was a hint of smile in Xiao Yan's voice, and he walked into the stone gate as he spoke.

Inside the stone gate, the dark tunnel that was originally narrow and closed suddenly opened up.

The top of the spacious stone door hall is inlaid with moonstones for lighting, illuminating the mountains of gold coins and countless belongings inside.

Just from the looks of it, this golden mountain seems to be the least valuable thing here.

Xiao Yan's eyes swept across the cave, and finally his eyes fell on the small medicinal field and the three boxes in front of him.

"I didn't expect that there would be so many medicinal materials here that can't be found outside."

For the little medical fairy who wants to become an alchemist, the many rare medicinal herbs in front of her are far more attractive than the pile of yellow and white things.

"Well, as I said before, the proceeds will be shared equally between you and me."

Feeling the little medical fairy's somewhat uncontrollable excitement, Xiao Yan was naturally a little moved. However, he was also richly raised by Miss Wan. Even when he saw the pieces of precious medicinal materials in the spiritual field, his eyes were surprised. After the flash, he quickly calmed down.


The little medical fairy nodded, and then took a shovel and a jade bottle to carefully collect the many rare treasures in this spiritual field.

After the little medical fairy collected the spiritual herbs in front of her, she raised her head and saw Xiao Yan handing her a bunch of keys.

"Open it. We agreed to share it equally. If I open it first, you might not be happy."

"I'm not that stingy..."

The little medical fairy shrugged, but still took the key that Xiao Yan had obtained from the corpse of the cave master.

On the stone table in front of you, three boxes were quietly placed there, and in the hand of the little medical fairy was the key to opening them.

The little fairy doctor tried it one by one, and opened the first and second boxes one after another. The poison sutra and rare flying fighting skills fit the needs of the two of them.

But before the two of them opened the third box, noisy footsteps came from the dark tunnel outside the stone door.

"somebody is coming!"

Xiao Yan's ears twitched and his brows furrowed.

"What? How is that possible!"

The little medical fairy was also startled, her beautiful brows furrowed, and she looked at Xiao Yan in front of her: "No one knows this place except me!"

"I know."

Xiao Yan nodded, but he couldn't open the third box and had no choice but to give up.

When the fire from the outside spread along the deep tunnel, Xiao Yan and the Little Fairy Doctor finally saw the face of the person coming.

"Mu Li!"

"Hehehe, I was able to find this place thanks to you, the little medical fairy, who led the way."

Under the combined light of the torch and the moonstone, a faint smile appeared on Mu Li's face.

Xiao Yan's eyes coldly swept over the dozen or so people filing in at this moment. There was no doubt that these were all members of the Wolf Head Mercenary Group.

He glanced at the little medical fairy next to him with his brows raised, and asked, "Are you following us?"

"Following? Arrival doesn't count."

"But I just heard some rumors earlier, but I just don't know the specific location here, haha..."

Mu Li's laughter was sinister.

"How did you get the information? I only mentioned this to my assistant Li Fei. bribed her?"

A flash of doubt first flashed across the pretty face of the little doctor fairy, and then she quickly became angry.

"Haha, that woman is quite stupid. She just said a few sweet words and said everything obediently."

Mu Li smiled slightly, but did not deny the little medical fairy's guess.

There is no way, no one can stop luck when it comes.

He originally just planned to start with the women around her and do whatever he wanted, but he didn't expect to catch such a big fish?

"Leave the things to me, little medical fairy. You should be very clear about my feelings for you. As long as you follow me, I will never treat you badly when I take charge of the Wolf Head Mercenary Group in the future!"

Staring at the little medical fairy with affectionate eyes, Mu Li's voice slowly softened.

"Following you? I feel sick talking to you now!"

The little fairy doctor scolded that for her, the red line that she could not touch was the word trust.

She could still tolerate the usual Mu Li for the time being, but now, she no longer had any desire to communicate with him.

After being rejected by the beauty and losing face in front of his subordinates, Mu Li smiled, with a hint of chill in his eyes.

"...It doesn't matter, I will force you to stay with me."

"Huh...finished talking nonsense?"

Xiao Yan exhaled a breath, his dark red eyes swept across everyone in sight, and then said softly.

The little medical fairy looked at Xiao Yan, but saw the young man beside her slowly pulling out the giant black ruler from behind and protecting her in front of her.

"...Xiao Yan?"

"Where did you come from..."

Mu Li looked at the young man he had never met before, but vaguely remembered that this man seemed to be one of the mercenaries temporarily recruited by Wanyao Zhai. He wanted to mock him for being blind, but suddenly he saw that deep black man heading toward him. Keep yourself close.

Mu Li subconsciously wanted to activate the fighting spirit defense in his body, but the fierce attack came much faster than he expected.

Then, accompanied by a creepy muffled sound as the thick giant ruler hit the flesh hard and all the bones and flesh were smashed into a pulp by brute force, a group of things that could no longer be called human flew out and overturned. A few mercenaries were blocking the door.

"...A few rotten sweet potatoes and smelly bird eggs dare to block my way. I'm really looked down upon."

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