Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 112 Can’t wait too long

Mu She, who had already used his fighting skills, couldn't help but feel a chill soaked in cold sweat behind his back.

This boy is obviously just a nine-star fighter, but his fighting spirit is no less powerful than him, and even vaguely more powerful than him.

If he hadn't already used his fighting skills, he wouldn't have been able to suppress him easily.

Mu She's eyes were filled with chills. This boy must have practiced some incredible high-level skills. Otherwise, how could a mere nine-star fighter have more powerful fighting spirit than him?

But it doesn't matter, as long as you kill him, won't everything still be his?

The coldness in Mu Snake's eyes gradually turned from anger to greed at the beginning.

This change naturally fell into the eyes of Xiao Yan Gujing Wubo.

Hey, you want to eat him?

Then let’s see if you have such teeth!

A smile appeared on Xiao Yan's lips, and Mu She sensed that something was not right.

Then he saw traces of deep purple flames begin to spread from Xiao Yan's fingertips that were holding the Xuan Zhong Ruler tightly, and finally covered the Xuan Zhong Ruler in Xiao Yan's hand.

What is that flame?

Strong doubts and uneasiness arose in Mu She's heart. He knew very well that although he didn't know what the thing was, it must not be a good thing.

At the same time, the little medical fairy, who was hovering in the sky on a blue eagle, watched the deep purple flame spread on the Xuan Zhong Ruler, burning like a raging fire, and the throbbing in his heart became a little more intense.

"It happened again..."

Of course the little medical fairy knew what it was. It was a highly poisonous thing made from heaven and earth. Even though she had never understood it or seen it before, she could come up with such an idea naturally.

After the deep purple flame completely covered the Xuan Zhong Ruler, Xiao Yan followed suit.

"Mu Snake, take the move!"

Following Xiao Yan's declaration, Mu She's expression changed drastically, and the spear in his hand actually felt distorted by the terrifying heat.

Soon, the sharp tip of the fine steel spear that directly collided with the Xuan Zhongzhi gradually softened under the terrifying heat of the Netherworld poisonous fire, and then twisted and deformed.

The corner of Xiao Yan's mouth rose, and a flash of purple fire rushed towards Mu She along the fine steel spear like a tarsal maggot.

"Damn it!"

Mu She cursed secretly and immediately let go of the fine steel spear in his hand, but the wisp of purple fire still crawled up his fighting spirit gauze.

Xiao Yan's eyes narrowed, and then he raised his hand.

Mu Snake had just been shocked by the strangeness of the purple fire, but he felt a burning and tingling sensation in his heart.

The wisp of purple fire burned violently, and Mu She could not suppress it at all. He could only watch the wisp of purple fire getting stronger and stronger, and finally ignited the Dou Qi gauze on his body.

Mu Snake screamed until the deep purple flames completely enveloped him into a ball of fire.

The group of burning people struggled around for a while. Gradually, the resistance gradually decreased, and finally only a piece of charcoal was left.

Xiao Yan looked at Mu Snake who was directly burned to ashes by the poisonous fire, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. The strange fire is really extremely dangerous.

If you are not careful, you will get burned.

The mu snake only touched it a little bit, and was burned into a charred corpse that was almost unrecognizable.

This was not even the most terrifying poison of the Nether Poison Fire. Mu She, a two-star fighter, was burned to death.


Looking at Mu She's body on the ground, Xiao Yan's brows furrowed slightly unconsciously and he exhaled.

"It's settled, teacher."

"I didn't expect you to be so proficient in controlling the poisonous fire of the netherworld. Not only can it be used to refine medicine, but it can also be used in battles."

Yao Lao nodded, quite satisfied with Xiao Yan's now increasingly proficient control over flames.

"It would be better to say that putting this flame into battle is much smoother than when refining medicine..."

Xiao Yan shook his head gently and couldn't help but sigh.

"Maybe it's because you're hovering between life and death during battle, so it's easier to use this power."

"After all, if you don't use it, you will die."

Yao Lao said: "This is also the reason why I want you to go to the Warcraft Mountains for training."

"Your potential has not been fully unleashed yet. The seeds that girl and I have planted for you need to be carefully cultivated and watered by you to grow."

Regarding Yao Lao's statement, Xiao Yan nodded in agreement.

"I understand, teacher."

The leader of the Wolf Head Mercenary Group has been eliminated, and the remaining people will naturally not be able to do anything, not to mention that it is not something that these people can solve in a short time if they want to get rid of the remaining poison in their bodies.

Xiao Yan exhaled a breath of turbid air, and then heard the loud cry of the blue eagle above his head. The blue figure that blended into the night under the moonlight flapped its wings and flew into the yard.

The little medical fairy stepped off Blue Eagle's back.

"Thank you for your help, otherwise it would have taken more time for them."

Seeing the little fairy doctor arriving, Xiao Yan's expression was inexplicably calm.

"Well, I didn't expect that even Mu She would not be your opponent..."

The little medical fairy nodded lightly, her beautiful eyes looking at Xiao Yan's cheek intentionally or unintentionally, and after a moment, she said something out of nowhere.


"What if? What's wrong?"

Xiao Yan tilted his head and looked at the little medical fairy in front of him, feeling in a good mood.

"It's nothing."

The little medical fairy thought about it again and again, but still felt that there was no need to bother him anymore about her own affairs, so she shook her head gently.

"Now that Mu Snake is dead, the Wolf Head Mercenary Group will no longer be a force. You will have to go to the Warcraft Mountains for training, right?"

The little medical fairy asked back. She had a good memory, so she naturally remembered Xiao Yan's previous plan.

"Well, I plan to enter the Warcraft Mountains, be promoted to a fighting master, and then go to Tagore Desert."

As for the Little Medical Fairy, Xiao Yan already considered her trustworthy and did not hide much.

"That's it..."

Hearing this, the little medical fairy hesitated for a moment, and then showed a smile: "How about this? After you finish your experience in the Warcraft Mountains, you come to Qingshan Town again, and I can see you off. How about it?"

"Of course, if you find it inconvenient, I would be embarrassed to bother you again. After all, you have already helped me a lot. If it weren't for you, I would have spent all my hard work on other people's wedding clothes."

"Between you and me, please don't say such things."

Xiao Yan shook his head: "Okay, after I complete my experience in the Warcraft Mountains, I will come to Qingshan Town again."

"It's a deal?"

"a man of his words."

Xiao Yan's serious look made the little medical fairy couldn't help but want to laugh.

"Huh? Why are you laughing?"

"You are a gentleman like this."

"Then I won't be."

Xiao Yan shrugged, he didn't care whether he was a gentleman or not.


The little medical fairy thought she had accidentally made Xiao Yan angry, but when she was about to explain, she saw the corners of Xiao Yan's mouth rising.

She was inexplicably annoyed, but in the end she just sighed.

"Then you must be careful, I can't afford to wait too long."

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