Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 114 Until I conquer you


However, just as Yao Wan announced this, the girl in front of her could not help but frown.

"——What are you holding?"

The girl's eyes were sharp, so it was impossible for her to see it wrong. However, she could not accept that the weapon in the hands of the woman in front of her was not only an oval stone hammer shaped like a medicine pestle.

Nalan Yanran's voice contained a hint of natural anger after being slighted.

Of course she knew the depth of this woman's cultivation. If she wanted to, she could still suppress and beat her with her bare hands - but this was definitely not the reason why she would be teased like this.


Facing Nalan Yanran's anger, Yao Wan seemed much more innocent. She blinked her eyes lightly, with a bit of seriousness, not seeming to be fake.

It's just that Nalan Yanran has long been used to seeing her expression with such a calm expression - it's really annoying.

"Do you call this a weapon? Stop humiliating me!"

Nalan Yanran was furious and said.

"Bring out your real weapon! Even if I am stabbed to death by your sword, I am not willing to compete with you like this!"

Yao Wan could naturally see that Nalan Yanran was really angry. It could even be called furious.

But even so, her eyes were still as calm as water, and she turned a blind eye to the girl's anger.

"Why do you think I must be humiliating you by doing this? Nalan?"

Yaowan asked calmly.

"You want to lie to me and say that the weapon you have is just a stone hammer——?"

Nalan Yanran laughed out loud in anger, like a cat whose tail was accidentally stepped on.

"Yeah, why not? I think this thing is quite handy... After all, I happen to be an alchemist, right?"

"It's full of nonsense!"

Nalan Yanran retorted without thinking.

"...or are you simply saying that you don't want my weapons to be so unremarkable?"

Yao Wan shook her head slightly, looked into Nalan Yanran's eyes, and asked.

Nalan Yanran hated Yao Wan's eyes that almost penetrated her and revealed all the secrets in her heart. This look was like adding fuel to the fire, making it even more difficult for her to control the anger that she couldn't even describe.

"That's enough - I, I want to take a rest. Are you satisfied now?"

Nalan Yanran turned her head, avoiding the sight of Yaowan, and at the same time wanted to turn around and leave.

"Of course I don't care if you want to take a good rest, but Nalan is obviously just out of anger, right? What kind of rest is this?"

Yao Wan ruthlessly revealed the girl's disguise to escape.


"You're angry at me because I, who is so much stronger than you, are using things that you don't like as your own weapons."

Yao Wan didn't care about Nalan Yanran's reaction and just said to herself.

"In your eyes, I am stronger than you, who can be called a genius in the Jia Ma Empire. Naturally, those who are worthy of me will only be those magical weapons that appear in legends. I am right. Bar?"

"But I disappointed you. I just took out a medicine pestle as a weapon, which completely shattered the inherent thinking of genius in your mind."

"That's why you are angry with me, or in other words, you are just escaping. You just want to continue hiding in the warm greenhouse where you are the young master of the Yunlan Sect, and grow up healthily into a new generation of sect leader who is arrogant and arrogant in the eyes of others. , am I right?"

"That's enough! I-I-I didn't!"

Yao Wan's words naturally completely uncovered Nalan Yanran's sensitive scars, so she drew her sword again and pointed it at Yao Wan.

"...Escape and denial will not protect you for the rest of your life, Nalan."

Yaowan's voice was always so soft and sweet, but to Nalan Yanran's ears, it was as cruel as steel needles piercing her heart, causing severe pain.

"At this point, Xiao Yan is much stronger than you."

With Yao Wan's final verdict, Nalan Yanran could no longer bear the chaotic emotions accumulated in her heart and rushed towards the beautiful figure in front of her.

"Don't compare me with him! I won't lose, and I will definitely be better than anyone else!"

However, the sword that few people in the realm of Dou Shi could take was easily grasped by Yaowan's two jade fingers, and then bounced away.

All of this was naturally expected by Nalan Yanran, and then the sword edge collapsed with great force. The girl's wrist flicked, and the stainless steel sword in her hand made a sweet sword sound, piercing Yaowan's throat.

However, the sword was still blocked by Yao Wan, but this time it was not with his hands, but with the stone hammer in his hand.


The rough stone hammer and the sharp steel sword collided with each other, causing fierce and dazzling sparks to burst out.

Nalan Yanran felt that her wrist was sore and numb as never before. When she swung the sword, she could cut iron like mud. Even if it was a house, as long as she poured fighting energy into it and condensed the sword energy, she could cut it into pieces. two.

But now, the tiger's mouth was almost about to burst, but it was warning Nalan Yanran with tearing pain. The seemingly ordinary stone hammer in front of her was definitely not something she could destroy.

"When swinging a sword, if you are not sure of winning with one strike, don't put all your strength into every sword strike, otherwise you have already seen the result."

Seeing the sharp sword and the stinging pain from the tiger's mouth, Yao Wan finally calmed down a little and gave Nalan Yanran a lesson.

"——I know, I don't need you to teach me!"

Nalan Yanran stubbornly refused to admit her mistake, but the intensity of swinging the sword did become much lighter.

The corners of Yaowan's mouth were slightly raised, and the boy could teach him.

But even so, even if she temporarily suppressed her cultivation and fighting spirit to the same level as Nalan Yanran, she couldn't survive the fifth battle, and the long sword in her hand was knocked to the ground by the stone hammer in Yao Wan's hand. superior.

"Will you still look down on this hammer now?"

Yao Wan didn't say much, she just bent down, picked up Nalan Yanran's sword again, and handed it to Nalan Yanran.

She naturally knew that with Nalan's stubborn temper, he would definitely not be able to defeat her even once.

And that's exactly what happened.

Nalan Yanran was silent for a moment, and then took the sword handed over by Yao Wan again.

"——I don't accept it, come again! It's just because I can't beat you——you are stronger than me."

"Okay, then I'll beat you until you're convinced."

In Yao Wan's eyes, Nalan Yanran is like a little lion, always wanting to prove something, but in fact these are not things she needs to do in the first place.

It's just that if I want to change her now, I have to conquer her completely first.

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