"Even a mere second-level monster can give birth to a beast spirit, and you kid can bump into it. You are really lucky."

Yao Lao's words made Xiao Yan unconsciously happy. After all, this was a blessing in disguise, a benefit for nothing.

"...However, ever since I forced this beast spirit out, I felt that this beast spirit was attracted by someone, and kept trying to get out. If I hadn't acted quickly just now, I almost wouldn't have caught it. he."

"If this beast spirit is released, I predict that there must be something attracting the beast spirit to the east of the Warcraft Mountains."

"Animal spirits are inherently fierce and unwilling to obey is normal, but if they are attracted..."

There was a bit more solemnity and vague joy in Yao Lao's tone.

"Could it be..."

"Spirit fire of all beasts...?"

A word that was somewhat unfamiliar to Xiao Yan appeared in Xiao Yan's mind. While he was puzzled, he couldn't help but ask.

Judging from the teacher's reaction and name, it seems that this is also a kind of strange fire?

Yao Lao was silent for a moment, and then said: "Yes, that Ten Thousand Beast Spirit Fire is also one of the twenty-three kinds of strange fires, number 22."

"twenty two……"

Xiao Yan felt a little disappointed for no reason in his heart. Why did he come second to last?

"What are you thinking about? Brat."

After immediately discovering this guy's thoughts from Xiao Yan's tone, Yao Lao's tone suddenly became stern.

"Don't look at the Ten Thousand Beast Spirit Fire, which is only ranked 22nd on the Strange Fire List, but you have to understand that it can help your Burning Technique evolve and upgrade, and then make your cultivation even further. Between heaven and earth, There are only these twenty-three kinds of strange fire! Do you think it is a lot? Or do you think you can have so many opportunities in this life to encounter an ownerless strange fire, and then risk a narrow escape to fuse it? "

Yao Lao's tone was unprecedentedly stern and serious, like a bucket of cold water poured directly over Xiao Yan's head in one breath, completely extinguishing the pride he had accumulated and nurtured during his smooth journey.

"Seize every opportunity in your life, Xiao Yan, and don't learn to be picky. What we can encounter is our life. Don't waste any opportunity that is precious to you. ."

Yao Lao's voice was stern, but it also contained a sigh unique to a teacher.

He was really worried that Xiao Yan would eventually be destroyed by the pride and complacency that grew out of smooth sailing. When the girl was here, the protection she gave him was so strict that Xiao Yan felt that as long as Miss Wan was around, it would be enough. .

But that's not the case. That girl has her own way to go. After all, she can't protect Xiao Yan for the rest of her life.

"...I know I was wrong, teacher."

Xiao Yan was silent for a while before he reacted.

He also realized that his reaction just now was somewhat dazzled by past victories, but Yao Lao's words made him react.

"This has nothing to do with whether you are right or wrong. Whether you really realize your mistake or not, it all depends on your next actions, Xiao Yan."

Yao Lao exhaled a breath and said calmly.

At the same time, there was a crackling sound from the campfire nearby. Yunzhi saw that the grilled fish was almost ready, so he turned around with the grilled fish and looked at Xiao Yan.

"Feeling better? Get up and eat."

A crisp laughter made Xiao Yan come back to his senses from his cultivation state. He calmly put away the beast spirit in his hand. When he raised his head, he saw the charcoal-like one in front of him. Grilled fish, it seems that with a gentle blow, sparks will fly up like bright charcoal.

He couldn't help but curl up the corner of his mouth, looked up at Yunzhi who was staring at him with beautiful eyes, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, still wondering if he was having a nightmare, so he asked: "This is the fish you grilled What?"

"This is my first time baking food. Even if it's not delicious, you have to finish it, otherwise when I recover..."

Looking at Xiao Yan's expression, Yunzhi's red lips curled up slightly, and she raised a grilled fish in her hand. The threat was self-evident in her light words.

Xiao Yan curled his lips. Really, it's just a fish. Is that so?

"Sister, I'm a patient. You just don't give me the best care, but you're still poisoning me like this?"

Xiao Yan wailed, but Yunzhi ignored it and swallowed the small piece of fish meat, then frowned slightly.

There was nothing she could do about it. There were things that others could do well, but she couldn't deceive herself. She was not very satisfied with her craftsmanship either.

"I am invulnerable to all poisons - invulnerable to all poisons - I did it!"

Seeing that he was being ignored, Xiao Yan could only helplessly shake his head, then he held the skewers for grilling fish with both hands, prayed like offering incense and worshiping Buddha, and then took a bite of the fish as if he was dead.

The charcoal in his mouth turned his lips a little black, and the burnt fish tasted bitter in his mouth, which made Xiao Yan couldn't help but frown.

"Me, this is my first time too..."

Although the threat just now was so strong, when seeing Xiao Yan's frown, Yunzhi's pretty face inevitably showed a hint of embarrassment and embarrassment.

"You can actually learn it if you use the heat a few more times..."

Xiao Yan didn't want to comment at first, but in the end he couldn't hold it back. He raised his hand and ate nearly half of the grilled fish and said, "But did you forget to add salt? Why is there no taste at all?"

"Hey - you said it's okay if I'm burnt, but you blame me for the strong taste... How could I not add salt?!"

Yunzhi said unhappily, causing Xiao Yan to raise his eyebrows.

"Impossible, how come you don't have any taste at all if you put salt in it?"

"Hmph, if you're not satisfied, then let it go yourself."

Yunzhi disliked people who told lies with their eyes open. Feeling indignant, she turned around and picked up the small bottle of seasoning and gave it to Xiao Yan.

As a result, Xiao Yan's originally bitter face suddenly became extremely exciting when he saw the color of the bottle.

"You, you, you...what did you just put...this...this?!"

Seeing Xiao Yan's extremely exciting expression, Yunzhi couldn't help but let out a breath and felt that his face was getting hot. He didn't know whether it was because of embarrassment or something else.

She felt a sense of ominousness suddenly surge into her heart.

"What's wrong with this thing?"

"This...this thing is..."

Unconsciously, his breathing turned into wheezing, and each exhalation became more intense. Xiao Yan tried his best to control his nerves and murmured softly.

"What is it?"

Yunzhi asked subconsciously.

"I accidentally refined...the aphrodisiac."


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